Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 72 The Power Of Netizens, The Information Of The Man From Bangzi Kingdom Is Out!


As the chaos on the way to board the ship intensified, a deep drink made everyone shut their mouths subconsciously.

Even the young man from Bangziguo, who had always been arrogant, shrank his neck unconsciously at this time, and looked at Lu Chengfeng with some trepidation.

At this moment, the people of Huaguo seemed to have found their backbone, and all looked forward to Lu Chengfeng.

At this time, they were absolutely convinced of Lu Chengfeng in their hearts.

If it weren't for this Ambassador Lu, it would be impossible for them to safely withdraw from the war zone, and along the way, Lu Chengfeng has been caring for and protecting them

These things, the people are firmly in mind.

And at the same time, with the chaos here.

The broadcast of the live broadcast into the country also made netizens feel a little helpless, maybe they didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"Speaking of which, this situation is really troublesome! Without a passport, and registration information can't be found, there is no way to prove your identity at all!"

"No, it's easy to handle. Now the whole country is watching this live broadcast. Who owns this guy? Hurry up and claim it back! Don't let him embarrass himself here..."

"To be honest, if it were me who encountered such a thing, I'm afraid I would panic, but this guy's tone is indeed a bit arrogant..."

"There are almost 20 million people in the live broadcast room. Doesn't anyone know this guy? Who knows and speak up?"

"Why do I feel that this guy is not from our country? From the very beginning, I saw that there was no trace of gratitude in his eyes, but a face full of sarcasm, as if he was specifically provoking trouble... These people have just been withdrawn from the war zone, no matter what It's not like that..."

"It sounds like it is true! And no one has come out to claim the goods so far, maybe there is a problem... But Ambassador Lu should be able to handle it!"

The young man from the Bangzi Kingdom probably never dreamed that his performance at the boarding port was being broadcast live on the entire domestic network, no, it was not only the domestic...

Now there are countless platforms on the Internet that are broadcasting the evacuation of Huaguo, including Bangziguo.

In the Bangzi country, some netizens who knew the young man from the Bangzi country saw this scene on the live broadcast, and the voices that were still talking about it suddenly fell silent.

These people had strange expressions on their faces, staring blankly at the extremely shameless young man in the picture who swore that he was from Huaguo.

Are you serious about this product? You don’t even want your own country!

When did you change your nationality?

And at the same time, Qingcheng Paradise.

In a female dormitory.

A senior girl suddenly jumped up from a chair in the dormitory, and quickly patted her roommate with her mobile phone.

"Linglin, look quickly, isn't this the scumbag male international student from the foreign language department in our freshman year? This guy actually appeared at the scene of Tanhe Maya's evacuation!!"

"Who?" The female voice named Linlin was stunned for a moment, but she didn't realize it for a while, and frowned and looked at her roommate.

"Look for yourself!" The roommate simply put the phone in front of Linlin.

"Fuck, isn't this Pu Guochang?"

"Yes, yes, this is the product..."

"This bastard is known as Qingcheng Sea King. Unfortunately, my old lady was blind and secretly in love with him for a while because of his looks. Now when I think of what he did, I feel sick. Why is this guy still on TV?"

"You don't know about the evacuation of the Hippo country?" The roommate was taken aback for a moment.

"I know!" Linlin was taken aback for another moment, and then she immediately came to her senses, and said with a ghostly expression on her face, "Isn't this the live broadcast of the evacuation scene?"

"Congratulations, you got it......"

Linlin immediately grabbed the phone and looked at it seriously.

After a while, she almost dropped her phone to the ground.

"I'm going, this guy actually dares to pretend to be a Chinese, and wants to go back to the country with our warship? What kind of face does he have!! w.!"

In the next second, the two girls seemed to think of something, looked at each other, their eyes lit up slightly, and they became excited instantly.

"This is really, the bastard has his own day!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Linlin's mouth, she immediately took out her mobile phone, and then quickly sent a message in a group.

"Sisters, Pu Guochang, the sea king of Bangzi Kingdom who once destroyed my Qingcheng Flower, has appeared, come out for me, prepare to fight, kill him for me!!!"

At the same time as sending out the message, Linlin also directly took a live video and sent it to the group as evidence.

As soon as this message was sent out, it immediately caused a small commotion among the crowd of Thousand Talents College of Qingcheng University.

Countless seniors and even juniors of Qingcheng University, who had heard of Pu Guochang's bad behavior, started to froth one after another.

"What's the situation, hasn't that dog Pu Guochang returned to China?"

"Pu Guochang? That's the student from Bangziguo who was dismissed by Qingcheng University two years ago because of his private life. Hold grass. The history of this guy's romance is still circulating on campus forums. It is said that he has harmed many people in Qingcheng. Senior sister and junior sister..."

"I'm also watching the live broadcast of Hippo's evacuation, but I didn't recognize him at first, but this guy is actually Pu Guochang!!! What the hell, he actually has the face to appear as a Chinese person!!!"

"The matter is over, let's get ready to act! This scumbag was directly exposed in the live broadcast room. Edit the same information and post the barrage together, so that more people will see it!"

"OKOK! It's everyone's responsibility to deal with scumbags. Brothers, take action. For the sake of those schoolmates who were hurt, this scumbag must die today!!"

"It's not enough just to die, is it? This guy is so arrogant, he should be detained by the country, and let his country come to lead him, this is the only way to relieve his anger!!!"

"Maintain the dignity of the country and severely punish the scumbags!!!"

One piece of information soon made the Qingcheng students who were diving all the time become excited instantly.

Not only that, but the student union of the school seems to have learned about the situation.

These rangers are being quickly organized.

Soon, in the live broadcast room.

Those netizens who didn't know the truth and were still guessing wildly were surprised to find that the barrage in the entire live broadcast room suddenly became unified.

Qingcheng Long Aotian: "Pu Guochang, male, nationality: Bangziguo, studied abroad in Qingcheng University for two years, and was persuaded to return to China because of his private life. Girls, play with feelings..."

Qingcheng Huangtian Emperor: "Pu Guochang, male, nationality: Bangzi country, this son once had a heart to punish, trying to disrupt our country's prestige, I hope all the kings will suppress it

Qingcheng Wei Xiaobao: "Pu Guochang, male, Nationality: Bangzi Country, Zeng... A woman of the same age should be treated with tender care, this bastard is a disgrace to my generation..."

Qingcheng Zhatian Sect Leader: "...Kill him!!!"

The comments in the live broadcast room are being refreshed at a speed that ordinary people can't see clearly, but these extremely unified information at the beginning instantly attracted the attention of all netizens, and then netizens soon realized that

That arrogant person at the evacuation site was brought out by human flesh!

After seeing the content of the information clearly, the netizens took a wait-and-see attitude at first, but as more and more IDs starting with Qingcheng appeared, and the same information became more and more dense, everyone gradually began to Believe it.

This person named Pu Guochang may really be the one who made trouble at the evacuation site. The most important thing is that this grandson is really not from Huaguo, he is actually a stick!!!

In an instant, the anger of the netizens in the live broadcast room was ignited instantly.

Arrogantly pretending to be a Chinese!

Do something utterly unconscionable at Qingcheng University!

Most importantly, he dared to make trouble at the evacuation site!

If this product is not removed, it will not be enough for the common people to be angry!!!

Immediately, more and more people in the live broadcast room started to post Pu Guochang's messages. The comment area, which was originally messy and full of words, was like a discussion, and it was rarely unified. Although the barrage kept flashing like a waterfall.

But because every comment starts with Park Guochang's information, and then he will pick up what he wants to say later, which makes this piece of information seem to be on the top.

No matter how fast the comments are posted, they can always be clearly seen in the live broadcast room.

Everyone was fighting against the same enemy and speaking out for the same goal. For a while, the atmosphere in the entire live broadcast room became inexplicably passionate.

At the same time, the domestic and foreign diplomatic headquarters.

Jiang Guotao looked at the live broadcast of the evacuation scene with a serious face, especially the barrage that kept drifting across the screen, which made his brows furrowed tightly.

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.

In the next second, Lin Xibei pushed the door open, sent a piece of information to Jiang Guotao's desk, and said in a deep voice, "The matter has been investigated!"

"Two years ago, Qingcheng University did accept an international student from Bangziguo named Pu Guochang, and he was indeed persuaded to leave. I called up the information kept by the school and compared it with the unknown man at the evacuation site... ..."

"Confirmed to be the same person!"

Hearing this news, Jiang Guotao's face darkened instantly.

"It just doesn't make sense!"

Jiang Guotao stood up from the chair suddenly, and a dangerous light appeared in his eyes.

"Jiangbu, how do we deal with this matter? Chengfeng..."

Lin Beibei asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, this small matter can definitely be dealt with by Chengfeng. What we have to do now is how to eliminate the subsequent impact of this incident..."

Jiang Guotao tapped lightly on the desk with his fingers.

Soon, I already had an idea in my heart...

"Contact me Xiaomeng and let her do this..."

Jiang Guotao put his head next to Lin Beibei's ear, and ordered him softly.

Meanwhile, the port of Tanhe Maya.

After Lu Chengfeng calmed everyone down with a soft roar, he turned and walked directly towards Yun Cangqiong and Lin Qianqian, and he whispered something in their ears.

Afterwards, the people saw that Yun Cangqiong's eyes lighted up slightly.

At this time, Pu Guochang narrowed his eyes slightly. From his position, he couldn't quite hear exactly what Lu Chengfeng had said to Yun Cangqiong.

I only vaguely heard the words 'together' and 'singing'.

He was a little baffled, but for some reason, a bad premonition emerged in his heart. In just a second, he had already made a decision.

We must act first!

Before Lu Chengfeng and Yun Cangqiong discussed the results.

Pu Guochang restrained a little, but his voice became sharper, and once again sounded from the crowd:

~What? Just a small identity issue, as for the three bosses discussing it for so long? Don’t you want to see me on the boat so much!!!”

"I'm not just an ordinary person. If you really want to leave me behind, I definitely can't resist, and I can't resist..."

"But this matter is fair and comfortable. In this special period, you really have to let the citizens

Are you disappointed!!!"

As soon as these words came out, those who originally thought that they might not be able to board the ship without their ID photos became a little weird in their hearts.

To be reasonable, isn't Ambassador Lu discussing a solution now?

How about you, just say that people are targeting you?

Is Ambassador Lu guilty of targeting you?

Doesn't this show that you have ghosts in your heart?

The Chinese people who were watching looked coldly at Park Guochang yelling like a clown. At this time, most of the Chinese people with a clear conscience already understood in their hearts

White some things.

There must be something wrong with this guy!

And in the rear, seeing that the situation seemed to be easing down, those Bangzi Kingdoms who also wanted to fish for warships in troubled waters also understood.

(Wang Hao) This may be the last chance.

If they don't continue to support Park Guochang, they will never have the opportunity to board the ship.

Almost without thinking too much, after Park Guochang said those words.

Most of the people of Bangzi Kingdom who wanted to fish in troubled waters began to speak in support of Park Guochang, and for a while, the noisy voice sounded from the crowd again.

"Mr. Ambassador, although this person's mouth is a bit wicked, what he said is not unreasonable. Otherwise, let us all board the boat first, and then verify our identities! We can't just stand there forever."

Here, it's still raining..."

"That's right! Mr. Ambassador, why don't you get on the boat first? This man doesn't seem to have any bad intentions, he's just a little anxious..."

"I can't hold on anymore, I'm so cold, let's get on the boat!"

"Isn't it just a procedural problem? Special handling in special times! We've been waiting here for so long, and we really can't take it anymore..."

The clever people of Bangzi Country didn't directly target Lu Chengfeng, but they thought they were smart and started to play the routine of saving the country with curves.

Deliberately played down Park Guochang's words, but kept asking to get on the boat.

In that way, it seems that if Lu Chengfeng refuses, they really can't survive, they will be frozen to death, and they will fall here...

Hearing these voices, the surroundings were also physically exhausted, and many Chinese people who had already started to shiver suddenly hesitated again.

Indeed, for all the people, a warm place to shelter from the rain and rest is what they desperately hope for.

As for whether Pu Guochang is from Huaguo or not.

For those who are physically and mentally exhausted, it really doesn't matter that much!

[ps: Thank you bosses for your rewards, thank you for everyone's support, please ask for a wave of data, now this data is too ugly...!].

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