
After nightfall, there are fewer and fewer pedestrians.

After Lu Chengfeng and Amir found a quiet place, they started talking at night!

"Mr. Lu, I can't talk about high-tech, but if you want, I can introduce you to our country's ~parts manufacturers!"

"In exchange, you have to help me get Mr. Kulock's world-foundry contract!"

"What do you think of this proposal?"

Amir spoke first and asked about Lu Chengfeng's intentions.

If it hadn't been for the success of this trip, which would be of great benefit to his career, he would never have helped Lu Chengfeng as a bridge against the threat of the Eagle Sauce Kingdom.

That's why the scene of the two sitting together and chatting peacefully came about!

"Mr. Amir, there are many parts manufacturers in our country!"

"But those that meet the requirements and quality are zero to nothing!"

"These manufacturers are either unable to agree due to the pressure of import and export, or they are too small to keep up with the production capacity, and almost none of them meet the conditions!"

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

Lu Chengfeng didn't give an answer, but asked a question instead.

If it is only a component manufacturer, then there are a lot of domestic ones!

But the problem is, to meet Huaxing's conditions, and to be able to withstand the import and export pressure of many countries such as Yingjiang, there are very few of them.

If not, he would not want to find another way!


"I don't know what requirements are required to meet Huaxing's conditions?"

"As far as I know, the components of mobile phones are not such a complicated process. With the strength of your country, Huaguo, it shouldn't be a problem!"

"Even if it doesn't work, if you lower some standards, consumers won't be able to see it, right?"

Amir looked at Lu Chengfeng somewhat puzzled.

Logically speaking, the second sanction imposed by Eagle Sauce Country is simply ridiculous!

How can it be difficult to live in the huge Huaguo?

Lu Chengfeng shook his head and said: "If you are willing to lower the standard, I will not make this trip myself. Mr. Amir, I can give you three days. If you can meet the standard and ensure stable production with quality and quantity, I'd love to help you!"

"Three days..."

After hearing what Lu Chengfeng said, Amir fell into deep thought.

Where did he get the three days to waste?

Even if it is difficult to find a substitute for Huaguo's own domestic manufacturing level, how can he be sure that his own country can meet the standard?

What's more, this matter has to be done behind the back of Eagle Sauce Country, and the larger parts manufacturers can basically be ruled out.

The rest is only the second gear as a choice.

If this is not up to standard, wouldn’t it be worth the loss?

"Any questions?"

Lu Chengfeng looked at Amir without speaking for a long time, and asked again tentatively!

Just after Yingjiang Country imposed its first sanctions on Huaxing, Huaxing became the best-selling mobile phone in Huaguo.

Even if it is the product of Kulock Fruit Company, it cannot shake its status!

Such a frantic rush to buy must lead to a serious shortage of production!

At that time, the eagle sauce country implemented the second sanction, which can be said to have really hit the pain point.

Introducing foundries to change the domestic parts industry chain is by far the best choice to prevent problems before they happen!

" problem!"

"Three days, three days, I promise to satisfy Mr. Lu!"

Amir thought about it for a long time, and finally chose another way out.

the next day.

early in the morning.

Lu Chengfeng was sleeping when he was woken up by a phone call.

Rubbing his eyes, the three words "Kullock" were displayed on the screen of the mobile phone. Without thinking about it, he pressed the answer button.

Soon, Kulock's eager voice came from the other end of the phone, "Mr. Lu, it's not good, just now Congress passed a proposal, I'll send you the article, you can take a look..."

As soon as the voice fell, the phone made a "ding".

Picked up the phone and turned it on, Lu Chengfeng instantly woke up!

At the same time, a proposal titled "Improving the Review Process for Transnational Cooperation and Protecting the Rights and Interests of Existing Enterprises" quietly appeared on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"How to improve the review process of transnational cooperation?"

Although Lu Chengfeng only took a quick glance, he understood the general idea.

This kind of thing happened at this juncture, and it was clearly brought up against Huaguo's introduction of foundries.

The only thing he couldn't figure out was what kind of energy could accomplish this in such a short period of time!

"Mr. Lu, this is still in the final stage of formulation!"

"However, what is certain is that this bill will eventually increase the difficulty of our cooperation!"

Even, direct cooperation!"

Kulock cleared his throat and said the worst outcome of this matter!

...asking for flowers...

Although he has a certain decision-making power, it still takes some courage to openly oppose the congressional proposal.

Moreover, even if he took the lead, it would be cool only if the major shareholders of the company nodded in agreement.

In this way, the decision-making power in his hands will be diluted to the point where there is not much left!

While the two were talking on the phone, a post about "Fruit Company will cooperate with Huaguo" on Yingjiangguo's mainstream social platform went viral at the fastest speed.

In less than ten minutes, it was topped the top search list!

And the response speed of this post is even more amazing!

"Are you crazy, why did you choose Huaguo?"

"Yeah, there are obviously cheaper options, so it's not like you got some kickback?"

"Yes, yes, I heard that many of these things have insider trading!"

"I protest against establishing our own technology companies abroad, especially Huaguo!"

"That's right, I'm also protesting, the Chinese people like to copy, how can they give their technology companies to others to copy!"

For a time, almost all voices were condemning and protesting.

And the most surprising thing is that the contents of this post, without being confirmed, even alarmed the executives of the fruit company.

Not only that, the stock price of the fruit company also plummeted!

In less than an hour, the limit has fallen!

Soon, this news also reached Kulock's ears.

At this time, Kulock was discussing countermeasures in Lu Chengfeng's room.

In the end, I didn't come up with a countermeasure, but I waited for this kind of news!

"It's too much, it's clearly non-existent, how can it have such a big impact?"

Jiang Xiaomeng and Lu Chengfeng were all angry after hearing this.

This has not yet written the horoscope, and the city is full of disturbances.

I really can't imagine what kind of troubles I will encounter if we continue to cooperate!

"Mr. Lu, I have sent someone to check the source of that post!"

"You can rest assured that our own foundry can be built wherever we want, and will not be affected by these voices!"

Seeing this, Kulock quickly comforted the two of them.

Although he is the biggest victim, he is no stranger to this kind of thing!

On the other hand, Lu Chengfeng and Jiang Xiaomeng are obviously not used to such indiscriminate methods.

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