America’s Big Hero

Chapter 462: Three Ways and a Bottom-Up Look


"Have you asked others about the accuracy of the news?" Old Bu asked after hearing Xiao En tell the news he had heard.

"No." Sean shook his head, there was no way to ask about this matter, before he was not sure whether the other party participated in this alliance.

Just like King Gigi, everyone can say that the cooperation has been very good, but this matter has been planned for a long time, and I have not received any news.

He couldn't just make a phone call to King Jiji and ask him why he didn't tell him.

That would just make you look politically naive.

It will appear between ordinary people, and they are afraid of brothers suffering, and they are afraid that brothers will lead the way, let alone between countries.

Well, to a certain extent, Xiao En represents a national-level force outside, and this standard should also be used in relationship handling.

"It's fine if you don't have it." Old Bu nodded, he was afraid that Xiao En would be impulsive when he got angry, young man, he was very angry.

After pondering for a while, Old Bu continued: "If there are many countries connected in series, it will be difficult for us to do so. Although those small countries do not have much say in the United Nations, the reason why the United Nations exists is because everyone is willing to communicate through this alliance. What's more, on this matter, Lao Maozi must be happy to see it happen."

"Once we can get the consent of the majority of countries, there is nothing we can do."

"I think so too. So, I'm here to find you. Uncle Bush has been in politics for so many years, and he hasn't dealt with too many crisis incidents. He must have a solution." Sean smiled and complimented.

Bush shook his head with a smile, a compliment he took.

"In my opinion, someone must be instigating this matter, otherwise, no one from those small countries will jump out, so when we find out, the matter is almost irreversible, and this matter will definitely be discussed in the United Nations. So, what we are thinking now is how to minimize losses, and you have to be prepared for this.”

"The restriction bill will definitely come out. Even if we entangle with them in the United Nations for some details, the final result will only be a delay for a while."

Sean took a deep breath, "I understand."

"Okay, now that you are mentally prepared, we can discuss how to deal with it now." Old Bu smiled and said, "Don't be so serious. Since this kind of thing happened, getting angry is useless."

"That's what I said, but when things come to an end, it's hard not to get angry. Don't let me know who is behind the scenes, fuck it!" Sean said through gritted teeth.

"We can actually find it from history. The history of world development in the last three hundred years tells us that there are only so many countries that have sufficient influence on the international situation, such as Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and the United States." Old Bu picked up a piece of paper, He wrote a few words on it casually, "And each of these five countries has its own characteristics."

"For example, the British diplomacy is the best. The Russians have never had friends."

"France and Germany used to be very powerful, but now they are all down."

"And this method, at first glance, is the style of the British. They are best at balancing and attacking opponents through diplomatic means. The most famous is the former European balance policy. France and Germany are both victims. Well, the whole world a victim."

"So, since we didn't do this, it must be the British, and only they have this kind of influence."

Sean frowned, are you so sure?

Also, this is not what we did, did it expose something?

"British!" Sean repeated, taking out a small notebook from his pocket and writing something with Old Bu's pen.

Old Bu:? ? ?

What the hell are you recording, Mare Falk!

"Uh, it's nothing." Sean put away the small notebook, looked up at Old Bu's astonished gaze, shrugged his shoulders, and said nonchalantly, "It's nothing, I'm mainly afraid that I'd forgotten."

"Okay...well," Lao Bu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

However, he was very curious about what was written in Sean's little notebook?

Human beings have an endless thirst for knowledge.

Of course, it was impossible for him to say that he wanted to come and take a look. He was afraid of seeing something that he shouldn't see.

What happened to the President of the United States?

High-risk occupations Well, the death rate is very high!

"Don't be impulsive. Britain is not a small country in Southeast Asia or Africa and South America. It doesn't matter if you use some means. No one will care. But Britain can't. It's the Wuchang, and they have great influence." Old Bu stared at Sean's eyes commanded.

"Don't worry, I, Sean, am familiar with "Property", how could I do such a thing." Sean laughed and assured, patting his chest.

"Oh, it's best to be like this." Old Bu shook his head, and it's fine to remind him of this kind of thing, "Let's get back to the topic, since you are ready to bear the loss, then we can take some actions. "

"Under normal circumstances, we have three ways to deal with this irreversible situation." Old Bu held up three fingers.

"Three types?" Sean's eyes lit up, this was something he didn't expect, he didn't expect any of them.

"Yes." Old Bu nodded with a smile. Everyone has their own strengths. You Sean is good at making money, and my Bush family is good at politics.

"The first method is to ignore them." Old Bu said with a smile: "Generally speaking, the best way to encounter this kind of situation is to ignore them. Anyway, they will not cause any real harm to us, whether it is a treaty or Or anything else, only the United States makes a treaty to bind others, and there is no reason for others to make a treaty to bind the United States!"

"We are the biggest and most powerful country in the world!" Old Bu said, straightening his back unconsciously. His tone, demeanor, and expression were full of pride and pride.

Sean also nodded in agreement, it is indeed the case, such as the famous ocean convention.

The Ocean Convention stipulates the territorial sea area of ​​each country and the exclusive economic zone. This is a treaty that is almost recognized by countries all over the world. It is said that it is almost because the United States has never signed it.

However, this does not prevent the United States, as an arbitrator, from using the Ocean Convention to bind those countries that have signed it.

What is the world's largest country!

However, Sean doesn't think he has the qualifications to mobilize such a large influence to let the American brand take the blame for him.

"What about the second one?" Sean asked with a smile.

"The second method is to exchange money and divert attention." Lao Bu continued: "This is often used in elections. Our competitors usually concoct a lot of black material to attack us. At this time, ignoring them is already unaffordable." If it works, then we can only choose Duizi, and also find the other party's black material, attack each other, and divert attention through this method."

"If it is used between countries, in most cases, everyone does not want to suffer losses, so they choose to compromise with each other."

Xiao En nodded to express his understanding. What impressed me the most was that when Laomei encountered some problems and had conflicts with the East, he would always throw out several magic weapons, such as human rights issues, Gulf issues, and West... issues.

Visit Wanwan whenever you have something to do...

It's either a political swap or I'm sick of you.

Economically, it means raising tariffs on each other. This is the application of the same method in different environments.

When Sean was told by Old Bu, he immediately thought of a good solution, "It's time for the Irish Independence Organization to make its own voice, the people of Northern Ireland have suffered from the people of England for a long time!"

"It's not easy for the US government to get involved in this kind of thing. Of course, from the perspective of human rights and national independence, Northern Irish people have the right to choose whether to join Ireland or England. This is their right, which is sacred and inviolable." Old Bu smiled. Sean nodded.

"Of course, human rights and national independence are politically correct." Sean gave a thumbs up and laughed for a while.

"Okay, let's talk about the third one, I call it..." After finishing speaking, Old Bu looked at Sean and asked, "So, how do you plan to choose?"

"I think walking on one leg is always not so stable, and running on two legs is faster." Sean touched his chin and said.

"Whatever you want, the government will make preparations, and someone will discuss with you during this period, and you can discuss the specific conditions." Old Bu threw the thing he just drew into the shredder next to him with an expression of indifference.

"How are things going in the east?"

"Not bad, it will be put into production by the end of the year." Xiao En said with a smile.

"So fast!?" Old Bu raised his head in astonishment, staring at Sean with wide eyes.

Building a processing plant is not just playing games. Just click on the map and wait for the progress bar. From plant construction, equipment assembly and commissioning, testing of raw materials and accessories to whether they are qualified, arranging stable and efficient channels, training suitable workers, running trial production , product pass rate test, etc., a series of things to do, any one of them will take a lot of time.

What's more, the factory Sean is running is not a small factory, but a super large factory with hundreds of thousands of workers.

Although most of the equipment produced is home appliances and agricultural products with little technical content, but the category is complicated!

It's not that Mr. Bu is ignorant of Dongfang. The first country he visited after taking office was Dongfang. At that time, he presented two bicycles to the Bushes.

It's not as barbaric and backward as the media advertises, but it's really not rich.

"It's that fast." Sean nodded with a serious face. "Speaking of efficiency, no country in the world can compare with the east. As long as they really decide to focus on one thing, then they will launch a nationwide Strength, concentrating power to do big things, this kind of mobilization ability is really incredible, so far, there is nothing they haven't done."

Lao Bu put down the things in his hand, sat in his seat and pondered for a while, then looked at Sean, frowned and asked, "I want to hear your opinion, the judgment on the future international situation."

"Me?" Sean raised his brows, smiled twice and said, "Uncle Bush, you know that I don't know much about politics, so what's the point of asking me as a layman?"

"No, no, this is not only a political issue, but also an economic issue. The economic foundation determines the superstructure. Without an economic foundation, all the so-called good enjoyment and design are empty talk. I just want to hear from you from the perspective of a businessman. How do you view the future development direction of this society." Old Bu smiled and said: "Just talk about it, this is our private conversation."

"Okay, okay." Sean leaned back on the sofa, crossed his legs, turned his head to look at Xiao Bu who had been listening, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Xiao Bu, go, pour me a glass coffee!"

Xiao Bu was taken aback, muttering something, got up and gave Xiao En a slap on the back, then turned and walked out, Old Bu laughed.

He is quite satisfied with the relationship between Sean and his son. Although this friendship is also mixed with interests, after all, it was established early enough, and there is still some real affection in it.

The earlier interests were bound, and Xiao En would be of great help to Xiao Bu when he entered the political arena in the future.

After a while, Xiao Bu pushed the door open and came in, and put the coffee next to Sean angrily, "Let the son of the President of the United States pour you coffee, can you drink it!"

Sean picked it up and lowered his head to smell it, pretending to be intoxicated, "Well, the smell is unique and strong."

After laughing for a while, Sean started to say, "It's a little messy, just listen to it, Uncle Bush."

"From my point of view, the United States must have dominated the global society for the past thirty years, and the old man can't last much longer." Sean pondered for a while and said.

"Oh, how do you say it? Why do you judge like that? Tell me quickly." Lao Bu sat up straight when he heard that Lao Maozi was about to finish his job. The credit falls to him.

"You guys prefer to look at issues from the perspective of politics, from top to bottom, and focus on high-level dynamics, while I look at issues from bottom to top, from the bottom of society." Xiao En explained.

The Bu family father and son nodded, the mafia started, I understand, the angle is really novel!

This kind of "talent" has not appeared in the behind-the-scenes team of previous presidents, so no one looks at the problem from this perspective.

"Theoretically, it is impossible for gangsters to appear under the current Maozi's high-pressure management, but they have appeared now. In addition to operating traditional industries, they have also developed a black market business."

Bu's father and son: It's okay to run a traditional industry!

"The current black market in Maozi is very large. There are two main routes, from Suifenhe, Fuyuan, and Manzhouli in the east, to the west along the Siberian Railway. The things in the small bag start from the east, and basically the things in hand can be sold out halfway.”

"One line goes through the Baltic Sea, entering from St. Petersburg and mainly sold to the northern area of ​​Lao Maozi."

"How do you judge that they are going to die?" Old Bu asked in bewilderment. It's just gangsters. It's commonplace to make money by reselling things, right?

Which American city has no gangsters!

"Judging from three aspects." Sean also raised three fingers and said: "First, the things sold, these things that entered Lao Maozi's territory through illegal channels are not the kind of high-value luxury goods, but are sold at the highest price. Insignificant light industrial products, mainly food products."

"From kitchen supplies to daily necessities, from clothing, shoes and hats to cotton-padded clothes and trousers, from canned meat to rice flour."

"Depending on how many things one person can carry, this industry has still been spawned. It shows its profits, and it also shows the extent to which Lao Maozi is short of light industry, textiles, and food."

"And their transactions do not use currency. Most of the cases are barter. What does this mean? This means that the currency has lost its proper function, lost its credibility, and collapsed!"

"But if a political system can't even solve the food and clothing of the people, then it's self-evident what will happen." Sean spread his hands and said.

The Bu family father and son looked at each other with astonishment written in their eyes.

Of course they understand what it means, but they really don't know that the people under Lao Maozi can't even eat enough!

The United States has limited intelligence capabilities in the Cold War opponent's home. The limited resources are placed in Moscow and placed at the top. How can it be possible to send intelligence personnel to those unimportant small towns or countryside, let alone Siberia, which is sparsely populated? up.

There are not many people in the place, everyone knows everyone, as long as outsiders enter, they will be found immediately, that is to die!

Besides, the intelligence department has given such a large amount of funds, and the intelligence brought back by others is from high-ranking officials, but what you brought back is a group of unscrupulous people, hehe, the intelligence department also needs to assess KPI!

"Let's talk about the second reason, the black market." Sean took a sip of coffee and said after moistening his throat, "The black market I'm talking about is different from what you think, it doesn't mean that it was established somewhere in the city to sell some contraband It’s called the black market.”

"Selling some guns and ammunition, selling some drugs and so on, it's called a gangster transaction at best, and has nothing to do with the black market."

"The black market, the market in the dark, the market is the point."

"The market naturally sells everything, food, sugar, tobacco, alcohol, clothing... From food, clothing, and use, to foreign exchange, technology, and equipment, they even sell living people!"

"This is called the black market!"

"A big country, a truly global power, will only have a black market in times of war when supplies are scarce. The last time it was during World War II, black markets were prevalent in European countries."

Old Bu's face was very serious, and his brows were tightly frowned. He didn't know whether this judgment, which was completely unsupported by theoretical data, was correct. He had never been in contact with it, but it sounded really convincing.

What's more, he believed that Sean would not lie to himself.

A successful person, what he says must be correct.

Obviously Sean is a successful person, successfully started from the mafia and successfully laundered.

Old Bu knows that Sean is still secretly controlling the largest mafia force in the United States, and has great influence on the drug trading market in South America.

"The last point is the complete corruption at the grassroots level." Sean continued: "As a whole, it doesn't really matter whether the upper ranks are corrupt or not. After all, there are only a few people in the upper ranks. How long can they stay in that position? What about the president? 8 year, let's go."

"But the grassroots is different. Most of the time, the grassroots will work for a lifetime, and many times their children or relatives and friends will continue to work in their positions at the grassroots."

"Once the grass roots are completely corrupted, then..." Xiao En shook his head and said with certainty: "No matter how tall or magnificent the building is, if the grass roots are damaged, it will not be far from completely collapsing."

"And the formation of the black market, the collapse of the currency's credit, and the lack of consumer goods, all of these can be formed because the grassroots are rotten, from the officers and soldiers at the border to the police, officials, service personnel at the railway station, to the factory workers and leaders. Class, all people are involved."

"The current Lao Maozi still looks like a ferocious polar bear on the outside. In fact, his inside has been completely rotten, leaving only an empty frame. The distance collapsed, and only a slight push is left."

"I'm sure that this kind of thing won't last long. Now even the Russians can't get enough to eat. What's more, other peoples in the Soviet Union, the situation in Central Asia is even more serious, and the Caucasus region. The intelligence agencies in such poor places will not pay attention to it. , the situation is beyond your imagination."

"The collapse is just around the corner!" Sean said firmly.

That's right, it will be 90 years soon, and the countdown to disintegration has entered, Sean is sure of it.

"Okay, okay." Lao Bu raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows. This was the first time he looked at the problem from the bottom up, and he received a lot of information at a time. I don’t know what people in the intelligence department do for food, and what the analysis department does for food!”

Lao Bu was really angry!

Naturally, the information collected by intelligence agencies also includes economic data, which in fact also reflect some problems.

However, it is all hidden in the cold data, just like people look at the number of casualties after the war, in fact, it doesn't feel much, and it won't attract much attention.

The same is true for them.

Standing too high, you can't see what it looks like below.

You can't see it in your own country, let alone other countries.

Sean shrugged his shoulders and didn't say anything, which has always been the case since ancient times.

"That's it. Thank you, Uncle Bush, for your hospitality today. Uncle has to worry about the umbrella." Xiao En smiled and stood up. He knew that Old Bu would have to work overtime again tonight...

Uh, maybe it's not just Lao Bu who works overtime, there are many departments, sins, sins.

It's really not easy at a very old age.

"Haha, Sean, you don't have to be polite with me. Let Xiaobu see you off. Don't worry about the matter. Someone will contact you soon to cooperate with you." Old Bu smiled and stood up and said.

"Well, thank you then." Sean stepped out and stopped suddenly when he reached the door, "By the way, if possible, help me find out who is promoting this matter besides Dai Ying , they are at most provoking, they will definitely not end in person, and I don't think it will be Ah San, they..."

"If you had the courage and the ability to act, you would have risen thousands of years earlier."

"Okay, I'll ask the CIA to follow up." Lao Bu nodded with a smile, all minor problems.

Saying goodbye to Mrs. Bu, Xiao En got into the car with Xiao Bu. It had been a long time since we saw each other. After talking about work, the rest was entertainment time.

In the car, Xiao Bu joked with a smile: "You are using a public device for private use."

"How can this be called private use of public equipment!" Sean suddenly raised his voice, "I have shed blood for the United States, and I have made meritorious service for the United States!"

"Besides, how can capitalists' affairs be called private use..."

For a moment, the car was filled with a happy air.

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