America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 298: i just play

"Then I'm afraid you will be even more disappointed, Roger, I just want to buy a small country to play and try to feel like a king. Besides, you know that in addition to Ivanta, I have Paris and the others, no She has always been so unrewarded, so

"William, I always thought that you are a prudent person, but your choice this time is a little too risky. Of course, everyone has such an ideal, building a country from scratch, but the reality is not so easy."

Roger shrugged and said, "Although I hate that they keep talking about family interests, I can't help but admit that at present your interests, mine, and the interests of the Dre family are all tied together. Yes, until there are no more benefits, we help each other to ensure the benefits continue."

William Chen understands what Roger wants to express. Why does his uncle always want to safeguard the interests of the Drey family? Because everyone's interests are actually linked to the interests of the family. And when this family extends in the United States, then the interests of the United States are consistent. Therefore, to maintain the interests of the United States is to protect the interests of the Drey family, and it is to protect the interests of individuals.

Generally speaking, the extension of this interest will not make it the same in all cases, but generally speaking, the direction will not be too deviated.

But now, the Drey family has another choice. If William Chen can bring more benefits than the interests in the United States, or it will not hurt the interests of the United States too much, it can be obtained from William Chen. If you get more additional benefits, then the other party has a lot of choices.

In the final analysis, Americans will be more pragmatic, and they will have a weaker concept of the country. Well, the interests of the family are naturally the priority of the family.

Moreover, William Chen's choice, as Roger said, was to choose a more difficult path.

Naturally, he can always be an American, make money, expand investment in all walks of life, and eventually become a top rich family. As long as he is smart enough, there is not much danger at all, because those families in the United States do this. .

If William Chen is an ordinary person, an ordinary American, or a mixture of ordinary whites and Asians, then it is the easiest thing for him to make this choice.

But William Chen is a reincarnator, a reincarnator whose soul came from the previous Hua Kingdom, and a reincarnator who has a stronger sense of identity with his Chinese blood, so his final decision is to choose another path.

Imagine if he ended up staying in the United States and becoming a top rich family, would he really integrate into the top of the United States? Yes, not only because of his Drey family background, but also because he is half white Bloodline, whether he married Ivanta or Paris, then the white blood of the descendants will become stronger and stronger, and then continue to be in this circle, only need two or three generations, except that the surname is a Chinese surname, will not be with There is no difference in the other top families.

Are you saying that his descendants will not marry the Chinese?

Maybe there will be, but in fact, as development continues, purely in terms of interests, in the end, there is a high probability that descendants with more white blood will get more resources, and there will be a greater probability of obtaining the inheritance rights of the family, and even these do not require other people's intentions The guidance will only be something that happens naturally in this top-level circle.

Therefore, William Chen's choice is to jump out of the American circle, so that he will have a more free and broad development, but at the same time he will also encounter more challenges. Everything is a risk and a benefit. You want to get rid of the American rules. , it will lose its protection.

For this, he also paid a price. All the industries in the United States must be transferred to the Caitlin Foundation. Although the foundation is still controlled by him, the difference is that the foundation is registered in the United States, so it is always in the United States. Under the supervision of the United States, he has the right to operate, but he has been unable to leave these industries out of the entire American system.

It is also because of this kind of involvement that the American side can have more trust in him. In addition, many people around Chen William are from American backgrounds, so it seems that he bought the country of Palu. , the final new country is also in the American system, and it is even more reassuring for the United States to be closer to Australia than Palu originally.

Therefore, after owning this country, William Chen has to be more careful in every step. The advantage he has is that he is young enough, he is only 22 years old, and he has enough time to develop here.

But in the early stage, it is even more necessary to maintain the relationship with the United States, and it cannot be separated from this system. All things need to seek opportunities.

Just like the military purchase proposed by Roger, to buy warships, can you only buy outdated warships from the United States? Isn't it good to buy from China? Isn't it more cost-effective to buy from Europe?

These statements are all correct, but in fact, in Lu Xiaofang's current identity, he can only buy Chen William's, because arms purchase is a very sensitive matter. This is not only a matter of purchasing weapons, but also represents a country's inclination.

At this time, when William Chen is in full swing, it is unwise to rely on any other country except William Chen, and the result is that he is destroyed by tension.

A country that is believed to have a mass-destruction laundry detergent has given a model to all countries.

They were not only destroyed by Chen William, but also cut off the intention of the rise of the euro. Don't you want to develop the euro instead of the dollar? And you, don't you want to use the euro instead of the dollar to settle oil?

Killing the chicken to warn the monkey, the monkey can only watch obediently, and have to applaud, after all, the monkey's house is already full of Chen William's military base. Now the whole world sees it, you monkey can't protect the chicken, who will follow you, the euro continues to become a regional currency, and in the future, no one will mention the euro instead of the dollar.

Not only that, I will search you once after a while, and you have to scream Miao Miao Miao with a smile on your face

Just like what Wall Street is doing right now in the European sovereign debt crisis.

So the reality is cruel. It's not that the **** public knows what universal values ​​are in the mouth, and that there is more help... but the truth is within the scope of cannons, and William Chen has the most cannons, so now it is the truth.

It places its cannons in Europe, Japan and South Korea, and most of the world. Except for a few two or three countries with real broken sovereignty, including Europe, their cannons are pointed at their heads. Guess whether they need it or not. Smiley welcome?

Yes, by nature, everyone wants to deal with a person who does not bully others, and deals fairly, for mutual benefit.

But realistically, when you are pointed at by a cannon, one you can comfortably make money with, and the other can kill you at any time, how do you choose? Want money or kill?

Therefore, unless one day, someone can stand up and say, don't be afraid of that cannon, I have more cannons, and I will hit anyone who wants to hit you, ensuring you are in danger. Only then can the order be truly changed.

Before that, William Chen would have the most "allies".

Now it's only America can only silently hope that the one who is most likely to do this will gradually become stronger.

And now, he can only carefully maintain a delicate balance. Fortunately, Roger is very young, not to mention that he does not need to stand in line, nor is he qualified to stand in line at all.

As long as you live and develop, you'll be fine.

And the United States can now guarantee its own but, and rely on Roger's control, only the two weapons of popularity and interests.

Fame is his high reputation in the world now, and it is also one of the credentials to protect him. William Chen needs such an example to prove their so-called freedom, justice and democracy.

Therefore, unless there is a very large benefit, they will not easily break it all.

As for interests, not only did he contribute to the stable development of Chen William through his own company's tax payment and influence in Chen William, but also through his previous No. 3 Fund, and the current Tianshu Fund, and His many investments have drawn up an extensive network of interests.

In the early stages, these are very important tools for him to maintain the legitimacy and continuity of Roger's sovereignty.

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