Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 324: little cutie

Xiao Yu nodded, understanding what 142 meant, she must have something to do with Hammer's original owner, and she didn't want to get involved, but she also didn't want to reveal the secrets there.

"Then your name is also a matter of principle?"

142 lazily said: "I have let go of the past, and now I am called 142."

Ryan smiled: "It seems that the cut is not too clean."

"Yes, I'm a bitch, ask something else, okay?"

Xiao Yu said: "What's the matter with the little thing on your neck?"

"This is what the grandmaster made. Oh, the grandmaster is the ruler of Saka. As for this little thing, the grandmaster calls it 'little cutie'."

Ren frowned and said, "Where is it cute?"

142 shrugged his shoulders: "For him, after others twitch, he becomes cute."

"Uh..." Ryan smiled: "It makes sense, I see you are very cute now."

142's face darkened: "You were pretty cute before... Uhhhh! Hey! You're going too far!"

Ren put down the remote control and said with a smile, "Sorry, my hand slipped."

Xiaoyu intervened in Huatou and said, "What's the reason for this 'little cutie'?"

"Do you think I look like a scientist?" 142 said unhappily.

"Don't say you don't know anything."

"Okay, okay, don't pour my wine! I know something, the mechanism of cutie's action is for life, no matter how different the life forms are, as long as they are life, they have something in common.

And the cutie doesn't apply destructive means from the outside, but releases a special frequency, just like a communication link, which evokes the reaction of the living body itself, but the distance must be close enough to be effective.

The result... Well, if you compare your body to a country, it's like there are bad guys fooling you outside, and **** appear inside to sabotage, so the form of expression is actually that you can't get along with yourself, which is very disgusting. "

Ren frowned: "Is there no way to fight?"

"If so, will I be a prisoner?"

"No, there must be." Xiao Yu raised the hammer: "Otherwise you would choose to throw the little cutie on me, right? Listen carefully, I can understand you playing tricks, but the understanding is limited to this time, and I will back down up.

And we must know the answer to this question, and I firmly believe that there is a solution, so not only do you not drink, but you also have to add many layers of restraint, such as... let you live in the mouth of my big cat, it is very cute, isn’t it? what. "

After a few seconds of silence, 142 sighed helplessly: "Today is really unlucky! Pets, hammers, brats... well, these things can be destroyed, of course you can't force them, that will automatically trigger the mechanism of action.

As for how to destroy, the requirements are quite high. It must be fast enough, and the physical damage is strong enough. Of course, energy damage is also possible, as long as it can directly destroy the cutie. Of course, this gadget is particularly strong, and The operation accuracy is very high, otherwise it is useless.

Coincidentally... you have a hammer, and it's a hammer that can't be confiscated. I hate it. "

Xiao Yu smiled knowingly: "So you also have something that can destroy the cutie, right?"

"Yes to me, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, actually think about it, this thing is not difficult to guard against, it mainly depends on who throws it, how many people on this planet have the same strength as you?"

142 said: "There is also a fat woman, well, don't really care about her, she is stupid and not fast enough."

"Where is the master you mentioned?"

"He is a ruler, and he has no fighting power, but he has some special knowledge, otherwise there would be no such troublesome things as cute, and he has an army." (Note 1)

"So it's not uncommon for people like us to come from a wormhole?"

142 nodded: "There will always be some here every now and then, otherwise where do you think the residents here come from? There are no aborigines in this place."

Ryan said: "That is to say, it's okay to have no ID card?"

"Of course, no one needs that thing except those who work for the Grandmaster."

"Okay, there's nothing to ask for now." Xiao Yu nodded and got up, threw the hammer aside, and hooked her hand at 142: "I keep my word, I'll give you a chance, I don't need a hammer."

142 was startled, then smiled, patted his buttocks, stood up and stretched his muscles: "What if I win?"

Xiao Yu said lightly: "Let you go free."

"You said it." After 142 finished speaking, he looked at Ryan again.

Ren shook the remote control and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I don't need this."

Before the words fell, 142 had already moved, and rushed to Xiao Yu in an instant, and the figures of the two women danced and fought together.

Not only did they see each other's tricks, but the two also fought and moved, like a moving violent whirlwind!

Wherever it blows, there is a mess everywhere, the garbage dumps continue to collapse and scatter like being bombed, garbage is flying around, and it is very lively.

Renn, who was watching the excitement, stared wider and wider, and it was the first time she saw someone who was not at a disadvantage with Xiao Yu.

Moreover, the family members' sparring on weekdays is completely different from the current Xiaoyu. Obviously, they didn't go all out before. This time it was really an eye-opener. Not only was they surprised by 142, but they also knew the magic of Xiaoyu's methods.

But it didn't take long for Ryan to count. If 142 only has these skills, then he is doomed.

Without him, Xiao Yu's attitude now is to compete in martial arts, rather than to use all means. You must know that the old Xie family has many tricks, and the fighting is not limited to melee combat. You don't need a hammer, and you can't use other things.

But Ryan's eyesight was still a bit poor.

Seeing that the two girls were fighting more and more fiercely, they seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they both chose a tough move!

But the result is that 142 chooses to block, but Xiaoyu is hard-wired! But she was like a willow branch fluttering in the wind, a strange force spewed out from the rippling figure, causing 142 to be unable to stop it at all, and was blasted away like a cannonball! He hit the garbage mountain heavily, and the garbage mountain collapsed, burying 142 under it.

"My... big sister, what kind of trick is this?"

Xiao Yu calmly withdrew his momentum: "Tai Chi, I told you earlier that using strength to fight is a university question."

"Hey, you also said that one force will drop ten times, it's just fun."

"The problem is when you meet someone with more strength, 142 is, what do you do?"

At this time there was another loud noise, and the garbage pile scattered like a volcanic eruption. 142 burst out and jumped into the sky, and fell not far from the drizzle. He frowned and said, "Your style of interesting, but I haven't lost yet."

Xiao Yu smiled: "Yes, your physique is too special, this blow is in line with your strength, but it still didn't suffer serious injuries, but it's meaningless to hit again."

"What do you mean? You repented?"

"That's not But there is no so-called fairness between you and me. When it comes to physical fitness, you have innate advantages. I am not as good as you in this regard. I have to rely on external forces and get rid of external forces. I can last for five minutes at most. must lose.

But when it comes to martial arts, how should I put it, you, or your civilization, may not need to devote more energy to martial arts. This is not as good as some civilizations whose physique is a hundred times weaker than yours. The devotion to wisdom, some people are even obsessed with it, because they are crazy about martial arts, countless talented people regard martial arts as their pursuit in life, and their insights make martial arts more profound and profound.

Therefore, backward civilization does not necessarily mean that there are no treasures, and when martial arts is blessed by powerful external forces, what you gain is not only strength, defense and speed.

Although your skills and experience are the second strongest among the people I have ever met, but if you have at most three minutes, you will lose. "

"Little girl, you fight with your fists, not your mouth!"

"Then continue."

Three minutes later, 142 with a pair of panda eyes wiped his nosebleed, and said with a smile, "Master, what's the point of using slow to beat fast? Teach me."

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