Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 47 Sunk! That Is The Wrath Of The Gods!

At this moment, the eyes of the whole world are focused on that sea area.

The center of the huge vortex.

The apocalyptic scene just got more terrifying.

As the Yingjiang fleet was sucked into the vortex, the turbulent sea water surrounded them, and the tsunami-like frenzy seemed to squeeze towards the fleet from all directions.

Only Ying Jiang who was in it could clearly feel the terrifying power, or in other words, they didn't have much time to feel it.

The Yingjiang aircraft carrier closest to the center of the vortex, half of the hull has been sucked into the vortex at this time, the terrifying squeezing force instantly tore that half of the hull into pieces, and the rest of the hull is also falling rapidly. Shen.

Farther away from the vortex, frigates that had no time to escape were also being sucked in quickly.

This terrifying vortex is like a meat grinder, smashing the so-called strongest battleship and steel hull into pieces with little effort.

What made Eagle Sauce even more desperate.

In the end, the other two aircraft carriers still failed to escape the suction force of the vortex, and were also constantly being pulled into the center of the vortex.

At this moment, all countries in the entire exercise area were completely panicked.

Through the monitoring system of the warship, they could clearly see the green dots marking the Yingjiang warships, disappearing one by one from the radar.

That kind of fear made everyone almost fall into despair.

Fleeing warships from all over the world are everywhere, but in the face of this terrible natural disaster, their escape speed is still too slow. Although they will not be submerged in the vortex in a short time, if the vortex continues, the ending of Yingjiang will be theirs. end.

"Quick, quick, quick, get on the plane, get out!!!"

"Everyone, board the nearest aircraft and take off immediately!!!"

"Fly out of this damn vortex!!!"

In the sky, fighter planes kept flying, roaring and circling above the terrifying vortex. All countries with aircraft on warships also began to evacuate through aircraft when they were involved in the vortex.

In the sky, soldiers from all over the world who had been withdrawn by aircraft were still trembling as they watched the terrifying scene below.

There was no way to hide the frightened look on his face.

According to the current situation, even if the people on the warship can be withdrawn, the warship and the weapons loaded on the warship are completely finished.

Such a loss cannot be afforded by all the countries participating in this military exercise, and it is enough to reduce their military strength at sea by several percent.

The surrounding sea completely cuts off the world.

The vortex, which has reached a height of nearly a thousand meters, is like a moat, drowning everything involved in it, and there is no possibility of escape.

No one expected that this menacing and majestic military exercise would end in such a way.

At this moment, the horror of natural disasters moved the whole world!

Eagle Sauce, the temporary headquarters of the military exercise.

A low air pressure enveloped the entire hall.

Silence has become the main theme here.

All the staff stood up at this moment, staring blankly at the huge vortex that looked like the mouth of an abyss, tearing their warships and aircraft carriers into the deep sea bit by bit.

None of the warships involved in the center survived the disaster, they were all torn into pieces, and even the scum could not be found.

The commander-in-chief of the Yingjiang military exercise, Melo, was trembling all over.

The blood in his eyes was densely scattered all over his eyeballs, and the emotion of panic and despair spread all over his face, but at this moment, he couldn't do anything.

He could only support himself weakly on the podium, silent.

"It's over, it's over!"

Beside him, the deputy commander Scron seemed to have lost all his strength, sitting limply on the ground, and grabbing his hair vigorously.

"How did it become like this, it shouldn't be..."

He muttered to himself that he had long lost the arrogance and confidence of a military drill commander.

At this moment, he is like a gambler who has lost everything. He can only struggle helplessly in the quagmire of despair, but he can't escape the fear of being judged.

"Why! Why didn't the Disaster Prevention and Control Center discover the seriousness of this disaster in the first place? Small-scale crustal movement? What a small scale!!! People in the disaster prevention and control department will go to military courts!!!!"

At this moment, Milo raised his head sharply.

The deep roar echoed throughout the hall, and the eyes were devouring.

All eyes were on the commander-in-chief.

Their eyes dodged and they didn't dare to look directly at Milo, and some shook their heads bitterly. In the entire venue, no one could answer the entire question.

After all, they didn't think about why the small-scale crustal movement at the beginning turned into a disaster of the current level.

It's as if God is against them!

Who would have imagined that even the disaster prevention and control center did not expect...

Looking at Melona's crazy red eyes, everyone chose to bow their heads and remained silent, unable to utter any rebuttal words.

Even the prevention and control center cannot completely predict the occurrence of natural disasters.

Humans, not gods!

Natural disasters are the wrath of the gods!

It is the power of nature! ! !

Non-manpower resist....controllable...

the other side.

Exercise at the edge of the sea.

As the power of the vortex became stronger and stronger, the sightseeing ship at this time was inevitably affected by the surging ocean current.

At this moment, the sightseeing ship has begun to shake violently.

But because of the timely evacuation, the speed of expansion of the vortex that has passed its peak has also slowed down, which prevented the sightseeing ship from being directly pulled into the inner circle of the vortex.

But even in the outer circle, the swaying hull and the roaring waves around it, the catastrophic atmosphere of the last days, has already made everyone on the ship panic.

"What to do, our sightseeing ship has also been affected by the vortex, and the aircraft carrier of the empire... I can no longer see those warships!!!"

"My emperor! Why did such a thing happen? Is this the sky that is going to destroy our empire?"

"Escape from this vortex, or we will all die here!!!"

"A good military exercise should not have turned into this!!!"

A group of diplomats in Xiaotian roared heart-piercingly, the expressions of horror and despair on their faces were not much better than those in the center of the whirlpool.

Regarding their own safety, most of the people on the sightseeing ship actually couldn't care less about the fleet of the empire in the distance, but some people still roared unwillingly.

That is the only Izumo-class quasi-aircraft carrier warship left in the Little Days Empire!

He was about to be buried in a military exercise!

This is a result that none of them expected.

Half an hour ago, they were still talking about it, bragging about how powerful and powerful their warship was.

But now, this powerful warship is about to disappear under the natural disaster.

Even those people who eat melons have been affected by natural disasters.

If they can't escape this huge vortex, they might die here too!

[ps: Asking for data in daily life, begging for being cute and coquettish, begging for women's clothing, all kinds of begging...]

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