Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 228: 5 rings

after one day.

A huge ice and snow building stands on the Antarctic ice sheet, which is actually similar to the snow house of the Eskimos, but the volume is more exaggerated.

And inside this giant building, Xie Zhi faced more than a hundred captives.

These captives are not hunter aliens, but pure-bred earthlings, and in view of the large number of captives, this temporary ice and snow building was created.

Surrounding these captives, there were several sentinel robots. The captives were very familiar with these giant robots, and they were caught by them for nothing else.

It was precisely because they knew how powerful they were, all the more than a hundred people present were quite sensible, and no one was confused about the situation and yelled and protested.

But at this time, Xie Zhi was floating in the air, and at the same time his battle suit was glowing with brilliance. Originally, this was just a useless ability, but now he is using it to show off. It just looks a bit like a neon light, not a showy one.

Xie Zhi looked around at the crowd, he could suppress his voice low, nothing else, just put on a show, look dignified, suitable for pretending.

"Even though everyone came first and then later, you still came in time. I don't know your specific identities. I just ask one question. Is there anyone among you who can represent... the five major powers of the earth?"

No one said anything.

Xie Zhi waved his hand: "Okay, then there's nothing to talk about. It's about the safety of the earth. It's useless for ordinary people to know. Let's all go back and contact your government and send someone who can make decisions to talk."

Seeing that Xie Zhi was about to leave, a middle-aged white man finally stood up and said, "I can represent the old American government! If you have anything to discuss with me, since it involves world security, it is of great importance, please let the idlers wait..."

Before he finished speaking, another bald white man stood up and said bluntly: "I am the representative of Lao Hungry! You said that the idlers are waiting, you should be early."

These two, to be precise, were the representatives of the United States who revealed their identities, which changed the nature of the matter. Representatives from other countries had to stand up and report their identities, representing Laoying, Laofa, and infrastructure respectively.

That's right, Wieland's satellite was indeed the first to discover the pyramid, but as time went by, the strange things that happened in Antarctica had attracted the attention of the five major powers, so it was naturally impossible not to send people to study them.

It's just that Xie Zhi didn't expect to come so neatly. Although there was a slight difference in time, they basically all arrived on the same day, which saved him a lot of trouble.

In fact, Xie Zhi knows that these people are not civil organizations, nothing else, although they were easily taken down by the sentinel robots, the short-term performance of the armed personnel of each team can be called elite, and they have a strong military flavor. It is not impossible to say that there are mercenaries, but the probability of all elite mercenaries appearing is too low.

"Very good, this saves a lot of trouble. I know you have a lot of questions, but I can simplify it and show you something first."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Xie Zhi said as he waved his fingers, and then, two sentinel robots walked in, each holding an alien in their hands, but At this moment, the alien was stripped to nothing but his underpants, and he was still struggling, screaming strangely.

However, Xie Zhi didn't feel that he was abusing captives. Even though it was a world of ice and snow, the hunters had already proved that they had extraordinary physiques, so the cold was nothing.

And the appearance of the two aliens made the place gasp, followed by all kinds of surprises.

"Oh God, what is this!?"

"Gene modification technology?"


"I remember today is not April Fool's Day!"

Xie is not surprised that many people make a fuss. After all, every team is not only soldiers, secret agents, etc., but also various technical personnel. It is an extravagant hope to expect everyone to keep calm at all times, especially when seeing aliens. .


After Xie Zhi finished speaking, he was a little depressed. He saw a few people not only did not stop chattering, but also walked towards the aliens, as if seeing a rare treasure. Obviously they didn't cooperate with him and pretended to be too blind.

"take away."

The two aliens were immediately taken away again, and now those excited and frenzied people finally came to their senses.

Xie Zhi said lightly: "If you can't keep calm and quiet, then you can talk about it tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. Anyway, it's your time wasted."

Representatives from various countries said one after another that there is no need to restrain the accompanying scholars in the team.

Seeing that the scene was under control, Xie Zhi ordered the robot to play the holographic image, and there was Laifu's commentary. The content was what happened in the pyramid and the process of fighting the aliens. Of course, after editing, not everything was shown.

The matter was simplified and summarized, so that everyone present knew what happened.

But with Xie Zhi's previous warning, everyone had to hold back even though they couldn't vomit.

Of course, it didn't prevent them from raising their hands one after another, expressing that they had something to say.

Xie Zhizhi: "The situation is like this. I know that you have many questions, and I am willing to answer them. To be fair, I will come in order from left to right. You should ask first."

The Laofa representative pointed by Xie Zhi got up and said, "Sir, where are you from?"

Xie Zhi pointed to the top: "The more distant world, well, the next one."

Representative Laoying: "Are you here to help humans deal with the hunters?"

"Nonsense, why don't I keep you for this? Next."

Representative Lao Hungry: "So are you planning to establish diplomatic relations with humans, or just to support them?"

"It can be said to be support, but there is a limit, the next one."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Laomei representative: "First of all, on behalf of all mankind, I thank you for your kind help..."

Xie Zhi interrupted directly: "You can't represent, next one."

As soon as Xie Zhi finished speaking, many people couldn't help laughing out loud, and they didn't save any face when they were slapped on the spot.

The infrastructure representative stood up and said, "Hi, first of all, on behalf of myself, I would like to thank you for your kind help. For the sake of communication and respect, how should I address you?"

Old Meifang's face is even darker, you are quick enough to apply the eye drops.

Xie Zhi paused, and seemed to be hesitating as he shook his head: "This question is a bit complicated...Because out of respect, people on Earth should actually call me...ancestor.

That's right, strictly speaking, people on Earth are my relatives, and you are all my descendants. In terms of age, you won't suffer if you call me ancestor. After all, I have... well, I have lived for too long. The earth and the land are still a whole, and I accidentally broke it. "


Everyone was These words are not only informative, but also directly subvert the worldview, okay? Human ancestors were not natives of the earth? ! Darwin came out and explained!

And Xie Zhi is secretly happy, has been a president, pretended to be a fairy, and now the new achievement is unlocked, the ancestor of mankind, Oye.

During this time, Xie Zhi's visor also faded away like a tide, forming a half-covered helmet with only his face exposed.

Xie Zhi spread his hands: "Look, my children, we look the same, we have the same genes."

During the communication, Bucky said: "Smelly shameless."

Xie Zhi replied secretly: "You are blatantly jealous, do a good job in this promising career as a full-time baby daddy."

A few seconds later, everyone raised their hands, mainly technicians.

"There are too many people, and representatives from all parties should ask questions. The old rules, you come."

The representative of Laofa excitedly said: "Do you mean that you created human beings?"

Xie Zhi shook his head and said: "It's not creation, I said it, you are descendants, I am your ancestor."

Representative Lao Ying followed up and said, "Why don't you contact us?"

Xie Zhi sighed: "It's too far away, it's inconvenient. I live outside the Fifth Ring Road, but there is a Fourth Ring Road between the Fifth Ring Road and the Third Ring Road. Oh, by the way, this is called the three-dimensional world, and we call it the Third Ring Road."

The old Russian representative: "May I ask the three-dimensional world, no, how do humans in the third ring area enter the fifth...fourth ring area?"

"It's difficult. The third and fourth rings are too congested. It's too early for you to think about this issue. Don't worry. Your grandchildren after N generations should be able to catch up with the good time when the third and fourth rings are unblocked."

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