Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 557: You, dare not start a war.

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The meal on the dinner table was really rich, and it was all dishes that Hank and his daughter had never seen before.

Although Hank has a stinking face, he has to admit that Xie Zhi is not bragging about the taste, it is indeed... really delicious.

Hope smiled happily: "It's so delicious, Uncle Xie, you are amazing! You can even make a robot that can cook food. I should have known you a long time ago."

"It's not too late now, your Uncle Xie's family is full of delicious people, big and small, our family pursues appetite.

If you like it, this robot will be sent to you. There are many uncles. "

As Xie Zhi said, he picked up his wine glass again: "Come on Hank, let's touch one."

Hank clinked glasses helplessly, and sighed: "Thank you, you... let me be unprepared at all, isn't that not enough of a friend?"

"What are you planning to visit friends, don't talk nonsense, it's all in the wine."

On the other hand, Hope glanced at Bucky from time to time, and finally couldn't help but said, "Uncle Bucky, have we met?"

Both father and daughter said so, so Xie Zhi and Bucky couldn't understand.

Baki wondered, "Hiss...No, this is the first time I've come to your house."

Xie Zhi also asked strangely: "He's not a big star, is there any star who looks like him?"

Unexpectedly, this reminded Hope, his eyes widened: "Ah, I remembered! The museum! I went to the museum last semester. Uncle Bucky is exactly the same as a member of the Roaring Commando, except that he has longer hair. What's his name?" And, oh, Bucky Barnes...huh?"

Hope was stunned, Hank was also stunned, and so were Xie Zhi and Bucky.

Followed Hope with a smile: "What a coincidence, they all have the same name."

"Museum?" Bucky glanced at Xie Zhi, and the two brothers looked at each other, and they both understood what the other meant and understood.

So Bucky smiled with emotion: "I really didn't expect that, I have already entered the museum."


Hank and his daughter were stunned again, while Xie Zhi smiled: "Hope, your Uncle Bucky is a legend, yes, his full name is Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes of the Roaring Commando Barnes, he's not dead."

Hope only paused for a second, and couldn't help but excitedly said: "Wow! Unbelievable, I have the opportunity to have dinner with the legendary hero! Uncle Bucky, I am so honored! Sign me up? I want to take a photo!"

Bucky laughed: "You don't doubt it at all? Don't you think we're teasing you?"

Hope said firmly: "Impossible! Uncle Xie Zhi can create different versions of Ant-Man suits, he must be a very remarkable character, no, I guess Uncle Xie Zhi is also a legend, and legends will not lie to me Well, you've beaten bad guys too, haven't you?"

"Ahem!" Hank choked suddenly.

Xie Ai said: "Uncle Hank, don't get excited, my father often beats bad guys."

"Dad, are you okay?"

"It's all right." Hank wiped his mouth, looked at Bucky and said, "I think I've seen you somewhere, are you really... that one?"

Bucky shrugged: "I'm just a veteran, not a legend."

Hope excitedly said: "Uncle Bucky, you look a few years older than me, why is that?"

Before Bucky could speak, Hank's face suddenly changed, and he cut off: "Hope, don't ask, and thank you, if you really treat me as a friend, don't continue, there are some things we shouldn't know."

Xie Zhi and Bucky can see that Hank obviously doesn't want to bear it anymore, because this has touched his bottom line, the meaning is obvious, don't drag my daughter into your shit!

Unexpectedly, these words made Hope's face darken, and he said in a trembling voice: "Dad, it's like my mother's matter, I shouldn't know about it, right?"

"No, Hope, Dad didn't mean that..."

Hope was obviously suppressing something in his heart, and looked up at Xie Zhi: "Uncle Xie, you are my father's good friend, you also know about my mother, right? Can you tell..."

Hank was suddenly furious: "Hope! Enough!"

Hope's eye circles were red, and his body had already begun to tremble.

Seeing that the girl was about to erupt, Xie Zhi got up and waved his hands. Yes, he used the Force to control his mind, but it was not considered mind control, calming emotions, and putting out fire.

I just heard Xie know: "Hope, uncle is here for the first time, can you give uncle some face? Hank, don't get angry at the child, let me say a few words, if you think what I say next is nonsense, Let's leave immediately, without staying for a second, you know I'm a man of my word."

The father and daughter remained silent, Xie Zhi said again: "Hank, Hope, I don't know what's wrong with your father and daughter, I just want to say one thing.

I came here today for a purpose, but I didn't want to say it, because I know what Hank cares about, your daughter, Hope, you have to protect her from any harm.

why do i know this Because I am also a father.

Hope, there are indeed scumbag fathers in the world, but they are very few. All real fathers are the same, willing to make any sacrifice for their children.

When I met your father back then, I knew he was making compromises for your sake.

Of course, I know that your father has a personality problem. In this regard, I dare not say that I am a qualified father. Anyone who becomes a father for the first time has to learn, and I am also learning.

So what is the purpose of my coming? It's just to give you a set of battle suits for self-defense.

why? The reason behind it... When it comes to this, it involves another issue. Hank knows who I am and knows that I have offended some powerful forces. He doesn't want to involve you because of my affairs.

I really understand, so this is why I didn't plan to say it, just treat it as a gift from an uncle to a niece.

But now, I think something needs to be said, or your father and daughter are still fans of the authorities.

Hank, you knew some of my skills back then, but after so many years, I am living well, I am married, and my children are white and fat. You think I can’t get along anymore, so I beg you ?

Damn I know you're going to be unlucky! Come and give you a hand! "

Hank was startled: "What do you mean?"

Hope also concentrated on hearing the words.

"What do you mean? You don't know the biggest news these days, right? Tony Stark was attacked, and his life and death are unknown."

Hank wondered, "What does this have to do with me?"

"Let's not talk about whether it has anything to do with you. Let me talk about you first. You were the Ant-Man of S.H.I.E.L.D. There is nothing you don't know. Then I want to ask, how did Howard die back then? Do you know the truth? ?”

Hank was silent for a moment, and said: "I really don't know about this, but I know that his death was very strange. The car accident... probably was an illusion. My instinct tells me that there is something wrong."

Xie Zhi nodded: "You don't know, I believe it, but you also know I am not the only one who knows what you have, do they believe it? Don't they worry?

In 1991, the Howards had an accident, and in 2007, his son was unlucky again. Guess, does anyone think that the legendary Ant-Man knows everything? Don't you think Ant-Man is an eyesore?

Yes, you explained to me back then that people who know your abilities dare not deal with you, and they can’t afford the price. At that time, I thought it was quite reasonable, but then I thought you were a big fool.

Do you know why? Because people know what you are capable of, or what should you do, do they not want to mess with you? No, it's a test. The result of the test is ideal. You don't dare to start a war.

Ha ha, but why do you think that after so many years, people can't think of a way to deal with you? Can't deal with you, can't deal with Hope?

But you are looking in the wrong direction and you don’t know it. Something happened to Stark’s family and you are fine, old man, have you forgotten that you were beaten back then? If there is one who can deal with you, won't there be a second one? "

Hank was silent for a moment: "What did you find?"

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