Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 11 At This Moment, 'Aurora' Officially Landed On Xiaori Ridao!

In the quiet room, neither of them spoke.

Lu Chengfeng seemed to be thinking about something, frowning slightly from time to time.

As for Jiang Xiaomeng, she was also a little dazed at this moment, but glanced at Lu Chengfeng with a strange look from time to time, as if she was holding back something, and it was hard to say it.

"Group Leader Lin's crow's mouth must have been opened..."

Jiang Xiaomeng muttered in her heart.

I don't know why, since I just received a call from Chen Zhaoping, I know that the diplomat who will negotiate with them tomorrow has an accidental car accident.

A strange feeling appeared in her heart.

Recalling the journey experience of traveling with Lu Chengfeng, the strange feeling in Jiang Xiaomeng's heart became more and more intense.

From the moment I boarded the plane, I flew through the typhoon until Xiaotian, and almost lost my life on the plane.

Just after it landed, the typhoon that was supposed to make landfall in Jiangzhou, Huaguo, suddenly changed its course and headed north, sweeping directly towards Xiaotian...

Now, the Xiaotian diplomat who was about to negotiate with them suddenly had a car accident, his head was opened, not to mention his leg was broken, which delayed the talks, and they had to risk their lives to go to the capital of Xiaotian.

This series of things always feels like a coincidence!

At this time, she suddenly thought of what Lin Xibei told her before leaving, and the strange feeling in her heart became even more obvious.

Be safe with Lu Chengfeng?

Always be on the lookout for emergencies...

Be sure to take your own safety as the first premise, and be careful in everything...

Team Leader Lin seemed to have anticipated what would happen!

A thought gradually came to mind...

This guy... why does he feel like a disaster star!

Otherwise, how could it be so unlucky along the way!

She had been on a business trip before, and she had never encountered such an outrageous thing...

"Xiaomeng, what do you think of the current situation?"

Lu Chengfeng's serious voice suddenly sounded at this moment.

The corners of Jiang Xiaomeng's eyebrows twitched uncontrollably, then she stood up calmly and walked directly to her room.

At the same time, a faint voice entered Lu Chengfeng's ears.

"See with your eyes..."

At this time, Jiang Xiaomeng didn't know why, and suddenly felt a little inexplicably irritable.

The situation of this visit has exceeded her expectations, and no one knows what will happen in the future.

Even, whether it can complete the task well is a problem.

And Lu Chengfeng doesn't seem to be able to count on too much, this is definitely the biggest challenge she has encountered since she started working as a diplomatic assistant...

She tried hard to control her emotions.

Because she knew very well that in the final analysis, Lu Chengfeng could not be blamed for these illusory and metaphysical things.


The door slammed shut.

Lu Chengfeng stood there in a daze, scratching his head involuntarily.

"When did I... offend her? It's really inexplicable..."

A soft muttering sound came out of Lu Chengfeng's mouth.

He carefully analyzed Jiang Xiaomeng's words.

Afterwards, he nodded thoughtfully, with a flash of understanding in his eyes.

"But if you think about it carefully, it seems that you can only take one step at a time..."

Up to now, Lu Chengfeng thought that Jiang Xiaomeng said to see with eyes, but he simply had no other thoughts.


The latest news from Xiaotian's side soon reached Jiang Guotao's side.

Looking at the information in his hand, he frowned slightly.

"Diplomat in Little Days suddenly got into a car accident? Lu Chengfeng decided to go to the capital of Xijing to negotiate directly with the Diplomatic Headquarters of Little Days?"

"In this way, there will be more variables!"

"Northwest, what do you think?"

Jiang Guotao handed over the message file.

Lin Xibei took the document, and after seeing the contents above, the corner of his mouth twitched unconsciously, and then he opened his mouth quietly.

"Ebe, do you think it's normal for a diplomat to be in a car accident...?"

Hearing this, Jiang Guotao suddenly fell silent.

"This kid's special ability is really powerful... Let him continue to toss like this, I don't know what will happen later..."

"I think they want to complete the task this time...I'm afraid it's a bit difficult..."

Lin Xibei had tried his best to control his emotions, but when he spoke, he still unconsciously had a strange tone.

Lu Chengfeng's ability simply opened his eyes.

How long has it been since we set off, and the typhoon turned the corner, and the diplomat had a car accident in the small day, if he was allowed to spend more time in the small day, the situation...

"That's all... This guy is an uncontrolled humanoid nuclear bomb that may explode at any time. It is probably impossible for him to complete the task normally..."

"But I'm looking forward to it, what kind of surprises he will bring us!"

The two people in the office looked at each other, and suddenly there was an inexplicable smile on the corners of their mouths, just like two old foxes who had become spirits.


the next day.

Outside the Chinese embassy in Xiaotian.

At eight o'clock in the morning, a black commercial vehicle was already waiting outside the embassy.

Soon, Lu Chengfeng and Jiang Xiaomeng walked out of the embassy accompanied by Chen Zhaoping.

"Brother Lu, we have already communicated with Xijing. We can enter the negotiation process as soon as we go there. We will discuss the specific situation in detail on the way..."

Chen Zhaoping's voice sounded serious in Lu Chengfeng's ear.

"Us? You want to go with us too?"

Lu Chengfeng was a little surprised.

Yesterday Chen Zhaoping said that the journey to Xijing might be dangerous. I thought it was just him and Jiang Xiaomeng who set off this time.

Unexpectedly, Chen Zhaoping would also follow along?

"The situation in Xijing is more complicated. The game between the radicals and the conservatives is much more severe than that of Higashiban Island. I don't worry about the two of you in the past!"

There was a trace of firmness in Chen Zhaoping's eyes, and it was obvious that he had already made plans.

"Brother Chen Dayi..."

Lu Chengfeng's slightly frowned brows faded away, and a trace of admiration for Chen Zhaoping rose in his heart.

After all, this trip to Xijing was a temporary decision made by him, and Chen Zhaoping had absolutely no obligation to go with him.

Now the typhoon is about to land on Xiaori Island, and the landfall is near the coast of Dongban Island. It is very dangerous to go out at this time.

When Chen Zhaoping made this decision, he was obviously risking his own life by accompanying him.

"Don't be nasty, I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do!"

Chen Zhaoping smiled freely.

Several people walked out of the embassy and walked quickly towards the commercial vehicle against the strong wind.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the distance.

Woooooo~! ! !

The raging wind around suddenly strengthened by a level.

"It's 'Aurora' coming!!!"

Lu Chengfeng raised his head, his expression became extremely serious.

this moment,

Typhoon 'Aurora' officially landed on Xiaori Island!

"You guys are really lucky..."

Chen Zhaoping smiled wryly, and then quickly opened the car door.

Several people got into the car without the slightest hesitation.

In the next second, the commercial vehicle galloped away in the gust of wind.

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