Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 715: neuropathy

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There are priorities, and there must be first and last, one by one.

The second idiot friend of Xie Tiechui made the adults worry, but not only the eldest granddaughter kept it secret, but more importantly, it seemed that Xie Tiechui did not have frequent contact with this friend, which Steve could still confirm.

After all, Xie Tiechui is still playing a superhero, and since she had the experience of educating her "uncle", the girl is very keen on fighting for justice, and her hands itch when she sees bad guys, so the girl's daily life is very fulfilling and not very idle.

Therefore, to follow the actions of the granddaughter, one has to wait for the right time.

Then the next thing to do, of course, is to arrange for Xie Ai to go to school. The problem of the child's energy riots is solved, and the settlement will be considered stable.

Of course, it is necessary to arrange for Chilu and Anakin to go to school. Although there is no shortage of family education resources, it is better for children to have more contact with children, which is conducive to social growth.

Originally, the Howards wanted to reunite with their son and explain everything when they came back, but now the couple are **** off, and they plan to see the situation of the **** son.

There are also many things to do in the follow-up, clean up the Hydra, find Typhon to sell the Titan, install a space bridge for the Skrulls and Valkyrie... etc., but it can be postponed appropriately.

Next day, Nepal.

Karma Taj, in front of the wooden gate of an ancient temple in the downtown area.

Xie Zhi's family of three chatted with Gu Yi to confirm their school arrangements.

Seeing that school was a foregone conclusion, Xie Ai, who was carrying a small schoolbag, suddenly took a deep breath, opened his mouth and screamed: "Hey hey duck~ my father duck~ my dear mother duck~ woo woo woo...I can't bear it You ducks... ah ah ah ~ my heart is hurting ~ my tears are streaming ~ I don't want to..."

Xie Ai held his parents' hands and howled at the top of his voice, but there was only thunder and no rain, and there was a sense of rhythm.

Immediately, the veins on Xie Zhi's and Xiao Yu's foreheads swelled up.

Xie Zhi said with a dark face: "What are you crying for!? Those who know are that you are going to school, but those who don't know think that you are crying for us!"

"Ah?" Xie Ai sucked his nose: "No way, are you too excited?

Well, girl, I mainly want to express that my good daughter is about to go on a long trip to study, and she is reluctant to leave her parents. Parents, don’t you feel my unrestrained emotions? "

"Unrestrained..." Xiao Yu's brows twitched wildly: "You are going to school! You are not getting married!

It only takes five minutes to walk from school to home, and you can have a warm meal when you come home from school. Principal Gu also said that he would like to live in school, go home if he wants to go home, and travel far to study? Still reluctant to part? Come on, you're a good showman! "

Xie Ai scratched his head: "But I watched videos on the Internet, and children cry when they go to kindergarten, which means that this is a necessary ritual! Hmm, it can't be wrong."


This time it was Gu Yi's turn to get blue veins, especially since she was still bald, which was very obvious, as if there were a few earthworms on her head.

Xie Zhi said angrily: "Kindergarten? How old are you? Are there any thirteen-year-olds who still go to kindergarten? It's almost fourteen! Take care of yourself!"

"Daddy, talking about kindergarten is a metaphor. This is the literary quality I gained from studying chemistry hard... Hey duck!"

Xie Zhi just kicked her ass, and flew directly into the Kama Taj Temple, like a cannonball...

Anyway, the level of skin strength of my own children is also extraordinary, stronger than a heavy tank, not considered domestic violence.

Xiao Yu sneered and took Gu Yi's hand: "I'm sorry, kid, don't worry, you're tired, if you don't obey, just let go and clean it up, kid is tough, don't worry."

Xie Zhi also nodded again and again: "That's right, as long as you don't beat her to death, we won't report it to the Education Bureau..."

The corner of Gu Yi's mouth twitched: "The Education Bureau can't control me, can it?"

"Look at my mouth, it's all childish, you know what I mean, strict teachers make excellent students."

Gu Yi sighed: "Although corporal punishment is unavoidable in mage teaching, there are also combat lessons, but you two also know Xie Ai's... character, I think communication education is better, it's all for the future, after all..."

Speaking of this, Gu's eyes turned red, and he almost shed tears: "The millennium school building... can't be destroyed in my hands."

Xie Zhi nodded and bowed his head: "No, no, you are just joking, don't worry, if you don't want to do it, just call, the house is also close, two steps, I'll cut her!"

Gu was expressionless: "The consequences of making a small report may be more serious, you two, don't forget that I can see the future.

In short... the child is with me, for the safety of other students, and the continuous inheritance of the mage, Xie Ai will never be wronged in the slightest. I am confident in this regard. "

Xiao Yu said with a smile on her face: "Principal Gu, you have to worry too much. After all, a teacher preaches and teaches, and you have to teach as a human being."

"It's all for... saving the world, I will work hard."

Xiao Yu shook Gu Yi's hand vigorously, and said very seriously: "Understood, you are the right way in the world! Justice can be late but cannot be absent!"

Xie Zhi added: "Yes, yes, for the sake of peace, and for the happiness and well-being of all nations in the universe, our family, Xie Ai, will entrust you."

Gu Yi closed his eyes, and said bitterly: "I'm satisfied if you two can understand my dedication. From this point of view, I also hope that the virtuous couple can take care of the master's heirs in the future."

Xie Zhi patted his chest and said: "That's a must, with our mouthful of food, your students will not be hungry, and we will take care of employment in the future!

Besides, that is also Xie Ai's fellow apprentice brother, not an outsider.

So, tonight I will be the host, and I sincerely invite you and all the students to go home, let's set up a few tables, we must have a good drink..."

Gu Yi shook his head: "Then there is no need, as long as you have the heart."

"If you have a heart and a heart, you must have a heart! Our husband and wife... are grateful! I am very grateful!"

Gu nodded, gritted his teeth, entered the temple with the posture of rushing to the battlefield, and closed the door.

Xie Zhi and Xiao Yu looked at each other, the corners of their mouths slowly but unstoppably raised, and smiled.

Xiao Yu said: "I, I got it...Actually, I just figured it out now. In the past, we were all wrong. Principal Gu is doing this to help others and to be merciful."

Xie Zhi nodded again and again: "That's right, you are a good person, that's how good people are for a hundred generations."

"Sir, I suddenly have the urge"

"Coincidentally, me too!"

The couple suddenly moved at the same time! As if receiving electric shock therapy, every part of his body was swaying and twisting, dancing wildly!

Drizzle was no longer a master, and the style of a classical and elegant goddess was swept away, and the vibe with disheveled hair and shaking her head was unprecedented!

The dancing posture of the two has nothing to do with the beauty, but even the blind can see that this is a catharsis of ecstasy!

Squeak, when the wooden door slammed, the couple closed in seconds, looking serious, and the drizzle even blew the hair on their faces.

A fat man of Asian descent came holding a milk-drinking little Gungun in his hand: "You two, Xie Ai stuffed this little guy in his schoolbag. , don’t let the child bring it over.”

"Yes, yes, I promise there will be no next time!"

"Student, come here often to play."

The fat man reluctantly handed the gun to the couple, and the wooden door closed again.

The couple convulsed and danced in seconds!

Xiao Gungun was dumbfounded, staring at Xiao Yuanyan, his body was trembling like chaff, and his hair exploded.

Just like that, the couple sang "We people are really happy today", and danced happily all the way home, the two of them were quite insane.

As a result, passers-by on the street stayed away one after another, and took out their mobile phones to call the police...

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