Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 284: afraid of comparing goods

A green light flashed, and a materialized image of Thomas appeared in the air.

The whole family watched and did not avoid it. After all, this is similar to holographic image communication, which projects the image of the user, and the people around cannot see it.

"Hello, instructor." Xie Zhi greeted with a smile.

Thomas was a little embarrassed: "Don't call me an instructor. I'm more like a commentator. I didn't teach you anything. You are better at using willpower than us."

"How can there be, well, I won't mention this, so... what can I do for you?"

"Uh... so, Immortals... the Green Lantern Corps is very concerned about the parallax situation, so I want to ask..."

Thomas groaned and groaned, obviously some things are really hard to say, you can't say why you are still alive, why are you not dead yet? Everyone can see it, and it is estimated that there are many people watching from Thomas.

Xie Zhi chuckled, and said, "Oh, parallax monster, I'm also quite surprised about this. Originally, I planned to live and die with the earth, but the strange thing is that parallax monster didn't come."

Thomas was stunned, and said in amazement: "Did Parallax go to Earth?"

"Yeah, it didn't show up, I guess..." Xie Zhi looked very serious, and raised his finger and said: "Maybe a great, reliable, and handsome superhero appeared, killed the parallax monster, and saved the whole world." universe."

"Uh... I think you still have to be careful. Maybe something happened. Well, I will report it to the Immortals and investigate... By the way, have you decided whether to join the Green Lantern Corps now?"

"What else are you thinking about? Isn't it all going to be changed to the Yellow Lantern Corps? I think it doesn't matter what color, the important thing is reliability."

"Okay, I understand, let's get back in touch."


Communication is interrupted, what should the family do.

It's not arrogance, but the Green Lantern Corps' card is really not working. It is indeed powerful, but willpower is useless if it breaks.

If it is replaced by other forms of strength, of course I dare not take it lightly, but I am afraid to understand everything. Whether it is the Green Lantern Corps or other forces, facing the crisis of having many tentacle monsters at once, it will be revealed. It can only explain one problem , the potential has been formed.

Whether it is the trend of being strong outside the middle, or the trend of rampant domineering, or the trend of anti-intellectual trends, or the trend of opposing colors, or the trend of multiple factions fighting for their own side regardless of the overall situation, or the trend of having a good time every few years and regretting it for several years, Over time, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Once the general trend is formed, it is difficult to stop it. It is impossible to reverse it unless a miracle occurs.

But now the strength of the old Xie family has also undergone a qualitative change, and there are many cards in their own cards. Even if they don’t get a more advanced Tai Chi ring, frankly speaking, relying on the big killer family they have saved is not easy to mess with, so you are yours. , I do my own thing, I don't have a strong will, it's not only useless for you to play all kinds of dirty and disgusting things, but it will only irritate this strong-willed family.

Only three hours later, Xie Zhi received another communication request from Thomas.

Bucky couldn't help but praised: "This kind of contact method that can cross the galaxy is really convenient, and I won't be afraid to travel far in the universe in the future."

"To a certain extent, this is similar to the effect of quantum communication." Xie Zhi said, connected to the communication, and Thomas' image reappeared.

Thomas said with a serious expression, "Thank you, can we talk?"

"Well, of course."

"I mean the interview, Kilowog and I have arrived on Earth."

"Oh... where are you on Earth?"

"Just outside the atmosphere, there's a primitive space station nearby."

"Okay, let me change my clothes."

Xie Zhi flew outside the atmosphere, and the Tai Chi ring was temporarily kept secret as a trump card, so he acted alone.

Facing the two alien acquaintances again, Xie Zhi greeted them with a smile, but judging from the expressions of the two, it was obvious that they were not in a good mood.

Kilowog cut to the chase: "Thank you, we need your help."

"Which aspect? If it's borrowing money, I can't do anything. I don't have your currency."

Thomas smiled bitterly: "Of course not, that's right. Now the Green Lantern Corps is divided into two factions. One faction advocates using the power of fear to deal with everything, and the other faction believes that they cannot give up their will..."

Xie Zhi interrupted: "This is your family business, right? I didn't join the Green Lantern Corps. Our family's consistent principle is not to interfere in other people's family affairs."

"But the split of the Green Lantern Corps, or even civil war, will affect the peace of the entire universe, and now this matter has involved you."

"Me? Why do you divide into two factions and care about me? And it's only been a few days, and they split up so quickly? Civil war? It's an exaggeration, you are the strongest Green Lantern Corps in the universe."

Thomas began to narrate what happened. It turned out that the previous communication with Xie Zhi was indeed watched by many people, including Immortals and Sinestro.

The purpose is indeed to wonder why Xie Zhi is still alive. After all, once the green light is changed, Oua Xing will receive feedback. He chose Thomas because he was Xie Zhi's instructor. But at least there is no contradiction.

However, after getting the information that the parallax monster didn't appear, Sinestro's reaction was beyond their expectations. Instead of sending people to investigate where the parallax monster went and where it was hiding, it asked the Green Lantern Corps to fully use the power of fear, immediately.

There are two reasons for Sinestro. First, no one understands parallax monsters better than him. Even if the parallax monsters turn to detour, the time to come to Oa Star will only be delayed, so there is no need to worry.

Second, no one understands fear better than him, because he has personally used it and survived. He feels that fear is very interesting. After understanding fear, he feels that he is stronger now than he was twenty years ago. This is like a gift from God. , and he was sure, he was immune to fear.

Then, fear is not terrible at all, you don't need to use your will, you have to get used to living with fear.

And Sinestro is the strongest in the Green Lantern Corps. He has always been strong and used to domineering. Green Lanterns generally dare not provoke him, even the What, according to past practice, this time Sinestro should be able to speak easily.

But the problem is that the emergence of Xie Zhi has changed this situation, because there are witnesses from Thomas and Kilowog, and the two are also quite gossipy, or there are many other Green Lantern fighters who are curious, but Xie Zhi Even if the truth about the sparring with Sinestro spread.

This is big news. According to the description of Earthlings in the knowledge base and the inherent concept of the Green Lantern Warrior, how could there be an existence beyond Sinestro in such a backward place? It is estimated that it will not work in ten thousand years.

However, the reality is such a slap in the face, it really appeared, and when fighting the parallax monster, it was Xie Zhi who shot at the critical moment and pulled everyone, even Sinestro, so that the parallax monster did not let the parallax monster kill everyone. Everyone was killed. According to the performance of Xie Zhi and Sinestro, the survivors generally believed that Xie Zhi was more reliable.

The meaning of this is different. It is no longer the Sinestro family that dominates, and there are still many Green Lantern Warriors who do not want to abandon the energy of will. According to internal information, Xie Zhi directly refused to use the Yellow Light Ring. This is a fellow traveler.

Ever since, even though Sinestro once again convened the Green Lantern Corps meeting and gave a passionate speech, saying that no one would do better than him, and he would lead the Green Lantern Corps to be great again, the Green Lantern Corps was still divided into two factions. If you don't know the goods, you are afraid of comparing goods.

Xie Zhi nodded: "Understood, many people don't trust him anymore, so...he wants to trouble me?"

Thomas said seriously: "Yes, he claimed that the parallax monster didn't come to Earth because you were in the same group."

Xie Zhile: "That is to say, I am dead and the earth is over, so it means that the parallax monster has nothing to do with me, otherwise we are accomplices? Does anyone believe it?"

"His brainless fans believe it."

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