America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 296: Buy a warship?

"Then when are you going to be king? William."

"What, are you going to join my country and be my subject?"

Hearing Paris' question, William Chen asked with a smile.

"Hmph, I don't. If I want to join you, I will wait until you marry me as queen."

Paris said proudly.

However, William Chen has determined that the name of the country will be The Kingdom of Atlan, and the source of this name is naturally the legendary country, Atlantis.

That is a country with a high degree of civilization in legends, a country of the **** of the sea, but it fits the geographical conditions of this island very well. But now is not the time for the founding of the country, and the preparations are being carried out in the name of the preparatory group.

At present, the filming of "Extreme Games" in Palu has ended, and the crew has left here and went to Qiongdao in Huaguo, where they set up the scene and continued filming.

The place where William Chen, Erica and others are temporarily living in Palu is a large villa area. It can be said to be the best place in Palu. It was once a monopoly in the early days of the British Phosphate Mining Company. When Palu Mining was working, this was the residence of the top executives of the company.

The country of Palu has always been called Paradise Island. Standing on the balcony of the villa and looking into the distance, the scenery is still very beautiful, and the blue sea looks very clear.

Moreover, there has never been any industrial existence here, and most of the agriculture is coconut production. If it is not because of the serious damage to the geological structure caused by the mining of phosphate mines, this place can be used as a holiday resort.

Moreover, although Palu is located near the equator, due to the marine climate, the temperature is not particularly hot. The annual temperature is between 30 and 32 degrees during the day and between 20 and 24 degrees at night, which is considered to be more suitable.

"Is there an island over there?"

Paris is also looking at the sea in the distance, pointing to a black dot and asking.

"Yes, that should be Love Island, a small archipelago—the largest of the Hemi Islands, a little smaller than Palu.

Chen William now also has some understanding of the islands around Palu. Palu is quite special. It is located on the edge of the Pismai Archipelago, but it does not belong to the Pismai Archipelago.

The largest island around Palu is Mazus Island, which is less than 50 kilometers away, and belongs to the largest island in Papua New Guinea's Mazus Province.

The Love Island that Paris saw belonged to the Hemi Islands. The Hemi Islands are also under the jurisdiction of the province of Marcus.

In terms of location, Love Island is closer to Palu, roughly located between Palu and Matus Island, about 25 kilometers away from Palu.

It’s just that most of the archipelagos are small uninhabited islands, the area is not large, and the natural conditions are not suitable for human habitation.

It is like the largest Love Island in it. Although the area is nearly 20 square kilometers, the vegetation on the island is sparse. Most of them are bare rocks. There is a low hill and a salt lake. It is not suitable for living at all. Even fresh water is not available. very difficult.

In fact, then again, Palu's situation is not much better.

There is no river on this island, and the only lake, Lake Buada, is also a saltwater lake. Although Palu has a lot of precipitation, with an annual rainfall of more than 1,500 mm, the island is a coral reef island, and the surface is very permeable, so there is almost no water on the island. Fresh water and drinking water need to be imported.

Therefore, if Chen William wants to develop this place better, the first problem that needs to be solved is the source of fresh water and food.

If, like the previous Republic of Palu, most of the drinking water and food need to be imported, it will not only be costly, but also easily make the national nutritional intake unbalanced.

Just like the nationals of Palu before, because of the high-calorie intake of food, the obesity rate remains high, and the proportion of overweight is more than 95%, which is too exaggerated.

Thinking of this, William Chen turned to look at Paris, who was dressed in cool clothes, and her figure was still well maintained. But if it really becomes like the Palu... William Chen shook his head and shook off the idea... It's terrible.

Paris stayed in Palu for two days before returning to the United States. After she left, William Chen welcomed an unexpected visitor.

"My cousin, didn't expect me to come."

Roger still looked cynical, but William Chen was more curious about the few people who came with him, two of them even wearing military uniforms.

Sure enough, after the introduction, I knew that the two were from the American military.

As for the purpose of their arrival, it turned out to be to sell weapons and equipment to William Chen

After temporarily dismissing the two and leaving Chen William and Roger alone, he said angrily to Roger: "Cousin, which one are you playing?"

"Speaking of which, you should always be the one that frightens people, right? You suddenly bought a country without paying attention, and now you are the king. It's such an interesting thing, you should call me together. ."

Roger said with dissatisfaction.

"Shouldn't you be having a good time in Hollywood right now?"

"Haha, that's different. I'm now a well-known variety show producer, but the season of "Sneak Tracker" has already been completed, and the next time will have to wait until next year. It's very boring now."

Speaking of which, the variety show "Sneak Tracking" produced by Roger earlier received a good response and achieved success after Netflix was launched. It also made Roger, as a producer, a well-known person. Hollywood is also hot.

When asked by Chen William about what happened when Roger brought people from the military here, Roger told Chen William one by one.

"What? Are you going to join my country?"

"Yeah, it's much more interesting than filming a show.

"But the Drey family's side

William Chen knew that even though Roger was always joking, he was a member of the Dre family after all, and the choices he made, no matter what, would have far-reaching consequences. Therefore, if he really came to his own country, then he would be very concerned about Germany. For the Lei family, the impact it will cause cannot be ignored.

"So what? They don't expect me to take over now. My brother is enough. He is a good material." Roger spread his hands and said with a smile: "Besides, my father also knows about this matter. There is no objection."

Uh, William Chen really didn't dare to believe what he said, and he finally calmed down after calling his uncle to confirm.

"That's why you came here with those people from the military?"

"When you build a country, you always need an army, especially your island country, why should you have a navy?

"Just what kind of navy do I want on this small island, just outsource the defense in the early stage, and at most have a **** team." Hearing Chen William's words, Roger shook his head and said in disapproval:

"Price is too simplistic, William. Who are you outsourcing to? America or Australia? If it's Palu, that's fine, but now it's you. Think about the huge wealth that you can get from you, what a temptation for those organized pirates or armed groups." Roger's remarks do have some truth, but it's not the reason why William Chen accepted him to come to him and then enter the role of a soldier.

"I can accept your reminder, but I can't let you go to that dangerous position, Roger, you'd better recommend a few people to me.

"What's the danger here? I'm not on the front line. Besides, there won't be any wars on your small island. The most you can face are pirates or small guerrillas.

"What is the good opportunity you said before?" Thinking of what Roger had said before, William Chen asked.

"I still have some connections in the army. I know that they are going to update some equipment, especially the navy. Some big guys are going to sell it. Otherwise, if they retire, they can only be dismantled or used as target ships. It was like this before. How about it? , are you interested in buying a warship?"

Warships? Just kidding, as a man, who doesn't have the feelings of big ships and cannons?

William Chen was really moved:

"Really? How much if I want to buy a Burke-class destroyer?"

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