Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 291: dust settled

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"It's not surprising." Xie Zhi raised his eyebrows and smiled: "He was cowardly in the first sparring session, and he was cowardly again when I said 'I'll kill you' the second time. He already had seeds of fear of me in his heart. No matter how much fear energy is absorbed, I am afraid that I will be afraid of me, and even the more I absorb, the less courage I will have, and it will intensify my fear. I guess, if I push it a little, he will be useless, and it turned out like this."

Just feeling emotional here, Qinglong suddenly groaned twice.

Xie Zhi's face darkened: "Are you a weirdo? Go, go, foodie."

Qinglong rushed out with a whoosh, it was so impatient.

In the next second, Sinestro, who hadn't run far, let out a miserable scream, which revealed endless fear, which was in line with his new identity as the incarnation of fear.

That's right, Qinglong gnawed on it!

It has to be admitted that Sinestro's size is exaggerated, at least ten times that of Parallax Monster. Compared with Qinglong, it is like a small snake, but it is useless. Meeting Qinglong is like encountering a natural enemy. Apart from screaming, it is physically disordered Twist, there is no big boss demeanor at all, it looks like a screaming character in a horror movie, waiting to receive a boxed lunch.

As a result of this scene, everyone's spiritual totems were eager to try, and they were obviously also thinking about the tooth-making sacrifice.

Xiao Yu and the others were not surprised, nothing else, the fearful version of the Alien Empress that Xie Zhi manifested at the beginning was divided up by several spiritual totems on the spot, and what he ate was delicious.

So following closely, everyone let go, and a group of spirit totems dashed forward, heading straight for Sinestro.

As for why the spirit totem likes to eat fear energy, the whole family didn't understand. Anyway, after eating it and returning to the owner, the owner is refreshed.

Ren sighed: "Dark Horse, you should be vegetarian, right?"

"Just be content, I'll go up and eat it myself! What did I say?" Xie Zhi pointed at the broken-winged angel angrily.

That's right, the Angel with Broken Wings doesn't care if he represents someone or not, just rushing over and turning the machete is a slice, just like eating sashimi.

This can't help but make everyone wonder, is the spirit totem made up of will? Could it be fear in the skin of will? Why do you look more monster than monster...

Especially Xie Zhi, I have a problem with the granddaughter's image of grandpa, it doesn't look like an angel, especially the head, the face is so smoky that the face can't be seen clearly, there are only two light bulb-like eyes shining through it, it's like in a magic game It is understandable that the girl never met her when she was a child, but the question is... Did this girl misunderstand the angel?

Although the spirit totem rushed up, he had to do what he had to do. Sinestro was too big, and he hoped that the spirit totem would not be able to kill him for a while.

Xie Zhi and others chased after them, and the countless flying swords behind them turned around as if they had received an order, and roared up overwhelmingly. From a distance, it really looked like a swarm of bees bursting out.

Although it is not as large as the locust plague, it is scary enough.

In a few breaths, everyone caught up with Sinestro, he flew too slowly, he was too big but bloated, very clumsy, it can be seen that overeating is harmful to health.

The flying swords surrounded Sinestro, and they didn't attack for a while, but Sinestro was already frightened, his whole body throbbing, as if his body was out of control due to fear.

Xie Zhi twitched his lips: "What should I say? Give you two chances, you're useless, give you a chance, you're useless."

Thousands of swords flew together, piercing into Sinestro's body in an instant, unable to break through the defense? nonexistent.

That's right, this move is not only powerful, the sharpness of the flying sword is also the highest manifestation of Xie Zhi's willpower, otherwise he would not easily strangle countless yellow light fighters.

As for Sinestro and Parallax Monster, except for their size, there is actually not much difference. They still take the path of maintaining quantity but not quality. It seems terrifying, but it actually wastes a huge amount of energy. energy time.

Flying swords fly in and out, constantly interspersed and cut, completely about to cut Sinestro alive, comparable to Ling Chi!

Xie Zhi didn't want to kill him. The key point was that the opponent was too bitter, and he would have to kill him for a while. If he directly attacked the head, he still worried that the terror energy would get out of control and cause destructive pollution. The fear energy is much more dangerous than nuclear radiation.

At the same time, something floated out of Xie Zhi's suit backpack, which was the Tai Chi energy pool.

Xie Zhi smiled: "To deal with monsters, you usually have to use magic weapons."

As the energy pool began to operate, continuously absorbing the scattered and free fear energy, Xiao Yu and the others let out the Tai Chi lamp and absorbed it at the same time.

But even so, it was still a grind, and it really took a lot of time to **** up Sinestro.

The end of this battle, no, the battle is actually not very rigorous, and a closer description should be said to be mining or open-pit mines.

After the end, the volume of the Tai Chi energy pool did not increase, but the concentration was higher. This made Xie Zhi guess that the fear energy absorbed by Sinestro was probably less than one part in a million. Obviously, the fear energy gathered in the whole universe Energy, and it has been accumulated for hundreds of millions of years, the huge reserves may be unimaginable.

This also made him give up the idea of ​​using the two types of energy pools in Oua Star. The snake can swallow the elephant to death, but at least it can bite, but the snake swallows the earth... Let's talk about it first with a big enough head.

However, the remaining Green Lantern Warriors don't feel much now, they get used to the shock and wait for the result, everything has changed, and they understand that no matter what happens, they have no ability to change.

The family landed again with the power of a great victory. Facing the Green Lantern Warrior, Xie Zhi said first: "Where are the Immortals? Why didn't you see them come out?"

It was Thomas who floated to the head of the team and explained: "There are no more immortals... The first step in Sinestro's mutiny is to kill all the immortals."

Xie Zhi nodded: "Well, it's not surprising, so now, what are your plans?"

Thomas smiled bitterly: "If you... allow us to continue to use the will energy pool, I personally want to continue to be a Green Lantern Warrior. I am willing... to follow your command, but this is just my personal opinion, and I cannot represent everyone."

"Oh, then those who are willing to continue to be Green Lantern Warriors, please raise your hands."

Swish, a lot of hands were raised very neatly, or tentacles, or joint limbs, or other messy things, but a certain spherical Green Lantern Warrior was very anxious, but luckily enough, he manifested a hand.

"Okay, I see. In this battle, two-thirds of the Green Lantern Corps was abolished. What about the future..." Xie Zhi scratched his chin and raised three fingers: "Three days, we will use three days to discuss and decide on the Green Lantern Corps." Let’s wait for the news about where the legion will go, but no one is allowed to leave Oua Star for three days, after I finish speaking, whoever agrees and whoever opposes.”

Xie Zhi is not pretentious at all, and directly gives orders with the attitude of a talker, there is nothing to be modest about, the current Oua Xing, even if he is in charge, he can only be in charge.

No one objected, Yaque was silent.

"Then let's go."

The Green Lantern Warriors saluted in various gestures and dispersed silently.

Looking at the Green Lantern Warrior going away, Bucky shook his head: "Willpower is a good thing, but it's a pity that it's only useful if it doesn't collapse."

"So this world is really in danger, and it's useless to count on them." Xie Zhi waved, and the yellow light ring version rolled up: "We still have to count on the people on Earth, but our green light ring can be saved, two thousand How many pieces, tsk tsk, back then, no one in the Green Lantern Corps cared about the life and death of the earth, but what happened, the peacekeeping of the universe was contracted by the people of the earth."

Ryan was surprised: "All these rings are given away? It's too generous."

Xie Zhi shook his head and said: "It's useless for us to keep them. After all, these rings are linked to the Oa Star system. Could it be that they are really used as door curtains?"

"It's also very interesting to show off your wealth."

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