Sean unveiled a fig leaf on the crotch of British football at a press conference in London, which caused an uproar throughout the UK.

In England, nobody doesn't care about football, and with the media reports, the eyes of the whole of England are attracted.

Sean has already played a card, and Murdoch immediately followed up as agreed.

The Sun, The Times, Sky Radio and other media worked together to promote Sean.

Of course, this kind of cooperation will not be seen by others.

There are many British media, and naturally many media agree with the data shown by Sean, and the overall decline of British football is visible to the naked eye, so they support it.

The News Corporation is responsible for adopting a reverse method. When it comes up, it sings the opposite tune, directly denying the authenticity of the data in Sean's hands, saying that Sean is scaremongering.

Then newspapers and TV stations began to interview major clubs. Some public data, such as attendance, ticket prices, number of club staff, player salaries, etc., cannot be concealed, and they can be collected casually.

In the next few days, various detailed data were sorted out by the media. After vertical comparison, everyone can see the difficulties faced by British football.

Facts have proved that what Sean said is correct, but this does not mean that everyone supports Sean's acquisition of Arsenal.

Some Arsenal fans staged demonstrations, demanding that the rich in London buy Arsenal and kick the Yankees out. Londoners can save Arsenal without the Yankees!

Affected by this argument, the Major government immediately took action and launched a broader argument, is there no one in the UK, let outsiders save British football?

Does anyone in the UK know, but it is impossible for these rich people to save English football.

Just kidding, because of economic problems, these rich people are already having a hard time, and there is no money to invest in football.

Even if it is invested, can it be saved?

I'm afraid that the effort will not be rewarding. Sean dared to say that if Arsenal's budget is doubled, the London rich man who takes over will do the same. Otherwise, people will be caught saying that an Englishman is not as deep as a Yankee for football. .

The rich are all human beings, so they won't jump out to pick up this mess at this time.

Besides, there are more than a hundred English football clubs, and the real fans in the rich circle actually own more or less shares in the club, and the rest are just for show.

It's like the president of the United States invites the NBA champion to the White House every year. Do they like basketball? Nonsense!


Just when everyone was attracted by the vortex stirred by Sean, Arsenal vice-chairman David Dunn came to visit.

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Rockefeller." David Dunn's attitude was very humble.

"You're welcome, come and sit." Sean stood up and greeted with a smile.

This David Dunn was Sean's focus, and it was the key to convincing the Hillwood family.

David Dunn, vice-chairman of Arsenal's meritorious service, discovered 'Professor' Arsene Wenger. He was also the one who got Wal-Mart's son-in-law Kroenke to buy Arsenal. After being boycotted by the board of directors, this guy found someone with stronger financial resources. The Russian tycoon is fat, trying to attract the super rich, improve Arsenal's financial situation and save the Gunners.

But in the end, Arsenal was kicked out because of resistance from conservative shareholders.

It's just ridiculous that in the end Kroenke got 69% of the shares, the fat man got 29%, the British were all fucked up, and Hillwood only had 0.8% left.

Compared with the traditional British, David Dunn is considered a more enlightened group.

After chatting for a while, Sean generously told David Dunn his plan, from the acquisition of Arsenal, to the formation of a new alliance, to Murdoch's support, a new broadcast contract and so on.

David Dunn, who heard the huge plan, was full of brilliance. Arsenal was elected into a predicament. As the real executive chairman, he naturally saw everything in his eyes. In the past few years, he had thought of countless ways to restore the decline, but in the end it was still on money.

Without money, nothing can be done.

Now the big money is in sight, especially when Sean promised, after the acquisition, David Dunn was the executive vice chairman of the team...

David Dunn: I surrender!

All that remains is to convince Hillwood, but David Dunn suggested that if you want to contact Hillwood in a hurry, you should first contact the leaders of the local fan organizations in London.

These fans are the true love for the club, and if they are dealt with, it is tantamount to removing all obstacles on the way to the acquisition.

At that time, Hillwood would have no choice but to sell it.

When a British billionaire becomes a shareholder of a football club, many of them are interested in its influence in the region, so it is natural to consider the wishes of the local fans.

The reason why Murdoch's acquisition of Manchester United failed was because of the opposition of the fans.

With David Dunn as an intermediary, Sean specially held a banquet two days later to entertain the leaders of four ordinary Arsenal fan groups and one extreme fan group.

Before a group of people came, they were all raised eyebrows and aggressive. Everyone was discussing how to give this Yankee a serious blow!

Especially Lamar Whitman, the boss of the extreme fan organization.

Of course, there are also objections. Some people think that they can get in touch with it. Arsenal’s plight is a fact, and money is needed to change it. But apparently, the Hillwood family no longer has that much money to invest.

Just when a group of tall and thick men were making noise, a long line of extended Rolls-Royces stopped in front of them. The group of people immediately opened their mouths in surprise and let out bursts of exclamation.

Then I saw 10 Rolls-Royces opened their doors at the same time, and a man with carefully combed hair, a tuxedo and a bow tie got out of each car and looked like a housekeeper.

Although Sean didn't like the arrogance of the British very much, the set made by the British butler was indeed a fucking bluff, and it just looked noble and elegant.

Just like now, ten British butlers stood beside their respective cars, all bowing slightly as invitations, and immediately calmed down a group of strong men who had just been aggressive.

Obviously, everyone could see that this must be the rich Yankee who came to pick up their convoy, but this is too luxurious, too formal, right?

It's not that they haven't met the team chairman Hill Wood, but they were all in the club, and the scenes were normal, so there was no pressure on everyone.

But now...

In the face of those meticulous British butlers, in such a solemn atmosphere, if I behaved so rudely, it would only embarrass myself.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, knowing that this was Xiao En's intentional blow to everyone, but in other words, paying such a large amount of money is also respect, and there is really no way to get angry.

The British eat this set!

A group of tall and thick men walked towards the convoy slowly, looking at the luxury convoy, and then at their own clothes, they felt awkward all over.

Not being in the car is okay, but sitting in the leather seats of an extended Rolls-Royce is even more awkward, especially when the British butler serves them wine from the refrigerator with standard gestures.

There is a kind of rural old man who came to Beijing for the first time, and the dog pee moss on the table, the feeling of being out of place is too burning.

It took just over half an hour on the way, but when we got off the bus, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the seconds felt like years.

I thought I wouldn't be so out of place when I arrived at the hotel, but it turned out to be great...

Sean ordered the hotel to prepare the banquet with the highest standards. In order to show what it means to be rich, Sean called the Shah King specially, and the tableware and decorations for the Shah royal family were delivered by air one day in advance.

Big dog, if you can use gold, you don’t need silver, just highlight a heroic spirit!

Using gold as jewelry, although it is indeed a bit rustic, but it is really arrogant, especially in this kind of atmosphere, it really makes a bunch of big and three thick men at a loss.

Just when the group of people were shocked and huddled subconsciously, not knowing what to do, Xiao En stepped forward and appeared in front of everyone.

With a smile on his face, he was dressed in a custom-made suit, and his every move revealed the taste of a nobleman.

Aren't the British arrogant?

Don't you call yourself a gentleman?

Don't you always put on a British aristocratic style?

Sean used this to clean them up!

David Dunn, who was walking behind Sean, came out at this time, and a group of rough guys breathed a sigh of relief when they saw their acquaintances.

"Let me introduce, this is Mr. Sean Rockefeller." David Dunn introduced to both sides with a smile, "This is the leader of the Gunner organization... this is the leader of the AFTV organization..."

Every time one was introduced, Sean would shake hands cordially. The strong men on the fan organization also forgot to give Sean a blow as they had agreed before coming here. This scene was really too uncomfortable for them.

Didn't the newspapers say that Xiao En has a violent personality, cruel and easy to kill, vicious and vicious?

But now it seems that this is definitely an English gentleman!

Damn, there really isn't a single truth in the newspaper!

People always like to scold the media for being deceitful, while choosing to believe...

After shaking hands with everyone and exchanging a few words, Sean didn't explain the business philosophy as soon as he came up, and he couldn't talk to these big bosses, but ordered the banquet to start.

Different from ordinary banquets, Sean organized a meal sharing system combining Chinese and Western dishes this time. Each person served a dish in front of them, and only one dish was exquisitely shaped.

A group of rough, depressed, looking at those exquisitely shaped and expensive dishes, they don't know what to say, they secretly look at each other, nothing else, just want to see how other people eat, so that they can follow suit and save themselves from embarrassment.

As a result, no one frankly did anything, and the scene was very embarrassing.

Sean held back his laughter and started to demonstrate, and a group of rough guys immediately followed suit.

The carrots were carved out for decoration, and he ate them, and dozens of people followed suit. Sean almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

It's a meal... For a British guy who eats French fries in addition to fried fish, it's really delicious, but it's too depressing to eat.

After the meal, Sean simply said that he is just a fan and invested out of his love for Arsenal. The club will be handed over to David Dunn for actual management, but he will increase investment and introduce Star players, training youth training, preparing a more professional medical system, updating stadium facilities, updating the most professional training facilities and so on.

That is to say, he invested a lot of money, and he also said that he would not meddle in the team's employment and coaching work, as if he was the kind of top-notch club owner who would only appear in a dream.

Finally, he also invited these people to the United States to see the supporting facilities and business philosophy of the team he invested in the United States. He will be picked up by special plane and reimbursed for the whole process. and so on.

I, Sean, never lie. I really have a deep hatred with Murdoch, the owner of The Sun newspaper!

In fact, in terms of team management, the current major clubs in the UK are indeed lagging behind.

Take the team doctor as an example. They are all composed of retired players from the team. The judgment of the injury is based on his own "experience" of injuries. When David Dunn talked about it, Sean was shocked. up!

Why don't you find a group of corpse collectors as team doctors?

It's more convenient to restrain yourself when you die like this!

There is no nutritionist, and the players eat, drink, prostitute and gamble, making Sean feel worthy of the European Chinese team...but the club's answer to this is tradition!

Tradition your mother, Sean cursed on the spot.

A week later, when public opinion in the UK reached its climax, the heads of the fan associations who went to the United States to meet the world all came back.

He came back with the video materials and data specially ordered by Xiao En.

With this group of people with high prestige among the fans helping to promote it, the opposition from the fans was quickly quelled.

After removing all external obstacles, only Hillwood was left.

At this point, Sean is too sure!

Old man Shen Bi showed up at Hillwood's home with an undeniable high price.

Shen Bi is the person who pushed HSBC to the top. He has a great reputation in the British banking and financial circles and has extensive connections.

What's more, Shen Bi is now the chairman of the Asian Investment Bank, and with the shadow of the Rockefeller consortium, his halo is higher than that of the chairman of HSBC back then.

Facing Shen Bi's lobbying and David Dunn's slack, and then promised to leave Hill Wood with 25% of the shares and retain his status as a shareholder of Arsenal, the agreement was reached.

By this time, no one can stop Sean from buying Arsenal.

Before and after, Sean spent a total of 480 million U.S. dollars, and Arsenal itself only cost 80 million for 80% of the shares. It cost Sean 400 million U.S. dollars to buy the ownership of Highbury Stadium!

Sean became Arsenal's major shareholder and club chairman. The news broke out suddenly and swept across Europe in an instant.

The transaction was completed so quickly that no news from the outside world was known.

Affected by Xiao En's style of work, the people below are now unwilling to dig into the details when discussing contracts. In just a few days, they stayed up all night to get all the contracts.


"Actually, there is no need to buy a stadium. Many club stadiums are also rented. Highbury was built in 1913. Although it has been rebuilt several times, it is too old." Shen Bi said to Sean.

"If you can wipe off the saliva from the corner of your mouth when you say this, I'll really believe it!" Sean rolled his eyes.

"Ah?" Shen Bi hurriedly raised his hand to wipe it off, only to realize that Xiao En was fooling him.

But Shen Bi wasn't angry, instead he laughed.

Both Arsenal and the stadium are in his hands. He, a die-hard Arsenal fan, didn't sleep last night and stayed overnight at Highbury Stadium!

"The financial pressure is a bit high, haha, but it's okay, I'll help you find a solution." Shen Bi said with a big laugh.

"Well, let's take a loan. Use the stadium and the team as collateral. You can borrow as much as you want, and you will need a lot of money to form the Premier League." Sean lowered his head and picked up a cup of coffee, as if casually said: "By the way, Loan sterling, pay back sterling."

After Shen Bi nodded, he frowned slightly, and tilted his head to look at Xiao En, "How come your words sound familiar to me?"

"It sounds familiar. In the UK, if you don't borrow pounds, how can you repay loans in dollars!" Sean said confidently.

Otherwise, he would never have told Shen Bi that after he was done with these things, he was going to cooperate with Soros in shorting the British pound!

Shen Bi looked at Sean suspiciously, feeling that things were not that simple. He remembered that when he left Lithuania, Sean said that he would use the property in Lithuania to borrow some money from the British bank for operation.

Oh, by the way, Sean told him a while ago that he asked HSBC for a loan in pounds...

Good guy, the more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong.

Seeing that Shen Bi's brows were getting tighter and tighter, Sean quickly stretched out his hand and said, "There is no rush to form the Premier League. The top priority is to acquire London's local Carlton TV station. We need a voice channel in the UK."

"After the establishment of the Premier League, the broadcast rights can't be eaten by that old Murdoch. I need to set up my own TV network in Europe, at least the UK!"

"But I leave this matter to you. That old dog, Major, keeps an eye on me. It's not convenient for me to do things here."

"Major's dog-like thing is still playing tricks on me, and when the Laozi TV network is established, we will clean up that bastard!"

After being told by Xiao En, Shen Bi's attention was diverted, "Are you still spending money?"

"Splashing money!" Sean nodded heavily, "Time is tight and tasks are heavy, so I don't have time to bargain slowly with them."

"As for the funds, you can use mortgage loans, and you can get a loan directly from the UK, um, a loan in pounds." Sean carefully emphasized again.

"Okay, I'll get in touch with Carlton, but..." Shen Bi thought for a while and said, "If you want to set up a TV network so that it can be watched across Europe, then you have to consider the issue of satellites. "

"Europe is not the United States, there is no ready-made cable network for you to use."

"Satellite TV?" Sean was taken aback, then nodded, "It is necessary to rent a communication satellite... Well, why don't we just launch one ourselves, not only can we use it ourselves, but we can also rent it out!"

Sean thought of the mobile phone communication business that will become more and more developed in the future.

"Launch satellites by yourself?" Shen Bi looked up and down, "Where did you go to buy satellites? How do you launch them?"

"Look for a bastard!" Sean said, pouted, "On March 14, 1990, the Soviets elected Gorbachev as the president of the Soviet Union. Hey, the supreme leader changed from the chairman of the Soviet Union to the president. Isn't that obvious enough?"

"Once the capitalization starts, there is no turning back. The president and the name of the head of state have changed. Where is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? The Soviet Union is over!"

It is said that the Soviet Union disintegrated overnight. This is propaganda and the consensus among ordinary people. Ordinary people will not pay attention to the details of foreign countries that have nothing to do with their lives. In fact, the disintegration of the Soviet Union is a gradual process.

The train of the Soviet Union was doomed from the day it derailed.

"The Soviet Union is over, is Er Maozi still far from independence?" Sean's mouth slowly curled up, "I remember that the Soviet Union had a satellite research and development center and a rocket launch base in Er Maozi, right?"

Shen Bi was stunned for a moment, he really didn't think about Er Maozi, "It's okay, as a world-renowned media company, there is indeed a certain need, I mean if Er Maozi can really do it for you."

"Yes, yes, Ermaozi sells everything." After saying that, Sean laughed strangely.

Xiao En didn't care about the acquisition of Carlton TV Station. With Shen Bi's connections in the UK, it wouldn't be too difficult.

He just saw Major's face when he found out he took down Carlton TV, damn it.

As for the Premier League, it's over for now. According to the progress he discussed with Murdoch, he first used money to break the legs of these clubs in England, and then Murdoch followed up.

Under Sean's suggestion, Murdoch will plan to acquire Manchester United.

After Murdoch gets it done, they will work together to promote the revision of the Premier League.

The Soviet Union was in full swing, attracting the attention of all countries, and Sean happened to be on a trip to Malaysia.

It still needs to wait for the British pound. Recently, Major is discussing joining the European exchange rate system, and it will have to wait for them to join in.

Then Sean can only kill a horse first to add to the fun.

If you don't take revenge and go back, this matter is stuck in your heart, and Sean always feels uncomfortable.


Two days later, Sean flew directly from London to Hong Kong Island by special plane, Major heaved a sigh of relief after learning the news.

Looking up and seeing the secretary staring at him, Major's expression immediately became relaxed, "Let's go, just a self-righteous arrogant guy, do you really think that buying a football club can enter and mobilize fans to influence the general election, naive!"


Sean is here! !

Before the Golden Palace landed on Hong Kong Island, the news spread among the wealthy circles on Hong Kong Island, and it felt like a wolf had come.

Of course, this is an exaggeration, Sean's reputation is not that bad, really.

But the banquet that should be prepared to welcome Sean still needs to be prepared.

After Sean teamed up with Malay Chinese businessmen to establish the Asian Investment Bank, his theory of investing in Chinese spread and was quite recognized by the Chinese in Southeast Asia.

Everyone knows that Sean is proficient in Mandarin and Cantonese, and has a deep understanding of Chinese culture. It is only natural that Sean would have the idea of ​​investing in Chinese.

Therefore, the purpose of holding a banquet to welcome Sean now becomes to build relationships.

Since Malay Chinese tycoons got on the big boat of Sean, they pursued their political status in Malaysia while taking advantage of Sean’s influence to expand their economic territory. Recently, the situation has been booming, and the Chinese businessmen in Southeast Asia are all envious!

Sean arrived on Hong Kong Island at noon on April 10th, and everyone is preparing to hold a banquet on April 12th.

However, on the afternoon of April 10th, a piece of news shocked Hong Kong Island. Wang Dehui, chairman of Chinachem Group, was kidnapped again!


Ask for a monthly pass, no, no monthly pass at all.

Cough cough, fireworks don't gamble on football, activities at the starting point, football coins...

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