Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 28 Diplomats Must Have Such An Aura!

Domestic, diplomatic headquarters.

The tense and serious atmosphere of yesterday has disappeared at this time.

In the lobby of the Foreign Affairs Headquarters, the staff who had just started work gathered together in twos and threes, discussing something in a low voice with their mobile phones, not exclaiming and chuckling, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Obviously, at this time most people have seen the news that Xiaotian was burned.

While shocked, they were also very excited, but the status of working here made them deliberately suppress this feeling, so they could only vent their emotions in twos and threes in a low voice.

The staff of the Foreign Affairs Headquarters were all amazed at the unexpected turn of events.

Lin Xibei walked through the hall all the way, with a trace of suppressed but still unconcealable excitement on his face, the corners of his mouth were always slightly raised.

He didn't stop when he heard the strange screams in the hall from time to time.

Instead, the smile on his face became stronger.

Of course he knew why these staff members got together.

Even he himself, after receiving the news that Xiaotian was burned, couldn't help but almost cried out in excitement.

But after all, he is the boss of the diplomatic corps, and his professionalism still allowed him to hold back the excitement in his heart, but he couldn't wait to share this news with their dear Ebe.

Pushing open the office door, Lin Xibei directly entered Jiang Guotao's office.

At this time, Jiang Guotao raised his head.

"Lin Xibei, are you getting more and more casual now? You have forgotten the most basic courtesy of knocking on the door before entering the office, right?"

Jiang Guotao reprimanded him with a straight face, but the smile on the corner of his mouth betrayed his current mood.

"I'm sorry Ebe, but I really can't wait to report to you about the situation in Xiaotian..."

Lin Beibei came to Jiang Guotao's desk.

He glanced away, only to find that Jiang Guotao was also watching the news.

"You also know?"

Jiang Guotao raised his eyebrows and asked Lin Xibei.

Lin Xibei knew it well, and smiled unconsciously.

The two looked at each other without saying anything, but they already knew it in their hearts.

Jiang Guotao clicked on the mobile phone on the desk, and said calmly:

"Look, what did I say..."

The smile on the corner of Lin Beibei's mouth became brighter, and he couldn't help feeling: "How else can I put it, Chengfeng is still amazing~"

Jiang Guotao couldn't hold back after all, a smile appeared on his stern face.

"I told you a long time ago, don't worry, isn't the problem solved now?"

"Yes, yes, the leader is wise!"

The atmosphere in the office became harmonious, and the big problem that troubled the two of them was solved in a way that no one could have imagined.

Now both of them just feel relaxed.

The old god Jiang Guotao raised his eyebrows, and continued to speak: "Speaking of which, it doesn't look like Chen Zhaoping would send that condolence letter?"

Another smile appeared between Lin Beibei's brows.

"I've asked, it was Chengfeng's idea. If it wasn't for his suggestion, Chen Zhaoping's temper, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do this kind of thing..."

"Let me just say~, Zhaoping's temperament has always been stable!" Jiang Guotao's face was stunned, showing that he really did.

"But I don't think it's a bad thing. The temple was burned. It's normal for us to send a letter of condolence~ There's nothing wrong with the wording..."

The smile on the corner of Lin Beibei's mouth trembled like a convulsion because he was holding back the smile.

When he saw the sympathy letter earlier, he couldn't hold back and laughed out loud on the spot. Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise his serious image as the number one member of the diplomatic mission might collapse.

Jiang Guotao nodded, looked at the phone screen, suddenly seemed to think of something, and couldn't help laughing.

"I don't know what kind of reaction the group of people in Xiaotian will have when they see this condolence letter. This kid... is so naughty!"

"I feel quite relieved. Didn't we prepare one ourselves, but we just didn't find the right time to send it out..."

"I've really seen this kid's ability now! It's only been such a short time... I've lost face to the Pacific Ocean!!"

When the two talked about Lu Chengfeng, it was like a conversation started.

Outside, the passing staff in the diplomatic headquarters were a little curious, not knowing what the two bosses in the office were talking about.

Listening to the bursts of laughter from time to time in the office, thinking about it carefully, Ebe seemed to have not been this happy for a long time.


A military district office.

The old man in general uniform was also watching the latest news at this time, when the news that the temple was burned on that day appeared on the screen.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and then a smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, he followed the link of the news and entered the official website of the diplomat.

The sympathy announcement naturally appeared before his eyes.

"This condolence letter was sent in a timely manner! Not bad..."

After seeing the condolence letter, the old man suddenly burst into laughter.

The guard who was packing up the documents glanced at the announcement on the old man's mobile phone, and smiled knowingly.

"I heard from people on the diplomatic side that this letter was proposed by a newly promoted diplomat who was visiting, and the ambassador from Little Days assisted in drafting the document!"

The guard explained in a timely manner.

The old man Lao Huai nodded in satisfaction.

"That's right, this young man has a bit of vigor! To be a diplomat, you must have such an aura!"

The guard smiled, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

This leader seldom praises others, especially young people.

It seems that the newly promoted young diplomat fits the leader's temperament, and his future is limitless!


Small days, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

A condolence letter from Lu Chengfeng can be said to have made the diplomats in Xiaotian feel as uncomfortable as if they had eaten Xiangxiang.

In the conference hall, a group of people were cursing non-stop.

"This Chinese diplomat is too disgusting, isn't he? Sending a letter of condolence at this time, and reminding us that the weather is dry and things are dry, so be careful of candles?"

"It's too much! This is clearly a mockery..."

"But in his condolence letter, there is indeed no obvious problem with the wording. We can't find any evidence to trouble them..."

"Why did the temple suddenly catch fire? It's just inexplicable. It's too coincidental!!!"

"I even suspected that the other party was behind it..."

After a mess of abuse, the conference hall gradually quieted down.

It's just that the faces of the diplomats, whether they belonged to the radicals or the conservatives, were very ugly, especially those from the radicals.

I just feel that my face is being beaten so badly now.

I couldn't swallow the bad breath in my heart.

The condolence letter was like a thorn stuck in the throat, making them feel like dying, but they couldn't find any way to fight back.

At this time, the low voice of the diplomat sitting in the first seat suddenly sounded.

"Why hasn't the investigation result of the fire at the temple come out yet?"

The crowd immediately fell silent.

They are all waiting for the results of the fire.

As long as they find a slight possibility of Hua Guo's attack in that result, they will launch a counterattack without hesitation.

In their view, this battle is far from over!

They will not admit their failure either!

[ps: There are various requests for flower evaluation, don't stop with the data! The author is about to explode! ! ! 】

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