Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 37 That's Eagle Sauce's Aircraft Carrier...

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

In the sea area where the joint military exercise is located, a huge fleet of warships has gathered. Looking down from a high altitude, the sea area is dark and quiet.

The deep sea is like a dark and boundless abyss.

At this time, the flames from the countless battleships were abruptly connected together, forming a continuous light spot in the dark and deep sea.

It's like a deep-sea archipelago, even at night, it looks spectacular.

These aircraft carrier warships are all waiting at this time.

Waiting for the order initiated by the respective countries.

But the moment the sun rises at dawn is when the military exercise officially begins.

At that time, the whole world will be awed by the powerful power they displayed, and no one will dare to show off their edge easily...

At this moment, countless people are waiting all night.

The solemn and dignified atmosphere spread in the military exercise command centers in one country after another, and spread in the hearts of many people who watched the live broadcast and cared about the military exercise.

Gaul, State Council.

In the temporary command center for the military exercise, Commander-in-Chief Luther walked back and forth, looking at the huge screen in front of the command center from time to time.

There, the dots of light are connected together.

Among them, there are warships belonging to the Kingdom of Gaul.


Hans Country, the Supreme Council Hall.

High-level councilors sat together in twos and threes, discussing something in a low voice, and these people all had a common movement.

Every few minutes, I can't help but look up and look at a large screen in the center of the conference hall, and in that screen, there are also dots of lights connected...


John Country, in a certain bar.

Exciting heavy metal music roared in the bar.

A group of burly men wearing military leather jackets or short-sleeved vests swayed wildly, dancing wildly with hot girls on the dance floor.

But what is a little strange is that although the atmosphere in this bar is lively, the picture displayed on the big screen in the center is a sea of ​​silence.

There are still lights flickering in the sea area.

And those strong men dancing wildly on the stage would look at the big screen in the bar from time to time, seeing the steel armor shrouded in lights.

There is unconcealable enthusiasm and excitement in the eyes.


Baixiang Kingdom, under the temple.

A huge projection screen was erected in the clearing.

Crowds of people in twos and threes continued to gather from all around. When they arrived in front of the screen, they sat quietly on the ground without speaking, just watching the projection screen quietly.

More and more people gathered.

Among them are business elites in suits, ascetics wrapped in robes, and even women with crying children.

These people have different identities, but they gather here because of the same thing.

On the projection screen, in the quiet deep sea, there is a light that belongs to their country, and this is the reason why they gathered here...


Huaguo, Linhai Base.

Facing the deep sea horizon in the distance, the middle-aged officer in general uniform stood under the streetlight of the port, silently looking into the distance.

The clear night sky is full of stars.

The stars and the sea level are connected together, just like the universe and the ocean are in the same time and space, integrated into one, the starry sky wraps the deep sea, and the deep sea reflects the stars...

After a while, the officer raised his hand and straightened his cap.

Then, he opened his mouth lightly.

"Let's go, it's time to go!"

Behind them, the lights came on, and a group of heavily armed soldiers quickly assembled, and then formed a file and rushed to the various ports of the military port!

At the same time, in the base, a loud horn sounded.

An exciting voice came from the radio.

"Bright Sword Sea-Air Joint Military Exercise, officially begins!"

"Every department, please get ready to arrive at the exercise area!!!"

The voice on the radio spread throughout the base, and at the military port, the whistle of the warship also sounded at this time, and under the dark night sky, the blazing searchlights pierced the sky.

While probing into the direction of the deep sea, it also illuminated the entire night sky.


The stars flow, the sun and the moon change.

When the morning sun rose again, the eyes of the whole world had already focused on that sea area.

Flags fluttered in the sea breeze.

The majestic steel fleet is slowly sailing in the deep sea, making final adjustments. At the same time, among the steel fleet, small military speedboats appear from time to time, shuttling through the battleship group at an extremely fast speed. middle.

On the other side, the warship group flying the flag of Xiaori is slowly approaching the scheduled exercise area.

At the same time, a light sightseeing ship docked quietly at the boundary of the exercise area. This is the sightseeing ship specially used to visit the exercise in Xiaotian.

On the sightseeing ship, Lu Chengfeng squinted his eyes slightly, shielding the rising sun with his left hand, and holding a telescope in his right hand, looking in the direction of the Eagle Sauce Fleet, with a scorching light in his eyes.

"That's Eagle Sauce's aircraft carrier!"

He muttered to himself, his tone was calm, but with an inexplicable tone, like a hunter who saw a prey he was interested in.

"Why, are you still interested in other people's aircraft carriers?"

At the side, Chen Zhaoping glanced at Lu Chengfeng and asked indifferently.

"It looks pretty good. It's much better than the quasi-aircraft carrier-class warship in Xiaotian. It should be difficult to sink such an aircraft carrier..."

Hearing this, the corner of Chen Zhaoping's mouth twitched slightly.

This kid, why did he want to sink his aircraft carrier as soon as he opened his mouth?

Isn't this a fairy tale...

Behind the two, Jiang Xiaomeng's eyes flickered slightly.

She suddenly thought of some time ago when she was young... It seems that Lu Chengfeng also said something similar...

While the three of them were quietly looking at the lineups of various countries' military exercises in the distance, an annoying voice sounded from behind, making Chen Zhaoping's gaze suddenly fixed.

"Yoxi, the three members of the Chinese diplomatic corps are here, which really surprised us! But that's good, you will witness the powerful military strength of the empire on my big day, and maybe it will be even better after returning home." cross..."

From the moment he boarded the sightseeing ship, Chen Zhaoping was already ready to be ridiculed or even humiliated.

Because I invited them to visit the military exercise this time, I definitely didn't have any good things in my heart, and I even paid attention to them from the beginning to the end, just to disgust them.

And now, everything is exactly as he imagined...

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