On the bus, seeing that the man from the Batan Kingdom did not confess himself, but sat beside him, the man from the Bangzi Kingdom laughed immediately, with a smug look on his face.

He leaned close to the ear of the Batan country man, and said softly:

"I said that these Chinese people are stupid and easy to deceive, believe it now? You still have to thank me, if I didn't intercede for you, maybe you still can't make it!"

Hearing this, the Batan man felt as sick as if he had eaten a fly.

How could there be such a shameless person? If it weren't for the fact that there were no other places around, he would have gotten up and moved away from this person long ago.

At this time, a trace of guilt has already risen in the heart of the Batan country man.

If I had known, I would have reported him directly.

I really don't know if I was blind before and knew such a guy.

Looking at the still disdainful and proud face of the young man from Bangziguo, he simply turned around, not seeing what he saw.

He cursed in disgust in his heart: Bitch!

At the same time, he also made a decision in his heart. When he arrived at the port, he must expose this guy. Otherwise, this thing might take the opportunity to go back to China's warships. The diplomat has already said that this is a matter of principle.

We must not let this guy continue to be so arrogant!

As for friendship?

Oh, don't want this kind of friend!

The port, the Huaguo evacuation channel.

After Lin Xiangqian picked up the call from the Heping Army, his expression kept changing, first he was serious, then he was slightly dazed, and finally there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

When he hung up the phone, there was a sudden buzzing in the whole port, and then the radio sounded in the whole port.

[Please note that boarding passages on No. 3, No. 4, No. 6 and No. 7 of "July 20" will open soon. Please stay away from the entrances of the above passages, the gates will open soon!】

【Please note...……】

【Please note】

The broadcast announcement rang three times in a row, even in the wind and rain, it was still very clear, and the people of the entire port country couldn't help but look towards this side.

"What's the situation? Why are there so many passages suddenly opened, and they are still next to the Huaguo passage? Which country are these passages opened for?"

"This is impossible! Didn't it mean that there is only one evacuation channel in a country? Why are so many special channels suddenly opened now!"

"Could it be that Ying-chan has more warships coming in? But Ying-chan's fleet seems... to have left..."

"What's wrong, these special passages are all on the side of the Huaguo passage, so they are all opened for the Huaguo! This is too popular!!!"

"Impossible, Huaguo already has an evacuation channel, according to the principle of avoiding international war, it is impossible...wait...what is the situation!!!"

Just as everyone was discussing, a large group of militants suddenly emerged inside the port, and at the front was a group of people in suits who looked like big shots leading them, walking quickly towards the safe passage of Huaguo.

"what's the situation!"

Yun Cangqiong's eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes. At the same time, the soldiers guarding the warship also quickly imposed law, their eyes became sharper in an instant, the steel gun in their hands was slightly raised, and their right hands were already on the ground. on the trigger.

As long as Yun Cangqiong gives an order, he will immediately go into battle.

"Don't be nervous, you should be fine!" Lin Xiangqian moved slightly, and then explained in a strange tone: "The leader of the Peace Army called just now, and they will open a special evacuation channel for us..."

"These suddenly opened passages around and those people should have come here for this purpose, perhaps because they were afraid of other countries' actions, so they came to the platform..."

Hearing this, Yun Cangqiong couldn't help showing a look of astonishment on his face.

Open a special evacuation channel?

There are four at the beginning

In this way, all their warships that are not full of people can come over, and the speed of evacuation will definitely be increased several times!

Well, there's even an extra channel that won't be used...

Yun Cangqiong watched the Tanhe Mayans in suits getting closer and closer, and waved his hand to tell the soldiers behind him not to act rashly.

"Hello, I'm Baku, the diplomatic envoy of Tanhe Maya. May I ask you two are Hua's diplomat and commander-in-chief of the evacuated warship, Commander Yun?"

A senior executive from Tanhe Maya in a suit came to Yun Cangqiong and the two, stretched out his hand from a long distance, and said a little beggingly.

From this skillful movement, it can be seen that the diplomatic envoy of Tanhe Maya must be an old fritter, and he is playing tricks by not hitting the smiling face.

"I'm Lin Xiangqian!"

"I am Yun Cangqiong!"

The two looked at each other and shook hands with the person in front of them respectively.

Seeing the other party's attitude, Yun Cangqiong was a little relieved.

It seems that they do not have any malicious intentions.

At this time, the militants brought by Baku had already consciously entered several special passages that had just been opened to maintain order.

Afterwards, the Hippo country's diplomatic envoy Baku took Lin Qianqian's hand and said sincerely: "We understand the difficulty of your country's evacuation, so we have specially applied to the Supreme Council for the opening of a special channel.

"Although there were some twists and turns in the process, the result is finally good. I hope you two don't mind. You can bring the remaining warships here and let the people of China board the ship at the same time. This way the evacuation will be faster.. ...."

Looking at Lin Xiangqian's smiling face, Baku spoke sincerely.

I don't know, I thought the relationship between the two was really good.

Yun Cangqiong and Lin Xiangqian looked at each other again, and without hesitation, they waved their hands and passed the order to let the remaining fleet enter the port.

They were already troubled by the slow evacuation speed, but they didn't expect that the Hippo Country would make such a move, which just solved their troubles.

Now the regime of Tanhe Maya is still under the control of the Peace Army. This order was obviously issued by the leader of the Peace Army, and Lin Xiangqian received the call before.

This has also been confirmed.

But why did the other party suddenly do this.

Both Yun Cangqiong and Lin Xiangqian couldn't figure this out.

According to common sense, it is basically impossible to open such a special channel.

But now, the fact is that it happened.

The two of them are also at a loss in their minds now.

In the end, this can only be attributed to Lu Chengfeng.

After all, the previous negotiations were conducted by Lu Chengfeng. Perhaps there was some agreement between him and the Peace Army that would give him such special treatment.

Soon, the Huaguo fleet moored in the distance started to move, and the remaining three warships, which had not been loaded with people, slowly moved towards the port.

Seeing this scene, the people of other countries on the port were stunned.

"I'll go, those special passages are really opened for the country of Hua!!!"

"How is this possible? What about the principle of avoiding international wars? What is Tan He Maya thinking? How could he give Hua such special treatment?"

"No, this is wrong! I heard that a Chinese diplomat went to negotiate with the armed forces of the two countries. Is it because of that diplomat?"

"Suddenly I feel a little envious of the people of Huaguo...the treatment is too good! They rushed into the battle zone to pick up people, and they were picked up by buses. Look at us..."

After the people from all over the world were shocked, they all fell into silence.

They looked into the distance, there were countless warships going away, and the flags of various countries were flying on the masts. The departure of these warships meant that they had left behind the rest of the people, even though there might still be them in the battle zone behind. people...

In contrast to Huaguo, the entire fleet has not left a single warship. Not only that, but their diplomats are still trying to save more people, even breaking into the war zone and risking danger to negotiate with militants .

Now, there are not many warships from other countries left in the entire port.

Only the bright red flag is still floating in this sea area.

It also means that only Hua Guo is still holding on.

None of them gave up.

Still waiting for their final evacuation.

in each special channel.

Hua Guo's warships have already docked.

The evacuation speed of the Chinese people staying at the port was several times faster.

At this time, the only thing Yun Cangqiong and Lin Xiangqian were worried about was Lu Chengfeng and the team that had evacuated from the most difficult environment in the war zone.

Including the soldiers who were maintaining order, as well as the Chinese people who had already boarded the ship, their eyes could not help but look in the direction of the war zone.

Everyone waited silently with serious expressions.

There, the faint gunshots continued to ring out.

Everyone knows that there are still their compatriots there, and there is no safe evacuation, and the time for the final evacuation is getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, under the gloomy sky, the place was shrouded in heavy rain.

A bright red color appeared in everyone's sight...

Afterwards, a group of buses slowly appeared on the horizon along with the bright red. The heavy rain was still falling, but the red color and the outline of the bus made all the people silently watching in that direction excited. stand up.

"Here we come, our convoy is here!"

"That is our flag, the last evacuated compatriots!!!"

"God bless! They got out safely!!!"

As the voices of the people sounded, the outline of the bus convoy on the horizon became more and more clear, and the red color became more and more vivid.

The blood in the chests of the people of Huaguo seemed to be churning at this moment. Even in the storm, the excitement was not extinguished in the slightest.

More eyes looked in the direction of the bus convoy.

The originally numb eyes gradually became fiery.

"Hurry up, the medical team is ready, all the stretchers are on the stage!!!"

"All fighters, guard around and prepare to pick up people!!!"

Yun Cangqiong's voice sounded in the heavy rain, and Lin Xiangqian immediately took action, leading some soldiers and embassy staff to meet him quickly.

The medical team that had been prepared for a long time rushed up with the stretcher.

A soldier quickly opened a road in the port for the bus to advance, and this road directly led to one of the evacuation passages.

As long as the bus convoy arrives, the injured can be treated immediately after they get off, and the uninjured can also be organized to board the ship immediately.

The convoy was getting closer and closer, and some people who were still staying in other countries also cast envious and eager eyes.

At this moment, how much they wished that the person sitting on the bus was themselves. Even though those people may have endured unimaginable suffering and despair before, at least at this moment... they are happy.

For the pick-up and drop-off of the Huaguo convoy, the warship stops for them

Not so much envy those people.

Rather, what the people of these countries who have been left behind are more envious of is the country where the people on the bus have such an emphasis behind them, which makes them feel full of security.

During this evacuation operation,

The people of all countries have deeply realized that Huaguo is different from other countries.

This sense of responsibility of not abandoning and not giving up is something that no other country has. Only Huaguo has truly achieved it...

A corner of the port, an area where the people of the small days stay.

Watching the bus convoy approaching slowly in the distance.

The eyes of the people in these days of being left behind are a little bit broken.

"They really got rescued..."

"Their fleet really waited until the last moment and never gave up!"

"It's not fair, why did our fleet leave early, and the fleet of Huaguo can only leave after receiving 1.5 people from all the people..."

For the rest of the day, all the beliefs in the hearts of the people collapsed at this moment.

They too were proud of their country, and proud of being a part of the Great Day Empire.

They even naively felt that their fleet was really just leaving temporarily and would definitely come back.

But now, all illusions and hopes are shattered.

Their fleet departed, leaving them behind.

They thought it was impossible for Hua Guo to stay and wait for those people who were destined to die in the war zone, but now... those people have been rescued!

The extreme imbalance in their hearts and the distortion of their beliefs made their faces become hideous, screaming in the heavy rain with all their strength.

Vent the depression and despair in my heart.

However, no one will pay attention to them now.

Their countries have all abandoned them.

And who will pay attention to their life and death?

It is different from all the little days.

In some other countries, because their warships have already left, the people who still have a glimmer of hope in their hearts have begun to think carefully.

For example, some people in Bangziguo understand Mandarin.

Their looks are exactly like the people of Huaguo.

If it can be mixed into the evacuated team.

Maybe, they can also board the warships of China.

Although this kind of hope is very slim, they didn't bother to do it at first, but now, this may be their only hope to survive.

As long as they can get on a warship, even if they go to China and are repatriated in the end, at least they can return to their own country. …

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