Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 1 Special Ability: Natural Disasters!

Huaguo, the foreign affairs headquarters.

"Recently, those reporters have been dancing more and more happily in their childhood. Today at the meeting, they dare to directly ask us about the prevention and control of our sea areas!"

The voice of Lin Beibei, one of the members of the Huaguo Diplomatic Corps, came from the office.

"The reporter alone may not have the guts. There may be other people behind this, but it doesn't matter to us. It is not ten years ago now, and Huaguo is not the Huaguo that can be bullied by others!"

In the office, sitting across from Lin Beibei, the No. 1 leader of the Foreign Affairs Headquarters, who was reviewing documents, sounded a steady voice, with a hint of sternness in his tone.

"Ebe, I think we can be more aggressive in the next speech meeting. It's best to let those guys who are about to make a move shut up!"

The old man sitting behind the office smiled slightly.

Then, he stood up from behind the desk and put a file in front of Lin Beibei.

"Our work is very important, but most of the time, relying on lip service alone does not have much effect on some shameless guys!"

"Look at this..."

Lin Beibei glanced at the file in front of him, with a look of doubt on his face.

"This is?"

"The latest dispatch order for diplomats. We will have a new colleague arriving today. You can read the information first. If you have no doubts, I want him to be dispatched!"

"Expatriate?" Lin Xibei was surprised.

You must know that the domestic requirements for diplomats sent abroad are very strict.

As a diplomat of the Hua country, once he goes abroad, he represents the face of the entire Hua country, and there is no room for the slightest mistake!

But now, the old man in front of him actually wants to let a newcomer go abroad?

This is a bit too sloppy!

Lin Beibei picked up the file and read it carefully.

Could it be that there is really something extraordinary about this person?

With doubts, Lin Beibei looked at the file of this new colleague.

Name: Lu Chengfeng

Age: 23 years old

Native place:...

Looking at the information in his hand, Lin Xibei frowned soon.

On the file, the columns represent the ratings behind the various professional skills that diplomats need to master, which made his complexion quickly become weird.




All are ineligible?

What the hell is going on!

A diplomat, all professional abilities are unqualified?

How did this guy pass the written test, interview and retest!

How could this file be placed on Ebe's desk?

Lin Xibei was a little confused.

"Ebe, are you sure this is not a joke?"

Lin Beibei raised his head and looked at Jiang Guotao blankly.

Jiang Guotao shook his head and said with a smile, "Of course I'm not joking!"

He walked up to Lin Beibei, stretched out his hand and clicked on the file.

"Other professional abilities are not important, what is important is this..."

Lin Beibei looked towards the place Jiang Guotao pointed at.

The whole person was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression quickly became weirder.

Special ability: plagued by natural disasters!

How could such an inexplicable ability appear on the file?

Lin Xibei continued to look, and there was a long note at the back, which introduced Lu Chengfeng's ability in great detail.

On the day of his birth, the hospital where he lived was struck by three bolts of lightning, which directly smashed the lightning rod into pieces. A fire broke out in the hospital that night. Fortunately, the source of the fire was on the roof, and it was quickly extinguished without causing any casualties.

At the age of three, he rode a toy car across the road and ran over the manhole cover, causing the manhole cover to collapse, and the subsequent vehicles were unable to dodge in time, causing a series of car accidents...

At the age of five, the drainage system of the kindergarten was inexplicably blocked. The heavy rain caused serious flooding and flooded the entire kindergarten...

Eight years old, during school, the circuit in the classroom was inexplicably short-circuited, causing the entire school circuit to be paralyzed, and the emergency repair was not completed until half a month later...

At the age of twelve, on an outing with my classmates, a meteorite fell and hit a place less than 100 meters away from the outing camp, causing the shock wave to overturn all the tents...

Fifteen years old, went out to sea on a cruise ship, encountered a typhoon just after departure, all members were forced to return, and after returning to land, the typhoon disappeared inexplicably...

Eighteen years old, on the day he became an adult, his parents took him to travel abroad. A rare tsunami flooded the island where he was traveling, and he struggled to survive...


Looking at these materials, Lin Xibei's expression became more and more strange.

He slowly raised his head, stared at Jiang Guotao, swallowed involuntarily, and said with difficulty: "These it true?"

"The file handed to me, can there be a fake?"

"...This person will not be a disaster star coming to the world!!!"

"How did this guy survive until now... This is simply a karma weapon!!!"

Jiang Guotao's expression became a little more serious, and he said in a deep voice, "That's why I want to send him out. Don't you always say that you have fun dancing in your childhood?"

"I think the first stop can be set there, anyway, it won't be caught with any tricks..."

At this moment, Lin Xibei no longer knew what to say.

He lowered his head, looked at the file in his hand again, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"It's amazing, who the hell discovered such a talent!"

"If this is an expatriate to a small day..."

At this moment, Lin Beibei could already imagine what kind of sensation Lu Chengfeng would cause in his childhood. This is... too exciting!

After closing the files, Lin Beibei still looked at Jiang Guotao with a strange expression on his face.

"Jiangbu, are you sure you want to send him out?"

"Otherwise? Or do you want to keep him by your side?"

Jiang Guotao looked at Lin Xibei with a smile on his face, as if he was really thinking seriously.

"Don't, don't, I can't afford this blessing..."

"However, where is this kid now? The assignment is very complicated. Although he has special abilities against the sky, his professional ability is too poor. I'm afraid..."

Lin Xibei's expression gradually calmed down.

His brows were slightly wrinkled, and there was a hint of worry on his face.

"If it's okay, let him come over and we'll know if we examine it ourselves!" Jiang Guotao smiled, then turned around and came to the desk.

He picked up the landline on his desk and made a call.

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