Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 308: the witch

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"Why are there so many? I just think I don't have enough eyes." The black man smiled and took out an ID, flipped it open and showed it to the two women, "SHIELD, you two are not busy, there are some questions I need you to answer."

Ryan said: "Agent, Nicholas Joseph Fury... Well, it seems that I was meddling just now."

Fury still bared his big white teeth: "No, I still want to thank the lady for her righteous words, but my duty is, please forgive me, occupational diseases will occur when I see strange things, as the lady said, my eyes are thieves, and I It can be seen that the two of you may have a lot of experience."

Ryan tilted his head at Fury, and looked at Xiaoyu: "If you buy cat food, you can run into Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Is it such a coincidence?"

Xiao Yu raised her eyebrows slightly: "If the principal also knows about this, maybe this coincidence may have some meaning. This Agent Fury may be a bit special. Of course, it is also possible that he just went out and didn't read the almanac. Don't go out, the cat will attack the mouse every day."

Fury sighed: "It seems that the two of you are indeed not ordinary people, and you are talking to yourself completely as if I don't exist. Please, please cooperate when you get to the site of S.H.I.E.L.D. There is no need to make the scene too ugly. "

Xiaoyu turned to look at Fury: "Agent Fury, it seems that you have bad luck today."

Fury laughed: "I don't see it that way...huh?"

Fury couldn't stop laughing, because he noticed that there were two extra green gloves on his hands, and his hands were firmly fixed on the steering wheel.

"Water?" Fury couldn't help struggling, but he couldn't move his hands on the steering wheel, and couldn't help staring at his big eyes: "What is this? You are... witches!?"

The two girls looked at each other and smiled when they heard the words, and directly opened the car door and sat in, Xiaoyu said indifferently: "Please agent, go to the nearest pet store, we need to buy several more brands of cat food, this one doesn't have many types. "

Fury couldn't help but get angry: "Do you think I'm a taxi driver?"

Ryan said: "Or I will let you lose a thief eye now."

Following Ryan's words, a long floating green needle appeared in front of Fury's left eye.

Fury immediately said in a serious manner: "Ma'am, this needle affects the driver's line of sight, making it inconvenient to drive... oh oh, please don't move it down anymore, I'm not married yet, just point it at the heart, in fact, don't point it at the heart... ah Oh, sorry! Please don't tie it! Please fasten your seat belt."

Even if he drove obediently, Fury's mouth was not idle: "Ladies, I like your cat. Wow, it is so cute. It is the cutest kitten I have ever seen. What is its name?"

Lane said: "It's called 'Fury Shut Up or Get Married'."

Fury: "…"

When they came to a pet store, the second daughter got out of the car and continued to buy cat food, leaving Gu Gu in the car, and Xiao Yu said to the kitten: "Gu Gu, I'll buy you delicious food, this guy is dishonest. Just scratch him."


Goo-goo jumped onto the bridge and tilted his head to look at Fury.

Fury looked at the kitten and said with a smile: "Your name is Goo, good name, who is a good cat? Goo Goo, you said, Goo Goo, you got the answer right, which cat is the cutest? Goo Goo, you are the cutest Goo Goo, I just stepped on the gas pedal, you won't scratch me, will you?"

Cuckoo raised his fleshy little claws: "Meow."

"You're not really going to scratch me, are you? You're such a good kitty... ah!"

Renne's steel needle pierced Fury again, and he bared his teeth: "Okay, I won't move, Gugu, are they really witches? Today is really eye-opening, I thought the threat was just It will come from humans, is this witchcraft, right? Googoo, you tell me secretly, and I promise not to say it, uh, or you are actually a monster? How come, Googoo is the cutest, right? "


The second daughter came back again with a pile of cat food, and Gu Gu jumped onto Xiao Yu's lap, enjoying being rubbed.

And Xiao Yu said: "Mr. Fury, you are an agent, do you have that kind of place for interrogation, which is secret and will not be discovered by others." 520 novels

Fury licked his lips: "Ma'am, it's almost done. I'm just on duty. If you find something abnormal, investigate it. Don't worry, S.H.I.E.L.D. is concerned about terrorists. We don't do witch burning, and I don't believe in religion!" I also firmly support women's rights! You see, my weapon is a pistol, not a cross, so how about we don't violate the river?"

Ryan was happy when he heard the words, and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't cooperate, we don't mind dealing with you on the street, for example, turning you into a mouse, we just have a cat, Gu Gu, are you hungry? Do you want to Eating rats?"


Fu Rui said helplessly: "You two, I am very confident in my eyesight. You are not bad people, I can see that..."

Xiao Yu interrupted: "But we don't know if you are a bad person, you just helped you out of the siege, and turned around to investigate us, well, as you are, you really don't need our help, but you have to know what to do, Do you understand?"

"Ma'am, I'm an agent. Is there anything wrong with investigating you?"

Ryan sneered: "Yes, the agent still has a license to kill. Is there anything wrong with using it?"

"That's a rumor! Ma'am, you should know that those who have a license to kill are old American policemen, and our profession is high-end and high-end, and the requirements for posts are very high, and the review is very strict. Not all bad people are accepted, especially Me, I'm a good person."

Xiao Yu said: "How about your character, you'll know in a while, keep driving."

"Meow meow."

Fury had no choice but to start the car.

When passing through a dark bridge hole, Xiao Yu's Tai Chi ring flashed, and the whole car was wrapped in green energy. To the outside world, this car disappeared, and now the whole family can manifest optical invisibility without any difficulty.

"What kind of witchcraft is this?" Fury was wondering, suddenly, he found that his eyes were raised, and after he got out of the bridge hole, he could already look down at the road.

Fury said in surprise: "Oh, we're flying!? Fly! I remember witches fly on a broom, can cars do it too?"

Ryan said with a smile: "The times are developing, and witches must also keep pace with the times."

"So can my car fly temporarily, or can I make it fly in the future?"

Xiaoyu said: "In the future? Do you think you have a future? You said that the policeman is a blind man, is there any difference between you and him? Are you so careless as an agent? Is there no one that S.H.I.E.L.D. can't mess with? If you have any future, you'll have a long memory."

Fury smiled wryly: "Two, to be honest, I thought your rings were some kind of new weapon, the kind used by secret agents, like shooting a poisonous needle, of course yours may be more high-end.

But the question is, who would have thought that there really are witches in the world? Those were all the stories my grandma used to scare me when I was a child. Well, if I have a future, I will remember, well, maybe I should wear a blindfold to act as a one-eyed dragon, reminding myself that some things have to be seen through. "

Ryan smiled and gestured on his face: "The kind of pirate?"

" the pirate kind."

"Okay, if you can save your life today, I hope you will wear that thing next time I see you."

"I will definitely wear it! You two, can you know your names?"

"You still don't forget your duty when you're dying. Is it useful to know? Can you still report it?"

Fu Rui said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you know that a person is about to die, right? I have to know who died at the hands of me, so I can be a ghost."

Xiao Yu smiled: "That makes sense, then you remember my name, my name is... Gu Yi."

Ryan almost got angry, well, the master and Lao Xie also learned badly, so she also said, "My name is Gu Er."

Fury opened his mouth, and finally shook his head and praised: "Good name, it sounds real."

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