Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 580: hit worker

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The underpants were gone, and Hulk seemed to be even angrier, beating his chest and screaming crazily.

Xie Zhi covered his eyes with one hand, and waved his hand with the other: "Yes, I'm sorry, I ruined your beloved trousers, and I will pay you later."

Hulk, who was rushing towards him, suddenly lost his balance and rolled towards Xie Zhi like a ball. Without him, he tripped over something controlled by the Force.

This is not over yet, during the tumbling process, Hulk suddenly turned and flipped into the air, still controlling the object with the force, guiding the inertial trajectory.

Then Hulk was floating in the air, completely unable to use force, yes, Hulk was in a state of weightlessness at this moment.

I saw dozens of floating mechanical devices appearing around the Hulk. They are not big, and these things have no other function, but affect gravity. The anti-gravity engine from the bee clan, the old Xie family’s scientific team has modified various models .

The creation of a weightless area is only a supplementary function, and it was not used before, but Xie knew that they thought of this trick when they were studying Hulk's information.

If you have great strength but can't fly, then in a state of weightlessness, you will naturally be useless.

Xie Zhi still closed his eyes and floated over.

Steve didn't look there either, and said, "Are you sure?"

Bucky looked up at the sky: "Well, Hulk is not small, but his brain capacity doesn't seem to have increased, so this trick should work."

"Cough!" Xie Zhi opened his mouth, and sang loudly: "The moon is bright~ the wind is quiet~ the leaves cover the window lattice, the crickets~ are called clanking, like the sound of the strings... Dad's baby, close your eyes~ sleep That, sleeping in a dream..."

Steve raised his eyebrows: "Chinese? Can Hulk understand it?"

Bucky shrugged: "It doesn't matter whether you understand it or not, what's important is... not many people can sing this song now, so it's a carefully selected song. Anyway, it's enriched. Let's try it."

"But what he sang... Is Lao Xie serious about wanting to be a singer?"

"Feel good about yourself, who knows if Hulk will be more angry..."

Bucky's words were right, and Hulk was obviously angrier: "Hey! Shut up!"

Xie Zhi didn't care about the set, and continued singing with his eyes closed and intoxicated.

Although Hulk was screaming, his eyelids were really showing signs of being heavy, and he felt a little unbearable, and his eyes began to slack, and finally closed his eyes after he yawned heavily.

Then Hulk's body gradually shrank and became smaller, and the green color also faded and faded.

Obviously, singing worked, but of course it wasn't the singing that really worked, but the force controlling the mind. (Note 1)

Homework is not done for nothing. Judging from Hulk's past performance, he is a crazy destroyer. There is no such thing as intelligence at all, and he can't see where his willpower is. It's very simple. The most common manifestation of willpower is Self-control, if Hulk can control himself, Banner doesn't have to run away.

Therefore, both Xie Zhi and Bucky believed that the force of controlling the mind should be effective.

After Xie Zhi's transformation last time, he possessed an extremely exaggerated telepathy ability. Even though the ability disappeared, the perception is still there. He has become the most experienced person in the family in terms of mind control, so naturally he is the most suitable person to take action.

However, the reason why he chose to sing was of course Xie Zhi's idea. According to him, it is best to form a hypnotic conditioned reflex, even if he does not have the ability to control his mind, as long as someone sings this song, Hulk will feel sleepy.

Naturally, you can't choose popular songs. It's not necessarily a good thing that anyone can sing it. At least no foreigners can sing this infrastructure lullaby.

Soon, Hulk turned into Banner. He covered his lower body, sneezed first, and said in surprise: "How did you do it? Singing a nursery rhyme made me recover?"

Xie Zhi opened his arms and said in a cadence, "Because music has no borders, and music is a bridge to communicate with the soul. Have you ever felt the warmth of entering the embrace of a loving father?"

"No, I just feel more angry, because my relationship with my father is not very good! What did you do to me?"

"I'm just...waiting for a while." Xie Zhi wondered, "You were still conscious when you became a green fat man?"

Banner tilted his head: "My consciousness is very weak, and I'm still practicing... Ah! Can you give me some clothes? I'm about to freeze."

The green light flashed, and Xie Zhi gave Banner a set of warm clothes.

"Wow, you... wearing high-tech exoskeleton armor and playing magic, what are you..." Banner paused and sighed: "Well, I know, vagrants.

In any case, it seems that the trouble caused by my anger, you can indeed control. "

At this time, Xie Zhi and the other three also came out of the mecha, and called Da Dao Kai.

Xie Zhizhi: "Then is there any problem?"

"You are very powerful, and you don't need me as a weapon. Obviously you have the ability to dominate the world, but you didn't do that, so..." Banner shrugged: "It's no problem, and you don't have to worry about another disaster caused by another me gone."

"No, figure it out, you still owe us one hundred trillion."

"Yes, that's exactly what I want to say. I'm a scientist, so if I want to work part-time, I need a laboratory. If you can provide this, I can pay back the money more efficiently."

Bucky couldn't help whistling: "Are you worth a hundred trillion research results?"

"Uh... that's not the case, but I'm confident that if I get something worth millions of dollars, it will add up."

Xie Zhi curled his lips: "Well, you are quite optimistic, do you think you have found a benefactor who supports you in private work?"

Banner smiled: "Forget it, you guys said it, it's a win-win situation, let alone following the famous... old Captain America, I have nothing to worry about."

Steve said, "You know me?"

"Many people know you. After all, you are a celebrity, but you are not a big star. After all, it has been so many years since World War II. Knowing you doesn't mean you can't forget it, except when you are visiting a museum.

So, if it weren't for your shield, I really can't remember it. "

Steve nodded: "But you don't seem surprised."

Banner smiled and said: "Old man, I became a big green monster, and I have something to do with you, Hulk is so hard to die, and you won't die easily if you think about it.

Ladies and gentlemen, can we chat in the cabin? It's still cold even with clothes on. If I don't transform, I can't compare with you. "

After boarding the big sword reform, Xie knew: "I will give you two days off first, and when your durable big pants are made, you will have to work."

Banner was stunned: "You...why do you want Hulk? You are already very powerful, don't you need an unconscious lunatic?"

Bucky smirked and said: "Of course it's useful. We are people who love sports, especially fighting, but we haven't had a suitable training partner. It's just right after you transform."

Xie Zhi continued: "So you still have a way to pay back the money. Do a good job as a training partner. I will give you a 20% discount. After two hundred years, you will be debt-free and light-hearted."

"Two hundred years?" Banner said urgently, "I have seven doctorates! My wisdom is more useful, captain, it is technology that gives you the ability to defeat Hydra, you comment, is that the case? .”

"It makes sense." Seeing the two brothers glaring at him, Steve spread his hands: "But science also has side effects, and it also created the Hydra It also affected you, didn't it?

So, to be fair, your science is useful too, but wouldn't it pay off faster with two jobs, wouldn't it? You have to put it another way, it should pay more than your job at a soda factory. "

"Okay, anyway, they are all working as workers, just changing jobs, can you talk about employment benefits?"

Xie knows: "We take care of the meals, we have holidays, we have benefits during the holidays, and we also have five insurances and one housing fund."

Bucky said: "Yeah, it also comes with work clothes...Damn it! I can't forget that!"

"Don't mention that again!" Xie Zhi and Steve said angrily in unison.

PS: Thanks to the book friend "Front Attack" and the book friend "Shan Xinyu" for their generous rewards! Thanks for the support! 666.

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