Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 651: ending

At this moment, Xiao Yu and Lei En suddenly frowned.

Diana spotted this detail: "What's wrong? The Kryptonians..."

Xiao Yu shook his head: "It's not the Kryptonians. The Kryptonians are no longer a problem. It's the old US government. My people discovered that they launched a nuclear bomb and are flying towards the metropolis. They are expected to arrive within three minutes."

Bruce said in amazement: "What!? Launch a nuclear bomb on the mainland! How could they do this!"

Diana wasn't worried. After all, she had seen Xie Ai's teleportation ability before, so she only said, "Xiaoyu, can your robot solve it? Or should we withdraw?"

Xiaoyu said indifferently: "It's a trivial matter, the missile will intercept it, but the behavior of the old US government... Diana, what do you say?"

Diana was taken aback, then smiled and said, "Why do you ask me?"

Xiao Yu said: "You are also the one being attacked."

Diana pondered for a while, sighed, shook her head and said: "Since I started to contact the human world, I have seen too many ugly sides of human beings, but they cannot represent all human beings. There are also many beautiful sides in human beings.

Besides, the consequences of a nuclear war are too dire, so I can't start a war.

What's more, after all, they are launching in their own country, or in the case of alien invasion, there is barely a legitimate reason, but..."

Diana pointed to the media helicopter in the sky: "Of course they know that the Kryptonians have been defeated and the citizens have evacuated, but they don't have to admit that lying is a common occurrence for them."

Ren frowned and said, "Sisters, you don't look like the one who suffers from boredom."

Diana smiled slyly: "Aren't you still there? You are even more powerful, and you are more powerful. You don't need me to be your leader?"

Xiao Yu said: "I'm afraid you are really good at it."

"What do you mean? There are so many of you, let me go?"

Xiao Yu shook her head: "Not only you, but also other parties, of course, we will also participate, but other forces... are still talking, let's discuss it tomorrow.

In short, since Lao Mei has chosen to play tricks, it is only natural to reap revenge. "

Yes, Xiao Yu has already received the message from Xie Zhi through telepathy. Xie Zhi did not hide this from Xiao Yu, after all, she is her own wife. As for the rest of the family, even passive mind reading will make people feel uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable.

So Xiaoyu knew that Xie Zhi was negotiating conditions with the Haiyang people at this moment, and also knew Xie Zhi's plan.

At this time Bruce said: "Can I ask what kind of revenge? I have no other intentions. I am also very angry about launching a nuclear bomb. However, that is a government decision, and the people are innocent..."

Xiao Yu glanced at him: "I suggest you think about it after reading the book and making up lessons, your thoughts are still inherent thinking, under the avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.

The old American government today is not caused by one or two people, there are too many reasons for it, and it has formed a general trend, just like your hometown Gotham City, where the disease is dying, and there is no cure without strong medicine.

In fact, the old American government is exactly the same as your previous thinking. It cannot accept forces beyond its control. You just think about it. The old American government chose to launch missiles regardless of the consequences.

Bruce Wayne, in fact, you can also take a look at the consequences of this willful decision-making without a shred of foresight.

You can also look at how these so-called threats without checks and balances do things, and whether there is no bottom line. "

Bruce was helpless: "Okay, I'll watch, so... am I still in the probationary period?"

Ren raised his eyebrows and said: "Of course, but you have the right to give up this superpower now, you have a choice."

Just at this time, a high-speed flying object rushed over the metropolis, turned around, and flew towards everyone present. It was the nuclear missile launched by Lao Mei.

Diana couldn't help picking up her shield: "Didn't you say you can intercept it!"

"It has been intercepted, don't worry."

While speaking, Xiao Yu raised his hand, and the speed of the missile's flight slowed down significantly, getting slower and slower until it resembled a snail, and then hovered ten meters away from everyone.

Ryan explained: "Our way of interception is not to destroy, but to rewrite the program of the missile. This is just a show. Let the media helicopters in the sky take pictures and show it to the whole world. A reminder, don't kill yourself. won't die."

When Bruce saw this scene, he shook his head and answered the previous question: "My pride made me give up super powers, but my reason told me that human beings... no, it's me, and I should take on the burden worthy of this power." Responsibility, I would like to start with reflection, this missile is a testament to ... the consequences of ignorance and arrogance."

Diana put away her arms: "If there is nothing else, then I will go first, Xiao Yu, can you trouble your daughter, I want to keep a low-key life."

"No problem, what about you?" Xiao Yu looked at Bruce.

Bruce shrugged: "I'll go back by myself, the process of gaining superpowers has been filmed, and I can't hide it."

Two seconds later, Xie Ai appeared with a spicy stick in his mouth and sent Diana back to Europe.

Afterwards, Xiaoyu and Ryan flew to the Kryptonian spacecraft, including a large number of sentinel robots. At this moment, the robots had already finished cleaning the battlefield.

As for the Kryptonian spaceship, after the Kryptonian was killed by Xie Zhi, Wu Neng on the ship arranged Transformers spies early on and started receiving work.

The process of the Kryptonians operating the spacecraft has been filmed. Although it is not comprehensive, it is still possible to start and stop the world engine and stop changing the quality of the earth.

What's more, even if he didn't take pictures, in fact, Xie Zhi had already figured out how to play the Kryptonian spacecraft from the information in the Kryptonian's mind.

But even so, the two Kryptonian spacecraft beat the earth back and forth for about an hour.

The fierce battle of this day was finally settled.

But the old Xie family still has a lot of things to do.

First of all, not only the two captured spaceships, but also the reconnaissance ship belonging to Clark in the North Pole must be studied.

Fortunately, Krypton Technology also has an automated intelligent system, as long as you get the master key, which is the black strip that Clark secretly gave to Louise.

The old Xie family is particular about and didn’t take Louise’s, because the master key left by Zod was inserted in the scout ship, ready-made.

As for Kryptonian DNA, corpses are plentiful and easy to fool.

The three Kryptonian spaceships have different functions, and the ones captured by the old Xie family are indeed of great value, but there is one thing, there is not much scientific and technological information in the intelligent system.

But Clark's reconnaissance ship is different. According to the inquiry of the spacecraft's intelligent system, the reconnaissance ship has recorded a large amount of Kryptonian technology, and its value is immeasurable!

From the perspective of pure profit, it is naturally best to take away the scout ship, but this ship has an owner, and Clark is not an enemy, so taking it away is no different from a robber.

Although the old Xie family has this strength, bullying the weak is not the style of the old Xie family, it is too tasteless.

But the Xie family is not pedantic. After all, strictly speaking, the scout ship was picked up by Clark. It did not belong to Clark's family 10,000 years ago. It is the heritage of Krypton.

During the battle, it was controlled by Zod again, so if whoever takes it, it’s okay to say that the reconnaissance ship belongs to Zod, and Zod asked Xie Zhi to give the Kryptonians a chance of life, so this ship is old. The Xie family took it and barely talked about it.

Since the right of ownership is vague, the old Xie family decided to just copy the scientific and technological materials, and leave the boat as a souvenir for Clark.

As for the accident? From the basic logic analysis of the Xie family, as a precious Kryptonian heritage, it contains black technology far beyond the earth. If Clark really loves the earth and does not want these technologies to fall into the wrong hands, he will not be so brainless that he can let people visit it casually, right?

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