Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 4 Chapter 529: girl! Damn it!

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The general said solemnly: "Mr. Xie Zhi, your optimism can be inspiring, but now is not the time to joke."

Xie Zhi also said solemnly: "General Pantekos, maybe the way I spoke misunderstood you, it sounded like a joke, but it's not the same as a joke.

Of course, such things as strength are not spoken out..."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Zhi took off the hilt of the sword at his waist, and the lightsaber suddenly appeared, stabbing the ground, immediately piercing a hole in the thick metal floor.

Xie Zhi waved his hand and pointed: "See, the floor made of reinforced concrete and steel plates is like a piece of paper!

This is all trivial, frankly speaking, we are really afraid of scaring you to death, you have no idea how talented our two brothers are, only you can't think of it, without us..."

Before the words fell, a woman screamed from the hole: "Ah! The ceiling has been gouged! Which shameless person did it!"

The general coughed dryly, and said in a low voice, "Below is the women's locker room."

Xie Zhi was expressionless: "I said I didn't do it on purpose, do you believe me?"

We can't stay here anymore, we can only change the land and continue talking.

Although the process of demonstrating the lightsaber technology was a bit embarrassing, the effect was still there. Both the general and the two doctors felt that they had indeed met a genius, and they gained a lot of confidence.

But everything depends on the modification effect.

It's just that when choosing a modified mecha, they disagreed again.

What the general meant was to modify the third-level mech "Dangerous Wanderer", which was the one originally prepared for Beckett.

And even if you want to add another one, you will use the first-class mecha "Cherno Alpha". Although this mecha has outstanding achievements, it is a first-generation machine after all, and it is too old.

Dangerous homeless, Xie Zhi and Bucky have no objection, they have been thinking about it, the second one they want is the "Eureka Raider", which is the mecha seen in the news before.

This general can quit, nothing else, the Eureka Raider is currently the only fifth-level mech, the most advanced!

Moreover, in the general's plan, this mecha plays a very important role. It undertakes the task of dropping the nuclear bomb. It can be said that all the mechas have been sacrificed, so this one must be kept.

Xie Zhi sighed: "General, it seems that you really like the Eureka Raiders. By the way, let me ask you a question. In principle, these mechas belong to that country, right?"

The general nodded: "Yes, even though the whole world is fighting together and has now been decommissioned in name, but in fact it belongs to the mechas of their respective countries, and the countries still haven't taken them back. I am very grateful for that."

Xie Zhi smiled: "It belongs to Lao Ao, right? A fifth-level mecha, right?

Okay, let’s do it, don’t forget about Cherno Alpha, I like Storm Crimson quite a bit, can I change this one? "

The general still shook his head: "It doesn't work either, because Storm Crimson uses a thundercloud formation and three-arm technology, which is specially developed for triplets, and this technology is not suitable for driving alone.

The three-arm technology is very advanced, if it is removed, it will weaken the combat effectiveness of Storm Crimson. "

Xie Zhi waved his hand loudly: "General, these are small problems, believe me, you will regret it when the modification is completed, no, maybe the one who regrets the most is Lao Ao.

fifth grade? Hehe, you will see the sixth level soon, of course, you can't go back on your word now, just the storm and scarlet red, it's settled. "

The general was silent for a moment, then slightly raised his eyebrows and said: "I am looking forward to it, and I hope you are right, but even if the transformation is ideal, you can change the driver... Well, I hope your driving skills are also extraordinary, I will arrange Good luck to the two who competed with the driver."

Bucky knew to Xie: "Give a gesture to a child... Sigh, do you think using one percent of your strength counts as bullying a child?"

Xie Zhi looked serious thinking: "It's too much... one in a thousand, it's more fair."

The general was speechless, but Gottlieb, who was on crutches, walked up excitedly and raised his hand.

Xie Zhi was startled: "You are?"

Gottlieb said excitedly: "High five! You represent scientists! Let them see how powerful scientists fight! I support you! I think your words make sense. Scientists can do martial arts, even gods can't stop them! Come on!" !"

Xie Zhi smirked and gave him a high-five: "Must!"

The general didn't bother to pay attention to these things, and said, "As long as the mecha is fine, we don't have much time. How much time do you expect the modification to take?"

Xie Zhi responded through the report of the "doctor" in the headset: "Work overtime, plus we also have mature technicians, within 24 hours is enough, of course, I paid for overtime, is ten times enough? Not enough Just a hundred times."

One day is really not bragging.

Because the modification of the core parts can be handed over to the so-called mature "mechanics", which are actually thousands of industrial robots, but they are only shrunk. They can completely enter the interior of the mecha for modification, and the efficiency is super high.

In fact, the modification of the cockpit is the easiest. It is nothing more than replacing the operating system and connecting neurons from floating connections to brain wave enhancers. This is really not a big project.

And there is a more high-end method, that is, the "possession" of Transformers, yes, just like combining to form Hercules, the private Decepticon scans the parts, transforms them into local key components, and just replace them directly.

However, this trick is not intended to be used directly. It can be used in the form of cheating, and it makes sense to take back its own cheating technology afterwards.

Then the general arranged a technical team to cooperate with Xie Zhi and Bucky to modify it.

And Xie Zhi and Bucky didn't participate much, and they were all handed over to the "assistant" Posephone and R2.

During this period, the four children also came over. After all, there is a limit to rolling. The main daily life of Xiao Gungun is to sleep on his stomach, okay?

Traveling around the world is good, but due to the invasion of monsters, the ruins and ruins are the mainstream 5A-level scenic spots, which are not good-looking.

So after wandering around for a while, the children felt bored, so they came to see what the adults were playing.

The two adults did not object. After all, it is impossible for their own children to be bullied.

Of course, Gun Gun can only stay in the plane, strolling around with the world's cutest creature in his arms, purely to promote hatred.

However, the mecha also aroused the enthusiasm of the four children, and they were greedy, but they could restrain it. Obviously, they would have some at home soon, and it was even better.

But half a day later, the general arranged for a test, which was actually very simple. Since the mech's operation mode is to simulate the driver's movements, it is to assess the fighting ability.

Beckett is okay, although he is arrogant, but he knows that he has been outside for a long time, and if he wants to drive again, he must go through the necessary procedures.

But the triplets of Ji Jianfang were definitely not But out of the bounden duty of a soldier and respect for the general, they agreed.

For the triplets, Xie Zhi was a little embarrassed, so he saved enough face for the triplets and ordered them as soon as possible.

It gives the feeling that it is slightly stronger and limited.

Bucky was facing Beckett. He didn't like this kind of pawn, but he wasn't interested in bullying "ordinary people".

However, the two brothers are very kind, but they can't stand the fact that someone is seriously ill, and they take medicine regularly to attack on time.

That's right, it's the old Australian driver in the news, his name is Chuck, and he teamed up with his father Hansen.

At this moment, all the pilots in the spectating base were watching the battle, including Xie's children.

Chuck whistled frivolously: "Wow, one-on-one won't work, and three-on-one won't work. No wonder the monsters always win. The world has become like this, because there are too many incompetent people."

Not only Sanbao and Beckett, but also Xie Zhi and Bucky's faces darkened. This grandson takes insulting people as fun, right?

"Hey." Xie Zhi squinted his eyes and raised his chin: "Sun thief, you are from the Tuao Special Forces, right? If I slap you, it will be considered a face for you, and you are not weaned, right? Okay, I will find you a younger one." , girl! Fuck you!"

"Hey duck!"

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