at the same time.

Under the arrangement of Kulock, Lu Chengfeng and Jiang Xiaomeng stayed in the presidential suite of the five-star hotel.

"Oh, I didn't expect it to go so smoothly this time!"

Jiang Xiaomeng was delighted to see everything that Kulock had carefully prepared.

The more Kullock attaches importance to them, the more favorable it will be for the foundry to negotiate a contract this time.

At this time, Lu Chengfeng shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "It didn't go as smoothly as expected, otherwise, Amir wouldn't have come. I guess Kulock is also watching us..."

Just as the words finished, there was a knock on the door, "Mr. Lu, Ms. Jiang, is it convenient to talk now?"

Hearing Kulock's voice, Lu Chengfeng quickly opened the door and said with a smile: "Mr. Kulock, of course it's convenient!"

While speaking, Kurok was invited in.

"Mr. Lu, I know that there is an old saying in your country of Hua, you should follow the authority when you are in a hurry!"

"I'll make a long story short, can you help us establish cooperation with Huaxing?"

Kulock got straight to the point and said what he thought.

Although he is still a little undecided, whether to choose the Three Kingdoms with lower labor costs, or Huaguo, which has the latest communication technology, as a partner.

But he is very clear that once this technology comes out, it will completely subvert the entire mobile phone industry.

As the current number one in the industry, no matter what, he has to win Huaxing's cooperation.

"Mr. Kulock, since you are so frank, I will tell you the truth. Now Huaxing has been sanctioned by your eagle sauce country for the second time. So far, more than 50 parts and components factories have announced the antidote to Lu Xing. !"

"Originally, this technology was intended to be introduced to the market at a suitable time with a fee, but now we need to solve the urgent need to consider the advent of this technology..."

Lu Chengfeng frowned, and told all the troubles Hua Xing had encountered.

Since Kulock is so concerned about this technology, why not use it as a bait to talk about the foundry?


"I've heard about this matter. I'm sorry. It was proposed by Congress. I couldn't help you at that time...

"Mr. Lu, have you found a solution now?"

Kullock avoided the pit dug by Lu Chengfeng calmly.

I haven't seen anything yet, so it's too early to talk about the foundry!

Moreover, he didn't think that Lu Chengfeng really had the ability to attract Huaxing's cooperation.

"Mr. Cullock, let's talk about this first!"

When Lu Chengfeng heard this, he understood a lot in his heart, and the co-author is still a master who does not see the rabbit or scatter the eagle, so he smiled

Then he took out Ren Wanxing's paper commitment document from his bag, and handed it to Kulock.

This paper commitment document represents Huaxing entrusting Lu Chengfeng with full authority to discuss cooperation matters.

Although it is not a formal contract, the official seal and signature above also represent the gold content of this document!

Kulock took the document suspiciously, glanced at it, his pupils dilated suddenly, and his expression was serious, this document real?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can call to confirm!"

Lu Chengfeng shrugged and looked at Kulock with a smile on his face.

"No...that's not what I meant..."

Seeing that Lu Chengfeng misunderstood, Kulock quickly explained.

Afraid that the cooked duck would fly away, he added, "Mr. Lu, what do you want?"


"I heard that you are looking for foundries all over the world!"

"It's like this, if you can build a foundry in Huaguo, then our parts market in Huaguo will flourish, and the problems facing Huaxing will no longer be problems!

"And the things you want to cooperate with will come naturally!"

Lu Chengfeng thought about it and decided to have a showdown with Kulock.

This is a matter of win-win cooperation. As long as Kulock takes this step, he will do his best to help facilitate this cooperation.

On the contrary, if Kulock himself is hesitant, then this cooperation will not be possible.

After hearing this, Kulock frowned, and pretended to hesitate and said: "Mr. Lu, we are planning to find suitable ones all over the world because of the high cost of employing the factory!"

"To tell you the truth, so far, the employment price of the Three Kingdoms is only less than two-thirds of that of your Hua Kingdom..."

While Kulock was talking, he still didn't forget to look up at Lu Chengfeng's reaction.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the pressure from the Eagle Sauce Congress, he naturally wouldn't care about such a price difference.

However, since Huaxing's cooperation with Huaxing is promising, then this deal is still a good deal!

"Mr. Kulock, the price in Huaguo is indeed a bit higher!"

"But I guess that's not the main factor!"

Lu Chengfeng smiled without saying a word, and clarified the topic.

Indeed, the human cost price of Huaguo is higher than that of the three countries of Algeria.

But it would be too funny if Kulock was in trouble because of this factor!

After listening to Lu Chengfeng's words, Kulock smiled, spread his hands, and changed the topic, "~Mr. Lu, how about you come here for a few more days?"

"Okay, it's okay now anyway, just treat it as a trip and relax!"

Lu Chengfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and took over the conversation.

Although the words have been made clear, the decision is still in Kulock's hands. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to talk about this matter, it means that there is still something wrong!

"Okay, I'll arrange it!"

"It's getting late, I won't bother you anymore!"

After all, Kulock got up and walked out of the room.

Looking at the back of Kulock leaving, Jiang Xiaomeng walked up to Lu Chengfeng in a puzzled way and asked, "Didn't we have a good chat just now? Why is it like this?"

"He is weighing the consequences of choosing Huaguo!"

"The implication is let's give him some time!"

Lu Chengfeng smiled frankly and answered Jiang Xiaomeng's doubts.

If he hadn't seen Kulock's face when he saw Ren Wanxing's promise, he wouldn't have thought of Kulock's meaning so quickly.

But since there is Huaxing's technical bridge, the matter of the foundry this time is basically a certainty.

"Does that now mean we're ahead?"

Jiang Xiaomeng was in a good mood after listening to the explanation.

She also did a lot of homework for the foundry.

Many large enterprises value the labor price very much, but Huaguo is completely inferior to Ah Sanguo in this aspect.

If they have to be considered together, the only advantage of Huaguo is "stability"!

But stability alone is not enough!

"I hope so, I always feel that Amir will not be so willing to give us this opportunity..."

Lu Chengfeng sighed, and looked out the window with deep thoughts.

He will win the cooperation with the foundry on this trip no matter what.

If not, the crisis of Lu Xing still exists!

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