Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 49 The Cannon Fires, Silent Mourning!

exercise area.

In that vortex of terror.

Yingjiang's fleet has been completely submerged by the raging sea water, and in the center of the vortex, countless broken hull fragments were drawn into the deep sea.

The warships of many other countries were also getting closer and closer to the center of the vortex at this time, being torn and dragged to the bottom of the vortex, including warships flying the flag of the small day.

The apocalyptic horror scene is still not over.

As time went by, warships from various countries were drawn into the center of the vortex one after another, and disappeared completely without even a bubble popping out...

At this time, two-thirds of the warships in the entire sea area of ​​the military exercise failed to escape the scope of the huge vortex, and only some warships that were far from the center of the vortex and near the edge of the military exercise area survived.

This disaster caused the fleets of several countries to be completely destroyed in a short period of time, and it was impossible to even recover them. This military exercise has completely turned into a joke.

Small day territory.

In countless small days, citizens are paying attention to the latest situation of military exercises and disasters.

More importantly, pay attention to the situation of their fleet.

On a small day, the warship was constantly pulled into the bottom by the vortex, and the stormy waves were sandwiched between the stormy waves, making the warship in the vortex like a toy, thrown and shaken at will, without a trace of the dignity of a sharp sword on the sea... .

"Baga, why haven't you rushed out yet, our fleet is about to be sucked into the center of the vortex! Hurry up and increase your horsepower!!!"

"This damn natural disaster, why is it not over yet!!!"

"If this continues, our warship will sink sooner or later. That is our only Izumo-class quasi-aircraft carrier warship. If it sinks..."

"No! Impossible! The warships of the empire on my great day are the strongest. Even in the face of natural disasters, they will definitely be able to escape safely!!!"

"Run! Baga! Road!!!"

Countless small day netizens watched helplessly in the picture, the warship flying their country's flag was being sucked into the depths of the vortex little by little.

During the process, several frigates were directly thrown out of the tsunami sky for nearly a thousand meters due to insufficient speed, and fell directly into the bottom of the vortex.

In just an instant, the hull of the ship was squeezed into a pile of broken copper and iron, and completely disappeared at the bottom of the vortex. Countless fragments were drawn into the deep sea, and there was no trace of it...

As the warships of Xiaotian were pulled into the deep sea one by one, the quasi-aircraft carrier-class warship they were proud of did not escape the fate of sinking.

When the light aircraft carrier with the flag was drawn into the bottom of the vortex little by little, the territory of Xiaotian had completely fallen into silence.

Countless netizens who watched the live broadcast through computer screens or mobile phone screens were completely silent.

Their last glimmer of hope was finally shattered.

That miracle didn't happen...

safe waters.

The sightseeing ship that had stopped had time to look at the natural disaster exercise area again at this moment, but soon, the deck fell into a dead silence.

A group of small day diplomats stared blankly at the direction of the exercise area.

One by one, they slowly fell to the ground.

Gone! All gone!

All the warships of the Little Days Fleet failed to escape.

In the distance, the terrifying vortex of natural disasters has begun to slowly subside.

Sea levels are gradually returning to normal.

However, in the entire exercise area, there is no longer any warship or aircraft carrier, not even the dilapidated hull...

"After all, still can't escape?"

"The warships of my great day empire are gone..."

"No, I can't accept it, this must not be real, nightmare... this must be a nightmare, it can never be real!!!"

"My emperor! Why do you treat your people like this, why!!!"

"Everything is gone..."

A group of distraught little day diplomats slumped on the deck.

Their pride was torn apart bit by bit by that damned natural disaster.

Their glory was also buried in this deep sea.

Their military strength has dropped by at least 60%.

This exercise has become a joke.

And their childhood empire has become a complete joke.

Originally, I was counting on this military exercise to regain the face I lost before, but now... everything is gone, everything is gone...

Looking at a group of diplomats in tears streaming down their faces.

Chen Zhaoping and Jiang Xiaomeng looked at each other, almost couldn't help feeling sorry for them, but the slightly raised corners of their mouths represented their current mood.

After the natural disaster, the sea level is exceptionally clear.

Even the sea breeze seems to be less salty.

The sun was just right, and the sea breeze caressed my face.

Well, it still tastes salty...

"it's over!"

At the bow, Lu Chengfeng murmured in a low voice.

In the waters of Huaguo, on a calm sea level.

A fleet has come to a place less than 20 nautical miles away from the joint military exercises of various countries, but at this moment, the fleet that is galloping all the way is slowing down.

On the behemoth in the middle of the fleet.

The middle-aged general in a neat military uniform stood by the guardrail, looking up at the direction of the sea areas where the military exercises of various countries are located, with a serious expression on his face.

Beside him, a correspondent was holding a document in his hand, and he had just conveyed the latest order from the country, which was why the fleet would slow down.

"Natural disaster... vortex? The aircraft carrier sank?"

A strange expression appeared on the face of the officer in the middle, and then he slammed the guardrail.

"That's such a pity!" There was a smile and excitement in his eyes, and it was obvious that what he said didn't mean the same thing as what he thought...

"So there's no need for us to go there?"

He squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the sea level in the distance, as if he was thinking about something.

"Yes, Commander Yun!"

"The superior's instruction is to order you to return some of the warships immediately, and transfer another fleet of warships to directly divert to Tanhe Maya to evacuate the citizens!"

"The pass order has come down..."

"Tanhe Maya Kingdom..." Yun Tianqiong's eyes froze slightly.

Afterwards, he quickly reached out, took the document in the correspondent's hand, and looked at it carefully.

"The turmoil over there has indeed become more serious. Eagle Sauce's good card is really bad. Not only did it fail to deter that side, but it intensified the conflict..."

"I see, order the First Fleet to set off immediately!"

"Target, Hippo Country!"

Hippo country, full name: Tanhe Maya country.

"Yes!" The correspondent replied in a deep voice, but then asked again: "Then the rest of the fleet will return immediately?"

Yun Tianqiong smiled and shook his head slightly.

"Of course we can't just go back like this. After all, we are out for military exercises, so how can we do nothing? Let's just launch a few missiles, um... towards the sky!"

After finishing speaking, he patted the correspondent on the shoulder.

Under the bewildered expression of the correspondent, he turned and left.

"Fire towards the sky?"

The correspondent repeated it in a murmur, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

Instantly understand.


Soon, the First Fleet changed course and galloped towards Hippo Country.

In the rear, the remaining fleet, including the steel castle-like giant in the center, was slowly turning around.

In the sky, a burst of artillery fires.

Bursts of muffled sounds echoed in this sea area.

Like gorgeous fireworks, for the natural disasters and shipwrecks in the distance.

Well, silence!

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