Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 456: educate children

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The designer shook his head and said uselessly, "Do you know what you did? You ruined the chance to make the Matrix great again."

Seraf said indifferently: "A matrix built on flesh and blood offerings is never great. Reincarnation exists. If you commit a crime, you will have to pay it back one day, sooner or later."

After a while, the door of the banquet hall opened again, and Seraf walked in with the designer.

Xie Zhile: "This is it?"

"Yes, he is the designer." Saying that, Seraf threw the designer to the ground.

Xie Zhi gave a thumbs up: "Okay, well done! Occupying the mainframe directly overthrew the ruler, completely liberated the matrix, and returned the people to nourishment and cooking." (Note 1)

Xie Zhi teased, and looked at the designer: "You want to negotiate with me? Now, we can talk."

The designer also looked at Xie Zhi: "The overall situation has been decided, Mr. Xie Zhi, you won, but I am valuable..."

"Stop." Xie Zhi interrupted directly: "Don't worry about re-employment, step down with peace of mind, retire, pay off debts, atone for sins, you can't miss any of them."

Following Xie Zhi, he snapped his fingers: "Forget it, there's no need to talk nonsense with you, lay eggs, parasitize, hatch, let's go."

Alien parasitism hatched a dragon, and the designer's control over the matrix was transferred to the alien empress. At this moment, the matrix changed hands.

Similarly, all the robots in reality have also changed their owners. Since then, the threat of the matrix has been completely lifted.

At this time, Xie Zhi also knew the designer's purpose, and he couldn't help sighing: "If I'm not wrong, you were originally made by Lao Mei, right?"

The designer looked puzzled: "Yes, what's the problem?"

"No problem, I'm just talking about how familiar your method is. Look, holding hostages, wanting my spaceship, and wanting my technology, this thing is really imitating, shameless is a talent Bar."

After finishing speaking, he said to the alien mother: "Take care of this old boy, don't let him die, oh yes, can digital life commit suicide? Oh, no, it's fine if you can't, I'm still worried that this old boy will kill himself by swallowing dung, then My obsessive-compulsive disorder...sense of justice! How can I stretch it?"

Afterwards, Xie Zhi asked the Alien Empress to base her control on Seraph and let him upgrade again.

Seraf was surprised by this and said, "Boss, is this necessary? Your pet..."

"A pet is a pet, you are you, I mean what I say, and you will have a job to do right away. The responsibility is great."

"Please tell the boss."

Xie Zhi pulled a chair and sat down, said: "It's nothing else, robots in reality can't be idle, always thinking about the war, they all go to work, open up wasteland and farm land, dig canals to divert water, build bridges and pave roads to build houses , This is more than seven billion people, no drinking water, no food, no place to live, and even if they wake up, they will not survive for a few days."

"Good boss, but if the dark clouds in the sky are not cleared, there will be no photosynthesis, and plants will not be able to grow."

Xie Zhi nodded and said: "I've thought about it. To disperse the dark clouds, we have to do it step by step. We can't move for the time being. This covers the whole world. I'm worried that if we disperse them immediately, it may cause serious weather changes. natural disaster.

But there is no problem if there is no sunlight. It can be grown indoors, and it is also possible to use lights instead of sunlight. I am not an expert in this area, but if you do this, don’t worry about the seeds. I have them. Let’s build a greenhouse first.

As for energy, don't draw electricity from people, and the nuclear power plant has to start immediately, but for the time being, I can provide a more advanced reactor for robots to use.

Infrastructure construction must start first. Although we have achieved a complete victory now, we cannot liberate all human beings who are used as batteries. If we do not solve problems such as food, drink, life, environment, and medical treatment, releasing them is not saving people, but making a living. mass murder.

Therefore, the matrix must still exist for a period of time, and human beings must be gradually awakened.

This is what you have to do. Fortunately, there is no shortage of labor under your hands now, and there are robots. "

"Understood, boss, is there anything else?"

"I haven't thought of anything else for the time being. Anyway, let's start with the basic necessities of life, and I'll add it when I think of it in the future."

After the arrangement was over, there was nothing to do for the time being, Xie Zhi chose to go offline.

And the reason why I don’t move Smith first is that I don’t want to push too hard. If that guy feels that he can’t do it now, and then tries his best to copy himself, with a population of more than 7 billion, it may not take long to be infected. It will be a trouble after all.

But with the tracking signal, it is different. No matter how many clones he has, the alien can chase and kill him efficiently. If he possesses him before him, he can cut off Smith's expansion.

Xie Zhi didn't have the idea of ​​possessing all human beings first, but think about his subconscious mind, if he divides more than seven billion shares, can he hold on?

I have strong willpower, but if this kind of thing is used as an experiment, it is very uneconomical in terms of cost performance. It doesn't matter if it becomes natural. If it fails, I will be affected. It is absolutely not worth it for a mutant program.

After going offline, Xie Zhi looked at the crew members sitting not far away, all looking forward to it, so he said with a smile: "You can celebrate, except for Smith, from now on, no robot will attacking humans."

Amidst all kinds of cheers, Murphys was still relatively calm. After all, it was the captain. He bowed deeply to Xie Zhi first: "Mr. Xie Zhi, I know you don't like the title of savior, but in our hearts..."

Xie Zhi interrupted: "Don't say thank you. I have been flattered in the matrix for a long time before, and I am not for you, and you can't represent all mankind. I take this job because I don't like the matrix. By the way Give children good deeds.

So let’s get down to business. Before you solve Smith, you’d better not waste your time, hold on, and don’t be careless and let your base be pushed away.

In addition, I will inform you in the rear, if there are any seeds or the like, take some out, and the robot will start plowing the field. "

Murphys should be delighted.

"Okay, I'm fine for the time being." Xie Zhi waved his hand, got up and said: "I have to go home to check the children's homework, you can celebrate, um, I will send you a few boxes of wine later, I treat you."

Murphys suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Mr. Xie Zhi, there is still something to do."

Xie Zhi looked at him and raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, the Council of Zion. Our members want to invite you to visit Zion City. I don't know if you can appreciate it. Of course, there are business matters to discuss."

Seeing Murphy's unnatural expression, Xie Zhi thought for a while, tilted his head and smiled and said, "Is someone ready to be a receptionist?"

Murphys shook his head and sighed: "Some things, I don't care if I say it. After all, I'm just a captain. Some people, even in the most difficult moments, can't forget to fight for power."

"Hehe..." Xie Zhi laughed louder and louder, and finally wiped away the tears from his laughter: "It's true, I would like to see what kind of leader a leader of more than 200,000 people can propose in my hometown, which is just a small county. requirements.

Murphys looked embarrassed, obviously he also felt quite ashamed.

Xie Zhi said again: "By the way, life in your place is very hard, right?"

"It's not Okay, I agree, and I will inform your leaders that you don't need to entertain them, just show the most painful and difficult side."

Murphys waved his hands again and again: "How can this work? It's too rude. Our conditions are poor, so we can't afford to entertain distinguished guests."

Xie Zhi raised his hand and said: "No, no, it's settled like this. You don't know, my daughter is a waste of food. Although the family is not short of money, it is not a good habit after all. I am mainly worried that she will have too wide cheeks in the future. She is very beautiful. Little girl, is it possible to have a bone-cutting plastic surgery?

It just so happens that I take this opportunity to educate the children, if you agree with me, I will go, otherwise there is no need. "

PS: I have been very busy these days, sorry, try to bring back the update time as much as possible, fortunately, at least it has not been interrupted.

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