Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 744: very precious

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Coincidentally, the ones who stunned Sol were the two women and a man who had discovered Sol before.

And according to the three people in the previous monitoring, they also drove into Sol before, so the two traffic accidents were caused by the same person.

Seeing these three people getting out of the car, Xie Zhi couldn't help being happy: "Being hit twice by the same group of people, this kind of car accident is unprecedented in the history of traffic accidents, tsk tsk, the two idiots are destined for them.

That's right, maybe you can spark sparks with these two women. "

"Fate? It's just a coincidence... huh?" Xiao Yu was stunned, nothing else, Sol was actually dragged into the car by the three and taken away.

"Why did you get kidnapped after the collision?" After finishing speaking, Xiao Yu looked at Xie Zhi, stared at his mouth and said, "You've made another prophecy. It's really a fate, a fate."

The couple didn't intervene and continued to follow.

As the trio lead Saul to their place, the couple finally find out what's going on.

It turned out that these three were scientists, to be exact, two scientists and an intern.

The main research project of the female scientist is astronomy. When she happened to be tracking anomalies in the celestial phenomena, she discovered strange things and took a lot of photos.

In the distant view photo, what was photographed was a group of glowing clouds, and there was a phenomenon similar to a tornado connecting to the ground, and the tornado was also shining.

But according to different spectral realities, it is only a superficial phenomenon, in fact, it contains extraordinary energy that is difficult to determine.

The energy column in the tornado state should be the energy column projecting to the ground.

More importantly, it was a close-up, which happened to be photographed. In the energy release, there was a figure falling at high speed. Although it was blurry, it was absolutely unmistakable. It was a figure.

Coupled with the conversation of the three, it was obvious that they thought the figure was Sol, so they rushed back to the hospital to look for him, in order to find the answer to the abnormality.

Xie Zhi looked at the photo, shook his head and said: "There are joys and misfortunes from the sky, this time it's good, there is another two fools from the sky."

At this time Sol has woken up and put on the clothes given to him by Jane Foster. Jane Foster is a female scientist among the three who studies astronomy.

And Sol was carrying a T-shirt, shirtless, dangling in the hall, like an old man, not at all outside, as if he was the host, and others were the guests, super familiar.

As soon as she touched something, Jane hurriedly said, "Please don't move!"

Sol put it down casually, and said carelessly: "Phone, I know that thing, I need a phone."

"I have it, I have it!" The little assistant Daisy ran over with a **** face, and handed the phone to Sol.

Sol picked up the phone and spoke directly to him, but the expression on his face was different from that of other people, with a mean smile: "Thanks for the hammer! Talk, I'm coming, haha~ I'm hungry, I want to eat fish-flavored shredded pork , and Kung Pao Chicken, and Braised Pork! Eh? Talk, talk."

Xie Zhi, his wife and the other three looked at the idiot in silence.

Sol shook the phone: "This thing is broken."

"Usually..." Jane shrugged her shoulders: "You have to broadcast the phone number first."

Daisy stared and continued: "Who did you just say? Xie Hammer? Tony Stark's niece? The first heir to Stark Industries? The richest super beautiful girl in the world?"

Solna wondered: "Who is Tony Stark? Forget it doesn't matter, I said Xie Tiehammer, he is very good at fighting! Very good at fighting!"

"That's right!" Daisy nodded again and again: "She can fight! She's a superhero! Do you know her?"

"Of course, she's my friend, and we fight as soon as we meet..."

While talking, Saul still put on a posture, gestured a few times, and laughed: "She is great! But I am even better! Well, you said she is a superhero? Then I am a super superhero, that's right."

Xie Zhi's eyes flickered coldly: "This smelly shameless!"

Daisy said: "You are stronger than Xie Hammer? Did you win?"

Sol was silent for a while, then grinned: "Of course! I won, I have never lost!"

"Speak out loud!" This time it was Xiao Yu who was unhappy.

Xie Zhi sneered: "He has an unnatural expression, so don't ask, he's bragging, he's suffered a lot from our family."

"Ahem!" Jane said, "The whole world knows Xie Tiehammer, Saul, do you know her phone number?"

"Phone number? What's that? Midgard's communication is too backward, isn't it just a name and a call?"

Jane raised her eyebrows: "Midgard?"

"It's your world, contact Xie Tiehammer, I want to find her."

Said that Saul threw the phone back to Daisy, and Daisy took it and raised the phone to take a picture: "Smile."

Thor grinned cooperatingly.

Xie Zhi and his wife rolled their eyes.

The only old man present, Dr. Savage, coughed dryly: "Mr. Saul, Miss Xie Hammer is not an ordinary person..."

Saul grinned and said, "Me neither, don't worry, tell me my name, she will come."

Daisy stuck out her tongue: "We can't contact her, we don't have her phone number."

Sol wondered, "Didn't the whole world know her?"

Daisy said: "Stars don't disclose their private numbers. Are you really Xie Tiehammer's friend? But you fell from the sky, aren't you an alien?"

"Of course Xie Tiehammer and I are friends, and we..." Speaking of this, Sol covered his mouth, as if thinking of something, his eyeballs glanced at everyone: "Ah, I almost forgot... keep it secret, yes, keep it secret , bye, and thank you very much for, clothes."

Xie Zhi couldn't help gnashing his teeth and said: "Let our family keep it a secret, he himself has a big mouth, what a grandson!"

Jane didn't want him to leave, so she hurried to the front to stop him: "Wait a minute! I have some questions to ask you."

Sol touched his stomach: "This mortal body is very weak, I need to supplement nutrition."

"A mortal body?" Xie Zhi and his wife couldn't help but look at each other, thinking of something.

But Jane said: "I treat you to dinner!"

"It's great, you're as generous as Xie Hammer!" Saul said with a lot of Jane's petite body: "The figure is also similar, are you also a superhero? We can also fight, let's say first, no Tai Chi is allowed !"

"Oh no, I'm a super... astronomer, what is Tai Chi?"

"It's nothing, it's not important."

Xie Zhi and the couple smiled tacitly, and the two idiots really couldn't hide their words, so they showed their secrets.

When everyone came to a small restaurant, Sol sat down and said loudly: "I want fish-flavored shredded pork, Kung Pao chicken, braised pork, sauced elbow, Goubuli steamed stuffed bun, tofu brain, salty... "

Jane smiled apologetically at other customers, and said in a low voice, "Sol, there is no Chinese restaurant in this town."

Xie Zhi said unhappily: "This grandson still knows a lot, it seems that he has been cheating a lot! Bah! It's shameless to cheat on a little girl!"

Xiao Yu shook her head: "Hammer...that's benevolence and righteousness."

Saul was very disappointed and waved his hand: "Then eat whatever you have."

That's While gobbling it up, I still dislike it: "It's not as delicious as fish-flavored shredded's not as good as sauced elbow...Is this also called meat?"

Seeing that the faces of the restaurant owner and the waiter had turned blue, Jane felt that she was dying of embarrassment, and whispered in a bad tone: "Can you keep your voice down? This is very impolite! Can you respect others?"

"I'm just telling the truth... Offending others? Okay." Thor thought for a while: "I thought the food in Midgard was all at the same level. I miss Xie Hammer very much now, ahhh..."

Jane rolled her eyes: "If you don't gobble it up like this, maybe it will be more convincing."

"Ah well... I need nutrition, there is no way, I am very weak now, I need strength..."

Speaking of this, Sol seemed to think of something: "Right! I remembered that Xie Tiehammer said that there is a kind of food that is so precious that she can't even eat it. Maybe the effect is better. Do you know where I can find spicy sticks? "

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