Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 76 This Kid Is Simply The Chosen One!

Domestic and major online platforms.

The heat of the evacuation operation continued to rise. Even though it was known that the trapped personnel in Tanhe Maya had safely boarded the warship, countless people were still paying attention.

Netizens have already discovered the actions of the airports in major cities in the first place. Tens of thousands of passengers were transported at one time, and dozens of cities jointly dispatched special planes. Such a big scene naturally aroused the public's emotion and shock.

"The country is really awesome this time! I have never seen such a big scene. Many flights at our airport have been cancelled, just to form a special plane to pick up and drop off the evacuated people. It's so loving!"

"Our side is the same. I heard that there are already many reporters and relatives waiting for the evacuated people to come back at the airport!"

"I'm also going to pick up little brother Chengfeng, he should come back with me, so I'll buy a ticket to go to Jiangzhou, because I'm so excited!!!"

"I'll go too, form a team, make such a great contribution, how can no one greet you, Lu Chengfeng deserves the best welcome treatment!!!"

"Hurry up, you have to come, anyway, I'm almost at Jiangzhou Airport, but there may be a lot of people to greet you, you probably won't be able to squeeze into the airport if you're late..."

At this time, the live broadcast screen has been turned off, maybe Lin Ran's camera is out of power, or it may be because of a signal problem.

But even so, netizens are still discussing it on major online platforms.

The topic of Tanhe Maya's evacuation operation has long occupied the top spot on the hot search list, and the comment area is also unprecedentedly popular.

Millions of people gathered on it, countless video clips and photos of Lu Chengfeng were posted, retweeted and commented countless times.

Captain Yi Yang is right, Lu Chengfeng is really hot now!

From a 60-year-old grandmother to a three-year-old child, basically everyone knew about this person. The domestic prime-time news even made a detailed report on the evacuation. This is one of the direct reasons why Lu Chengfeng became popular. one.

The filming scene of the crew.

24 Lin Qingya had just finished her work for the day, and when she returned to the rest area, she dragged her younger sister towards Bu and followed her away.

Xiaoshu didn't react for a while, and she still looked dazed after getting into the car.

"Sister Qingya, what are you doing?" She glanced outside speechlessly, and all the staff members of the crew turned their attention to this side.

The eyes are all inexplicable.

"Go to the airport!"

Before answering Xiaoshu's words, Lin Qingya said to the driver.

"Airport?" Hearing this, Xiaoshu quickly realized.

"We're going to pick up Lu Chengfeng!" There was a light in her eyes.

"Well, they should arrive in about three hours!" Lin Qingya leaned on the car seat, closed her eyes lightly, and continued: "I'm afraid the road will be blocked, so I'll go there first!"

Xiaoshu looked at Lin Qingya carefully with a strange expression, and suddenly said quietly: "Why do you feel that sister Qingya is more popular than me now, little brother Chengfeng?"

"Obviously I was the one who first became a fan of Brother Chengfeng..."

Hearing this, Lin Qingya opened her eyes and glanced at Xiaoshu.

"Don't be silly..."


The nanny car quickly left, leaving only the suspicious expressions of the crew.

They have been feeling that something is wrong with Lin Qingya for the past two days.

At this point, some people have already started gossip.

Could it be that Lin Qingya, the popular little actress in the entertainment industry and known as the goddess of coolness, has a boyfriend, or why is something so wrong these days.

This is big news!!!

Diplomatic Headquarters, Office.

Lin Beibei was reporting the latest situation of the evacuation operation to Jiang Guotao. When he learned that the special plane from Jiangzhou had taken off, Jiang Guotao raised his head.

"That is to say, Chengfeng will arrive in about three hours?"

"If there are no accidents, it will be about this time!" Lin Beibei nodded, and asked at the same time: "Do you want to organize colleagues to greet you at the airport, and after the evacuated people get off the plane, some people may also need some help!"

Jiang Guotao thought for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"Well, you go arrange it!"

"Okay!" Lin Beixi nodded, but then he seemed to remember something, and his feet paused slightly.

"Ebe, I have a question..."

"Huh?" Jiang Guotao raised his head.

Lin Xibei considered it for a while before continuing to speak: "I always feel a little strange about the evacuation process. Why did Tanhe Maya suddenly agree to cease fire? According to their attitude at the beginning, this change seems to be too fast... "

"Furthermore, after the negotiation, they showed too much enthusiasm, which is not in line with common sense at all. It is said that they searched all the ships from the whole city, just to send the evacuated people out. What do they want to achieve by mobilizing so many people?"

Hearing this, Jiang Guotao smiled lightly and shook his head.

"It's normal for you to have doubts, maybe Chengfeng is also confused now! Although the result is very good, but things are indeed a bit weird and confusing...

"But if we connect some things together, maybe we can get the answer!" Jiang Guotao looked at Lin Xibei meaningfully.

"How to say?" Lin Xibei's curiosity has been aroused.

Jiang Guotao paused for a moment before continuing: "This time there was heavy rain in Tanhe Maya, and it almost turned into a torrent. It is said that a reservoir ten kilometers away from them almost burst its embankment..."

Hearing this, Lin Beibei nodded, this was information they knew.

"I bet this matter must have something to do with Chengfeng, but Tanhe Maya must not know the reason for it. There is no reason for subsequent things to happen?" Lin Beibei still couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Jiang Guotao played tricks, and said leisurely: "Think about it differently, if you were standing in the position of the two armed forces of Tanhe Maya, how would you view this issue, and what would you do?" measures?"

Hearing this, Lin Xixi paused for a moment.

Then fell silent.

There was a thoughtful look in his eyes, and his brows were slightly frowned. After careful deliberation and analysis, gradually, a gleam of light lit up in his eyes.

"I understand!" A smile suddenly appeared on his face, and there was an obvious trace of weirdness in this smile.

"The information is poor...Tanhe Maya is a small country, and I don't have a deep understanding of the technological level of the world's top powers, so after learning that this visit is Chengfeng, I will definitely make some associations, combined with the small days. The natural disaster that happened...."

As he said that, Lin Xibei's eyes became even weirder.

"Understood?" Jiang Guotao looked at Lin Beibei in relief.

"Although the details are still uncertain, these guys may have guessed the special nature of Chengfeng by mistake, or they knew that we have such a big killer, so they don't want to offend, so they desperately want Chengfeng leave early..."

"That's why there are those weird performances behind!"

Jiang Guotao Laohuai nodded in satisfaction.

"To be precise, they made up a lot of things in their brains and thought we should not be provoked, so they sent Chengfeng back like a catastrophe!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Guotao suddenly wanted to laugh.

Really, these guys are really lucky.

After a while of brain supplementing indiscriminately, I actually brain supplemented the truth.

Because Lu Chengfeng also called him later and reported some detailed information, which naturally included the deterrence issue mentioned by the leaders of the two sides during the negotiation. In fact, Lu Chengfeng also wanted to ask if such an action had been taken in China.

But what kind of person is Jiang Guotao?

With a little connection of these details, he has already guessed the truth of the facts pretty well, although the facts are indeed a bit weird.

But that's the way it is.

This kind of thing is basically impossible for some big countries with strong scientific and technological background, because those big countries clearly know that it is impossible to create weapons that can control the weather for a long time or even cause natural disasters with the existing technology in the world.

Even in a small country like Tanhe Maya, there will be those conjectures.

Speaking of which, it's funny.

But also a little weird.

Because those guys may have guessed the truth! Isn't the existence of Lu Chengfeng equivalent to an extremely powerful supernatural weapon?

Well, it can also be called a causal weapon!

This kind of weapon is indeed inexplicable by current technology.

After guessing the general truth, Lin Xibei had to sigh again:

"Chengfeng, you really... have to admire him!"

"It's almost like the one described in some novels...The Chosen One..."

"You still read novels?" Jiang Guotao's eyes suddenly turned strange.

"No!" Lin Xibei coughed lightly.

"Well, it's okay, I'll go out first!"

After the words fell, Lin Xibei turned around and left the office without looking back.

Jiang Guotao thought carefully behind his desk.

Then he nodded seriously: "Don't say it, the title of the Chosen Son is really appropriate..."

Aberdovi, Kalia Airport.

This is the nearest neighboring airport to Tanhe Maya.

After negotiating with Aberdowi, they have agreed to open up an area for the evacuation of Chinese people.

Therefore, at this time, all the people of Huaguo have gathered in Kalia Airport, and the fleet that sent them has already returned to Huaguo.

In order to ensure that the physical condition of the people is not a problem, it is the best choice to use the plane to take them back to the country, because many people actually suffer from seasickness.

Moreover, Huaguo's fleet has other tasks, and there is not so much time to send them back to the country directly. As for the safety issue, it no longer exists after withdrawing from Tanhe Maya.

At this time, Huaguo exclusive evacuation area.

Nearly 10,000 Chinese people are waiting for the special plane to arrive.

Such a big scene also alarmed the entire Kalia Airport.

Countless crooked nuts who came to the airport were a little surprised when they saw the dense crowd of Chinese people, but then quickly reacted and knew the origin of these people.

Regarding the evacuation of Tanhe Maya in various countries, it has now aroused huge repercussions internationally, and the heat will not be lower than that in China.

There are even many people who continue to pay attention to the follow-up of Huaguo's evacuation.

At this time, many crooked nuts picked up their mobile phones and took videos.

These videos were quickly uploaded to the Internet.

Suddenly, it caused quite a stir.

"Wow, are these the people Huaguo evacuated from Tanhe Maya? This is at Kalia Airport. Is Huaguo planning to charter a special plane to send them all back?"

"The people of Huaguo are too happy! If it were our country, it would be fine to send it to the airport for you. Then we might arrange a special plane. 117..."

"Hua's evacuation has shocked me from the beginning to the end. Compared with some countries, it is really too powerful. I'm talking about Eagle Sauce and Little Days..."

"Hua Guo is a mysterious country, if you have the opportunity, you must visit it.

To do this for the people, this country must be very loving!"

"I have stayed in China for a long time. To be honest, it is like a paradise. In my opinion, it is definitely the safest country in the world!"

With the release of the video of Chinese people waiting for the plane at Kalia Airport, the Internet became lively again. At the same time, the trend of public opinion was inadvertently related to the evacuation operation, and the

Hua Guo made a comparison with other countries.

Through this evacuation operation, many Wai Guoren's inner views on Huaguo's image have been virtually changed, and it has also made Huaguo more mysterious in the eyes of Wai Guoren.

The state became more and more interested.

As time passed, soon, the first special plane from China arrived over the Kalia Airport. As the airport broadcast sounded, countless people looked at the area dedicated to the Chinese people waiting for their flights.

"Here we come, prepare to organize people to board the plane!"

Lu Chengfeng stood on the large floor-to-ceiling glass wall of the airport and looked out.

At a glance, I saw the plane slowly falling in the sky with the red flag attached. The plane was sliding down on the runway and coming slowly towards this side.

Immediately, the staff of the embassy became busy.

"The first batch of evacuated people, please come with us, keep in formation, and orderly!"

"Everyone take your belongings, we are going home!"

In the evacuation area that had been arranged long ago, the first batch of evacuated people stood up, lined up consciously, and walked towards the boarding gate.

Some people did not forget to wave goodbye to Lu Chengfeng and the others.

Because the flight is flying to all parts of the country, after these people board the plane, they are considered to be separated from the staff of the embassy and Lu Chengfeng.

"Goodbye Uncle Lu, I will miss you!"

The little girl broke free from her mother's hand, ran over quickly, mustered up her courage and said to Lu Chengfeng with a blushing face.

Lu Chengfeng looked at Xiao Xin with a smile on his face.

He gently rubbed the little girl's head, and said softly: "I will never forget you, Xiaoxin must study hard in the future and become a useful person to society!"

It was originally just a simple word of encouragement, but unexpectedly the little girl nodded solemnly and assured Lu Chengfeng: "I will definitely!"

Seeing the back of the little girl trotting away, Lu Chengfeng was stunned.

Then, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

Being able to be remembered in my heart seems to be... not bad. .

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