Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 91 The Power Of Aunt Huaguo Is So Terrifying! ! !

At noon, the gold market is temporarily closed.

Domestic financial control center, conference room.

As one figure after another entered the conference room, the entire conference table soon became lively, which was completely different from yesterday's dignified and lifeless.

At this time, exclamations and joy rang out from time to time throughout the conference room.

Lin Chengzhi, the head of the monitoring team, had already arrived in the conference room, and Ye Yunfeng, the head of the control center, hadn't arrived yet, and he had already communicated with some other departments at the same time.

"Well, the situation on your side should have improved, right?"

Lin Chengzhi looked at a person in charge of the marketing department and asked, with an obvious smile on his face. Obviously, he had already received some news before entering the conference hall.

"It's a miracle, do you know? The domestic gold spot market suddenly exploded today, and almost all the gold stores across the country are full!!!"

"I have never encountered such a situation, such a hot spot market, the last time was during the financial crisis in Yingjiang, everyone wanted to invest in gold as a hedge, but now, although the price of gold has dropped a lot , but it is still far from the point of hedging, I have been unable to figure out why the spot market suddenly exploded!"

"I heard that the information department has already found some information. It is said that it is because of a hot search on Weibo on the Internet that caused a gold craze."

"Hot search? Because a Weibo hot search has caused such a hot phenomenon in the gold spot market? This is a bit exaggerated... Is this result a bit arbitrary..."

"There should be some other reasons. I also think that the entire gold spot market cannot be so popular just because of a hot search..."

"No matter what the reason is, we let out a bad breath on the 24th this morning. The entire market was originally suppressed by the funds from Yingjiang's side, but it suddenly stabilized later. Even during the sideways market, There have been signs of a rebound!"

Hearing these words, the smile on Lin Chengzhi's face became stronger.

He is a member of the monitoring team, and he can get first-hand information on the news of the market. He knew beforehand that the results of all departments this morning are very good.

According to the original estimate, as long as it can guarantee that the price of gold will not drop by more than five percentage points this morning, it will be considered a very good result.

But now, they have not only completed the predetermined goal, but even stabilized the downward trend of gold prices. While repeatedly oscillating, they also counterattacked a few times and pulled back a little bit of ground. This is already overfulfilling the task!

With this wave of encouraging market sentiment, the morale of the staff of the entire financial control center has been boosted, and this situation has also greatly reduced the panic in the market.

As they predicted before, as long as the market can be stabilized, the pressure will be greatly relieved. Once the domestic funds are adjusted, Eagle Sauce will not be able to get cheap!

Moreover, judging from the current situation, the boom in the spot market will definitely continue. If so, they may really have a chance to counterattack!

This time, I'm afraid it will be Ying Jiang's turn to have a headache!

While speaking, a figure walked into the door of the office.

Seeing Ye Yunfeng come in, everyone in the office stood up.

"Everyone sit down, I won't waste time!" Ye Yunfeng resolutely walked to the head of the conference table, and stood there directly, with no intention of sitting down.

He gently supported the table and looked at everyone present.

"Everyone did a good job this morning. Although Yingjiang's offensive is still fierce, we have stabilized. The price of gold has not continued to fall. This is already the best result!"

"Once again, again and again, and three times!"

"Eagle Sauce failed to push our gold prices down completely. When we turn around, they should be worried. This is the current situation..."

Ye Yunfeng's eyes were sharp, and he continued in a deep voice: "If we can continue to stabilize the price of gold this afternoon and evening, then tomorrow will be our chance to counterattack!"

He glanced at the person in charge of the information department, and motioned to him, "But how did the current situation come about, we still need to do a review...

"Information team, please report the situation in detail!"

"Yes! Ye Bu!!!" The person in charge of the information group sat up straight, and said in a deep voice: "We have conducted a detailed analysis of today's situation and conducted investigations from various aspects, and now we have a preliminary investigation result !"

"Today's market was still in a downturn when it first opened, but the turning point came half an hour after the opening..."

"The domestic gold spot market suddenly became hot. All major gold stores were full overnight, and crowds of consumers began to snap up gold products!"

"It is precisely for this reason that after the news was released, the domestic panic funds quickly stabilized, and even a lot of new funds entered the market. Obviously, someone smelled something unusual. The strong injection of the market stabilized the market and prevented the price of gold from falling further..."

"During the period, Eagle Sauce also discovered anomalies and launched several powerful attacks, but they were all blocked by us until the market was closed last year!"

The person in charge of the information group briefly reported the situation of the market, then he glanced at Ye Yunfeng again, and after getting his affirmation, he continued to speak:

"As for the reason why the spot market is so hot, we have also conducted a preliminary investigation, and we can basically confirm that it is because of a hot search on Weibo that led to this gold buying wave, and this hot search has been popular all over the Internet during this time. It is related to a diplomat named Lu Chengfeng!"

"This diplomat is currently visiting Eagle Sauce for financial warfare. He may not even have expected that a trending search will help us so much!"

As soon as these words came out, whispered discussions suddenly appeared in the venue.

"Is it a mistake to detonate the entire gold spot market just because of a trending search? Even if that diplomat is very popular, it won't cause such a big impact?"

In the end, some people still raised doubts.

The person in charge explained without any hesitation: "We conducted a detailed investigation and confirmed that the upsurge of Aunt Hua Guo buying gold this time was caused by that trending search. Now, in the comment area under that trending search, There are also messages from aunts in various cities, most of which are group buying information, and there are also some specific photos....

Hearing this, everyone at the conference table looked at each other in blank dismay.

They had also seen that trending search before, and even wondered if it was because of this trending search that the spot market became hot.

But it always feels a little unlikely.

Even if some people really bought gold because of popular searches, it’s impossible for everyone to buy gold because of popular searches, right?

The person in charge of the information department obviously understood everyone's doubts, and continued to explain: "People have a conformity mentality, just like the panic in the market, once the snow falls, it means that the avalanche is not far away, the same reason. …”

"When most people in Huaguo pay attention to the gold market and go to gold stores to buy gold, the people will naturally be curious. Coupled with the drop in the price of gold in the past few days, many people have sold one after another, which eventually caused the market to panic. Hot..."

"This time the market can be stabilized, I think... I really need to thank the diplomat... Even I couldn't believe it at first, these aunts who went to the gold shop to buy gold, there would be Such a terrifying power..."

"It is said that many gold stores in China have sold out of stock now, which is the real reason for the market to regain confidence. After these news spread, the gold price in the market has stabilized!

After the words fell, the entire conference room fell into silence.

Originally, these people thought that the price of gold could be stabilized, they were the absolute main force and made the most important contribution, but now, the people from the information department told them.

You guys are thinking too much... The stability of the market this time is all due to Aunt Hua Guo snapping up gold!

This sense of gap made it difficult for them to accept it for a while.

These financial elites [are actually not as good as some Huaguo aunts!!!

At this time, they really want to find a piece of tofu to hit it twice...

At this time, Ye Yunfeng on the first seat spoke slowly again.

780 "We have to accept the truth of the matter, as long as the market can be stabilized, I think no matter what the reason is, it is good news for us!"

His eyes swept over everyone again.

"After the meeting, you need to make a good summary and formulate the strategy for the afternoon as soon as possible. In the afternoon, Yingjiang will definitely launch a more crazy attack. This time, we must defend!"

After speaking, Ye Yunfeng paused slightly.

Then he looked at the assistant at the side, and said lightly:

"In addition, we can achieve such a result this time. We really need to thank the new diplomat in the diplomatic department. You write a thank you letter and send it over..."

"Although the Weibo incident was not intentional, but after all, this Weibo has saved the entire gold market, and we must express it!"

After the words fell, he looked at everyone again.

"Then, if there is nothing else, let's adjourn the meeting!"

The group of people stood up quietly without speaking.

Ye Yunfeng nodded slightly, and then walked out of the meeting room.

Afterwards, the entire conference room erupted into bursts of discussions.

"I'm going, it's really because a Weibo has held the gold market!!! Ye Bu didn't say that he would send a thank you letter to the foreign affairs headquarters..."

"This is really outrageous! The gold buying frenzy triggered by Aunt Hua Guo, and what is the background of this diplomat named Lu Chengfeng? Is he so amazing?"

"I'm convinced. People are thousands of miles away. Just because of a trending search, Ying Jiang's attack was disintegrated. Lu Chengfeng has created a miracle!"

"No, I have to take a good look at that hot search, the power of Aunt Huaguo is too exaggerated..."

The people in the conference room gradually dispersed, but they were extremely shocked in their hearts.

As for Lu Chengfeng, they are all curious.

Everyone took out their mobile phones and began to search for information about Lu Chengfeng.

And that microblog that can be called miraculous.

The power of Aunt Huaguo is simply terrifying!!!.

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