Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 94 The Impact Of The Meteorite, The Statue Of The Eagle Sauce Goddess Is Gone!

On the street not far from Lu Chengfeng and Lu Chengfeng, Yingjiang special agent Naxi leaned on the steering wheel and muttered helplessly: "Boss, do you really want to be so boring with them all day? They won't be here all day today. Let's hang out..."

Before he finished speaking, Naxi subconsciously glanced at Lu Chengfeng and Jiang Xiaomeng, who were not far away, who were still looking at the scenery, and then suddenly became jittery.

"No, head, they moved!!!"

Seeing Lu Chengfeng, who was still looking at the scenery by the river, suddenly pulled Jiang Xiaomeng and ran away, Naxi suddenly became a little excited.

He thought that Lu Chengfeng was going to take action, and he finally didn't have to be idle.

"Huh?" Caesar in the back seat, who was still resting with his eyes closed, also opened his eyes, sat up straight and looked towards the river, then frowned slightly.

"No! What are they running for?"

Could it be that surveillance was discovered, but even so, there is no need to run away?

They don't have any means of transportation, even if they can run~ they can run...

Just when Caesar was puzzled, he suddenly found out.

It wasn't just Lu Chengfeng who ran again, many people who were not far from the goddess statue by the river seemed to be frightened, shouted and began to disperse and run.

While running, he was still looking up at the sky.

Subconsciously, Caesar quickly possessed himself and looked at the sky over the Hamson River from the car window.

Immediately, the whole body shook slightly.

"Quick, drive, back up!!!"

He slammed his mouth in a low voice, and at the same time subconsciously looked in the direction where Lu Chengfeng was running, gritted his teeth, opened the car door, and rushed out.

Before the rookie special agent could react, he heard the sound of the car door opening behind him, and just wanted to turn around to see what Caesar was doing.

Suddenly felt the ground tremble, followed by a terrifying impact sound.


The sound of the meteorite hitting the ground was like thunder on dry land, raging with terrifying wind pressure, forming a powerful shock wave.

The shock wave swept across the commercial vehicle, instantly shattering Bo Li.

At this time, Naxi's first reaction was that they were attacked!

While leaning down, he turned on the walkie-talkie and called out in horror:

"Backup, call for help, we're under attack!!!"

At this time, Caesar had already rushed out of the car, looked in the direction where Lu Chengfeng and the two were leaving, and chased after them frantically. A few seconds later, there was a crashing sound, accompanied by terrifying wind pressure.

His whole body froze, and he was almost thrown out.

The ground shaking that followed made him involuntarily stagger forward a few steps.

When he stood up again and looked forward, he happened to see Lu Chengfeng and Jiang Xiaomeng slipped into a hole and hid under the steps.

The shock wave from the impact of the meteorite passed them perfectly.

The wind, sand and gravel also flew over their heads.

Caesar was not so lucky. After his body was shaken out of balance, the flying stone fragments brought up by the shock wave immediately hit him and ran away with his head in his arms.

On the stairs of the subway entrance, Jiang Xiaomeng was a little dazed when feeling the vibration of the ground, and she didn't even have time to react to what happened just now.

"Are you OK?"

From the side, Lu Chengfeng's calm voice sounded.

There seems to be a magic in this voice.

It made Jiang Xiaomeng's trembling heart calm down all of a sudden.

She couldn't help looking at Lu Chengfeng, and she had already reacted at this time.

Meteor hits the ground!

What she thought was a shooting star just now hit their direction directly, this kind of thing... is outrageous!!!

How bad luck must they have to encounter such a thing!

"No... nothing!"

Jiang Xiaomeng swallowed lightly, trying to suppress the panic in her heart.

Afterwards, she saw Lu Chengfeng look him up and down, then nodded slightly, as if to confirm whether he was really all right.

Lu Chengfeng didn't say anything more, but stood up calmly, wanting to walk out of the subway entrance to see where the meteorite landed.

Just when he stood up and was about to go out.

A figure rushed out from the corner of the subway entrance in a hurry, and then glanced straight at Lu Chengfeng and Jiang Xiaomeng.

However, the visitor didn't stay too long, but just walked past the two of them.

Just when the man passed by Lu Chengfeng, Lu Chengfeng's eyes moved slightly.

He realized that there seemed to be...something wrong with this person.

But he didn't make unnecessary movements, he just stretched out his hand to help Jiang Xiaomeng up, and then continued to walk outside the subway entrance calmly.

In the rear, Caesar, who originally thought that Lu Chengfeng had already entered the ground, had an ugly expression on his face. At this moment, he could not turn around and could only continue walking forward.

Otherwise, he hurried into the subway entrance, then turned around and went out.

Such an action, a fool can see that there is a problem.

If he turns around, his identity will definitely be exposed.

But what he didn't know was that Lu Chengfeng had actually discovered his abnormality.

Maybe others will ignore something because of panic when encountering a disaster. Caesar's performance just now has a very small chance of being found out that something is wrong under normal circumstances.

Unfortunately, he is Lu Chengfeng.

A man who can always remain calm and indifferent in the face of natural disasters!

Although Caesar reacted to cover up the first time he saw Lu Chengfeng, he directly staggered with the two and entered the subway station.

But it was precisely this that aroused Lu Chengfeng's suspicion.

Because Lu Chengfeng knows very well that when human beings face disasters.

It may be frightening at first.

But when the disaster calms down, the curiosity in my heart will be unbearable.

People will even take pictures around the place where the disaster happened. Although they will be afraid in their hearts, they will want to know what happened.

And Caesar seems to be completely uninterested in the disaster that just happened, this is not right, or it is not the reaction that a normal person should have!

He entered the subway entrance after the meteorite fell and the shock wave passed. He was not evacuating, let alone taking the subway, because the disaster that happened just now has caused part of this block to collapse. At this time, the subway station must have stopped lucky!

Therefore, Lu Chengfeng felt that this bald man in casual clothes.

There must be a problem!

"We may be being followed..."

After walking out of the subway entrance, Lu Chengfeng spoke lightly.

Beside her, Jiang Xiaomeng was taken aback when she heard this, and then her whole face became serious. She resisted the urge to look around, and said solemnly:

"Who could it be? What do we do now?"

Being followed is another outrageous thing!

Jiang Xiaomeng found that after she and Lu Chengfeng came to Yingjiang, the things they encountered were outrageous. This feeling... gave her an indescribably weird feeling!

"It should be the official person of Eagle Sauce... It's okay, we will act according to the plan!"

"Plan?" Jiang Xiaomeng looked at Lu Chengfeng suspiciously.

"Of course, we agreed to go shopping in Newt... This is just the beginning..."

At this time, the two had already walked out of the subway entrance, and Jiang Xiaomeng didn't have time to slander Lu Chengfeng's unreliable plan in her heart, so she immediately looked in the direction where the meteorite fell.

It's about a kilometer away from them.

At the mouth of the Hamson River, the statue of the goddess of free will symbolizes the eagle sauce


Instead, there is a huge crater.

The crater even spread to the river embankment, leading the river water to fill the entire crater. In this short period of time, the location of the goddess statue has become a small lake...

The vicinity of the crater was a mess, and countless Yingjiang people gradually surrounded it.

Someone is exclaiming loudly.

Someone is holding up a mobile phone to take a picture.

There were also people kneeling on the ground, holding their heads and shouting...

Gone, their goddess statues are gone!

The meteorite was not big, but the power of falling from the sky was as terrifying as a 500-kilogram tactical missile, directly causing that area to completely collapse.

The sculpture of the statue of the goddess was bombarded into slag, leaving nothing behind.

Oh, and it doesn't count as nothing left.

After the impact, the head of the goddess statue was thrown out and landed on the side of the street over there. The huge head of the statue was looking at the big crater that was smashed out by the meteorite.

There is quite a feeling of... a feeling of dying...

Fortunately, Lu Chengfeng responded in a timely manner, and led Jiang Xiaomeng to run towards the ground at the first time, and hid in when the shock wave came.

Otherwise, they may also be hurt by the shock wave.

With the occurrence of the meteorite incident, the neighborhood suddenly became lively.

Sirens soon sounded from all directions, coming towards this side.

At the same time, some Yingjiang people also quickly uploaded photos and videos of the scene on the Internet, which caused a great sensation.

The location of the meteorite impact this time is too coincidental!

That's the goddess of the eagle sauce!

As soon as I saw the news, the extranet was completely sensationalized.

The pictures and videos of the meteorite scene were quickly fermented, forwarded, and commented on major online platforms and social networking sites. Even if the relevant departments of Yingjiang wanted to suppress it, they couldn't suppress it at all.

"What happened, was it a terrorist attack? The goddess statue disappeared, only a head remained!!!"

"Oh my gosh! This is absolutely the wrath of God!!!"

"What the hell happened? Some people say it was a meteorite impact. Is this really the case? How could it be such a coincidence that the meteorite fell and just hit the goddess statue!"

……ask for flowers…

"I don't believe it, this must be the official cover-up of the facts, whether there is GPRS guidance on the meteorite, how could it hit the goddess statue so accurately!!!"

"This is so bizarre. I suddenly thought about what happened at Newt Airport two days ago. A plane was suddenly struck by lightning and out of control. These two incidents are equally bizarre and unbelievable... …”

"It's gone, the statue of the goddess of free will is gone! Does this indicate...a greater disaster is coming..."

In just a few minutes, the news that the goddess statue was hit by a meteorite with only one head left caused huge waves on all major networks and social platforms.

Yingjiang's netizens speculated about the truth of the matter, but they didn't believe that there would be such a coincidence that the meteorite hit the ground and just hit the goddess statue.

This is outrageous!

Inside a commercial vehicle on the street.

It took a while for Eagle Sauce agent Naxi to recover.

He shook his dazed head, and immediately looked up at the place where the impact sound came from, and he was not in the mood to care about the continuous inquiries from the walkie-talkie.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

Then, he swallowed uncontrollably.

Muttering: "My God, something big happened!"

He turned his head subconsciously, trying to find Caesar who was sitting behind, but immediately remembered that Caesar had rushed out just now, and now he didn't know where he was at all.

In the intercom, the voice of the operator of the secret service headquarters continued to ring.

"Hey, hey, what happened, please repeat!"

"What kind of attack did you get, please reply!!!"

Naxi calmed down, took a deep breath, pressed the intercom, and said in a deep voice: "The situation is complicated, and I don't know what happened..."

"It's just that our goddess statue... seems to be gone...

Inside the walkie-talkie: N

After a brief silence, the door behind the commercial vehicle was opened.

Caesar's figure got in.

At this time, Naxi didn't bother to explain to the people on the walkie-talkie.

After turning off the sound, he anxiously asked Caesar, "Head, where have you been? What happened just now? Did someone attack the goddess statue?"

Naxi didn't see the moment the meteorite fell, so he didn't know the truth yet.

Thought it might be someone's attack.

After getting into the car, Caesar fell into silence, shook his head for a long time, looked towards the direction of the subway entrance again, and murmured: "It's not an can check it out yourself...

On the way back, Caesar had already discovered the situation on the Internet.

The sudden disaster has swept across the entire network.

Now as long as you open the news software on your phone, the front page is definitely full of reports and various analyzes on this matter, and it only took a short ten minutes.

Caesar knows that this is true... It's a big deal!

What made him even more depressed was that after he had just briefly contacted the two target missions, now that he had calmed down and thought about it carefully, he seemed to have revealed his flaws.

Now, he is a little uncertain whether his identity has been exposed.

This made him a little annoyed, as an elite intelligence officer.

I actually made a mistake like that before.

He shouldn't have rushed in hastily and dropped his mouth.

Thinking about it now, at that point in time, no matter how much he reacted and how naturally he concealed it, as long as he rushed into the ground and fell, he had already exposed his flaws.


After seeing the details on the Internet, Naxi was stunned again.

He looked up in shock, and looked again at the area where the goddess statue was.

That huge crater made him unable to calm down for a long time.

I thought today's task would be boring, but I never expected that I would encounter a hundred years... no... maybe a meteorite hit the goddess statue once in a thousand years!

This is too bizarre, too spooky!

"When something like this happens, I'm afraid the higher-ups will have a headache..."

Caesar sighed again.

Not only does he have a headache above, but he also has some headaches now.

If one's identity is exposed, the next task will be more troublesome.

But thinking about it now, he couldn't be blamed for being impulsive. At that time, he wanted to know what was going on with Lu Chengfeng, so he subconsciously rushed into the subway entrance.

To talk about the fundamental reason, it is still because of the impact of the meteorite. Who would have thought that they would encounter such outrageous things during the mission...

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