America’s Big Hero

Chapter 539 YLK Agreement

The news that a brand new Premier League will be formed and operated independently from the FA will soon spread in the circle, and it will be promoted on a larger scale.

This has been warmly welcomed by various clubs in League One.

How to judge whether a project is profitable or not?

The following are required:

1. There must be a huge audience.

2. Have sufficient influence.

3. Have a strong ability to promote.

4. There must be a broad prospect of charging.

Does the expected Premier League have this ability?


In the UK, even if it is a fake fan, he can tell you what local teams are there, how many famous players there are in England, and the characteristics, tactics, history, and interesting facts of each team.

After all, you can hear and see this information every day, so how could you not understand it.

In the UK, if you don't know football, you will feel out of place in your study, work and life.

Therefore, the audience is definitely enough, even if the scope extends to the whole of Europe.


Whether Prime Minister Major is influential or not.

Although it is a bit stupid and is often brought out by others, he is also the prime minister of the British Empire, one of the five permanent members, and the leader of the second largest alliance of countries in the world except the United Nations.

It has enough influence all over the world.

Promotion ability?

There are the world's largest and second largest media groups, News Corporation and New Century Group.

In addition to being evenly divided between the two in North America, New Century Media has heard that the umbrella has a strong force, and it has a large market in South America, the Middle East, and North Africa.

After all, they are all places where they have been 'battled'.

News Corporation is also in a leading position in Southeast Asia and Europe.

With the joint efforts of the two, it is easy to promote the Premier League to the world.

The prospect of charging?

The TV broadcast rights jointly purchased by News Corporation and New Century alone can make the entire Premier League barely break even. As long as they don't kill themselves, there will be no risk of bankruptcy.

So, what could possibly fail in this business?

In order to restore his image among the British people, Major was extremely active.

I personally called the owners of the major clubs and gathered together to hold a round table meeting.

Sean and Murdoch attended the meeting as owners of Arsenal and Manchester United.

Sean decided to hand over the leading work of the meeting to Major. This is the territory of the British, and it is not good for them to be too strong.

Sean has been known to be a low-key, "who's hosting today?"

"Can you give me some advice? I don't want everyone to look at me. I am the convener today, not necessarily the chairman." Xiao En spread his hands with a smile.

"Since everyone is so polite, I will host it. Please turn off your mobile phones and the like."

"Regarding this Premier League, I propose a plan for everyone to study."

"I said two conditions."

"First, the members of this alliance can talk about their own stadium advertisements, jersey advertisements, commercial activities, etc. without interfering with each other."

"Secondly, the TV broadcasting rights will be handed over to New Century Media and News Corporation. The broadcasting rights will be tentatively scheduled for five years, with a total of 150 million pounds, which will be distributed to everyone. Each club will get 1.5 million pounds every year."

"Of course, it is impossible to broadcast every game. After all, there are too many games and not many people watch them. Therefore, our TV station does not care about the local broadcasts of each club. How much ball soup you make is your responsibility." Everyone will not divide their own affairs."

"After I finish speaking, whoever agrees, whoever opposes!"

How important is this £1.5 million to the club?

In the first year of the Premier League, the top striker was snapped up by Blackburn at a price of 3.6 million pounds, creating a record in the history of the Premier League. In the same year, Manchester United signed Cantona with a transfer fee of 1.2 million pounds.

1.5 million can buy a Cantona plus two years of salary, this price is definitely not low!

"I object!" cried Liverpool boss David Moores.

"It is said that Mr. Sean doesn't like money. He does things neatly and generously. He likes to use money to solve problems and satisfy both buyers and sellers. But is the TV rights too low? 150 million pounds for five years, It’s only 30 million a year, and 20 companies need to share it, which is too little!”

"In addition, I heard that Mr. Sean's mantra is fair, fair, or fucking fair, but this seemingly fair split is the biggest unfairness!" David Moores pushed his glasses, " The first team gets as much as the last, so why are you fighting for the title?"

"Besides, Mr. Xiao En also said just now that it is impossible to broadcast every game, so, who will broadcast it?"

"Is it the highest-ranked game, the most exciting, the most critical game."

"Some teams can't broadcast two games in a year, and some teams are broadcast more than ten or twenty times. Everyone gets the same money. Is this fair?"

"Okay, I'll make the last bid!" Sean tapped the table, "First, raise the broadcast fee to 250 million pounds."

"Second, 50 percent of all revenue is distributed equally among the 20 teams."

"Third, another 25% of the subsidy will be given to the teams that have broadcast games, and the remaining 25% will be allocated in descending order from high to low."

"After Hua finished speaking, whoever agrees, whoever opposes!" Sean stood up and looked around.

He really considered this matter from the perspective of the development of the entire league. Which mid- and lower-level teams will be supported to ensure their healthy development. With only a few big teams, the league will lose its competitiveness, which will make the league lose its competitiveness. Lost development potential!

"I..." David Morse didn't finish his sentence, and Sean squinted at the past, "I agree!"

"I, I agree too!"

"I agree!"

The voices rang together, Xiao En smiled and applauded lightly, "Then thank you everyone for giving me face."

Negotiations are as simple as that. There is no need to go back and forth, and it doesn’t take a few months. Everyone sits down to drink tea and chat, and the matter is settled.

"Let's talk about the operation of the Premier League. In the past, the Football Association was in charge of football. As we all know, this group of people is very bureaucratic and has become a stumbling block to the development of British football. This matter..." Sean looked at To Prime Minister Major who has been present but did not speak, "This matter depends on our honorary chairman, the respected Prime Minister Major."

"Is there a problem?"

"There is no problem!" Major knew that this was the purpose of Sean's wooing him, so he naturally agreed.

"Okay!" Sean took the lead in applauding. "I'm an American. I always heard that the bureaucracy in the UK is very serious and things are procrastinated. Now I see that's not the case. The efficiency is surprisingly high!"

Everyone applauded and praised. Those who can sit here are worth tens of millions at least, and most of them have family inheritance, but the gap with Sean must be too big.

Whether it is more than family or wealth.

Murdoch's net worth is the sum of everyone present except Sean, and Sean is ten times that of Murdoch!

There is no comparison.

Everyone agreed so quickly, a large part of the reason was that they wanted to make friends with Sean.

Whether it is the Rockefeller family or Sean himself, the scope of business spans several fields and hundreds of industries, and a little bit of soup is enough for them to make a lot of money.

In comparison, football is nothing more than a platform for communication.

Well, football does serve as a platform in the European high society, and many businesses are negotiated in this environment.

Like the president of Real Madrid...

Having said that, there are still some corners and corners left, such as the problem of insufficient funds of some clubs.

"If the rent is not enough, you can get a loan. Don't say that I, the chairman, don't do anything. If you want to borrow as much as you want, you can go directly to Sean Bank." After finishing speaking, Sean looked at Major, "Prime Minister Major, Sean Bank's business has entered Britain is fine."

Major hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement, "No problem."

The more Sean invests in the UK, the more entanglements he has, and now you can't just take out that little notebook.

He could clearly remember that Sean wrote that Major scolded me three times in a small notebook a few days ago, and I wasn't angry.

What kind of pervert is this!

"Satisfactory solution!" Xiao En led the applause with a smile, and applause resounded in the meeting room.

In the past, the British football clubs had difficulties in operating, and their ratings in the banking system were greatly reduced, and their valuations were lowered. It became more and more difficult to obtain loans, and the conditions became more and more stringent.

Now Sean can be regarded as a solution to their urgent needs.

As for Sean, no one understands the value of the future Premier League better than him. I am not afraid of your loans, but I am afraid that your loans will be less!

Sports is definitely a blue ocean, and it can also be closely integrated with the media to create greater profit margins.


five days later...

The major clubs jointly held a press conference, and the Premier League, which had been rumored for many days, was officially established. This news directly drove the major European media crazy.

At the press conference, Major, the honorary chairman of the Premier League, appeared and presided over it himself. He gave a long speech on the purpose of the establishment of the Premier League, the measures to be taken, and the way of promotion.

British football has been suppressed for many years since it was severely punished by UEFA. Now it finally sees the opportunity to come out of the shadows and return to the top. The fans are rejoicing!

Major swept away the haze of the pound being short-sold and suffered heavy losses, and once again became the favorite of the British people.

People are always forgetful!

At the moment when the Premier League is officially established and the next season officially begins, as the chairman of the league, he has already appeared in Baghdad, the capital of YLK.


Sean was invited to the YLK King's Succession Ceremony. There were many parties involved, but Sean was still the most important one.

Sean has multiple identities. On the one hand, he has to represent Rockefeller, on the other hand, he has to represent his own oil company, and on the other hand, he represents the largest private armed force umbrella in YLK.

These identities are extremely important to the new king of YLK. Without Sean's participation, the enthronement ceremony would not be so successful.

The fighting in YLK has stopped, and conflicts are still happening in various markets, but this does not delay the celebration in Baghdad.

This YSL-style succession ceremony was quite ceremonial and lasted for a whole day.

The new king, who was tired all day, had no rest at night.

"Tomorrow, we will be negotiating with the major oil groups represented by Sean Xian. Do you think we can get back the oil industry?" The new king is alone, and the think tank beside him was formed with the help of the Hashemite family.

I don't know how many people were placed inside, anyway, the new king doesn't think that one of them is his confidant.

"Let's open at thirty-seven."

"Why is it only 70%?" The new king was an "ordinary person" in the side branch before, an ordinary person with a net worth of several million dollars, eating, drinking and having fun all day long, how could he understand this.

"Seventy percent of it belongs to someone else, but the thirty percent depends on his face!"

"Whose face?"

"He, Sean Rockefeller!"

"Sean? I managed to defeat the other candidates and become the king, so it depends on his face?" The new king looked shocked.

"Have you ever been king?"


"Let me tell you, to be a king, you have to set up a name cleverly, win over the gentry, pay taxes and donations, and only after they pay can the people pay the same, and the country can have taxes and continue to operate. Of course, the money from the tyrants must be returned in full. "

"It's hard for me to become a king. I still have to win over a nobleman, set up a name, and watch his face. Am I not a beggar on my knees?"

"Then if you want to put it this way, being a king really means begging on your knees. Just like that, how many people want to kneel but don't know how to do it!"

"Let me ask you, why did I come to YLK to be the king, I just have weak legs and feet, and I can't kneel down."

"It turns out that you want to earn money standing up, so you should go back to Jordan and be your rich man. In the eyes of the people, you are a king, but in the eyes of Sean, you are just begging on your knees. Being a king is not shabby." .”

The people from the think tank glanced at the new king, "Your king was elected by the Americans."

The new king, who had just ascended the throne and reached the pinnacle of his life, seemed to have been poured with cold water, and instantly lost his spirit and became dull.

During the negotiations on the second day, the new king kept smiling throughout the whole process. Except for the welcome at the beginning, after being polite for a while, he stopped talking completely after the negotiations started.

He could see that he was a puppet.

It’s just that I noticed it too late, I was too excited before, and I really thought it was God’s blessing, and I reached the pinnacle of my life.

Of course, the people in the think tank are not the undercover agents sent by Xiao En, and they are indeed fighting for the interests of the new king. Things are screwed up.

Young people, unstable, always too easy to drift.

"I think 20% is a reasonable figure!" Sean, as the representative, started to drive down the price crazily.

"Mr. Xiao En, 20% is too little. We know that the current situation is chaotic, the equipment has suffered heavy losses, and the recovery of production capacity is far away. However, you should also consider the burden on our side. It is not only the survival of the domestic people, but also Huge war reparations need to be paid back.”

"If we only occupy two layers of oil production interests, then we can't even pay back the war indemnity, how can we restore YLK to life as soon as possible."

"A chaotic Iraq will not do any good except increase your development costs. We believe that you also hope that peace will re-enter here."

After some bargaining, it was no different from a vegetable market, and finally got a result that both parties were quite satisfied with.

The two parties signed a 99-year cooperative development agreement. British Petroleum, Shell, Rockefeller, and Sean jointly funded to help YLK resume oil production and processing. The royal family of YLK occupies 25% of all oil output, and thereafter increases by 1% every year. until it occupies 60% of the total share.

Known as the YLK Agreement in history!

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