Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 589: i feel a little bit sorry for you now

"Well, this kid is not bad." Steve nodded and commented.

Xie Zhi smiled: "It's true, and... kind, tsk tsk, his face won't matter in the future, this is jumping into the sea, cutting his fingers to bleed, and provoking the sharks."

Steve was taken aback: "What do you mean? Isn't Obaday dead?"

Bucky patted Steve on the shoulder: "Brother, you still don't understand modern society, those black deals that Obaday did, including supporting terrorists, instigating color revolutions, subverting regimes, etc., the beneficiaries can be Not him alone.

In fact, there is a huge interest group involved, did you hear Tony say that he found himself part of an irresponsible system, yes, the system, and there was politics involved.

It is the entire system that needs to continue to do immoral things in foreign countries, so Obaday can only play a role.

Now that Tony says he wants to shut down the weapons manufacturing department, he offends not just one Opadry, but the entire interest group, that is... the government, the military, Wall Street..."

Steve interrupted: "Wait, I know Wall Street, isn't it financial?"

Bucky smiled: "Yeah, it's the power of capital that decides the country's national policy, and those who play finance are best at playing with money. Since the world's number one superpower can control it, then you think they won't breed and control the whole world." World ambitions?

Therefore, it is beneficial to export ideology desperately. As long as all countries become like the old Americans, then they can control the whole world.

And those who stand in their way will always pop up. Of course, they have to play dirty, get rid of the disobedient, let the obedient be the president, and let the disobedient continue to do so. Yes, it will always be them.

So Tony was the favorite of the system in the past, but now, the rich and powerful are preparing to eat him alive. Unless this kid has enough cards, he won't survive a year. "

Steve frowned: "Has this country...has become so disgusting?"

Bucky shook his head left and right: "It's more disgusting than you imagined. You can find out after you investigate it yourself. The problem now is, hehe, I'm curious about what cards this kid has. It can't be... Is it the trump card?

"He dares!" Xie Zhi stared: "I think this **** is itchy again! Our hammer is not his full-time bodyguard!"

Steve said: "Not...not necessarily, he is a proud person, so out of the mentality of an elder, the most fearful thing is that children will look down on him."

"From this point of view..." Xie Zhi couldn't help but smile: "That's right, he has been despised and beaten by hammers all the way, and he has to do something to look good, so let's see what this kid wants to do."

On the other side, as soon as Tony finished speaking, the reporters swarmed into chatter as if they had been beaten to death.

Obaday wanted to rush to the podium to make amends, but unfortunately, he was still bound by an inexplicable force and couldn't get close at all.

At the same time, suddenly, an extremely penetrating voice erupted in the venue: "It's so noisy!!"

In an instant, the glass objects in the venue exploded at the same time!

Everyone present could not help covering their ears and squatting on the ground, their faces full of pain.

Yes, the Lion Roar skill, Xie Tiehammer got his grandma's true biography, it's a small test.

And the girl was merciful, otherwise everyone present would be shitting.

Xie Tiehammer coughed dryly, cleared his throat and said, "Please maintain order, this is basic courtesy, I'm done."

Everyone stared blankly at Xie Tiehammer, Tony stood up and said, "Hmmm! Look, this is the child of the Stark family! Even his voice is so...fresh and refined!

Look at how well the child speaks! Don't you a bunch of adults know how to be ashamed? "

"Uncle, do you have anything else to say? It's boring here."

"It's boring, but it's just a few words, and we'll go home after we finish."

Tony was attached, his mouth was facing the microphone, but he glanced at Obaday: "In the end, everyone knows that Tony Stark doesn't like to follow the rules. What I want to say is that this is definitely a misunderstanding of me.

Because in fact, I just look cynical, and I have a bottom line, but some people, who are sanctimonious on the surface, play dirty behind the scenes and act very lowly.

It doesn't matter, I still want to say thank you, really, not only did you not win the first half due to fouls, but most importantly, you also..."

Tony stretched out his hand towards Xie Tiehammer: "... Let me meet the angel, it makes everything worthwhile.

Of course, there is also the second half, unfortunately sometimes I am not so disciplined, especially when it comes to personal grudges, are you ready? "

After saying that, Tony took Xie Tiehammer and walked away.

The reporters gave chase, but Opadry remained alone in the hall, his face sullen.

After a while, Obaday got into his luxury car.

The driver said: "Boss, where are you going?"


Then Obaday closed the partition of the RV, took out his mobile phone and dialed: "Listen! Are you going to watch me die? Trust me, if I'm sure there is no way out, I don't have to care about anything!"

Then an electronic voice came out from the mobile phone: "Hello, your phone is in arrears, please continue to pay the phone bill..."

Obadi looked at the phone in astonishment: "What the hell!? How can I owe the phone bill?"

"It's hard to say." A man's voice sounded in the car: "The world is impermanent."

In the next second, a holographic image of a man appeared next to Obadai. He was a middle-aged white man in a red suit: "Hello, my name is Melowena."

Obaday subconsciously tried to pull the car door, but he couldn't open it no matter what.

Merrowen shook her fingers: "Don't worry, you are sitting in my stomach now. Frankly speaking, I don't like men in my body, even though this body is only for temporary use... However, the will of adults is my sacred A mission, a little dissatisfaction is nothing."

Obaday calmed down a little: "No matter what you you obviously know who I am. With my wealth, the problems that money can solve are not problems."

Mei Luowen nodded with a smile and said, "I very much agree, so what I want to tell you is about the transfer of all properties under your name."

"Ha, which kidnapper have you ever seen ask for the transfer of all property? The most stupid thief would not do that." Obaday wiped his eyes deliberately, as if I laughed and cried: "So, tell me, I can Do it."

"My request, of course Obadie Stein can do it, of course, I mean the other one."

As soon as the voice fell, the seat opposite suddenly began to arch, and the seat gradually liquefied as it inflated, forming a human shape. The next moment, an identical Opadry appeared, yes, it was the Terminator T-1000.

And the pirated version of Obadai waved his hand towards the original version: "Hello, brother."

Merrowen adjusted his tie: "Mr. Obady, it's still the same sentence, things are impermanent."

Seeing the exact same self, Obaday was dumbfounded: "This, this, this... No, wait a minute, sir, there is actually room for cooperation between us! Trust me!"

"Well, for what? You're going bankrupt soon."

"I... I still know a lot of secrets!"

"If it's the mysterious person holding your handle, needless to say, we know."

"No! And! Tony's an only child! That wild girl is a liar!"

Mei Luowen raised her eyebrows and sighed: "As the so-called self-inflicted crimes cannot live, the wild girl and liar you are talking about is our young lady, who is loved by thousands of people, so Obadai, I feel a little sympathetic now. is you."

PS: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

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