Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 674: Godzilla vs. Xie Zhi

The pain made Godzilla even more angry.

But it has nothing to do with Xie Zhi for a while, its speed is at an absolute disadvantage, and the opponent is too small, it is difficult to find, let alone a sparring?

As a result, close combat can only be passively beaten.

Ever since, the super small man suppressed the super big man, and the size advantage was reversed.

And Xie Zhi shouted loudly while beating: "Are you convinced? Are you convinced? Fatty, I will ask you if you are convinced!"

Godzilla did not show weakness, and yelled: "I will not accept it! I will not accept it! I will not accept it even if I am killed! I am the king!"

As soon as the concept of Wang came out, Xie Zhi's heart moved immediately.

Combined with the memories of beating other big monsters in Godzilla's mind, Xie Zhi understood that this guy is the boss of the Titan.

Although Godzilla can't remember the content of the lectures to other titans, but with some memory flashbacks, Xie Zhi also understands that once the titans are not good, this fat man will communicate with the ideals of beast life, that is, The words are relatively simple and rude...until you are convinced.

What if you can't accept it? Then kill it.

In short, in the global village, it is the head of the village police station, authorizing all kinds of dissatisfaction and maintaining a harmonious life in the village.

It's true that there is no evil intention, but this kind of hierarchical relationship among the titans gave Xie Zhi an idea.

Is subduing this fat man the same as subduing all the titan beasts? If so, it will save a lot of trouble.

Ever since, the frequency of Xie Zhi's beatings became higher and higher, and he kept yelling "I won't accept it".

And Godzilla can't fight back at all, but there are countermeasures.

That's... rolling yourself into a ball.

Yes, the claws hug the head, the thighs are curled up, the big tail wraps itself into a ball, and a huge meat ball is born, which is quite cute.

Although it stopped barking, Xie Zhi also sensed the intention in its heart. It's very simple, you can hit it, hit it as you like, but I just don't accept it! What can you do?

This made Xie Zhi a bit difficult to deal with. The big fat man had thick skin and thick flesh, and he was even more resistant to beating when he curled up into a ball.

"Hey! You're going to **** with me, right? I don't believe it yet..."

Bucky's voice suddenly came from Tianhuo: "Be careful! Thank you! Be careful!"

"Thank you for the reminder." Xie Zhi shook his head, gritted his teeth and continued.

But after five minutes of continuous beating, Godzilla is a non-violent non-cooperative virtue.

During the period, Xie Zhi also used the energy of fear, and as a result, this guy's willpower was so strong that he didn't care at all.

Similarly, Xie Zhi also tried mind control methods, but it was still useless. Godzilla is also considered supreme, and his consciousness is very solid.

Bucky's voice came out again, and he was still yawning: "Ah~ Lao Xie, can you do it? It's getting more and more boring. There's no point in playing like this, or...kill me?"

"Kill him? Bah! I have to beat this fat man today! Wait, isn't it boring, I'll show you something not boring!"

Saying that, Xie Zhi also stopped, and retreated a certain distance, his eyes glowing green.

Immediately afterwards, the energy of will enveloped his whole body, as if he was manifesting something.

At the same time, he waved his hand at Tianhuo: "Stay away! Stay away!"

Xiao Yu was surprised and said, "Master, what are you going to do?"

Xie Zhi moved his neck left and right: "This fat man is very stubborn, he thinks it's unfair to fight like this, so it's easy to deal with, if he thinks I'm too small, then I'll make it bigger! Let's see if he still accepts it!"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yu became anxious: "Pym particles have side effects!"

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Miss, if you care about it, you will be chaotic. Don't worry, I can let me go back in time. When the time comes, the side effects will have to go away, it's okay."

Yes, what Xie Zhi wants to realize is the Pym Particles. Xie Zhi is very familiar with this recipe. He personally supervises all the ingredients used at home. After so many years, he can make them with his eyes closed.

And the realization of will energy is nothing more than the realization of various raw materials and their deployment, which is not difficult.

Sure enough, almost at the same time as the voice, a strange loud noise suddenly broke out.

That strange sound was caused by the huge body that suddenly expanded and enlarged, pushing the sea water away in an instant.

And Xie Zhi, has turned into a super giant with a height of more than 100 meters!

Obviously, Xie Zhi adjusted the magnification. Although there is no tail, the height is about the same as Godzilla.

Xie Zhi raised his calf, which was comparable to a residential building, and kicked Godzilla Qiuqiu: "Fatty man, don't pretend to be a dog, I'm getting bigger now, let's start again! Fight for 300 rounds! Let's see who This is Nampowan, the global village!"

The family members who were watching the battle opened their mouths wide, and Xiao Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes, as if to say: "Men really are children who don't grow up."

Ren then laughed happily: "Then what... do you want to call the children over? It's very beautiful."

Xiao Yu gave her a blank look: "Come on, you don't think Xiao Ai is not enough, do you?"

Speaking of this, she rubbed the center of her brows: "If there is a problem with children's education, it seems that the younger ones can't be blamed entirely, but the older ones... Hey, I really follow her father."

Bucky snapped his fingers and rubbed his hands excitedly: "R2, beer, peanuts, fried melon seeds, hurry up!"

Several Amazon female warriors looked more and more respectful, obviously thinking that this is the power of God!

On the contrary, the corners of Diana's eyes twitched, thinking, why do you feel that this not serious?

But he said that Xie Zhi's kick, although he didn't use much strength, he also felt it. After the size became larger, it did affect the speed, and his movements became much slower.

It is no wonder that the increase in tonnage and volume will correspondingly bring greater burden and resistance.

Of course, the power is also magnified.

Xie Zhi knew this point when he got the Pym particles from Hank back then. Although he felt that it violated the common sense of physics, but... Ant-Man's black technology is so unreasonable.

Godzilla's tail was staggered a little, and the paws covering his head were also parted between the fingers. He glanced at Xie Zhi sneakily with his eyeballs, and his eyes suddenly shone brightly.

Hurrah, the meat ball opened, and Godzilla stood up and roared: "This is not the same! Who is afraid of whom! Let you is the king..."


Before finishing Godzilla's declaration, Xie Zhi punched him in the face!

The conversation followed Xie Zhi's fist and went back!

Godzilla screamed and fell to the ground. The meaning of the translation is... You are stupid!

However, Godzilla also seems to have a lot of combat experience. As he fell down, the super big tail took his turn!

Power plus tonnage, a big monster flicking its tail, actually set off a violent undercurrent on the bottom of the sea!

But Xie Zhi was in a bit of trouble, nothing else, his reaction speed was fine, but with the sudden increase in body tonnage, his movements couldn't keep up.

So as soon as he jumped up, he knew he couldn't escape, so he simply adjusted his body strength in the air, and then used his willpower and force to control objects to forcefully change the center of his body.

As a result, after some pushing and pulling operations, he swung his body horizontally during the half-jump, slapped the giant tail that was swept by with one hand, and turned around, making a beautiful "hurdle" to pass the blow.

But it wasn't over yet, as he landed, he took a Super Thomas slalom, two legs in succession, and hit the head of Godzilla who had just got up one after another!

These two feet made Godzilla roll on the seabed again, and the dust flew up, dyeing the bottom of the sea into darkness, and the visibility was zero.

And Xie Zhi, who stood up like in slow motion, did a small jump on the spot, swayed his upper body, put on a boxing frame, and wiped his nose: "Ah oh ~ taking the impossible as the law, and the limited as the infinite, this is the highest level of martial arts !

Do you understand, fat man, do you want to learn? I'll teach you... ah ah ah ah! "


A pillar of blue light energy suddenly appeared through the fog in the dark smoke and dust, and he was blown away in seconds.

Xie Zhi's exasperated voice echoed in the deep sea: "You rascal!"

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