Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 57 Sobbing In Despair, Light Of Hope! (Seeking Subscription)

outside the airport.

The send-off crowd was reluctant to leave for a long time.

They kept watching the flights taking off at the airport until the plane bound for the neighboring country of Tanhe Maya took off, and everyone raised their flags again.

Watching the plane set sail and lift off slowly from the ground.

The flags in the hands of the people are constantly waving.

Everyone is very clear that Lu Chengfeng will face an extremely difficult situation after this trip. The situation in the Hippo country is becoming more and more tense and the conflicts are becoming more and more intense.

At this time, a large-scale armed conflict may break out there at any time.

Taking this evacuation task, Lu Chengfeng actually put his own life and death aside, and the only goal is to bring people back.

Looking at the plane taking off, many people who have relatives in Tanhe Maya with anticipation can't help but get moist.

The worries in their hearts were inexplicably reduced after Lu Chengfeng made that action before leaving, at least the worries they had been carrying were not so uncomfortable.

Because, they felt encouragement and firmness from Lu Chengfeng.

They knew that this young man would bring their loved ones back safely, that was the promise Lu Chengfeng had made to them.

At this moment, I watched the plane that Lu Chengfeng was on gradually go away.

In the hearts of these people, there is only gratitude and respect.

Although the diplomat was very young, it did not affect the respect these people had for him in the slightest. On the contrary, because of Lu Chengfeng's performance before the expedition, the figure in their hearts continued to grow tall and majestic...

"I thought you wouldn't follow me this time!"

On the plane, Lu Chengfeng looked at the red ocean surging like waves below, and Jiang Xiaomeng, who was already sitting in the seat beside him, smiled.

"Without me, you might be unable to move a single step over there! No way, the leader has told me to take good care of you..."

Jiang Xiaomeng spoke lightly, her tone a little arrogant.

In fact, this time when she went to Tanhe Maya, the leader did give her a chance to choose. After all, no one can guarantee absolute safety because of the degree of danger there.

However, Jiang Xiaomeng finally came.

What she thought was that Lu Chengfeng, a newly promoted diplomat, would stand up without hesitation at such a time, and she had worked in the foreign affairs headquarters for so many years, and she also aspired to become a diplomat How could such a woman be compared to this man.

So, without telling anyone, she got on the plane quietly.

Of course, it must have been approved by the leader.

"Actually, I have been working hard to learn foreign languages..."

A hint of helplessness appeared on the corner of Lu Chengfeng's mouth, and a smile appeared on his face again.

It is of course best for him that Jiang Xiaomeng can walk with him.

This long night... no, the long road is long, there must be a companion, isn't it...

The plane flew across the sky and flew over the heads of the people.

The howling sound pierced the sky.

Soon, the plane carrying the hopes of countless people flew farther and farther under the watchful eyes of countless people, until it turned into a small white dot.

In the end, it disappeared into the distant sky.

"Be sure to come back safely!"

Among the crowd, Lin Qingya, who also did not leave, murmured softly.

She looked up, and there were still many people standing in place throughout the airport, with expectations, worries, and hopes in their eyes.

Many people's eyes were already wet, but their expressions were extremely firm. In their eyes, Lin Qingya saw the trust and gratitude for that man.

Lu Chengfeng!

This name will be deeply engraved in Lin Qingya's mind from today on.

Because, this is the first time that there is a man who can ignite a flame in her heart, and it is also the first time that there is a man who makes her unable to help shouting along with the crowd.

The name that carries the expectations and hopes of countless people.

Move her.

"Sister Qingya, why does it feel like you are also fancied by little brother Chengfeng!"

Aside, Xiaoshu's voice suddenly sounded.

There was a trace of inquiry on her face, but also a trace of excitement.

If your idol falls in love with the same idol as yourself!

Well, this sounds a bit of a mouthful, but the meaning is correct.

Then she felt that it was also a great thing!

"Well, I've decided "[!"

After Xiaoshu's reminder, Lin Qingya's eyes suddenly lit up.

"What to decide?" Xiaoshu still looked at a loss.

But at this moment, Lin Qingya had already turned around and walked towards the airport.

The cheerful footsteps made Lin Qingya look a little playful at this time, she didn't look like a popular actress in the entertainment industry at all, but like a high school student chasing stars.

Well, she decided to become a little fan of Lu Chengfeng!

Tanhe Maya, embassy abroad.

Lin Xiangqian, China's ambassador to foreign countries, sat in the office frowning, with a pile of documents and scattered papers in front of him.

Those documents are the evacuation operation, the list of people who will be evacuated, and the basic information of the people. On those papers, there are simple road maps drawn. Roughly counting, there are already a dozen of them.

From the beginning of the turmoil in the Hippo country, Lin Xiangqian had been preparing these things, thinking that if it really came to an emergency, it would definitely be useful.

However, the current result still exceeded his expectations.

The situation is changing too fast.

From the beginning of the turmoil to the moment the situation is about to get out of control, there have been more and more conflicts in the city, and many people on the list have not had time to evacuate.

Especially the Huaguo commercial street and a Huaguo factory, where many people who need to evacuate gathered, but these two places have been surrounded and blocked by the war zone, and it is impossible to evacuate safely in the normal way.

Now, many of the routes he originally planned can no longer be used, because most evacuation route maps will pass through the war zone.

Relying on the strength of the motherland, although he has reached a verbal agreement with the two parties in this conflict, he will not attack the people of China in the war zone.

Therefore, the two places where people gather are temporarily safe.

But no one can guarantee how long this temporary security will last.

Large-scale evacuation is obviously not that simple in such a chaotic situation.

No one can guarantee whether there will be stray bullets that will hurt the people when passing through the war zone when evacuating. He cannot gamble, let alone take such a risk.

But now, I want to plan an absolutely safe path.

It's basically impossible.

So far, because the people in those two places have not evacuated to the designated safe area, they have to wait.

But wait, how the situation will change.

He can't predict now

At this moment, a staff member of the embassy walked in quickly from the open office, and at the same time couldn't wait to speak.

"Ambassador Lin, our fleet has arrived. They sent us a message. Because of the principle of circumvention, they cannot stay for too long. Now there are only two days left at most. If the time is up, the personnel have not been completely evacuated, we are afraid... ..."

The rest of the words, the visitor did not continue to say.

But Lin Xiangqian already understood what he meant.

If they haven't all evacuated by the time, the warship will have to return, otherwise it will be regarded as a provocation by the Hippopotamus, and may even be attacked!

The situation is so chaotic now, if the warship is attacked, the result is not what they dare to think about.

"Quick, immediately organize the people who have already gathered in the safe zone to go to the pier, and let me figure out a way for the rest of them!"

Lin Xiangqian spoke without any hesitation.


The visitor responded in a deep voice, then turned around and strode out of the office.

"Manpower... still not enough manpower!"

Lin Qianqian stood up and looked at the phone beside him.

He has been waiting for a call from China for support.

On his desk, there is now a document.

On that, it is Lu Chengfeng's information.

If there are enough people, they can send people to the two gathering places to pick everyone up, although they may still be in danger.

But with the status of an ambassador, the two warring parties will at least have more concerns.

But now, he was about to rush to the pier to organize people to board the ship, and there was no one in the embassy who could take on the task of going to the gathering place.

"Lu Chengfeng... I don't know where he is... Time is running out!"

Lin Xiangqian still admires this diplomat sent by China to support him. The situation here is extremely complicated. If he dares to come here at this time, this young man is obviously not that simple.

But now, time is too tight.

If Lu Chengfeng hasn't arrived...then the point of coming is not very big.

In fact, neither he nor the country had thought of such a severe situation now. He had never imagined that the conflict would escalate so quickly.

Now, I can only pray that this young diplomat can arrive here one day before the warship evacuates.

Otherwise, there would be very little hope for the people in those two gathering places to evacuate, although even he didn't want to admit this fact

However, in this place that is now in a hail of bullets.

He also has more than enough energy.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that most of the personnel are safely evacuated.

Commercial street, a place where people gather.

This is a huge opera house, which basically gathers the people of Huaguo from the entire commercial street. The outside of the opera house is full of gunfire and gunshots.

Although not a single bullet has landed here, there is no guarantee that it will be the same in the future. All life is fragile in front of lethal weapons.

There is an atmosphere of panic in the opera house at the moment, hundreds of people gathered in the opera house, although there is no danger for the time being.

But food and water are running out.

Most importantly, as time went by, the gunshots outside seemed to be getting closer and closer, and the panic among the crowd became more and more serious. Listening to the sound of gunfire outside, many people curled up and crowded in the corner , the spirit is extremely tense.

Some people have even begun to feel hopeless, sitting in the corner with blank eyes, their lips are constantly moving, but they can't hear what they are saying at all.

In the crowd, a little girl shrugged her shoulders and sobbed softly.

Because her mother told her not to cry.

If you cry out, the bad guys outside will rush in when they hear it, and everyone here will be hurt.

Therefore, the little girl could only hold back the fear in her heart.

His lips were already bleeding from biting, but he still tried his best to cover them, for fear that he would make a sound and let the bad guys hear him.

~ Xiaoxin, don’t be afraid, mom is here!”

Next to her, a woman with disheveled hair but still charming was hugging the little girl tightly, trying to comfort the girl in this way.

The woman's face was also pale, and her mental state was not good.

However, even though she was also extremely terrified in her heart, she still forced herself to remain calm, trying her best to comfort the girl with a voice that pretended to be calm.

Because she knew that if even she panicked, the little girl would definitely not be able to stand the oppressive atmosphere and lead to collapse, and even

Leave an unhealable shadow in my heart.

"Mom, will someone really come to save us?"

The little girl's trembling voice sounded from the woman's arms. There was a hint of expectation in that voice, but also some disbelief.

They have been here for two full days.

From the first gunshot, people realized that the war was coming, and after a short period of confusion, these people were desperate to find out.

They seem to be right in the middle of the war zone.

This result made everyone feel cold.

It is obviously an unwise choice to rush out. The soldiers fighting on both sides don't care who you are, as long as you are not friendly, they will shoot without hesitation.

So, they began to search for companions consciously, and finally found this opera house.

And the people here, as time goes by, also become more and more. (Zhao Lihao)

Perhaps it was God's favor that saved this opera house from the baptism of war in the chaotic war zone, and these people have been able to live until now, but now "outside

The gunshots are getting closer...

No one knows how long this opera house can protect them.

"Yes! Certainly, the country...will not forget us! Someone said on the Internet that the new diplomat will arrive today."

The child's mother murmured to herself, at first she lacked confidence, but after speaking, her tone gradually became firmer.

At this time, some people around also looked towards the woman.

"Do diplomats really dare to come in? There are wars everywhere!"

"Yes, I saw it on the Internet before. There are indeed warships outside to pick us up. As long as we wait for rescue, we may be able to go home..."

"But... this may be the center of the war zone... People from outside can't get in at all..."

"Even if a new diplomat comes, what's the use..."

As if thinking of what happened in the past two days, some people's eyes were involuntarily wet, and some people couldn't help covering their mouths and whimpering.

In the opera house, many people fell into silence.

Many of them also know that there are warships coming.

However, those who can withdraw have already left the word.

The place where they are located is the center of the war zone!

Will their diplomats really be able to cross the entire war zone and rescue them? Many people actually have no hope in their hearts.

The reason why they are still here now is just thinking "It's just a day to live one more day."

Because they all know that if they run out and rush to the war zone, there must be a dead end.

Only to hide and wait for rescue, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope. .

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