America’s Big Hero

Chapter 426 10 Billion Proceeds

Sean: I, Sean, believe in people too!

This complete videotape was spread all over the world in just one day.

The limelight of the Umbrella massacre of civilians in demonstrations has not yet passed, and it happened to be the climax of public opinion. The media couldn't wait to play this video tape repeatedly on the TV station.

The newspaper also published a special comment for the first time, analyzing the whole story of this news event from various angles.

Why does an event that has already happened, a roll of true videotape, express a completely different message, which can turn black and white.

Some TV stations also specially invited experts to interpret for the audience, which modern disciplines are applied in it, and what kind of impact it will have on media studies.

Some universities also joined in the fun, expressing that they would put this classic case in their teaching tasks.

And for ordinary people, it feels even more subversive.

It turns out that deceiving people does not necessarily require lying, even if it is a real event, professionals can also create the desired deceiving effect!

This incident proves that even if someone swears and swears, what he said is true, and what he said is indeed true, but he may still be lying to you...

The cognition of ordinary people can be played by professionals at will.

Before, those media who criticized Sean the most, as if to prove that they were only deceived, now they are also the ones who criticize the Malay government the most.

Sean seemed to have washed off his hat of slaughtering civilians overnight, and it seemed like a prodigal son would never get his money back.

Ordinary people have also transferred their blinded anger to the Malay government attacked by the media.

For a while, the despicable and shameless voices of the Malay government were rampant, and politicians from many countries also stood up and said that the government should uphold the right path and act upright, and that crooked ways will eventually be exposed, like blah blah blah...

The Malay government stinks all at once.

With Murdoch's network matchmaking and Sean's money offensive, the reputation of the umbrella was quickly reversed.

Not only that, after repeated emphasis, Sean's label of contract spirit has gradually been recognized.

After all, after Malay handed over the key evidence, the umbrella fleet and 4,000-strong army withdrew!

Only in this way, the Malay government will be very embarrassed.

Under such circumstances, it is not that the Malay government did not suspect that everything was planned by Sean, but what good would it do Sean?

Therefore, the more mainstream internal thinking is that the media that filmed the conflict scenes at that time could not bear the pressure, fearing that it would cause more dire consequences, so they secretly handed over the video tapes.

Overthinking one's abilities, despicable and shameless, the hat of villain's behavior has been pinned on them.

This kind of critical voice does not only occur from the outside world, but also within the Malay government, such voices of dissatisfaction are very loud!

This villain's behavior is too embarrassing!

When the news spread, the local Malay radicals felt as if they had been severely slapped in the face. The things they did and the slogans they chanted before became a joke, as if everyone who looked at them had mockery in their eyes.

This is not to say that they hate those who dare to shoot, they do not hate, but admire, what they hate is the cowardly and incompetent Malay government!

Radical, young, impulsive, concerned with glory, averse to conspiracy, timid, mean.

What they are afraid of is never the first shot. If you release this kind of video openly, even if it is criticized by others, these radicals in Malay will support the government. This is called a spirit of resistance.

But fuck you both want to create pressure on each other and are afraid of taking responsibility.

They have no responsibility, no backbone, want to be a whore and want to set up a memorial archway, which makes them extremely disgusted and hated.

This made them vent their humiliation and anger on the government.


On the sea, a blue and white yacht cuts through the water and cruises at a low speed of 12 knots.

In the living room of the yacht, exquisite cold meals are placed, and a group of people are standing together talking and laughing.

In the center of the crowd was a tall and tall Sean with a glass of red wine in his hand, and on the periphery were a group of older men, all of whom were the top Chinese rich men on the Malay rich list.

"You have been rooted in Malay for more than a hundred years. If you say that there is no nail buried in the Malay aborigines, then I don't believe it." Xiao En said with a smile: "Now the Malay government is in a whirlpool of public opinion, and other things are fine. can be done, but internal problems are often the most difficult to solve.”

"At this time, you can move your hands and push, especially those radicals, to let them understand that the reason why the Malays are still weak in all aspects today is because of the government's timidity, cowardice, and incompetence."

"Let them vent their energies on the government. In all aspects, the Malay government is too idle."

"It's not impossible." The gray-haired old man frowned slightly, thought for a while and said: "However, after the promotion, in order to calm the anger of the people, maybe the king will let the radicals take over in the selection of the next cabinet government. "

"By the time……"

Elder Li didn't say the rest, but everyone present understood what it meant.

Xiao En responded with a smile: "At that time, there will be nothing more than two situations. First, the new government only uses radicalism as a political slogan. In order to come to power, the actual operation is still the same old way, suppressing and compromising. That will have nothing to do with the current situation. Change, no loss, and of course, no gain."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Second, the new government is indeed a radical faction. After taking office, it began a series of reforms, openly suppressed and suppressed the Chinese forces, and forcibly improved the status of the Malays through legal means."

"Then..." Xiao En swept his eyes across everyone's faces, "If you were to be in power, you would completely stand on the standpoint of the Malays and think that this kind of reform is good or bad, whether it can achieve their goals and really improve The quality of the Malays, a strong Malay?"

Without any hesitation, everyone shook their heads in unison.

Reform has always been extremely difficult. Success is a miracle, and failure is normal.

Not to mention whether the Malays are so lucky, but they are full of internal conflicts. The first ones to block the reform will definitely not be the Chinese, but the Malay sultans and nobles.

Any reform is based on harming the original vested interests.

Seeing this, Xiao En spread his hands out, with a meaningful smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, "Since you also think that the reform is impossible to succeed, then, relatively, what are you afraid of?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then embarrassment flashed across their faces.

They are old, and the family has deep roots in the local area. As long as it develops steadily and there are no accidents, it can be passed on smoothly.

And the reform, although it is a reform of the Malays, will also affect them, and it will also create accidents of one kind or another.

They are not young anymore. The older they are, the less courageous they are, the more stubborn they are, and the less they want to change.

Even if such a change is likely to bring benefits, they are unwilling.

After all, the situation they encountered was different from Europe one or two hundred years ago.

Every time the European capitalists promoted reforms, it was because of the economic crisis, the time of life and death!

Some people passed the losses on to ordinary people, causing a large number of families to go bankrupt and unable to survive. Some capitalists were unable to transfer the losses and went bankrupt as well.

In order to recover the losses or make a comeback, the capitalists and the people who can't survive rise up to resist, and conflicts erupt, while the surviving capitalists don't want the volcano to blow themselves up, so they secretly promote revolution, reform, and divert conflicts.

But now, Malays have not reached this point, and the rich Chinese don't need it, so these old men subconsciously resist.

But in such a stagnant pool, such a stubborn group, how can an outsider, Xiao En, get involved and take the lead?

Sean, the white-skinned and yellow-hearted egg man, absolutely does not mind helping the Chinese and pushing them to gain a greater advantage in Southeast Asia, but this is on the basis of ensuring that he can also get a share.

If you can't, or encounter obstacles, then Sean absolutely doesn't mind crushing all these diehards who block the progress of the Chinese for their own benefit!

Yes, it is the "traitor" and "Chinese traitor" who hinder the development of the Chinese!

As for Sean... the interests of the Chinese are the interests of Sean, which is noble, bright, and just!

That's it!

"If there are no foreign forces, then Southeast Asia can maintain the status quo, but..." Xiao En gently shook the wine glass in his hand, with a faint smile on his face, "Unfortunately, Southeast Asia is not closed, and there is never a shortage of foreigners here." The gaze of power."

"So, reform is inevitable, it's unstoppable."

Sean clearly knows that in the next ten years or so, both the United States and Europe will enter a bottleneck period, and a large amount of funds will be looking for a new foothold and profit point.

In the end, the focus will be on Southeast Asia. Coupled with the huge impact of the redevelopment of the east, Southeast Asia will enter the fast lane of development in the next ten years.

Until the bottleneck came, the leeks were fully grown, and Western funds began to harvest, which eventually triggered a financial tsunami.

Therefore, even if Sean does not participate in the establishment, all this is inevitable.

"I am preparing to invest in the establishment of a bank. The name of the company is Asian Investment Bank." Sean directly stated the purpose of today, "This bank will focus on investing in industries with development potential in the Asian region for Drive the development of the entire Asian economy."

"I welcome the participation of those who have extensive influence in the Asian region."

The group of rich Chinese already knew about Xiao En's intentions before they came. The Guo family helped convey it, and they also knew that the Guo family would be involved, but they didn't know more about it.

Now that Sean lifted the veil, everyone naturally cheered up.

"As a shareholder of this newly established investment bank, I will enjoy all-round protection of the bank." Sean said eloquently: "Including resisting unfair treatment and threats from the local government, including protecting shareholders' personal property from illegal Encroachment, including family personal life and property safety issues, etc.

"Do our best to ensure that you are in a favorable position in the future business competition in Southeast Asia."

"Worst is also a fair and just position."

"I believe that with 300 heavy artillery pieces, 200 land-based missiles of various types, 100 tanks and armored vehicles, 10,000 umbrella security company troops, and a complete formation of missile destroyers, any government in the Asian region will be willing to sit down and have a good talk with the company. Talk about a fair and just business environment!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao En looked down at everyone present, everyone, and nodded silently.


This kind of force is enough to make the Asian region, ahem, the east, please stand up first.

Okay, let me continue, everyone in the seat is rubbish!

For the rich Chinese present, what is the biggest difficulty in developing and growing?

It's not about management, talent, or channels. It's about how to protect huge wealth after it's created.

It is not too much for the local government to turn their faces and deny people.

The smaller the country, the more powerful the religious power is, the more this is the case. A word of God's will can erase everything. This kind of thing happened to the Chinese not once, not twice, not three times or four times...

And the only thing that can calm down the 'God' is the giant ship cannon.

"So, I don't know what the conditions are for investment banks to buy shares?" Mr. Guo, as a suitable supporter, stepped forward to ask questions at this time.

Sean raised two fingers again, "20% of the property, it can be called a security deposit, or an entry fee, whatever you want."

Said, Sean shrugged.

Everyone gasped, and stared at Xiao En with wide eyes. This appetite is too fucking big!

One joining will cost 20% of the industry, so many companies add up to more than 10 billion in fixed assets!

Damn, 20% of the property that any family takes out is enough to support...

Uh, just one family is sure, maybe two, they can still establish such a large armed force as Sean said.

Of course, this is just thinking about it. Everyone present understands that it is not a question of money to build such a large armed force under personal control.

If money would do the trick, they'd be doing...

Not necessarily.

Traditionally, Chinese businessmen would never touch them. If you have soldiers and money, what do you want to do?


In the past dynasties, merchants, not to mention their own military power, hoarding some weapons and armor are all crimes for the whole family to kill!

The same is true in today's society.

If you want to engage in ultra-large-scale private force, you must meet many conditions.

First: People from the United States, Britain, and France.

Second: To have a deep relationship with the military.

Third: get support from your own government.

Fourth: The established consortiums are inextricably linked, which is the only way to ensure that this force will not exceed the scope of control.

With regard to these four points, the Chinese in Southeast Asia can’t achieve anything, that’s simply impossible.

So, don't think it's expensive, only 20% is just an entry requirement.

Later, a large sum of cash will be required to obtain shares in the investment company.

The Guo family is not dissatisfied with this. Xiao En's promise to the newcomers is the asylum of the Southeast Asian region, at most no more than the Asian region.

And to the Guo family is asylum all over the world.

More room for development, that's enough.

As for whether the Chinese present agreed, Sean had no doubts at all.

To put it bluntly, if you are on board, then everyone is a family, and if you are not on board, then you will be your opponent in the future.

Suppression in commercial competition is inevitable, and it is all-round.

Moreover, Sean promises that the most ruthless shots are those on board.

Business competition is so cruel.

In this regard, everyone present also thought clearly, and everyone looked at each other, feeling depressed.

Come to this gathering, it is considered a heavy loss, and the benefits are at least empty for now.

Of course, it would be even worse not to come.

That's enough for what's said here, even if they agree, it's still a deal under the water.

Sean changed the subject and said: "Taking advantage of the plight of the Malay government, everyone tried their best to promote, let radicals mobilize, march and demonstrate, attack police stations, government offices and other places, try to promote the change of government, and intensify conflicts to the greatest extent. "

"Of course, our purpose is not simply to look at the Malay government as a joke." Xiao En said with a smile: "The more troubles there are, the more troubled the Malay government is, the more chance we have to force them to compromise."

"I've always believed that you can't look at what a person says, but what a person does!" Sean looked serious, "I said I invested in Chinese, so I helped Dongfang many times before and made a lot of money. profit."

"Now, I am talking about providing asylum to the Chinese in Southeast Asia, so I will support the Malay Chinese in their struggle to gain a greater voice in politics."

"Before, it was difficult for Chinese to participate in politics because of the relationship with the European countries headed by the UK, but now it is different."

"You can go back and use your influence to try to push the Malay government to adopt the slogan 'Malays are Malays' and ask the Sudanese government to include this sentence in the constitution."

"Let some radical MPs submit some proposals, such as the statutory requirement that all Malay companies must have 30% of the shares belong to Malays, the Chinese must pay more taxes, universities must recruit a fixed percentage of Malays every year, etc. "

"All kinds of plans to support Malays, think about it yourself, don't be afraid of being outrageous."

"I will let New Century Media and the media under my control cooperate to publicize the Malay government's governmental racist discrimination and their disregard for human rights."

"Once this impression is confirmed, then the counterattack will be legal."

Sean talked about a lot of things, how to put forward the slogan of 'nation', how to gain sympathy, how to march, and how to put forward conditions in line with universal values.

What is national independence, what is national self-determination, what is national culture...

After World War I, in order to break the hegemony of the European continent over the world, the United States began to import the idea of ​​national independence to colonies around the world.

It is precisely because of the propaganda, promotion, and support of the United States that the colonies of countries all over the world can gradually get rid of control and achieve independence, the largest exporter of freedom, democracy, and independent ideas.

Of course, the purpose of the United States is to replace the old colonial empires as the new world hegemony, but it is not wrong to be a benefactor to the independent colonies.

The reputation of the United States during this period is very good! !

It was also with the support of these independent countries that the United States completed the establishment of the United Nations and gained control.

(The idea of ​​the United Nations came from U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and the name was first used when he issued the United Nations Declaration on January 1, 1942.)

After these slogans are put forward, Sean will use his own influence and that of the United States to make African countries and South American countries stand up to support and create pressure from international public opinion.

"The ultimate goal is to first promote traditional Chinese festivals in Malaysia. From the Spring Festival to the Dragon Boat Festival, all must be held. During the festival, there will be holidays."

"Don't think there is any problem with the holiday!" Sean rolled his eyes when he saw the expressions on everyone's face, "If YSL has Ramadan, you must too. It's not just a festival."

"Besides, how can you stimulate consumption without holidays, and where will the market come from if you don't consume!"

"Don't just think about exploitation. Is weekly skinning considered a traditional culture?"

Others, such as hanging Chinese character door plates and shop signs, and offering Chinese language teaching, from elementary school to middle school to university.

Although everyone else agreed with it, they didn't react that much. When they talked about Chinese teaching, they all got excited.

The official language of Malay is Malay, and schools are only allowed to teach Malay and English.

At the university level, 70% of Chinese language and literature, Chinese media and journalism, and Chinese medicine will still be taught in Chinese! !

Happy not!

It can be said that the Chinese people and culture are being suppressed comprehensively, and the reaction of the local Chinese...

"Of course we need to support Chinese schools." Xiao En sneered, "Development requires talents, and I have to be able to find talents from the Malay natives. They have nothing but a diploma!"

"Do the Malays have scientists? Even make up the numbers?" Sean suddenly tilted his head and asked.

Everyone was silent for a while.

Even if it has been rooted in Malaysia for more than a hundred years, there is no such creature in my impression...

"Then what's the use of letting them go to college?" Sean spread his hands.

Everyone sighed and shook their heads, but they couldn't hide the smile on their faces, and their expressions relaxed.

Just kidding, the dignified atmosphere created by the previous discussion of interests will be eliminated a lot.

To be honest, the Malays still have their own researchers, although very few...

A few more jokes from hell, and today's conversation is over.

In the end, Sean got 20% of the fixed assets of the 8 families present, opened the investment quota of the Asian Investment Bank, which is the prototype of the future consortium, to the rich Malays, and promised to help the Malay Chinese to achieve a higher social status.

These include supporting Chinese parades, striving for equality with the Malays, developing Chinese culture, Chinese festivals, promoting Chinese language, and opening a Chinese language school system.

In addition to these obvious things, Sean proposed to allow them to immigrate to the states of Johor and Malacca in order to gain an advantage in the proportion of population here.

At that time, use the independence referendum or join Xingcheng to check and balance the Sudanese government.

Malaysia is a federal constitutional monarchy... the states have great rights and can be independent at any time.

Once all of this is achieved, as the top echelons of the Malay Chinese, they will reap the greatest benefits of an elevated ethnic status, including suffrage.

If you participate in politics, you can apply for political asylum at critical moments...that is not something the Malay government can handle.

After the banquet, Sean returned to Xingcheng, and he would stay here for a long time.

It will take a long time for the asset handover of so many companies, and this year may be spent in Xingcheng.

After returning to his residence, Sean also heaved a long sigh of relief. This trip to Malay was truly fruitful.

After investing so much time and energy in the umbrella, it's finally time to reap the fruits. The sea frontier defense plan and the control of Morocco were just small things.

How much GDP is Morocco!

Of course, Sean does not feel that he has treated the Malay Chinese badly.

In his opinion, MCA has actually made a lot of money.

This is something that MCA has been striving for for decades but has not won in the future!

If he didn't have a yellow heart, he wouldn't care about it, anyway, he wouldn't lose his own interests.

As for the Malay government, this is in big trouble...



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