Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 619: be careful


With that, Zod opened his respirator.

Yes, Zod observed that Clark has abilities that Kryptonians do not have. One is flying, and the other is that Clark's eyes can shoot high-energy rays.

I don't know what it is, but it is very destructive. At least it can make the Kryptonian's armor turn red at high temperature. Although it can't be pierced, it feels very uncomfortable and painful.

As a Kryptonian, why does Clark have these abilities? Zod believes that it is caused by the earth's environment.

In his opinion, since Clark can quickly adapt to the atmospheric environment in the spacecraft, so can he, and so can other Kryptonians!

However, it was said that after Zod opened the respirator, he immediately developed symptoms of discomfort, which intensified.

At the same time, Feora grabbed Zod's back, jumped at high speed, left the battlefield, and headed for the distance.

The same is true for other Kryptonians, rushing at high speed, or running or jumping, chasing Zod.

The sudden change made Xie Zhi not keep up with the rhythm. In fact, there was nothing he could do even if he could keep up with the reaction. He was all-round awesome. Even if he knew that the other party wanted to leave, he really couldn't stop him.

Chasing is certain, and there is a gap in combat speed, but no one in the old Xie family is afraid of flying.

And Xie Zhi shouted at Clark while chasing him: "What do they mean?"

Clark replied, "I don't know."

"Aren't your ears thieves? Didn't you hear me?"

"Come on, I'd be crazy to focus on everyone! I can't even notice the chaos on the battlefield."

"Depend on!"

Clark also felt that this was his own mistake, and remedied: "Now I will focus on Zod, don't worry."

At this time, Fu's report came out in the communication: "Uncle and Uncle, the direction of the Kryptonians is the metropolis."

Xie Zhi sighed: "Oh, you heard it all, obviously they want to bring the battlefield to the city."

Bucky tilted his head and looked at Clark who was flying side by side: "No offense, not against you, but... I hate Kryptonians!"

Clark opened his mouth: "Well, although I don't want to admit it, but now I feel the same way, is there a way to stop them..."

Before Clark could finish his sentence, there was a sudden change in the sky, and a thunderstorm suddenly appeared!

Amidst the crackling sound, countless thick lightning bolts fell from the sky, knocking down all six Kryptonians!

Clark said in a daze, "It's really unlucky for them, what a coincidence?"

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "They are unlucky, but it's not a coincidence, they are my daughter-in-law."

Seeing the dark clouds parting in the sky, a blue-painted mecha flew out, and it held a hammer in its hand.

Yes, the drizzle is coming.

Through the simultaneous message transmission, Xiaoyu already knew how powerful the Kryptonians are, and it is not easy to win on Earth, let alone in a spaceship.

So it's better to go back to the earth to join the war, so Xie Ai took her out of the spaceship. Anyway, there are equipments in the spaceship just in case, and the worst thing is that it will blow up.

And it’s not that there are no people in the spaceship. Those who stayed in the spaceship were replaced by Wu Neng, the body of a molecular robot, which made Wu Neng very difficult to kill. After the body was atomized, although it was not as good as Xie Ai, it was still disgusting. .

However, although the drizzle appeared, the lightning strikes did not stop. To be precise, it was a thunderstorm!

A series of thick and incomparable lightning bolts bombarded the six Kryptonians one after another, completely denying them a chance to get up.

And this scene made Clark dumbfounded. Although he knew that the power was not stronger than the heat rays released from his own eyes, the scale was incomparable.

The drizzle at this moment is surrounded by countless electric currents, the clouds are constantly falling, the hammer is constantly falling, and the other hand is also constantly falling. From the visual effect, the majesty and domineering to the extreme! It is no exaggeration to say that it is Thor!

Of course, only visually.

Because if it is really a god, the six Kryptonians should have been hacked to death.

But the problem is, although they can't move forward, they are still struggling to get up. Except for the powerful energy that affects their actions, they still seem to be unharmed!

But even so, Drizzle's trick of thunderstorm washing the ground did play a role in controlling the field, and the Kryptonians couldn't run away.

Xie Zhi waved his hand: "Siege! Don't be idle."

Following Xie Zhi's voice, the robot army surrounded the thunderstorm area in a ring. Yes, they didn't dare to go in. In the area where the drizzle magnifies the move, anyone who enters will be the end of the thunderbolt, including the black hole grenade. Thunder flew.

Immediately afterwards, the robot's artillery fire started again, bombarding the area where the Kryptonians were located.

Xie Zhi said again: "Clark, don't be idle, can't your eyes also shoot red light, keep firing, and consume them to death."

Ever since, the scene turned into a baptism of unilateral artillery fire. The scene was extremely spectacular, and it depended on how long the Kryptonians could last.

It is impossible not to alarm the world with such a big movement. In fact, the military fighter plane rushed over immediately.

However, Sentry 2.0 of Lao Xie's family couldn't stop the Kryptonians. It was too easy to block the fighter planes, and they didn't attack. They just lay down on the cabin and knocked on the glass of others.

There was no way, the fighter planes could come and go, and were driven away.

However, Youde and Laifu have also deployed troops on the farther periphery, nothing else. They really don’t trust the old American government. It is not uncommon to launch nuclear bombs in the country. Although it is not a world, it is a virtue.

So the necessary means of interception must be available, don't be thrown a big mushroom by others.

But the spectacular scene of the bombing also blocked everyone's sight. Even Clark couldn't see the scene on the ground, it was too dazzling.

As a result, no one noticed that the six Kryptonians were already huddled together, and the outer five formed a circle, forming a human wall to resist the artillery fire and lightning, and Zod was sitting cross-legged inside.

After a while, Zod opened his eyes, looked at his hand, squeezed his fist, smiled, but didn't speak, and gestured to Feora.

Following Zod got up and replaced Feora's position, he came to form a human wall, while Feora sat cross-legged on the ground and opened the respirator.

At this time, everyone received a report from sub-spaceship separated from the Krypton flagship landed in the southern Indian Ocean region.

Afterwards, a beam of light shot out from the belly of the sub-spaceship, but it didn't have any attack power. It's unknown what it was for now.

On the other side, the Kryptonian flagship has moved over the metropolis, and it also shoots out a beam of light, which has no attack power.

But according to the azimuth calculation, the two lights correspond exactly to the two ends of the earth, exactly.

Xie Zhi couldn't help wondering: "No attack power? Then what is it for?"

Youde said: "According to Zod's words and their actions, Howard and I believe that this kind of light can rule out the possibility of Star Destroyer weapons, because what they want is Earth, and the Kryptonians are still on the battlefield.

And these two lights, maybe a warm-up of some kind of function, have not been officially activated yet, after all Zod is suppressed now, obviously the Kryptonians left behind on the spaceship are waiting for orders. "

Xie Zhi nodded: "The spaceship went to the Metropolis, and the Kryptonians also flew there. No matter what the purpose is, the Metropolis is obviously their intended battlefield... Ryan, you and Xiao Ai go there first, just in case, Get people out of the city..."

Before they finished speaking, Xie Zhi, Bucky, and Xiao Yu all changed their expressions at the same time, and immediately evaded.

Almost at the same time, their previous positions were skipped by the red beam!

It's just that Clark wasn't that vigilant anymore, he was directly hit by the red light, and in the blink of an eye he reached the sky and became a small black dot.

Xie Zhi opened his mouth: "Then what, Clark, be careful."

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