Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1356: new conditions

【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

Chapter 1356 New Conditions

Xie Zhi walked up the edge of the stairs. At the same time, he also had a pistol in his left hand. This time, he held two guns in his hand and pointed them at the edge of the stairs above.

At this moment, the upper stairs have been destroyed by anti-infantry directional mines, and the building skin is full of damage marks. Although it is not as exaggerated as the bombing, it is still miserable.

It is not clear how many people died or whether they died, but it must not be many. After all, this is not an open area, and the killing effect is limited.

But Xie Zhi's purpose was not to kill or solve the problem of being blocked.

Sure enough, someone survived the two waves of explosions and cautiously looked down with a gun.

That one only showed a little bit of the head, let's add one-fifth of the face with the left eye...


A bullet pierced his brow bone.

Facing a sharpshooter who has a precise grasp of the fighter, the quick shooter, this exposed face is enough to kill him.

And Xie knew that this shot was like a starting gun. The surviving gunmen above all moved without showing their heads.

But this is just an idea, because Xie Zhi is the first opportunity at this time. When he blocked the battlefield with a gun, no one could shoot.

boom! boom! boom! boom…

Accompanied by the sound of rapid-fire guns, either the killer's gun was shot away, or the hand holding the gun was shot to waste.

And with the firing, Xie Zhi's footsteps changed from a cautious walk to a trot, because the shooting circles that belonged to both sides have been controlled by Xie Zhi, and he is confident that there will be no faster gun player than him at this moment. up.

In this way, it's not just a problem of the gun flying and the hands being useless. Soon the first killer who entered the Xie Zhi shooting circle with his whole body appeared, and was taken away by a bullet in an instant.

Afterwards, this step is basically the same. It looks very simple, but an insider understands that the more simple it looks, the more it shows that the person's ability is not simple.

In fact, the fierce discussion on Xie Zhi on the Internet...?

The discussion is already very lively.

Although it didn't take long for the incident to happen, given that Xie Zhi's affairs were too big, even if they found out that there were not many people who were live broadcasting at the beginning, those people would quickly call their friends and inform everyone who could be notified. , don't worry about it

So in a short period of time, almost everyone knew about this live broadcast on the Tao.

With regard to Xie Zhi's ability, the professional leaders of all parties have given the most rigorous judgments, and the opinions are basically the same. That is, Xie Zhi's several specialties are definitely the top level in the industry, and it is very likely that no one can surpass him. , at least so far, no video data of the same level has been seen.

There may be controversy in some areas, such as tactical prediction. This kind of pure intuitive ability is not easy to quantify, but there is absolutely no objection in terms of rapid fire and precision, because according to the timing, Xie Zhi not only broke the world record, but also faster times!

This alone makes everyone understand that as long as this man is carrying a gun, no one can shoot ahead of him within a range of 30 to 50 meters.

This distance is Xie Zhi's absolute rule!

Of course, there are trolls everywhere, and the underworld is the same, but unfortunately, nonsense without any arguments will not exist for a few seconds.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

After all, the underworld is different from the normal world. Ordinary people may have nothing to do with trolling, but people in the Jianghu are not used to your faults. If you still trot after the first warning, well, you’re in trouble. Offline appointments for gangsters are not Just talking, who doesn't know a hacker yet.

Even if you don’t know each other, the hackers on the road are willing to take this kind of work. If you give me money, I will find the troll for you. Remember to broadcast a live broadcast when you die that idiot.

The rivers and lakes can be about people's sophistication, and the rivers and lakes can be more about fighting and killing.

In short, the fiery discussions about eating melons pushed Xie Zhi's reputation to a new level.

When this wave of stair battles ended, Xie Zhi received a very special reward reminder:

In view of the actions of the participant Xie Zhi, it aroused heated discussions in the world, and won a well-recognized nickname in the world-plastic axe.


#The reason is that the fighting style of the participants, like plastic surgeons, can turn decay into magic, but what they use is not a scalpel, but a rough axe, precise, sharp, and dangerous.

There are more than 200,000 people who agree with this nickname, and the nickname is legendary.

Remarks, the nickname cannot be chosen by oneself, it must be given by others.

The effect of the nickname "Plastic Axe" of the legendary Jianghu:

1. The legendary Jianghu nickname is a symbol of status in the Jianghu. It has a halo of prestige and has additional influence on those who know the meaning of the nickname. Both positive and negative are doubled.

2. The rationality of integrating into the background setting of the mission world is increased by 80%. After 100% reasonable integration, the floating probability will produce related exclusive cause and effect, and the 10% probability will have a reasonable interpersonal relationship with important plot characters.

Reasonable relationship?

Xie Zhi rubbed his temples with the muzzle of his gun: "The literal meaning is easy to understand, but what kind of relationship is it? To recognize a godson, goddaughter, godson, god-grandson... I don't care, but please don't give me a hard time." What kind of peachy relationship is there.

This is not a question of whether my daughter-in-law knows or not. How can we say that we are also a generation of cosmic powerhouses, and scandals will affect my stalwart and glorious image.

It's a plastic axe, who would have thought of using an ax to plastic people? Hehe, it's interesting, don't say it, I really want to try it.

Well, you can find a wood chopping axe, preferably the kind with rusty spots, it’s rough enough. "

Whispering nonsense did not prevent Xie Zhi from continuing to move forward.

But he also knew that there should not be many killers to kill.

The main reason is that he set the fire too successfully, and the fire had already spread, so those who didn't want to be blocked by the fire in the building had to leave.

As for the killers who are hotel staff, there are not too many of them. After all, this is a high-end hotel and requires a large number of staff. It is impossible to recruit all of them with strong combat effectiveness. How can so many combatants be willing to work as waiters all day long?

Therefore, the main composition of the staff must be ordinary people.

The fact is also as Xie knows...?

Judging, in the process of rushing upwards, no new living people were encountered.

Naturally, he didn't find the hotel owner, and of course Xie Zhi didn't plan to search carefully, and he was not familiar with the place, who knows if the boss slipped away or hid in a secret room.

So it doesn't matter, just continue to set fire along the way and it's over.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

At this time, the fire in the building had already spread, and even Xie Zhi's escape route was burned out.

But Xie Zhi could not have thought of this, he had observed the escape route before entering.

After arriving at the top rooftop, Xie Zhi turned off the live broadcast of the drone, entered some new commands, then hung a net pocket under the drone, and then... turned into a cat.

That's right, the kitten rides a drone and flies for evacuation.

After all, a cat's body doesn't weigh much, and Xie Zhi's drone can easily carry it around.

Ever since, amidst the thick smoke, Xie Zhi left the scene without a sound.

After flying to the top of a building one street away, the cat-shaped Xie Zhi successfully landed, received the drone, continued to rub the car with the cat's body, and returned to the airport.

During the ride, I browsed through the accumulated reminders, mainly about reputation, experience, and gold coins from the High Table Club. Although the harvest was good, Xie Zhi wanted to see if anything else was triggered.

Too bad there is nothing else.

After Xie Zhi thought about it, this was also reasonable. After all, this time it didn't even count as side missions. It was purely self-initiated. At most, it was equivalent to...finding a strange area and fighting a wave of monsters.

But he knew right away that it wasn't that it wasn't triggered, but that the time hadn't come yet.

Xie Zhi's identity phone rang, and the caller ID showed that it was the mysterious girl from before.


It's too coincidental to call at this time and say that it has nothing to do with my own affairs.

However, if you want to answer the phone, you can’t use the body shape of a cat. Fortunately, Xie Zhi’s car is a bus to the airport. The roof space is large enough and high enough. will be found by pedestrians.

As for making such a big commotion, whether the identity phone will be tracked and located,...?

Xie Zhi doesn't care, if you have the guts to do it, it doesn't matter even if you throw a nuclear bomb, I have a gold card to avoid death.

"Hello wow"

"Hello, Mr. Xie Zhi, or, I should call you 'Plastic Axe' now."

"Okay, I like this nickname, and I'm about to buy an axe. To be honest, I actually have research on medical aesthetics. Do I need double eyelid surgery? I'll give you a 50% discount."

"Thank you, I have double eyelids."

"It's okay to cut the bones and thin the face, and the whole butt-shaped chin is also fine."

"No, I'll call you Mr. Xie Zhi. Frankly speaking, your new nickname makes me have some uncomfortable associations with the beauty industry."

"You can't complain to me about this, you have to find those who call me nicknames."

"So... can I think, Mr. Xie Zhi, you are out of trouble now?"

"There is a problem with your words. When was I trapped? Well, I understand what you mean, so someone is eager to know if I am still alive, right?"

"Hehe, that's true. I'm the middleman, and I'm in charge of spreading the word."

"Okay, tell me, I'm listening."

"The people who are interested in you mean that I hope Mr. Xie Zhi can stop here and stop doing such provocative actions.

Because if this continues, things will become more complicated. "

Xie Zhile: "It's none of my business to be complicated? I only said that I would consider it, but I didn't say that I would definitely agree.

And he can ask questions to test me, why can't I test his ability.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

I just fought back against the high table meeting, so it won't work over there? Then he doesn't need to contact me. "

The woman chuckled: "The other party has considered your statement, so what the other party means is that the high table can't be solved, the problem lies in the cost performance.

No one will bulldoze a mountain to dig a piece of gold unless the whole mountain is full of gold.

So the current situation is that the other party can still terminate the high table's bounty hunt, but if you make things worse...?

If it is bigger, the other party will have to consider whether it is a good deal.

In addition, the other party sincerely admires your behavior and ability, and is not only willing to conduct transactions, but also very much hopes to become friends with Mr. Xie Zhi.

And the previous request to let you go to a certain place is no longer necessary. As long as you do one thing and accomplish it, the reward offered by the High Table will stop immediately. "

For the sake of the mission, Xie Zhi suppressed the sarcasm on his lips and said, "What's the matter?"

"The other party wants you to steal something. Note that you must give an affirmative answer this time before the detailed information will be sent to you. Otherwise, it will be ignored."

Steal? That's right, brother is the Greenwood Rogue. It seems that the crime record should be related to theft.

Xie Zhi pretended to be silent and thought about it, but actually counted a few clouds for the third time before saying: "You can respond to the other party, I also have rules, I don't steal three things.

One, children don't steal.

Two, women don't steal, oh, I have to add this one, this one also includes all the genders that you have added, in short, I don't play beauty tricks.

Three, I don't steal anything that isn't special.

Besides, I still have some things to deal with here, and I won't start work right away, so, during this period of time, I really won't trouble the High Table again.

But... Actually, I don't need the other party to solve the high table reward for me, so you have to pass it on and ask the other party to offer a more attractive new offer.

Otherwise, let him find someone else. "

"Okay, I will convey it, is there any other request?"

"No request, I'm just a little curious, your job as an operator must be very profitable, right?"

"Business secrets, see you later."

About ten minutes later, the call came again, and after the call was connected, the woman on the other side said: "Your three don't steal rules are fine, the item has nothing to do with the first two, and both the item itself and the difficulty of stealing it are very special.

As for the new conditions, the other party has offered you three conditions, please choose one of them. "


So generous, okay, let me listen. "

"First, the other party gave you 80 million pounds, but it can only be transferred, and money laundering..."

"Tell me two."

"It seems that Mr. Xie Zhi is not short of money."

"It's lacking, but it's only 80 million pounds. I don't think I've seen any money? It's a beggar."

"Okay, second, I will give you a perfect new identity that is absolutely legal, and the previous crimes will be bought and sold..."

Hearing this Xie Zhi, he understood who the person looking for him was, and who else could it be, either the head of Angsa, or the second head of Angsa. After all, this trick of canceling the crime itself showed how arrogant the other party was. law? To them, it's just a torii.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

"Third, I will provide you with three intelligence services for free. I think Mr. Xie Zhi can understand that finding you proves that the other party's intelligence capabilities are still very strong.

And as a show of sincerity, I can give you a piece of information about the test as a gift, as long as you ask. "

"It's okay, so, help me... look up the identity information of a person, his name is Odin Bolson.

This person should have been a soldier. Judging from his appearance, he is about 30 to 40 years old. He is a white man. He should live in Laomei and now he has gone to Europa.

If you find it, let me I will choose the third item as the transaction condition, and then you can send the information to me. "

"Okay, but the investigation takes time, how about within 24 hours?"

"Okay, anyway, I have something to do, don't worry."

After finishing the call, I didn't receive a notification. It seems that the relevant task will not be started until the information is obtained.

Then Xie Zhi transformed into a cat again, arrived at the station, waited for the flight, and took Feidi.

Two more flights were transferred, and after half a day, Xie Zhi, Jing Jing and filling Strange finally arrived at the destination, Xiangdao.

The reason why he brought Strange, of course, was not because he was reluctant to kill him, but mainly because he didn't want to disturb Xie Zhi's actions because the resurrection point was too close.

After all, the distance between the participants is too close to hide, because...?

Each other's specific location will be updated every twelve hours.

Now that's the place, then Strange can get out.

Of course it was not to kill him, but Xie Zhi had investigated some shipping in Xiangdao port in advance, found a cargo ship with a good route, asked Jing Jing to stuff Strange on board secretly, and found a ship that was difficult to be found. The place.

In this way, Strange can take an ocean trip.

However, one has to die once. The specific method is to put a time bomb next to Strange's head. Of course it is not a real bomb, but it is actually an ultraviolet lamp that is turned on at regular intervals.

After dealing with Strange, it was finally Xie's turn to know his business.

It's not the main mission, but it's equally important, because it's a hidden mission exclusive to Xie Zhi.

The gratitude message received by the mobile phone at the beginning of the game has already opened this line..._&?

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