Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 217: nest

However, the appearance of this alien is really individual, with a huge forehead and a one-to-one ratio to the face, and there are quite a lot of protrusions on the edge of the skull, giving people the feeling of a turtle shell on his head, but this skull It does look very hard, and behind the protruding bone like the skirt of a turtle shell, there are dirty braids, but if you look closely, it is not hair, but a long black beard of flesh.

The most special thing is of course his face, with thick browbones, deep-set eye sockets, and a pair of yellow eyes that glared fiercely, but this one has no nose, almost a mouth below the eyelids, and the weird thing is that he has claws on his face The joint structure is distributed around the mouth up, down, left, and right. Xie Ai thinks it's nails on his face, but Xie Zhi thinks it's chicken claws on his face.

Xie Zhi tutted and said: "The four extra claws on the upper and lower jaws are more suitable for biting people, but there are really not many real teeth in this mouth. There are two on the top, four on the bottom, and only six teeth after adding one. No matter how you look at it, it is not suitable for chewing. Food, you don’t have a tongue yet, do you eat liquid food? Or do you swallow it raw? Tsk tsk, from the don’t pay attention to your food, you don’t have a food culture, it’s a tragic civilization.”

The alien roared again and again.

Xie Zhi raised his eyebrows: "Girl, what do you think he said?"

Xie Ai thought for a while, then raised his hand and said: "He is not convinced, they must have delicious ducks! Alien ducks, the rules of Xie's family, don't kill ducks for food! Hey ducks!"

Xie Zhi gave her a brain breakdown: "That's your rule."

Then he said to the alien: "Do you understand the language of the people on Earth?"


"Well, it seems that even if you understand it, you don't intend to say it."

Xie Zhi released the liquefied metal lock to lock the two aliens who were unconscious.

Then the three found a lot of odds and ends from the aliens, all of which were cold weapons, long and short knives, and disc knives with retractable sharp blades. They suspected that these things were thrown like darts.

However, although these things are superb in craftsmanship and cool in shape, they are really inconvenient to use. Think about it. Ergonomics is a science. These things should be designed according to other people's hands. Humans find it awkward to hold them.

So for Xie Zhi, these things do not have actual combat value, at most they are of collection value, which can enrich their family's collection.

On the contrary, the alien's wrist guard and helmet are quite high-tech. The wrist guard is obviously a wrist smart terminal. However, due to the different civilizations and the incomprehensible writing, Xie Zhi didn't mess around. He only scanned and passed the data modeling to someone Duc, let him study.

As for the helmet, Xie Zhi tried to put it on his face, maybe because he was wearing a battle suit, there was no reaction inside the helmet, and Xie Zhi did not intend to remove the battle suit visor, who knows if there is an alien virus on this thing, Even if not, there must be alien saliva.

Xie Zhi is more concerned now, how did these two aliens appear and have been dormant here for a long time? Or in a… spaceship?

It's a pity that there is a language barrier, interrogation is impossible, and I can only be detained for the time being.

Xie Zhi levitated the two aliens, sealed their eyes and mouths, Xie Zhi shrunk the pieces and put them away, maybe the aliens have more advanced detection methods, but it would be too imprudent to show all their trump cards in front of each other Yes, it is up to the other party to decide whether it is useful or not to do it, and it is up to oneself whether to do it or not.

At the same time, Xie knew that there were many small sentinel robots flying out of the backpack, and they became invisible when they appeared. Their mission is to go out and investigate.

At this time, Xie Zhi knew the world well in his heart. The nature of the situation had changed. The mysterious pyramid was explored, and even aliens appeared in the end. I am afraid that the world will not be peaceful.

The aliens I met for the first time were so-called engineers, but there was only one survivor, so I was lucky, but this time, I met two at once. Probably lower than buying a lottery ticket.

Xie Zhi is already mentally prepared for the war, or even the outbreak of interstellar war, but he still maintains a calm attitude on the surface, as long as he knows it in his heart, there is no need to scare the children, let alone mess up the situation, just continue to search for clues I believe that the aliens will not bombard the earth as soon as they find the enemy, how crazy is that.

The three of you continued wandering around in the pyramid, the two aliens floated along, and a giant snake was dragged by Xie Ai. Xie Zhi really couldn’t understand why this monster was so fun, and the little girl didn’t let go, even though children play with bugs. Strange, but this bug is also a bit big.

Not long after, a puddle of slime was found in the hallway, which looked disgusting.

Turning the corner, I found that the corridor was covered with strange black fleshy objects, the walls and floors were covered, and there were mucus dripping.

Continuing to go deeper, there is a hall inside, the floor is also covered with strange fleshy objects, and the stone platforms are full of meat eggs that breed strange insects.

In addition, there are three men wrapped in disgusting mucus and sealed to the wall on the indoor wall.

A hole had been opened in a man's body, apparently the parasite had come out, another was unconscious, and a third had his head hugged by a strange insect.

Youde gave his analysis. These mucus and fleshy substances should be the secretions of giant snakes, which are used to build nests. Perhaps this kind of wet and sticky environment is the livable environment for giant snakes.

Xie Zhi scanned the two men who were not yet dead. From the perspective, he could see a foreign object in the chest cavity of the two men. It was a snake-shaped bug. The head was very similar to a giant snake, and there were two curled up limbs on the chest.

"Looking at it this way, it's all right. The super-sized giant snake lays eggs, and the jumping monsters in the eggs hug their faces, and then parasitize after hugging their faces. They grow into this shape in the human body, and then break out of the body, and the larvae grow into Giant snake... tsk tsk, I hate parasites the most. When I was a child, I ate two slices and hit a bunch of roundworms..."

Xie Zhi shook his head, pointed to the two unconscious men and said, "Girl, did you see that bug, quantum phase change, take it out."

Saying that, Xie Zhi took a few steps back, not wanting to interfere with her daughter's display of supernatural powers.

"Good Big baby, hold it for you, don't let the **** lobster get away."

Xie Ai handed the giant snake to Xie Tiehammer, floated up, stretched out his left hand, and immediately his left hand was blurred, including his battle clothes.

In fact, this is the characteristic of Xie Ai's ability. Since Xie Zhi first met Ava, her quantum phase change can assimilate even clothes. Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise the little girl would be naked as soon as she did it. , Wouldn't it be cheaper for others to grow up.

And Xie Tiehammer tugged on the giant snake's tail, saw a meat egg blooming, and a strange insect emerged, thoughtfully, and then... violently swung the giant snake, buzz! Snapped! The meat, eggs and monsters were smashed to pieces.

Another egg blooms, hum! Snapped! Crushed!

hum! Snapped! hum! Snapped…

Xie Zhi blinked his eyes, Hammer, he learned to play whack-a-mole without a teacher...

In this regard, Xie Zhi was relieved and angry again. He was relieved that the two daughters were brave enough, and the one who got angry was also too bold. In the future, I will be able to learn the nirvana of not being able to unscrew the cap of the beverage bottle. It seems that it is very difficult...

Looking at Xie Ai again, the little hand stretched into a man's chest without hindrance, who would have thought that the man suddenly woke up at this time, before he could figure out the situation, he saw a small black humanoid thing with yellow eyes glowing in front of him , put your hand into your body...

"Ghost!!" The man screamed frantically.

Clap! Xie Ai patted the man's face with his right hand, and said very seriously: "Calm down, don't disturb me! I want to concentrate! Oh, come out, come out, look, your baby is safe and energetic. "

Xie Ai shook the squeaking giant snake larva in his hand, the man stared blankly for a moment, then vomited.

Xie Ai sighed, and touched the head of the giant snake larva: "Look, you are so ugly that your father vomited."

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