Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 792: air defense

The two couldn't help but be surprised, because according to their judgment of the mentor monsters, it is difficult for earthlings to kill these monsters without using heavy weapons.

But in the live broadcast now, the mentor monster was actually killed!

And no heavy weapons were used at all!

What's even more amazing is that some very crude materials were used!

It can only be said... the operation is enough.

Seeing the drones that keep shouting, it is obvious that they are not just hooking up the mentor monsters to the uninhabited area. From the screen, it can be seen that they are obviously purposeful to lure the enemy.

And when a group of mentor monsters entered the ambush site, Xie Zhi and Steve also saw what the trap was, which was a mess of junk.

Barbed wire, fishing nets, **** of wool, fishhooks, cans, cans, scrap iron, washbasins, key chains...

And so on, it's all rubbish.

But these things, combined, produced unexpected results.

After entering the trap, the mentor monsters chased and jumped, and were entangled by fishing nets, barbed wire, ropes and the like one after another. With their speed, when these entanglements were brought up, more The more entanglements, the more entanglements.

Apparently, it was all laid out ahead of time and the mess was all tied together.

However, there are many other things tied to the winding object, such as cans, broken washbasins, etc. In short, they are all things that jingle when touched.

Good guy, in a short period of time, all the mentor monsters were entangled in things and became walking noise makers.

And the instinct of the mentor monster is to attack the source of the sound first, and as a result... the cannibalism has begun!

That's right, they're all blind, and their first reaction when they hear the noise is to **** them off first!

The defense of mentor monsters is indeed very strong, and they are invulnerable, but their attack power is also very strong, especially their claws, which can be used to destroy solid materials.

And now, it is time to verify who is stronger, the spear or the shield.

The result of the test was that the tutor monster's claw won the game!

Yes, its own carapace can't stop the sharpness of its own claws!

Ever since, in just an instant, half of the mentor monsters were laid down by their own kind!

Not all of them died, mainly due to different attack parts.

Luckily, the victim was not fatally attacked, and the injuries varied from mild to severe.

But there are also unlucky ones, who get their face covered with a paw, and the headshot will naturally be completely cool.

However, the mentor monsters are not stupid roe deer. After a wave of attacks, the roars between each other seem to be able to communicate, and they did not start the second round of killing each other.

Instead, he began to wave his limbs to clean up the entanglements on his body.

It is undeniable that the strength is great, and the winding can indeed be torn off by brute force.

The problem is, messy threads are not so easy to clean up, especially with fishhooks attached to the tangles, or barbs like that, so there are always bits and pieces hanging on them.

However, the ground is full of such traps, and new ones will be hung up when they are moved a little, and even the ones that have been torn off will be entangled again, endlessly, and the jingling sounds are endless.

But the teacher monster's tearing and breaking free movements, coupled with the teasing of messy voices, they still hurt their own monsters from time to time.

So even though they couldn't be completely wiped out, the cannibalism still caused heavy damage to the tutor monsters. Some were killed, some were seriously injured and disabled, and the most minor injuries, but in the end they were injured and bled, which would at least make them inconvenient to move.

If the self-healing ability is not strong enough, there may be another wave of attrition due to infection and inflammation.

But it didn't end there. The drone stopped cursing and provoking, and the man's tone became serious: "Perform audio test No. Y356, start now."

As soon as the voice fell, the sound played by the drone turned into a piece of... rock music.

But until the end of the music, the mentor monster didn't have any special reaction, and was still flopping around.

"Audio No. Y356 is invalid, conduct audio test No. Y357, start now."

Then came a new voice...

Xie Zhi couldn't help shaking his head in admiration: "Talent! This is the right approach. Listening is a strength, but it can also be a weakness. If you keep testing, you may not be able to find the voice that makes the instructor blame you."

Steve also nodded: "I let you talk again, Ji Jianguo really found a way to deal with it, and it's very simple.

And it may only be a matter of time before the test continues and the mentor monsters are completely wiped out.

But to be able to do all this, there must be a large number of people surviving. It is too difficult to fight alone. How did they do it? And there are no living people seen in the video. "

Yes, the video the two saw was not just one, but multiple images from different regions, and it was still increasing.

There are many cases where drones attract mentor monsters, and the dialect in the shouting proves that this is done all over the world, and it has obviously become popular all over the country.

But as Steve said, the cities in the current video, like other countries, are silent and no one can be seen.

Xie Zhi was not surprised, and there was a little pride in his tone: "It's not surprising, if I guessed correctly, everyone is staying underground."


"Hmm, civil air defense project, this is one of the core conditions with the lowest loss. Speaking of this..." Xie Zhi shook his head with emotion, and looked at Steve with complicated eyes: "Speaking of it, I have to thank two The country, formerly the old Soviet Union, is now the old United States."

Steve was taken aback, but suddenly realized: "Understood, the threat of nuclear war, but how many civil defense projects does Jijianguo have?"

"A lot? Hehe..." Xie Zhi shook his finger: "It's not a lot, the addition of civil air defense projects in the world may not be able to compete with Ji Jianguo.

Let me tell you this, the infrastructure maniac didn’t start with the reform and opening up, it started to go crazy when the country was founded.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the mass movement of "digging deep holes" was launched. To what extent has it become popular? Not only in big cities, but also in counties, towns, and villages, and even in units and streets!

During the peak period, a network of tunnels extending in all directions was even formed!

Of course, due to technical reasons, the quality of civil air defense projects at that time was not good.

And with the development of the times and economic construction, many civil air defense projects have been eliminated.

But this did not make Ji Jianguo abandon the civil air defense project, and for the purpose of preventing nuclear war and biological and chemical weapons, not only is it still building civil air defense projects, but the quality has been increased countless times.

So I believe that as long as we can survive the first wave of raids infrastructure civil defense projects can play a decisive role.

The monsters do have super hearing, but the sound insulation of the civil air defense projects deep underground is so good that the monsters can't hear them.

Moreover, as a country with a large population, Ji Jianguo has too many noise-making things. Perhaps the monsters were also scourges in the early stages of the disaster, but the numerous sources of noise did attract the attention of the monsters.

more importantly…"

Xie Zhi sighed, and patted Steve on the shoulder: "Brother, I know you are a person with a spirit of sacrifice, and I saw many comrades who sacrificed themselves for victory during World War II.

But I still think that you haven't seen enough, far from enough, Lao Mei, you lack this kind of spirit too much, do you know why? "

Steve gestures, meaning you say I'm listening.

"Talking too much is a bit like preaching. Let me give a simple example. Every country encounters natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods.

But what makes the soldiers of Ji Jianguo strange is, why do the old American soldiers carry guns when they are sent to the disaster area? And loaded with live ammunition.

The old American soldiers are also very strange, why don't infrastructure soldiers carry guns when they go to disaster relief? What do you think?

understand? "

Steve was silent for a while, and nodded: "I saw a video on the Internet, in which infrastructure soldiers used their bodies to form embankments to resist the flood when fighting floods...Frankly speaking, at that moment, I felt that if I stood Among them, they won’t be regarded as freaks by others.”

"I know you can understand, you are worthy of the people's Steve."

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