America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 300: World Travel

The second stop after leaving Australia is to go to another country with a strong sense of presence in Oceania - New Zealand.

New Zealand is also one of the main aid countries of the former Republic of Palu. The creditors of the Republic of Palu, in addition to Wall Street in the United States, are Australia and New Zealand.

And New Zealand is also one of the important trading partners of the Palu Republic. The Palu Republic lacks agriculture and almost all food needs to be imported, and New Zealand is their main source of food imports.

New Zealand is mainly composed of two large islands and several small islands. The capital Wellington is located at the southernmost tip of the North Island and is also the southernmost capital in the world.

After arriving, William Chen and Erica met with New Zealand Prime Minister John, who had just returned to the capital from Christchurch. Just like when they were in Australia, they first decided to sign a new repayment agreement with New Zealand on the remaining debts of the Republic of Palu.

At the same time, it is willing to deepen cooperation with New Zealand in agriculture, animal husbandry and education. Relatively speaking, New Zealand's foreign policy is relatively peaceful, especially for many island countries in the South Pacific, they have always been more active in aid and cooperation.

Therefore, the Prime Minister of New Zealand also expressed his support for the construction and development of the Kingdom of Atlanta during this meeting, and hoped to join hands with them to build a stable and prosperous South Pacific.

Finally, William Chen, on behalf of the Caitlin Foundation, said that he would donate US$5 million to Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand, which had just suffered an earthquake, for post-disaster reconstruction.

On September 4, an earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale just occurred in the South Island of New Zealand. The epicenter was 45 kilometers west of Christchurch. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Only two people were seriously injured and several were slightly injured. The earthquake still caused great damage to the entire city.

The Prime Minister of New Zealand has just returned to Wellington from Christchurch to inspect the disaster.

After staying in New Zealand for three days, the group arrived at the next stop, Huaguo, by plane again.

The Gulfstream G550 stopped in Yanjing for a while, put down William Chen, Erica and the entourage, and then took Ivanta and her medical team directly to the magic capital.

For Chen William, the Chinese side is also very familiar. After all, he can be said to be one of the American super-rich who invested the most in China, and he has the blood of the Chinese country. Now William Chen bought a country and was about to establish a kingdom. Therefore, there is still some discussion about how to conduct reception.

In fact, Chen William's trip around the world, in addition to the countries around Atlanta, is the most important thing is the five permanent members, as long as they get their support, then basically it is not a big problem.

Among the five permanent members, the United States, Britain and France seem to be relatively smooth now, while China has always respected the choice of the people of the other side for the change of regime in small countries, and has a friendly attitude with various countries, so it will actually be relatively smooth.

But one thing to pay attention to is the death diplomacy of the Palu Republic before. Er, Palu was one of the few countries in the world that had so-called "diplomatic relations" with that Green Island, mainly because of their money.

When we look at the diplomatic strategies of many small countries, it can be said that they are repeatedly jumping and jumping, and whoever has an interest will go there, and there is absolutely no principle at all. Just like the previous Palu, they were able to jump out and fight against such a top power in the world, one of the five permanent members, for a few thousand dollars. Can you believe this? Completely incomprehensible birds die for food.

Therefore, some small countries have a tradition of killing themselves, and they have been frequently bombarded by various countries in history, not for no reason...such as Poland.

Therefore, in this meeting, Chen William proposed that the Kingdom of Atlanta hopes to build a long-term relationship with China, adhere to the "one China" principle, and he is very impressed with China's strength in infrastructure and high-speed rail. Atlanta In the future, many engineering projects including ports and airports will be built. We welcome the powerful companies from China to come to bid and participate in the construction of Atlanta.

At the same time, Chinese enterprises are also welcome to invest in Atlanta and develop bilateral trade.

The Chinese side also highly recognizes Chen William's remarks. They respect Atlanta's efforts to normalize the country within the framework of international law and the United Nations, as well as the state sovereignty of the Kingdom of Atlanta, and hope to deepen the relationship with the transitional government of Atlanta. understand, enhance mutual trust, and cooperate in more fields.

After this meeting, William Chen and Erica arrived in the magic capital and joined Ivanta.

After completing the visit to the Three Kingdoms, Chen William first met Zhang Zhao, the former CEO of Meta (Asia) Entertainment Media Company, and Li Ying, the former CEO of Meta (Asia) Investment Company, in Modu.

Now these two companies belong to the Future Group, which is headquartered in the TC Oriental Building in Magic Capital, and have been renamed as Future Entertainment Media Company and Future Investment Company respectively, so that Huaxia Future Capital, a subsidiary of Future Investment, can also echo the company's name. .

Future Entertainment Media Company now actually controls Huace Film and Television. It has two subsidiaries, Kugou Music and Future Literature. It also invests in Huayi Company and Guangguang Media, as well as Zhalang Weibo and Youku. The industry is a relatively large group company.

After the asset division, 40% of Ali's shares belong to Future Investment Company, which also invests in Internet technology companies such as Jingdong, Xiaomi, Dianping and Meituan.

In addition, the future investment company also has a subsidiary HT Asset Management Company. With the opening of all five branches of HEYTEA in Modu, and the business is booming, it has become a must for young people in Modu to check in.

Now HT Asset Management has begun to continue to choose stores in Modu for acquisitions, and at the same time, it has targeted Yanjing and Yangcheng, and is ready to expand Heytea stores into these two cities.

HT Asset Management Company is responsible for the acquisition of storefronts. As an asset-light operation, HEYTEA Catering’s main goal is to continue to train employees and launch new products. In order to control the quality of products, HEYTEA catering will refer to Starbucks and open branches through direct sales instead of franchise authorization.

In addition, it should be noted that due to the change of William Chen’s identity, he has changed from a former American citizen to the king of the Kingdom of Atlanta. Therefore, the shares of the Future Group are no longer suitable for him to hold directly. The newly registered Future Group held shares through Southern Cross Holdings, an offshore company held by William Chen.

During the asset division, William Chen's shareholding in Troup-Chen (TC) Asset Management Company was also delineated from the Meta Group, which is now also held by Southern Cross Holdings.

However, the company's liabilities are retained, and there are still $1 billion in financing from Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, and up to $2.5 billion in convertible bonds held by Meta Group.

In addition, the new buildings built by TC Commercial Management Company in various places, the financing from Hua Guo Bank, equivalent to US dollars, has exceeded 1 billion US dollars.

It can be said that just looking at these debts is already frightening. However, Chen William is not worried about this. These debts will become real Through the rise of Huaguo Real Estate in the next 1989, they can still get a very high premium. , and also get a lot of extra rent.

When the real estate industry in Huaguo is about to grow weak, it will sell most of these new buildings, leaving only the core real estate in the first-tier cities, and it will be possible to reap the excess profits.

He did this much more carefully than a certain "Superman" did in China. That person is completely exploiting the policy loopholes, purely relying on hoarding land, and hoarding it for more than ten or twenty years. In the end, after the price of land rises, selling it to make money is just empty hands and white wolf, and has not made any contribution at all.

For him, many places were forced to introduce policies as a last resort, and construction must be started within a time limit, otherwise the land will be recovered. So that person found a loophole again. It's not that I don't build it. I build a little every year. Anyway, I can't finish it. In the end, the land price was satisfied, and I even sold the project together with the land.

As for Chen William, they are really under construction, and they are eager to build it as soon as possible. They have indeed stimulated the economy of various places, so the two are completely different in nature.

It can only be said that some capitalists are surrounded by a bunch of lawyers and experts, who either eat dry rice or specialize in researching policy loopholes. But in the end, even if their behavior is not against the law, it cannot be said to be moral. Compared with people who truly promote social development, such people are nothing more than profiteers and speculators.

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