Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1001: follow-up

Before you know it, a thousand chapters have passed, thank you all book friends for your long-term support and companionship, all bosses must make a fortune! I said!

"It's not him..." Xie Zhi tilted his head: "But after all, it is still related to Stevens, which can be regarded as a clue.

By the way, Laife, did Stevens show up? "

"Uncle, not yet, he seems to have evaporated, which is very unreasonable.

Even if he is an elite in the military and has superpowers, it shouldn't be impossible to leave no traces. "

Xiao Yu said: "Maybe it's not Stevens' strength, but the ability of that back that makes me uncomfortable.

It doesn't matter if there are no traces, as long as the other party is planning something, sooner or later the fox's tail will be revealed. "

Ryan continued: "Elder Sister is right, and AIM can be regarded as a clue, maybe it can gain something.

Come on, show us this Killian message. "

As Laifu called out the information obtained during the investigation, the old Xie family was a little surprised.

Nothing else, this Adrian Killian, who beat around the bush, had some predestined relationship with Lao Xie's family.

Laifu found out about his past experience. Coincidentally, the old Xie's family returned to this world for the second time, that is, the first time they met Gu Yi. At that time, Killian was not far away from them.

In 1999, Switzerland, an international scientific congress was being held.

It just so happened that Lao Xie's family appeared nearby.

Killian was no more than a hundred meters away from them, and... Tony was there.

In addition, there is another related person who is also at the conference.

Dr. Maya Hansen, now the Chief Scientist of AIM, had nothing to do with AIM back then.

"It's... quite a coincidence." Xie Zhi scratched his head: "But since Gu Yi appeared there, waiting for us on a special trip, obviously it can't be explained by a coincidence.

I think…"

"Don't think so." Bucky interrupted: "Old Xie, you should stop talking easily, maybe there is no big conspiracy in the first place, maybe I will let you make one up.

Coincidentally...Since they don't make troubles and feel uncomfortable, this of course conflicts with our family's philosophy of living a peaceful life.

Hammer is popular all over the world again, and it's not surprising that they get involved when they see injustice, sooner or later.

So no matter what kind of moth Killian wants to mess with, as long as he plays crooked and evil, he will **** his grandson, how easy it is. "

Pa, Xie Zhi snapped his fingers: "This statement makes sense, especially the grandson that comes with it.

However, this grandson still has two brushes, and AIM must have other thugs with ultra-high temperature capabilities.

It is definitely not comparable to the Hulked Bronsky, but it is not comparable to the super soldiers of the past.

Although we supported Mandalorian elite soldiers and terminators, we did not equip Mandalorian soldiers with equipment, and ultra-high temperature is the nemesis of T-1000.

So if you are going to be tough... just right, the basic framework of Fury's Avengers plan is also in place. Isn't the Avengers used to deal with higher-end combat forces? "

At this time, Steve, who was listening to the discussion simultaneously, responded: "Success, leave this to me."

The investigation has been decided, and the next step is how to deal with Bronski.

According to the opinions of most people in Lao Xie's family, this guy is a neurotic fighting madman, and he is the kind of **** who doesn't care about the life and death of others once he gains power.

However, Youde came up with an idea. The old Xie family really does not lack force, and **** like Bronski who only know how to destroy are really worthy of death, but it doesn’t matter if you stay a few more days, maybe it can make SHIELD stand up again, waste use.

It didn't matter if he lived a few more days, but Bronski temporarily took his life.

The conversation was divided into two parts, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. side also discussed a simple result.

The Avengers Alliance was officially established and the first members were confirmed.

The members are as follows, Dr. Hulk Banner, former US team Steve Rogers, Iron Man Tony Stark, Jedi Knight Enlightenment, Wakanda Prince Black Panther Techara, Black Widow Natasha Romanoff , Hawkeye Clint Barton.

Of course, the Supreme Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Mr. Gu Gu, is also indispensable.

As for Xie Tiechui, Tony refused as his uncle, on the grounds that the child was still in school and had no time to spare.

Since S.H.I.E.L.D. is a subsidiary organization of Lao Xie's family, it's just a formality, except for Tony, all the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the outside world.

As for the external rhetoric, the nature of the Avengers Alliance is very loose, without any rigid command requirements, it is only to deal with the situation that approximates the world crisis.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. is only a coordination and intelligence support job in the play, not a commander.

Simply put, it means neither listening to the tune nor listening to the announcement.

It is to make an appearance for the outside world, and to set up a threshold for those who want to play super combat power.

After all, the S.H.I.E.L.D. after Liwei only serves as a connection, and its influence is extremely limited, so let alone other forces. At least the S.H.I.E.L.D. has to be taken down before it can have a relationship with super combat power.

Tony is particularly pleased with this.

Because of this, Prince T'Challa has not disclosed his identity for the time being, and he did not take off his headgear during the whole process.

It was Wu Neng who gave him a guarantee, claiming that the identity of the Black Panther was a bit special, and it was not convenient to disclose it for the time being.

Tony is particularly dissatisfied with this. He is the only one who plays mysteriously and does not show his face. Who do you think you are? I, the richest man in the world, are not hiding anything. Why are you embarrassed? Could it be... ugly?

Well, this is understandable.

But then came the first job.

Fury claimed to have found one of the participants in Bronski's conspiracy, and the force possessed by this organization is not suitable for routine investigations. In case of a hands-on situation, it is too dangerous for agents, so superheroes are needed to help.

As it happens, there are two professional agents in the Avengers, who happen to be in charge of the investigation, and superheroes are used as military support.

But after talking about the situation of AIM, Tony interjected: "I think... I know what's going on, I mean the enhancement technology, maybe, probably, maybe... I made it."

These words surprised everyone, including the old Xie's family. Why is there still something about Tony here?

Fury frowned: "Mr. Stark, I think you need to explain."

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, especially Gu Gu, who had raised his kitten's paw and stared at him, Tony smiled awkwardly: "Ahem, it's like this..."

He pointed to Dr. Maya Hansen in the image data, and said: "I know Dr. Hansen, no, I should say we have known each other for a day.

What year is it? It's a scientific conference anyway, it seems to be in Switzerland..."

"1999," Fury added.

"Yes, anyway, she and I, um, hit it off right away, talked all night long, never met...Of course, it's all for science."

Natasha rolled her eyes: "No one here is interested in your love history."

Tony slapped his hands: "Let me keep it simple. She conducted a research. I forgot what it was called. It probably used chemical means to recode the brain repair center, just like hackers hacking into a computer, but what she hacked was life. .

But the research was far from successful, there was a problem with a key endase algorithm, and then... I solved it. "

Fury couldn't help but touch Tony's chest angrily: "Then you gave her the algorithm!"

"No, I didn't give it to her. I wrote the formula on a card and didn't take it away."

Steve shook his head: "Why am I not surprised at all."

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Howard said innocently: "It depends on what I do, this kid is out of tune, I was very reliable when I was young!

Of course, I am also very indignant, this kid is still in a mess, it's too outrageous! That's right! "

Steve said seriously: "Tony, can you solve this kind of body modification?"

"Hey, old man, maybe you know my dad very well, but we don't. Please don't use that elder tone."

Steve laughed and shook his head with a smile.

"Hey, hey, what do you mean by that expression? Do you think I can't tell, don't care about children, please, don't say you just know my dad well, I don't listen to my dad!

No one can order me except our hammer! "

Howard raised his hand: "Okay, okay, it's my fault, I will beat him myself, please don't look at me with that kind of look! Is this the scene of my social death today?"

Steve spread his hands indifferently, since his own father would take care of him anyway.

"Ahem!" Fury said, "Stark, are you being too sensitive? I also have the same problem as Captain Rogers."

Tony rubbed his nails, and said calmly: "If you can catch the live ones and get the other party to cooperate, I guess it will take... almost one night."

Fury said: "It's easy to handle, Natasha and Barton are in charge of penetration investigations, a consultant, it's no problem to upgrade their equipment."

"This kind of small job... okay, why do you need me?"

"Captain Rogers, Mr. Wu Neng, please provide tactical assistance."

"no problem."

"Mr. Black Panther."

Wu Neng continued: "Fucking mother told him to go home for dinner, it's inconvenient for him to participate in this operation."

Everyone was speechless, including the Black Panther. Well, in the face of super high temperature, wearing a Zhenjin battle suit is indeed equivalent to wrapping a beggar's chicken in lotus leaves, but can there be a more reliable reason?

The high-end combat forces are discussing actions against AIM, and SHIELD's external propaganda outlet also started a press conference.

Published findings on Ivan and Bronski.

Hammer Industries is completely stinky, yes, SHIELD put the blame on Hammer Industries this time.

Nothing else, although Ivan was suspected to have become a digital life, he was still classified as dead to the outside world, and the corpse was in his hand.

They will definitely still deal with each other in the future, but now, there are many benefits to introducing Hammer Industries.

First of all, this matter was originally Hammer's fault, nothing wrong with it.

Furthermore, among the forces that miss Xie Hammer, Tony, and Stark Industries, there are also people funded by Hammer, who beat the rabbits and solve them one by one.

What's more, this also solved some of the troubles of S.H.I.E.L.D., similar in nature to Xie Tiehammer and Tony.

Of course, the highlight has to be Bronski.

It's not easy for the military to clean up the **** this time. It's not that S.H.I.E.L.D. released the inside story, but as early as the end of the war, an anonymous person published the whole story of Bronsky's experiment on the Internet.

It even included Bronski's declaration of challenge at the base.

There are documents, videos, and ironclad evidence! It's the military that created a monster to destroy the world!

Why do you say that? This is thanks to the video editing technology. Taking out of context is a science. In short, everyone who saw this big reveal felt that Bronsky was a lunatic who wanted to destroy human beings.

Of course, it was not wronged him.

It's not that no one doubts that these evidences were released by S.H.I.E.L.D. After all, when it comes to intelligence gathering, they have the ability.

There's nothing wrong with being suspicious, it was Fury who did it.

But S.H.I.E.L.D. does not admit it, and has nothing to do with me. Please show me the evidence.

As for the blocking of network information, with the means of S.H.I.E.L.D., if this kind of news is released, there are ways to make the information impossible to cover up.

Exposing the military is more beneficial than engaging in Hammer Industries. After all, the military is the big force against S.H.I.E.L.D. and Xie Hammer.

Of course, it is impossible to shoot dead, unless the old American country intends to ban the existence of the army.

But it's enough to make it smelly. After all, the war is a global live broadcast, and there is no need to hide it. The people around the world can watch it.

So there will be a long period of time, and the military will restrain itself a lot. After they get through this public relations crisis, they probably won't have much confidence in making troubles again.

After all, after this scandal endangering public safety was exposed, not only the old Xie family benefited, but also the whole world.

Moreover, some of the people who take advantage of his illness to take his life are not only other countries, but also the forces within the old United States.

Old American unity? This thing will only appear when there is a cake to grab.

However, the most surprising thing to the people who eat melons around the world is that the country that stood up in a high-profile manner for the first time in this incident, expressed condemnation, indignation, demanded a strict investigation, and called on the United Nations to conduct an in-depth investigation.

It was a country that no one expected, from a small country in the third world, Wakanda.

Lao Mei is so angry, those two big countries are not in such a hurry, what are you doing so high in such a small place? Significant to you!

Wait, wait for the solution to this crisis, let you little Wakanda know who is the most violent boy in the global village!

Of course, what journalists from all sides are most interested in is not the military's scandal, after all, it has already been exposed.

The focus is on Bronski's follow-up disposal.

In this regard, SHIELD stated that although Bronski is an old American soldier, according to his special harmfulness, he has already involved anti-humanity, so it is not appropriate to try it in an ordinary court, and strongly appeals to the international joint court to hear the case .

If it’s okay, let’s appeal first, and then talk about it, and build momentum.

And in view of the fact that Bronski's ability is only temporarily suppressed, and only the magical kitten Cuckoo can suppress him, it is not suitable to be handed over to any party, lest he recover his strength and cause another catastrophe.

And Cuckoo Man has the ability to kill Bronski, so if the trial result is a death sentence, it can only be handed over to Cuckoo Man for execution.

It just raised questions about Cuckoo Man. Who is not curious about the origin of this magical kitten?

In this regard, the spokesperson explained that the S.H.I.E.L.D. does not know much about the origin of Cuckoo Man, only that it has supernatural powers and is friendly to humans. Of course, it is limited to kind people, because Cuckoo Man hates evil.

There is no nutrition, and there is no revelation, of course it is not satisfactory.

It's another question from some reporters, which is not very friendly.

Bronski is powerful, and Cuckoo Man can defeat him, but if Cuckoo Man wants to cause harm to the world, who can stop it? Similarly, what about Xie Tiehammer? Who will stop her?

Which media does this kind of question come from, and who is the power behind is of course clear.

However, SHIELD is not unable to cope with this kind of small media gimmick of setting up issues.

The spokesman smiled and said, "This reporter friend asked a good question. In fact, this problem has existed for a long time. For example...Lao Mei, if she is determined to destroy the world, who will stop it?"


There was a uniform sound of gasping, no one expected that this issue that many people want to say but dare not say, and many people say but no one listens, on this occasion, Yu also took the Aegis funded by Laomei Bring it up!

The spokesperson spread his hands and continued: "So if you are worried about the appearance of a character with the ability to destroy the world, it is a bit late to worry about it.

Fortunately, we live in a world with checks and balances.

The same is true for superheroes, because there are more than one superheroes in this world, and everyone has already seen them.

After all, the disaster that caused Hydra to wreak havoc on the world happened not long ago, and I believe no one will forget it so quickly.

So it is nothing more than a question of mutual checks and balances. Sometimes the reality is indeed more outrageous than the story, but it will also be like the description in the story. If there are villains, there will be heroes who defeat the villains.

But the irony is precisely here. If I remember correctly, that girl Xie Tiehammer, from the Hydra Rebellion to the present, has helped a lot in the two major crises, and even played a decisive role, the absolute main force.

Twice, I got unfriendly questions. I don't know what she thinks, anyway, if it were someone else... Maybe the third crisis comes, and they won't help. "

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