Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 653: night of truth

As soon as the announcement came out, the human world became lively again.

Not to mention the ideas of other countries, the old beauty is really numb, and it is in big trouble.

But the trouble they think is far from big enough...

As the old Mr. Op said, they haven't regretted anything for a long time.

In fact, this comment is quite polite, because even at this moment, the senior leaders of the United States have not regretted their previous decision to launch nuclear bombs, but are studying how to resolve this crisis on the premise of maintaining hegemony.

That's right, they still don't feel that they have done anything wrong, to be honest, they eat but don't remember to fight.

Of course, it's not objective to say that. They still found a mistake, that is... to change the meeting place.

The previous mistakes were limited to being monitored by the enemy without knowing it, so the way to deal with it is to find a place that you think is safe to study countermeasures.

The meeting place was scoured inside and out to make sure no spying devices were present.

And what's even more exaggerated is that, just in case, the people in the meeting only wear a pair of underpants.

As for the countermeasures of the research, public opinion wars have to be waged, refusing to admit it, and identifying the video as fake and forged.

At the same time, throw the blame, smear, and do everything possible to give **** to other extraordinary civilizations, as dirty as they want, make sure to publicize them as bad guys, believe in the words of so-called superheroes, human beings will be doomed, Only Lao Mei can be the savior of mankind, there is no other possibility.

Then comes the diplomatic level, first targeting Gouzi, no, allies.

It is necessary to be consistent with the old United States, unite together to denounce other civilizations, and gather all military forces, as if it is bound to fight.

Whether to fight or not, and whether you can pass the fight, is something to consider in the future. Pull the team together first, at least it must look scary.

As for the disobedience of allies? dare! Add a zero to the protection fee first, and then start with a series of sanctions.

As for the old U.S. military, nuclear deterrence must be revealed, and a few missile shooting experiments must be carried out first to make people think that we dared to launch nuclear weapons. Although we failed last time, we must add a zero to inform the world.

Make sure everyone understands that America is not good at doing business, but it is more than enough to destroy the world. We are professionals. Isn’t superpowers capable of intercepting nuclear missiles? A nuclear weapon that destroys the world a hundred times is a saturation strike. You can try to intercept it. .

But this is still not enough. The spies arranged in all countries in the world are mobilized to contact all the controlled dogs and public officials to heat up the public opinion, organize demonstrations, marches, protests, stir up racial hatred, and blackmail the local government. Never compromise with unknown civilizations, and defend human freedom to the death.

And the most important thing, of course, is the Kryptonian living in Laomei, who must be won over. This is also a combat power that breaks through the sky. Even if it can't be used by me, if I incite them to fight, I can still find opportunities to use it.

For example, if a Kryptonian is killed, he will be given the title of a dish hero, which can also exaggerate the evil of the other party, which is justified.

Yes, they have already found out Clark's identity. It's actually not difficult. The battle marks left by the tragic battle are so spectacular, and the source is precisely the farm of Clark's family.

In addition, because the military arrested Louise, Clark was there in person, and the officials knew that Louise knew the inside story. Although the **** female reporter was very strict, her previous investigation of aliens also had a track optional.

Then check again along the route where Louise appeared, and the target is still Clark's house.

And by investigating the surroundings of Kent's house, it is easy to find out the abnormal situation in the past 30 years, and he didn't run away.

As for how to make Clark submit, there are too many ways, and it is still the same old way. If you are disobedient, you will be blackmailed if you have no strength, and your reputation will be ruined if you have strength.

The Kryptonians can't beat them, so they can mess with their family members, but the Kryptonian's mother is an ordinary person, so planting and framing her is a crime, and she should be locked up in the name of the law.

If the Kryptonian boy doesn't obey the law, it will be better and his reputation will be even worse. Today he can disrespect the old American law, but tomorrow he will definitely enslave all mankind.

As for the consequences of doing so, they were not worried at all, and they told the truth at the meeting.

The Kryptonians came to Earth in a spacecraft before, posing a threatening posture, and it was later proved that the weapons used by the opposing spacecraft were indeed changing the quality of the earth, and the final result was the destruction of all mankind.

But as soon as the situation started, the senior executives of Laomei reached a formula.

And it's obvious that he can't beat him, so naturally... Admit it, don't provoke him.

But after a big battle, they understood very well that those freaks who defeated the Kryptonians were good people. It was very simple. During the tragic battle, they even spent a lot of effort to evacuate the people. This is not what a good person is.

And the old American elite who are full of cheating people all over the world really don't know if they are dealing with bad people? No one knows better than them, so they naturally understand that the worst result of dealing with good people is not to destroy the world, because good people have a bottom line.

Therefore, spreading rumors, smearing, provoking, and sabotaging with one's life, it is acceptable to have an accident, and the big deal is to step down, because Lao Mei does not have an accountability system.

Has anyone been held accountable for Wall Street's economic crisis? A bottle of washing powder started a war, which proved to be nothing afterward. I don’t even bother to make up lies. Has anyone been held accountable?

There are more others. In short, even if they lose, the biggest punishment is to step down. As the rule makers of the game, they are not afraid at all.

So this time, the efficiency of the senior executives of Laomei is super high. It is not surprising that they are always very fast when playing dirty.

During the meeting, they have been handing out notes constantly. Yes, the notes are more reassuring for fear of being monitored.

So the Clark family welcomes another wave of visitors.

At this time, Clark's prospective girlfriend and mother had been sent back by Lao Xie's family, and they also gave them two luxury limousines. Nothing else, their home and farm are in the war zone, and there is no place to live now.

However, the official representative stated the facts, reasoned, and argued from various aspects. Clark grew up in the old America and also has an old American nationality, so he must work for the interests of the old United States, because this is not for the old American officials, but for all mankind. Freedom and Rights With great power comes great responsibility.

He talked about hype, but Clark remained expressionless.

Maybe it was because I was tired, when I asked Clark what attitude he had.

Clark let out a long sigh, and said... not to mention other high-sounding ones, there is only one, my buddies can't beat it.

Clarke said to himself, Damn, you are cheating on me, so many Kryptonians were beaten to death, you are blind!

The official representative stated that it is not an old beauty to be afraid of death.

Martha said that none of my sons are from Earth.

Official, but you are an old beauty, you are a mother.

Martha, my son is adopted.

Just when the official representative was about to change his rhetoric and play blackmail, he received a notice and the plan was cancelled.

A group of people left in a hurry, Martha and Louise were still wondering, but Clark's ear thieves naturally knew what was going on.

After turning on the TV, I understood everything.

Without him, this high-level meeting of the old and the United States was exposed again.

And this time, they started shooting before the meeting, including the process of them scraping the ground to find the monitoring, and the scene of the high-level executives taking off their clothes to reveal their fat.

The whole broadcast, one shot to the end.

So that night, Laomei staged another big show for the whole world, and the ratings broke the historical record of human beings, not just one TV station, but all of them.

This night is also destined to go down in the history of the local earth, in fact, the history is called, the night of truth.

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