Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 407: total martial law

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During the march, Padmé and the others discussed the details of the trip. After all, the abilities of the Jedi Knights should not be underestimated.

Fortunately, the little queen was a little depressed that she could not directly contact the Republic to capture Palpatine through communication.

But there is no way around this. Although there is no hope, Xie Zhi said that they have also asked before, can the Jedi Knights arrest Palpatine first, at least detain him first, and restrict him from leaving the country.

As a result, Padmé told that this was impossible, because Padmé did not have the contact information of the Jedi Knights. She could contact the Republic Council, but she had to go through Palpatine before. After all, he is the legal authority of Naboo agent.

It is not impossible to bypass him to contact under special circumstances, but the Congress of the Republic obviously has Palpatine. After knowing that the Trade Union was defeated, Palpatine was an old fox. Senator, he knew the council better than anyone on Naboo, so it must be useless.

But when everyone was talking about business and the children were playing around, they were getting itchy.

That's right, although it is a Yuan Devouring Beast, it is also an orange cat, and it has all the problems that orange cats have.

Everyone else had work to do, it was very boring, so it stared at the two Rolls who were sleeping on the soft cushion.

Quietly leaning over, probing the paw...a slap! It feels so good.

Tangyuan opened her small eyes and looked innocently, what are you doing?

Cuckoo provocative again! Comfortable.

Tangyuan's short claws tried to pat it back, but the little guy struggled even to climb, let alone compared to cats in dexterity.

Cuckoo is very cool, continue to shoot.

Tangyuan got angry, so she hummed twice, bared her teeth, and got a cat's claw in exchange.

Cuckoo squinted his eyes and looked very satisfied, but suddenly, he found himself floating up, with no place to rely on his feet not touching the ground. The little orange cat was so frightened that his limbs scratched, but it was useless. Slowly drifting towards the glutinous rice balls.

Then it floated into the embrace of... Tangyuan, although the glutinous rice **** were still small, they climbed onto Gugu's body one after another, slapping them back and forth with their short arms!

Although it was slow and powerless, like scratching an itch, it was scary, so scary, what the **** is it that you can't move your body?

In the end, it may be that the little guy is tired, so he just gnaws. In fact, it is mainly licking. Maybe he wants to lick and swallow.

At this time, Xie Ai and Anakin happened to be jogging past. Seeing this scene, Anakin said: "They have such a good relationship."

"Yeah, Gugu will take care of the baby, love each other, you guys are good, let's bully the B1 robot."

"It's not bullying, it's research."

"Almost duck."

Cuckoo stretched out a trembling cat paw to the little master who ran away, to save Meow...

The hyperspace transition ended, and three C-shaped giant ships appeared near the planet Coruscant.

As soon as it appeared, it received a message from Naboo.

According to reports, two Jedi Knights and a Gungan came to Naboo.

The two Jedi knights, one named Qui-Gon King and the other named Obi-Wan Snoopy, claimed to be negotiators from the Republic. They wanted to negotiate with the Trade Federation, but they were tricked by the Trade Federation.

Then, in order to inform the queen to avoid danger, the two met Gaga Binks, a Gungan, and traveled through the center of the earth together to the capital. After that, the queen had already flown away. The shield of the spaceship took effect again. I was going to jump out of the spaceship when the spaceship was lowering, but I was knocked unconscious.

It was even more unlucky after that. Not long after waking up, the shock of the fall attracted the special product of Tatooine, the legendary creature Craytron, a huge monster that can burrow into the ground. It is super big, has super thick skin, and can spray acid... After a great battle, countless lightsabers were stabbed before the giant beast retreated.

The above content is mainly narrated by Gaga Binks, but the two Jedi Knights don't have so much to say.

In short, according to the description of the guards, the image of the three of them is miserable.

At this moment, the two Jedi knights borrowed another spaceship, and made a hyperspace leap towards Coruscant.

Everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look at Xie Zhi, Xie Zhi scratched his nose and said, "The matter of the shield...don't spread it around, let's promote style, and don't leave a name for good deeds."

For the three unlucky ones who lost their words, everyone expressed their sympathy in silence, and treated it as a small episode. After boarding the landing spacecraft, they flew to the planet Coruscant.

However, after approaching the planet Coruscant, it was discovered that the outer space of the planet was densely covered with war secrets, and it seemed to be in a state of alert and blockade.

After being notified as the queen, the landing permission was still not obtained.

Padmé's tone to the officer was a bit tough: "I have reason to think that this is the Republic's humiliation to the Naboo Kingdom!"

The affairs officer in the video hurriedly explained: "Her Majesty Queen Amidala, I am deeply sorry, but this is for your safety. Just an hour ago, there were many bombings in the capital, and the planet Coruscant was terribly attacked. Attack, so now we must fully martial law, until the safety is confirmed, the spaceship is not allowed to enter or leave."

Padmé was stunned, and said: "Get me through the speaker, I want to talk to him."

"Uh...Unfortunately, the Speaker was one of the unfortunate victims in the explosion."

Padmé raised her voice a bit: "What did you say? Are you sure?"

"Yes, the... body of the Speaker has been found."

"Where's the deputy speaker?"

"Sacrificed too."

"Okay, please contact the Jedi elders, whoever you want, as the queen of a member of the Republic, I have the right."

"Okay, wait a moment."

At this time, Padme looked at everyone: "Uncle and aunt, there is a big disturbance in Coruscant, and the death of the speaker means that no one in the assembly has the right to make decisions, and before the new speaker is elected, the assembly will lose its due role. "

"It seems that the plan needs to be adjusted appropriately..." Xie Zhi turned to look at Wu Neng: "Do you think it was your master who did it? The former master."

Wu Neng nodded: "It is very possible that Palpatine has lived in Coruscant for many years and is a member of parliament with a high position. However, my former master's style has always been to take one step and watch three steps, and arrange retreats in advance, like His approach."

Padmé sighed: "He is a member of Naboo after all. I am afraid that Naboo will be implicated, and the new speaker...may be someone from Palpatine."

Xie Tiechui said: "Meimei, can't the Jedi Knights read minds? Let them read the minds of the councilors one by one, and find out the mole."

Padme smiled bitterly: "Hammer, this is absolutely not allowed, and it is not only an insult, but also suspected of stealing secrets. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an act of declaring war on the country. If the Jedi Knights dare to do such a thing, the Republic will take it They're classified as terrorists, so we have no way of knowing which senator is Palpatine."

"It's still the same sentence, child, don't panic when things happen, crises can also become opportunities, let's see and talk."

After thinking for a while, Xie Zhi said again: "Why don't you just do this, now I'm your spokesperson, let me speak for the Jedi Knights."

"Good uncle, you are now my plenipotentiary."

A moment later the holographic projection appeared, and a man in a training robe appeared, with a bald head and dark skin.

Ryan's eyes widened immediately, and he subconsciously said, "Agent Fury!"

Xiao Yu also blinked her eyes: "It's really like, no, exactly the same."

And the man who looked like Fury said indifferently: "Hello, respected Queen Amidala, I am the Jedi Elder, Mace Duwin."

"Elder? It sounds more senior than Ferry." Ren whispered to Xiaoyu.

Padmé said: "Hello, respected Master Du Wen, I came to Coruscant because the security of the Republic was at stake, but unfortunately, I came a step late, and things have already happened."

Du Wen raised his eyelids slightly: "Your Majesty, do you know that there will be a terrorist attack?"

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