America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 439: not what you meant?

Interestingly, in this conversation with Rick Walton, William Chen did not hear him again about Walmart Group's acquisition of Zoom.

This may mean that his mentality has indeed changed, that is, he no longer hopes to use Zoom to "save" the Walmart Group, but more, er, regards Zoom as his own business.

This matter is not difficult to understand, because Rick Walton himself was born in the Walton family, and he has an incomparable understanding of the situation of a traditional retail group such as the Wal-Mart Group.

And as he leads the Zoom company and develops it to the current level, he will also have more experience with the advantages of e-commerce based on the Internet to connect the world. In this process, he can gradually realize , is a part of Wal-Mart Group. Maybe Zoom will not help Wal-Mart to improve its disadvantage in competition with Amazon, but will bring Zoom into the traditional shackles.

"By the way, William, I remember you talked to me about your big plan, the idea of ​​bringing together the most famous stars in one competition, I told Delphine about it, and she was quite impressed with it. interest."

At that time, William Chen did talk to Rick Walton about the Atlanta All-Star Carnival on the phone, because in this plan, the participation of well-known companies is also very important, and Delphine The LVMH group, owned by the family of , is a very good partner for this carnival.

"Really, Rick, now I have handed over this matter to Ivanta. I believe she and Delphine will have a lot in common."

When he was in New York before, William Chen had helped Ivanta contact some manufacturers, including Nike and Adi. , pull more fashion, sports and other companies into the camp of this carnival.

Speaking of which, it seems that this matter is not so difficult now, and the most important one of them is the influence of Chen William.

At present, the entire Meta Group has completed the equity incentive plan, and at this time, the executives of the group are also very supportive of this plan, and the whole plan is going very smoothly.

Because Meta Group can be said to be one of the most growing companies in the United States at this time, in the just-released 2012 list of the top white companies in terms of market value of global companies, Meta Group, with an overall valuation of $193 billion, ranks on the list The 15th place on the list is Huaguo Mobile, with a market value of US$195 billion, only US$2 billion higher than Meta Group.

Following Meta Group on this list are Walmart Group, HSBC Holdings and Google Inc.

In 2012, Iverson Mobil Oil Co., Ltd. topped the list of the top white companies in terms of market capitalization, with a market value of $410 billion. Among technology companies, Apple ranked second and Microsoft ranked ninth, ranking above the Meta Group. company.

However, William Chen knows that by next year, Apple will surpass Iverson Mobil Oil to become the world's most valuable company, while Meta Group is likely to directly enter the top ten.

At this time, he was also a little fortunate that he had "donated" the Meta Group to the Caitlin Foundation, and held shares in other companies through various offshore companies and companies registered in Atlanta, which led to , it is very difficult to evaluate Chen William's worth.

Even though everyone knows that these companies are controlled by William Chen, the specific shareholdings of these companies are kept secret, at least not so easily disclosed.

Therefore, last year, Forbes and other magazines also tried to evaluate Chen William's property, but this year, they completely gave up the statistics of his net worth, and his name has no longer appeared in the list.

Otherwise, if you calculate the wealth he has now, to use a very popular word in the fan circle later, it is "the first fault", and the net worth may be much higher than that of the second place, which is too ostentatious.

If even the current statistical results are not so exaggerated, then when the valuations of Tesla, Netflix, Meta Technology and other companies start to soar, I am afraid that his net worth will really appear, much more than after that. There is a situation where the names add up to high.


When William Chen left Rick Walton's house and returned to his villa, he saw three women chatting in the living room.

"Hello, Ms. Dalula, long time no see."

The three women in the living room are Miranda, Ember and Musk's ex-wife Dalula.

"Hello William, sorry for disturbing you."

Da Lula smiled when she saw Chen William, but it was obvious that her mood still wasn't very high.

"No, I heard Ember say it before. You have been in a low mood recently, and I can understand it. In fact, I suggest that you can go out for a walk now and relax, which will relieve some negative emotions very well."

"Thank you for your suggestion, William, Ember told me the same before, and we are discussing the future vacation."

Uh, when William Chen heard her words, he glanced at Ember, but saw that she gave him a look, so he refrained from asking more, because he clearly told the two women that he was going on vacation with them For a while, I don't know why Ember started talking to Da Lula about this After all, he and Musk are partners, and William Chen knows that Da Lula is with him, and will continue to do so in the future. At this time, he doesn't seem to have anything easily misunderstood.

After Chen William came back, Da Lula quickly proposed to leave, but it was just time for dinner, so Chen William politely kept her and everyone had dinner together.

Da Lula didn't insist too much. After dinner, after everyone chatted for a while, Da Lula bid her farewell again. This time, Aimebo accompanied her and told her that she was sent home.

After Chen William arranged for the driver to send the two away, he returned to the living room, looked at Miranda who was sitting on the sofa with some doubts, and asked:

"Do you know what's going on here? Miranda, why are you discussing vacations with Dalula?"

"Ah? Isn't that what you meant? William. I saw that when we were chatting today, Ember talked about the topic of vacation and discussed the location with Dalula. I thought you knew about this..."

Uh, looking at her performance, she was also kept in the dark, so William Chen did not continue to talk about this topic with her. It seems that she needs to wait until Ember returns to question her properly.

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