Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 88 The Price Of Gold Fell, Why Did Gold Sell Better!

Chapter 88 The price of gold fell, why did gold sell better!

That night, Eagle Sauce was the highest council hall.

Iseus summoned the members of the council and held another meeting.

At the meeting table, all members of the House of Representatives were obviously in a good mood.

Before Isius arrived, everyone actually discussed the extremely boring question of what they had for dinner today.

However, the atmosphere in the entire council hall was extremely harmonious.

Everyone is chatting.

Soon, the figure of Iseus appeared at the entrance of the hall, and walked to the head of the conference table with steady steps.

"Everyone should know what's going on today, right?"

Isius didn't have any nonsense. After sitting at the conference table, he started to get straight to the topic and started tonight's topic.

"Today, the gold market in Huaguo has shown a situation of powerlessness under our attack. The price of gold has dropped to the lowest point of the year. Our initial plan is very successful and the land is doing well!"

As soon as Isius said this, all the representatives in the conference room immediately smiled, and the atmosphere on the conference table became more harmonious.

"I just said that the country of Hua can't resist our attack at all!"

"This should have been expected for a long time. If the Fed and Financial Street can't take down a mere gold market in Huaguo in a short period of time, then they don't have to mix in the financial circle, they can go home and farm directly. !"

"As soon as this wave of offensive comes out, the people of Huaguo may have already started to panic. As long as the plan is implemented steadily in the next few days, Huaguo's gold market will definitely collapse completely. Then it is time for us to reap the harvest!"

"Hua Guo's finances are still not good! They are powerless against me, Eagle Sauce. Once this wave of leeks is harvested, it will be considered a good start for our global harvesting plan!"

"I bet they won't last a week!"

Waves of relaxed, gloating voices rang out on the conference table, and the members of the House of Representatives were obviously in a good mood at the moment.

Isius didn't stop these people from speaking, with a smile on his face, but a hint of danger in his eyes.

After a while, the crowd also noticed something wrong with Isius' expression.

The conference table quickly fell silent again.

Iseus glanced across the audience, with a trace of coldness in his eyes, and continued to say lightly: "I know you should be very proud of yourself now..."

"But do you think that now is the time to be proud?"

Iseus let out a low growl violently, and his expression became serious in an instant.

"Without completely destroying the gold market in Huaguo, we can't relax a bit. What's more, the financial market is changing rapidly. No one knows what will happen in the next second. The more critical the time, the more calm you should be!"

"Instead of getting some insignificant results, just being complacent here, thinking that everything is under control!"

What Iseus said calmed down the members of the House of Representatives, and their expressions gradually became serious. Everyone lowered their heads and dared not speak.

After a moment of silence, Iseus also calmed down.

His eyes swept over all the congressmen present again, and continued: "Starting tomorrow, according to the plan, steadily lower the price of Huaguo's gold market, and tell those guys on Financial Street and the Federal Reserve to be careful, don't be careless! !!"

Isius' cold and stern voice spread throughout the conference hall.

"Yes, Lord Iseus!"

"We get it!"

A member of the House of Representatives nodded repeatedly, answering nervously in their hearts.

Looking back on their previous behavior, they were indeed a little complacent.

This is the first day of the implementation of the plan, and it is far from the time to relax our vigilance. At this time, His Excellency Iseus showed a complacent mood...

They all cursed their own stupidity in their hearts.

The meeting is still going on.

Next, a member of the House of Representatives and Isius carefully determined the content of the follow-up meeting and the specific implementation plan.

Half an hour later, the meeting came to an end.

The members of the House of Representatives thought they could relax, but found that after closing the file, Iseus' face was still serious.

Suddenly, Iseus spoke again.

"What happened to the plane out of control incident at Newt Airport tonight? The investigation shows that this incident is a bit strange. Can anyone give me an answer?"

As soon as these words came out, most of the members of the House of Representatives present were slightly stunned.

They naturally also knew about the out-of-control plane at Newt Airport, but they didn't go into details about such a trivial matter at all. Who knew that Isius would actually bring up this matter at the meeting, which caught the congressmen by surprise.

"Your Excellency Isius, this incident should be an accident!"

A member of parliament bite the bullet and said.

At this time, other congressmen also nodded one after another.

"There is no loophole in the security of the airport, and no suspicious elements or suspicious items were found on the plane. Basically, it can be ruled out that it was man-made!"

"Perhaps, it was really an unexpected lightning..."

Some congressmen present who knew about this incident gave their own opinions, and they all agreed with them, thinking that this was an unexpected natural disaster.

Moreover, the loss caused by this incident is not large.

It's just a civil aviation aircraft that needs maintenance, so don't care about it at all.

"However, according to the report from the meteorological department, the conditions for thunder and lightning are not met tonight. Is it really just an unexpected bolt from the blue?"

When Iseus learned of this, he was always puzzled.

Reason told him that this was an accident.

But in the bottom of his heart, he didn't know why, what happened in the sea area of ​​the previous military exercise suddenly sounded, and it was the same at that time...

The original small-scale crustal movement suddenly turned into a catastrophe, and this disaster also caused Yingjiang's entire sea power to drop by 30%!

With the lessons learned from the past, he always felt a little uneasy.

Apparently, the incident of the shipwreck in the military exercise also left a shadow in his heart.

This matter is too weird, he knows that the congressmen in front of him must not be able to give him an answer, so he can only shake his head slightly and repeat the previous words:

"No matter what, during this period of time you must keep your spirits up, not only on the Harvest Plan, but also on other countries' actions. I heard that China has sent diplomats to Newt. You guys Pay close attention to their actions, and report to me in time if there is any abnormality!"

Iseus's expression is very serious. He knows very well that after the financial war, it is impossible for the Hua country to do nothing, and even other countries must have faintly felt the crisis. During this period of time, there will be absolutely no peace in Yingjiang territory!

Now, according to the information he has received, no less than five countries have already sent diplomatic missions and are heading towards Yingjiang.

After the start of the harvest plan, he had already anticipated this situation, so he had already had a plan to deal with it.

But even so, he knows he must always be cautious.

This is also the reason why he was able to become the chief member of the Eagle Sauce Congress!

"Okay, let me investigate the out-of-control plane incident carefully, and report to me immediately if you find any man-made signs and factors!"

Iseus said a word in a deep voice, then got up and walked out of the conference hall.

"Yes, Lord Iseus!"

A member of the House of Representatives stood up quickly and watched Isius leave.

at the same time.

Garlic Fed, Center for Financial Regulation.

"The offensive this time has caused initial panic in the gold market in Huaguo. Before the market closed, there were already a lot of buying orders when the trend continued to decline, but most people are still waiting and watching..."

In the monitoring hall, as the domestic gold market is closed, the working group of the Federal Reserve Bank of Eagle Sauce responsible for the harvest plan is conducting a review meeting.

"When the market opens tomorrow morning, we must intensify the attack. At the moment the market opens, the price of gold will be pushed down by two percentage points, and then continue to maintain a downward trend of shocks!"

The general manager of the working group had a smile on his lips, and he spoke with absolute confidence, as if (cedg) he had already won the attack on the Huaguo gold market, and there would be no accidents.

"But Team Leader Joseph, why didn't we just smash the market from the very beginning, it would be easier to cause panic in the market, and the effect might be better..." Some people raised doubts, and many people nodded one after another.

"No, no, no..." Joseph, the general manager of the working group, shook his head with a smile and said: "Although the start of smashing the market can aggravate the panic of the people, more real funds will not be fooled like this, too Pediatrics!"

"What we want is to crush Huaguo's gold market step by step, steadily and steadily, so that everyone can only watch the market drop, but there is no way, even if they try everything, they will not be able to restore the situation!"

"This kind of effect can cause real panic in the market. Not only some retail investors, but more large funds will also serve as our help to smash the market under such a market. A real avalanche...often a series of What we have to do is to keep shouting in the deep valley"

"Make this avalanche more violent and spectacular!"

Joseph's words made the members of the working group present excited for a while.

The entire conference hall was filled with murmurs of murmurs.

Today's attack on Huaguo's gold market, they have undoubtedly achieved a key victory. As long as the people are aware of the crisis on the first day, things will be much easier in the future. They have enough confidence and enough bargaining chips.

In this battle, they never thought they would lose.

On the contrary, most people were already waiting to see Huaguo wailing and weeping after the leeks were cut.

I heard that many investors in Huaguo like to queue up on high-rise buildings to experience extreme sports after their investment failures. Maybe they can see such a scene this time.

In the office, there was an atmosphere of joy and joy.

On the other side, the situation is completely different.

Domestically, the financial control center.

Ye Yunfeng, the general manager of the control center, is also holding a meeting at this moment.

However, there was a heavy atmosphere in the meeting room at this time.

"Today's continuous decline in the gold market is an extremely unfavorable signal. We failed to block the attack from the eagle sauce. Panic funds have appeared in the market, and the market was still falling until the end of the day, which made these panic funds even more Fleeing thoughts, this is almost exactly what we predicted before!"

Ye Yunfeng's voice slowly resounded in the office.

"If the falling trend of gold prices cannot be stopped tomorrow, there will be more and more panicked funds, and some big funds will even start to leave the market. At that time, the panic in the market will continue to increase, and it will become more and more difficult for us to resist. Get bigger!"

"What is Yinjia's opinion on the current situation?"

Ye Yunfeng quickly put the current situation in front of everyone, trying to find a way to resist Yingjiang's attack.

However, the conference room was silent at this time.

It's not that they don't have methods and strategies, but that any strategy is absolutely practical

In the face of force, it will not play a big role.

This time, Yingjiang prepared a large amount of gold and put it into the market, using real gold and silver to suppress the gold price in the domestic gold market.

It is said that the first batch of Eagle Sauce invested 100 tons of gold. After such a huge amount of spot stock is put into the market, the original gold price will naturally fall.

In the trading market, Ying Jiang's short-selling orders are even more cost-effective, and they are crazy. Under such circumstances, not many people dare to take orders.

Therefore, the price of gold began to fall continuously.

The process of falling is the root cause of panic.

If this cycle continues, if you want to forcibly reverse the market, you must transfer double the funds in a short period of time to stabilize the market, and it may not be stable.

Now it is not easy for them to ensure that the price of gold does not fall sharply, and they cannot afford to organize a high-intensity counterattack, and the time given to them is too hasty.

And the other party seems to know that this kind of thing should not be rushed, so they are very patient, just keep suppressing the price of gold little by little.

As long as the market keeps falling, it will be a victory for Ying Jiang!

Under such circumstances, the control team dealing with this crisis, under the control of limited resources, can do this to the limit!

"Why don't you talk?" Ye Yunfeng's tone became more serious, and his expression became more serious.

"Mr. Ye, we have really tried our best. If we can't mobilize enough funds to save the market in a short period of time, I'm afraid there is nothing we can do..."

"Yeah! The opponent's offensive is too fierce, and they never thought of giving us a chance. Our capital flow has all been topped up, but it doesn't have much effect at all, and we can't stop it."

If there is a downward trend, the panic in the market will inevitably continue!"

"We're really...these bastards are trying to kill!"

Voices gradually sounded in the venue, but most of these voices were helpless and angry. They were very clear about the current situation, but they couldn't come up with a solution.

At this moment, a different voice suddenly sounded from the conference table.

"Everyone, I got some news here, which may be helpful to the current situation... Today's domestic gold spot market seems to be much hotter than before.

Although the price has fallen, gold seems to be selling better..."

Hearing this voice, the meeting scene suddenly fell silent.

All eyes were on the person who spoke.

The price of gold fell, but gold sold better?

At first glance this may sound like nothing wrong.

But people who buy gold are not afraid, will the price of gold continue to fall!

Start stockpiling now?

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