Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 387: How round?

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After the meal, Xie Zhi asked Anakin: "Young man, since car racing is a gamble, where can I check the driver's information?"

"I'll show it to you."

Anakin ran back to the room, and came back with something, which he handed to Xie Zhi.

It is something like a tablet computer, more advanced, with all the players' information on it, as well as the odds.

"Oh, the odds are high enough for someone who looks like a fat grasshopper, 1 to 18, why don't you like him so much?"

Anakin poked his head and said, "Well, Quidinaros's performance is not good, and his quadruple engine will bring stronger propulsion, but it is unstable. I think there will be a big problem. Many People think so too, it’s too radical.” (Note 1)

Xie Zhi grinned: "Wonderful, that's him."

Anakin was surprised: "Uncle, do you want to bet on him? His speeding car is unstable."

"Don't worry, young man, by the way, take me to see your speeding car, and explain the principle."

Listening to Anakin explaining to the speeding car for a while, Xie Zhi didn't understand, but he was driving the synchronized video.

"Youde, Howard, what do you think?"

Youde said: "It's much faster than conventional racing cars, but it's not comparable to airplanes, and it doesn't even reach supersonic speed."

Howard said: "Although many words have no concept, in general, the highlights are only in the anti-gravity system and power connector. I don't understand energy, but they are not advanced. If it is only used as a racing game, it does not need to be too demanding."

Xie Zhi sighed: "Okay, I didn't explain clearly, I mean, if the power connector does not cause problems and does not explode, what should we pay attention to?"

"I know this." Anakin pointed at the speeding car and gestured again. With a popular explanation, Xie Zhi finally understood.

"Really, I'm still a genius for two days, not as good as a child."

Howard said unconvinced: "It's unfair for you to say that, and I was not born here. Frankly speaking, this little guy is a genius, but let alone me, my son is not bad either. Tony designed circuit boards when he was four years old. , designing a V8 engine at the age of six...mainly due to the technical constraints of the growing environment, Tony wants to be here, such a small thing as flying cars."

"That's amazing, does your son know how to do beauty and hairdressing?"

Howard: "?"

Then Xie Zhi smiled at Anakin: "Young man, is there a place to **** things locally?"

Five minutes later, a large sword flew into the city, and the Rogge team delivered the goods to the door.

Afterwards, Hou Xie took the three of Rogge and strolled on the street with two large suitcases, and the other drove a big sword in the sky to follow.

There is no other purpose for ostentatiously passing through the market, just fishing. Unlike the previous world, here there is no convenience for network intrusion and intelligence. I think there is a network among interstellar civilizations, but I haven't found a way yet, at least in Tatu Because it was not found.

Simply, grab some live ones and look at the memory.

But ordinary people may not know much, and as the saying goes, thieves have their own way, and the news of being a thief is relatively well-informed. Of course, small thieves are meaningless, so bringing three bodyguards is to screen out small thieves and see if there are any big thieves itching.

According to the route Anakin said, he found a shop similar to a **** shop, which was the largest in the area.

That's right, Xie Zhi came to **** Adamantium alloy for money. Two boxes full of metal ingots, and claimed to be Mandalorian iron, immediately became a big customer.

During the process of pawning, Xie Zhi also confirmed that the people here have never seen the real Mandalorian iron. The basis of judgment is only its indestructibility, which also verifies that the Mandalorian iron is indeed extraordinary.

It's just that a woman in a cloak in the **** shop observed it for a while, then quietly left, turned into an alley, took out a communicator and said, "I have some news that you are interested in, exclusive...don't worry, frankly you The Mandalorian is really no fun.

Hehe, I know your rules, so... the Mandalorian iron that is circulating outside, and it is two big boxes, this news, how much do you plan to pay... Very good, refreshing enough. "

The cloaked woman looked at the number of her personal account in satisfaction. After sending the video message, she turned around and saw a blond man standing behind her. The man raised his hand with a stick, and the stick made a crackling sound.

It was Rogge, and the stick-shaped thing he used was the stun weapon of the Skrulls. , it can be said that the degree of ease of use is second only to cute.

Confused the target, Rogge carried the opponent directly into the sky, and sent the prisoner into the big knife reform.

That's right, now the Rogge team has also replaced the Sentry suit. The Kree's suit is indeed higher in technology, but there is a problem with the design concept. It is not as practical as the Sentinel suit, so now the Rogge team can also fly .

But he said that Xie Zhi had made a huge sum of money, and the news spread quickly in this place, so he caught a few more "bold people with high skills" on the way, and took them all back to check their memories.

Youde looked at the memory in a fast-forward manner, and soon gained results, focusing on a few major issues that everyone cared about.

What I am most concerned about is whether there is a star destroying weapon, but in the memory of the prisoner, there has never been such a weapon in the Milky Way, so don't worry for now.

Secondly, it is the so-called hyperspace thruster. The information surprised everyone, because that thing is really powerful!

The diameter of the Milky Way is about 100,000 light-years, and hyperspace thrusters can be used to run from one end to the other in just a few days! And there are rumors that the next generation of hyperspace is being developed, and it is said that only a few hours will be enough by then!

In other words, with a hyperspace thruster, there is no need for natural wormholes, artificial wormholes, or any jumping points at all. It can realize hyperspace jumps by itself and easily cross tens of thousands of light-year gaps. The space artifact!

As far as the efficiency of the voyage is concerned, this is the most advanced world Xie Zhi they have experienced so far, not one of them.

According to the judgment of the two geniuses, the effect of this thing is similar to the warp speed navigation in the theory, but it is different. In short, it is necessary to get it.

Fortunately, although hyperspace thrusters are expensive, in this universe, they belong to common sense, and they are not considered rare items. As long as you have money, you can easily buy them.

The problem is... there is no money right now.

And it's not just the hyperspace thrusters that are worth a lot of money, the energy source is also not cheap, it's something called core element.

This energy must be refined, the unprocessed core elements are extremely unstable, and the storage requirements are very strict, otherwise it is easy to cause a large-scale explosion, the difficulty of refining, the harsh storage, and the production problem make it amazingly valuable.

So the core element is also on the list of Lao Xie's family.

Secondly, what they care is the issue of the Force, but even the well-informed thieves don’t know much about this information. Only two groups of people who really understand the Force, the Jedi Knights and Sith warriors.

However, during the exchange, Howard raised his question: "The Force... If I remember correctly, from the 1970s to the 1980s, there were three movies released, called Star Wars.

Although I am not a fan of the Star Wars series of movies, those three movies have a great influence. I also remember some of them. Coincidentally, there are The Force, there are Jedi Knights, and there are Sith Knights. So... Could it be that we have time-traveled into a movie? "

Xie Zhi, who was walking on the street, felt his heart skip a beat. Bucky's hometown has similar movies! ? I've lost my memory, but this old **** still remembers it, what's the trouble, what's the matter?

At this moment, Xie Zhi has the heart to strangle Howard. In fact, he doesn’t care what Howard thinks. The key is his family members. If he suspects that he is a character in a movie, and then creates a shadow in his heart... When the time comes, I will really strangle him. Dead Howard is useless.

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