Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 578: Is it a bit of a bully?

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"Ha ha…"

The two brothers held their stomachs and laughed wildly, and Bucky couldn't help it: "No, the two of us actually want to see if you will tell the green fat man that I can fight all day."

Steve rolled his eyes helplessly: "Three beat one and I still say that, and I'm shameless."

While the three were laughing, Hulk, who fell from the sky, was not idle. He roared twice, smashed the ice with his fists, grabbed a huge piece of ice, and threw the three of them into the sky.

Although it is throwing, it is different from throwing. Hulk throws things at the level of cannonballs!

However, the artillery shells did not pose a threat to the three of them. With the help of supercomputers, whether it was dodging or intercepting artillery fire, it was very easy.

Looking at Hulk who was furiously throwing ice cubes on the ice field, Xie Zhi shook his head and commented: "Tsk tsk, although it is too vigorous, it is still too far away. It is a defect that it cannot fly, and it has no fighting experience. It is just a random fight.

No matter how strong the strength is, the arrears of IQ is a flaw. "

Baki nodded: "Indeed, I overestimated him before. If your wife is here, this guy has no chance, just float in the sky and thunder. Then...Plan B?"

"And plan B?" Steve said gloomily, "You two have played tricks on me, it's almost done, what do you want to do?"

Bucky laughed and said, "You don't know good people, why are you playing tricks on you, that's giving you a chance."

"What's the meaning?"

Xie Zhi continued: "We have fought against more powerful ones, otherwise the mecha's evasion would not be so easy, this is the benefit of collecting data.

Hulk, he's almost there, unless you give him another brain, a fool.

But it's no wonder, that opponent last time, tsk tsk, was faster, stronger, smarter, and more...handsome! "

Bucky looked at Xie Zhi: "This is true. Compared with Hulk, your monster face... doesn't seem to be much stronger, right?"

"My evil charm, this fat green man is pure ugliness, can it be the same?"

Steve was surprised: "You mean... Lao Xie? Are you stronger than Hulk?"

Xie Zhi nodded: "Under certain special circumstances, yes.

So I spent a period of time as a sparring partner. Bucky has experience against opponents of this level. "

Baki continued: "It's complicated to be specific, but sparring is very necessary. The so-called plan B is the sparring plan. I'll show you how to understand it."

Said that Bucky rushed down, and when facing Hulk, it was completely different from Steve's situation.

Seeing that Bucky turned sideways to pass the fist, he quickly returned a blow, and immediately gave Hulk two punches in the armpit and one punch in the ear.

And it didn't use all its strength to knock Hulk away, it just made Hulk's body unbalanced.

This is not over yet, what makes Hulk unbalanced is some green light bands that manifest, entangle various parts of Hulk's body, and make Hulk completely unable to stabilize his figure.

That's right, Hulk's power is indeed terrifying, but why fight against it? If you push hard to the left, then pull it to the left. If you follow the area, the force will be biased.

Towards recycling? Then it's easier to handle, push it again, and it's out of balance again.

How can I say that Lao Xie's family also has ready-made martial arts masters, if they don't know this little trick of using gravity, it would be too shameful.

So even though Hulk is infinitely powerful, there is nothing he can do in the face of such a situation where he can't use his strength.

Of course, it is very simple to limit the force, but it also depends on what kind of object you are facing. It can make Hulk, a monster with high speed, high attack and high defense, unbalanced. I have to thank the monster version Xie Zhi for his training .

Otherwise, it is theoretically feasible, and it will always be theoretical. After all, even if you fail once in practice with this monster, the consequences will be disastrous. At least if Steve does not have a mecha body, he has already become flesh. cake.

But Bucky now only uses willpower, not the force to control things, and he is also showing Steve how to use the Tai Chi ring, after all, Steve doesn't have the force.

But if Hulk is stumbling around and unable to use his strength, then he can only be beaten passively.

Bucky swept his legs, Hulk's body flew sideways, and Bucky grabbed Hulk's ankle, and turned Hulk into a wheel!

boom! Hulk was directly swung into close contact with the ice surface, and was slapped firmly on the ground! The ice surface violently shattered!

It's not over yet, I saw Bucky swung left, right, forward, and back, flying Hulk up and beating him back and forth!

boom! boom! boom…

Watching this scene, Steve murmured, " he so cruel now?"

Xie Zhi smiled: "You can do it too, but it takes time. Supercomputer assistance can play a big role, but personal experience is equally important. In fact, supercomputers collect data in two directions, not only from the enemy, but also from their own. .

So Bucky combined supercomputer assistance to form his own tactics and tactics, a bit like... playing video games. "

"Video games? Well, there's no need to explain this. I'm old-fashioned. Obviously, there are still a lot of lessons to make up, but... this also proves a point."

Steve pointed at Xie Zhi, and said angrily, "You two were cheating on me just now!"

Xie Zhi sneered and said, "Brother, you are overthinking this. We have to collect some data before we can confirm it. Since the feedback data proves that there is no need for group fights, plan A's Three Heroes vs. Hulk is naturally unnecessary."

"Yeah, I am very suitable for data collection, I am stubborn."

"You are not a stingy person."

"I think it's time to reflect on it. You two should be careful with who you score with when you are a kind person."

While talking, Bucky on the ground suddenly let go, and flashed a big foot alertly, yes, Hulk was not given for nothing, of course he would fight back, no, it was a kick.

While flashing back, Bucky raised his hand, before Hulk could stand still, he heard the sound of the engine starting, and the big guy flew into the sky like a missile.

Without him, Bucky embodies a jetpack on Hulk's back.

As the Hulk scratched his back, Bucky's mecha quickly deformed out of the muzzle, unleashing blaster rounds on the hunk.

In the sky, Hulk had to be beaten even more passively. After all, there was no support point, and no matter how strong he was, he couldn't use his strength. He couldn't control his body at all, and only inertia pushed him.

No way, if you can't fly, you will suffer.

And Bucky's explosive bombardment is not random. Every time he hits the Hulk's landing point, after knocking it into the air, wait a while, and then bombard it again when it falls.

Fly again, fall again, boom again, fly again... and so on, Hulk just won't fall, just like a green ping pong ball that is constantly being hit.

However, despite being bombarded, Hulk's body looked completely fine, not even a layer of oily skin was scratched.

Of course, Hulk's anger is getting bigger and bigger, and he roars, but unfortunately, the roar does not help the situation at Really incompetent and furious.

Xie Zhi sighed in admiration: "It's amazing, it's so good, where can I find such a hard-to-beat training partner."

Steve scratched his head: "This is not a sparring partner, is it a bit of a bully?"

"Why is he bullying? Look at the fat green man. He has been shot so many times without losing a single hair. He is still full of energy and vitality. I guess he doesn't feel pain or itching. Who can bully such a person? , it’s just a discussion.”

Steve sighed: "Yeah, excellent sandbags, but you guys do it like this... Don't practice until the end, there is no way to end, after all, Hulk's ability to resist blows seems to be unsolvable.

And...he's crazy. "

Xie Zhi smiled: "Don't worry, we still have tricks, let's practice first, and I'll be the next one... Bucky, it's almost done, let me play instead, no, I'm talking about sparring."

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