Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1036: yaka

Xie Zhi laughed: "I didn't talk about your brothers, I was talking about you."

Yondu fell silent.

Xie Zhi followed up and said: "Of course, I understand that you talk about loyalty, you are messing around, the boss has to protect the younger brother, although the younger brother is...well, they have more characteristics.

In addition, I also know that you are very concerned about your identity as a predator. I also know a little about predators. You are a very special organization. You have your own creed and are very united.

Asking you to change organizations is also embarrassing for you, who hasn't pursued life pursuits yet.

It doesn't matter, I don't mean to let you give up everything in the past, you are still you.

What I mean is that changing the form of work is all about earning money, and it’s just a different way of earning. It’s not shameful to earn money. "

Yondu rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Can I understand that I'm working for you?"

"Roughly the same."

Yongdu sighed: "Thank you boss, I really don't want to reject you, but I've been used to being free all my life, so it's okay to help you with some work, but I

…how to say…"

Xie Zhi continued: "Understood, the boss is used to being a person, who would be willing to be someone else's younger brother, would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, I understand.

Yondu, I didn't let you listen to me, but it didn't mean you didn't listen to me at all. Does it sound contradictory? Not contradictory.

You see, you actually often accept jobs that offer rewards, don't you?

Then I will pay and give you a goal. I don't care how to achieve it. This is entirely within your business scope. "

"Oh, I got it." Yondu rubbed his hands with a smile: "That's easy to say, it's so easy to say, just collect people's money and help people eliminate disasters."

Xie Zhi shook his finger: "I haven't finished talking yet, there are conditions.

First of all, the work you are asked to do is definitely not mortal, and there is no need for you to engage in assassination, or you have any bottom line principles. Anyway, you can say anything that you will never do, and we will rule it out.

But other than that, for the money, you have to do it.

I don't intend to force you in a friendship, it's boring, so think it through before making a decision. "

When it comes to the last sentence, Xie Zhi's tone and expression are no longer emotional.

Yongdu travels all over the world, he is good at observing words and demeanor, he understands Xie Zhi's meaning, the matter is very serious, if you promise, you can't go back on your word, otherwise the friendship may end.

After thinking for a while, Yongdu said: "Thank you boss, how about it, I still have some taboos, I have to study and make a list.

Of course, don't worry, I won't play tricks on this, and you have helped me a lot.

So as long as it doesn't violate my principles, it doesn't matter if you have more money or less money. "

"You are happy, and I am happy too. Don't worry, money is nothing. Back then, your information made me almost 10 billion. Believe me, you can still earn it back.

And I repeat, this has nothing to do with my commitment to Quill. "

"That is, that is, I have known what kind of person you are, and I promise you so much."

Yongdu paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "What kind of rules are you talking about helping?"

"Ah, this." Xie Zhi raised his hand and pointed up and down, respectively, Yondu's head and the metal arrow at his waist: "I'm very interested in your flying arrow, I don't want yours, I want to know the reason .

As I said, it’s not just about money, I can also help you upgrade. If you need it, not only weapon upgrades, but also personal strength. "

Saying that, Xie Zhi flipped his hands over, and there was already a piece of metal ingot in his palm, he raised his hand and threw it to Yongdu: "You can inspect the goods first, and try how this material compares to your flying arrows."

This metal is naturally Mandalorian iron.

After Yondu took it, he whistled, and the flying arrow came out of its sheath, drawing a beautiful red trajectory line, and hit the Mandalorian iron in his hand with a ding.

However, the arrow couldn't penetrate an inch. The Mandalorian iron was intact, but the arrow of the flying arrow was not damaged at all. Obviously, the material was also excellent.

"nice one!"

Yondu became interested, and then rubbed the arrow shaft part and the sharp corner of the Mandalorian iron, sparks scoffed, and a scratch was left on the arrow shaft, obviously the material of the arrow shaft is far inferior to the arrow.

After Yondu sighed, his brows frowned instead: "Boss thank you, I have a question that I am very curious about. Back then, I saw your Dongfeng 17 show off its power. In a star war, your flying sword is much more powerful than my flying arrow. , and the number is endless.

So I don't understand, my flying arrow is completely incomparable, how could it fall into your eyes? "

Xie Zhi nodded: "Well... to be honest, I really don't need it, but I need more people to master your unique skills.

Because... I now have an army, a large number of troops, and I hope that the army will be equipped with this kind of guided flying arrows to improve its overall strength.

Of course, I understand that no one wants to reveal the unique skill of life-saving.

It is indeed a bit difficult to do me this favor, but I still want to try.

So whatever the conditions, you just open it.

If you really don't want to, I will never force it, not irony, sincerely. "

"Army, army, army... rank up!?" Yondu was dumbfounded.

Bucky couldn't help getting into the topic: "Brother, it's not enough, we really don't mean to take advantage of it."

"No, no, you misunderstood, I... have a picture sense." Yondu licked his lips and swallowed a bit: "Thousands of troops... Thousands of arrows are fired, covering the sky and covering the sun! Invincible! That kind of scale... This kind of damage... I am afraid it is more exaggerated than Boss Xie when you let go of the flying sword."

Xie Zhi slapped his hands: "Yes, isn't it very interesting! Is my idea strong enough?"

Yondu nodded blankly: "It's strong enough... it's simply terrifying!"

"So, arming the army with guided flying arrows is a perfect match." Xie Zhi smiled and said sincerely: "Of course your difficulties are human nature, and our family's unique skills will not be spread casually.

So you put your heart in your stomach, as the saying goes, don't do to others what you don't want to be done to others, you don't need to have a psychological burden, can you do it, in a word. "

Yongdu hurriedly said: "Look at what you said, you've seen someone outside, right? Let's take a step back, Quill and your daughter are still classmates, and we are also the friendship of students' parents."

"Oh, that's right. I'm not being polite to you, and you're not being polite to me. If I make you suffer, I'll be ashamed to see others."

Yondu paused for a moment, then smiled wryly: "Boss Xie, to be honest, I absolutely agree with your idea, really, I really want Quill to use flying arrows, multiple life-saving methods would be great.

The problem is, I have tried copying the flying arrow, but there is a hurdle here. "

"Thinking about it, something extraordinary must have something extraordinary." Xie Zhi nodded: "So how do you say it specifically?"

Yondu put down the Mandalorian iron and held the flying arrow with both hands: "Let me introduce first, first of all, this is not called flying arrow, because many people know my way of fighting and watch me whistling to control arrows, they call this whistle arrow , is actually not right.

Its correct name is Yaka Arrow.

Yaka is the name of a special metal in my hometown. Yaka metal has sound-sensitive properties, so the sound can affect Yaka to a certain extent, which is why I whistle.

But this is just an appearance, otherwise, whoever gets Yaka metal can make Yaka arrows.

What's really special about Yaka Metal is...telepathy.

Yes, it is not my whistle, not my brain, but my heart that controls the arrows of Yaqa.

The so-called whistle is like... language, which can make my mind more simple and clear. With a whistle, Yaka Arrow knows my intention and what to do. "

Howard was surprised: "Doesn't this mean...Yaka Metal is alive! It has thoughts!"

Yondu nodded: "In the ancient concept of my hometown, Yaka is alive, but this is a superstition of the barbaric era.

Times are advancing, technology is developing, and various studies have proved that it is only metal, and of course it is indeed very special.

No one knows why, but it may have something to do with Yaka's origins.

According to ancient records, Yaka did not exist a long time ago. It was not until a meteorite hit the earth that this magical metal appeared within the scope of the fall.

And that meteorite is said to be shining with golden light, not red.

What's even weirder is that the ancient ancestors couldn't get close to it at all, they would go crazy if they approached, and then die. The ancient people called it a curse.

Until one day, the flying palace descended from the sky, and the gods took away the golden light substance, and this curse disappeared, and there was a chance to discover Yaka metal.

Of course, everyone later understood that it was just an alien spaceship, the thing that really caused the birth of Yaka Metal, and it was taken away by others.

Therefore, it is very possible that it is the characteristic of the golden light substance that causes the variability of the substance, and the incidental product is the Yaka metal. "

"So the problem is telepathy, or is there a shortage of Yaka metal?" Xie Zhi asked.

"Both." Yongdu sighed: "The former is actually easy to say, although it is the secret of our race, but... the centaur is probably the only one left, and there is nothing to keep secret.

And the technical aspect is not a problem, I also have related training methods, a full set.

Although this requires a long period of hard work and hard work, it can be solved in the end.

The crux of the problem lies in Yaka metal, the reserves are not much at all, and after countless years of mining, it has long been used up.

Later, my hometown encountered a catastrophe and was invaded. The people of my tribe were killed and injured, and the rest were sold as slaves to all parts of the universe.

As for Yaka metal, it has already flowed into the universe as spoils of war, like a drop of water falling into the sea.

For so many years, I have worked hard, but I only got a little bit, and the stock is not much.

And it is not only the body of the arrow that can make the Yaka arrow effective, but also..."

Yondu tapped the metal object implanted on the top of his head: "The main material of this device is made of Yaka metal, which is equivalent to a signal transmitting and receiving antenna."

Then he pointed to the position of the red light under the arrow and the position of the red light at the tail of the arrow: "The reason why these parts are not covered with other metals is to allow Yaka to function, full coverage is not enough, it will affect the control.

The combination of the antenna and the feather arrow is the complete form of the Yaka arrow. "

Then Yongdu smiled wryly and spread his hands: "Mr. Xie wants to arm the army, this idea is not limited to you, I also want to, but unfortunately there is no condition.

Even in my hometown, there is no organized Yaka arrow unit, and only the elite of the elite can use this weapon.

Otherwise, we will not be reduced to the end of being exterminated. "

"That's's okay. How to solve it is my problem. If you still have spare Yaka metal, can you let me see a sample."

"Of course." Yondu reached out his hand and took out a flat round box the size of a cigarette case from the inner pocket of the leather jacket, and could hear the sound of small things colliding inside.

While handing it to Xie Zhi, Yondu said: "I also have a fin-shaped prototype on my boat, which is the thing on my head.

I can ask Klarin to bring it over, oh, Klarin is my deputy, he is considered to be my younger brother with an above-average IQ, he will not steal things randomly, I mean if I don’t ask for it. "

"It's okay, let him come here."

When Yondu communicated to inform the younger brother, Xie Zhi opened the lid of the box, and saw three red metal blocks the size of thumbs inside the box, those who didn't know it thought it was just a small stone.

Xie Zhi picked up one and looked in front of his eyes: "Yondu, can you control them?"

"No problem, how can I demonstrate?"

"Fly a few times."

With Yondu's whistle, the metal object above his head glowed red, and at the same time, the three pieces of Yaka metal also glowed red.

On the contrary, Yondu's Yaka arrow didn't respond at all. Obviously, this kind of mind control is quite precise.

Then, including the one in Xie Zhi's hand, three small pieces of metal slowly flew up, with red streamer trails, quite beautiful.

Xie Zhi's eyes lit up, he laughed and got up and said, "Very well, let's go to another place to verify."

Yondu is unknown, so what else can be verified? With doubts, he left the reception room with several adults.

As for the children, they are not interested in Yaka arrows at all. After all, the old Xie family has stronger means, so it is more interesting to play black.

The place to go is still a giant apron, which is spacious enough.

First of all, Xie Zhi used the force to control things, controlled a piece of Yaka metal to fly for a certain distance, followed by the energy of will gushing out from the Tai Chi ring, and wrapped the Yaka metal.

In Yondu's surprised eyes, the green energy suddenly changed its shape, but in an instant, Yaka metal suddenly became bigger! About the size of a small car.

Yes, will energy manifests Pym particles.

Xie Zhi pointed to the enlarged Yaka: "Yondu, can you still control it?"

"Ah? Oh, let me try." Yondu resisted the shock, licked his lips, and whistled again.

The huge yaka metal, red light suddenly appeared, and it still flew freely, seemingly no different from when it was small.

This result made the three of Xie Zhi smile with satisfaction. After all, the enlargement and reduction of Pym particles will still change the properties of the target substance to a certain extent, but now it has been proved that this degree of enlargement has no effect and can still be controlled. Then the raw materials Scarcity, is it still a thing?

But Xie Zhi still made sure: "Yondu, you are an In terms of feeling, is there any difference from before?"

"No!" Yondu said excitedly, "It's the same as before! There is no difference!"

"It's done." Xie Zhi snapped his fingers, and repeated the previous steps again. Yaka Metal was enlarged by N times again. This time it was comparable to a destroyer, of course, it was the type of Earth Navy.

Without Xie Zhi opening his mouth, Yondu smiled like a flower, and then whistled.

As a result, it remains the same.

But Yondu snorted.

Bucky said, "What's wrong? What's the problem?"

Yondu wondered: "Accepting my heart... is smoother, is it because of the larger size?"

Howard said: "Mr. Yongdu, can you do a short-distance highest acceleration?"

"Okay, it's very simple."


Amidst the whistling sound, the huge Yaka metal moved two meters with afterimages. Although it was only two meters, everyone felt how fast the speed was.

It was Yondu who exclaimed first: "Oh my God! The weight has increased countless times, not only does not affect the acceleration, but it is even faster! What's going on?"

Xie Zhi said with a smile: "Conventional amplification, when it reaches a certain level, will have an impact on the characteristics of the substance itself, but whether it is stronger or weaker is not static, it depends on the characteristics of the substance itself.

Simply put, what the result will be depends on luck, like a lottery.

But in the case of Yaka Metal, we clearly hit the jackpot.

How about Yondu, is there still a problem? "

"No... no! Yes! Can it get bigger?"

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