Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 824: Jungler Manager

As for Obi-Wan's words, Xie Zhi waved his index finger: "It's not kind of you to talk like that, you can choose not to fight, this is your freedom.

Speaking of which, diplomacy is actually not bad, why don't you think about it? Maybe the righteousness of the Jedi Knights will inspire them, and they will repent, and the world will be peaceful from now on, long live peace. "

Obi-Wan sighed helplessly, and immediately said seriously: "Maybe you can reap the benefits this time, but card master, have you ever thought that when a war is fought, you always have to choose a side.

Since you're not a Sith and you're against them, you might as well consider the Jedi, believe me, the Jedi have a big enough heart. "

Xie Zhi showed a playful smile: "Compared with Sith, what you said is not wrong, but unfortunately, you can also compare with Sith.

But when it comes to being a human being, you still haven’t passed the test. What determines good and evil is not how noble the slogan you shape sounds, but how low your bottom line is.

I've seen people like you a lot. Others want to be labeled as anti-human beings who eat meat, but I don't even bat an eye when I hurt people all day long. "

"I think you must have misunderstood the Jedi..."

Xie Zhi raised his hand: "Forget it, I just ask you if you want to go? If you don't go, forget it, I'll find someone else."

"It seems I have no choice."

Five minutes later, Obi-Wan looked at the spaceship on the tarmac, his eyes twitching.

"Where did you find such rags? Don't tell me it's just a broken ship as a military base!"

"Of course it's more than that. There are a lot of spaceships, but it took me a while to find one that meets my needs."

"That's really hard work for you. If I'm not wrong, the communication system on this ship can't be used, right?"

"Smart, it's okay, you can find a nearby planet to buy new ships or communication equipment, oh... I almost forgot, the Jedi's creed does not allow private property, you have no money.

So will you rob? It seems that this is not allowed, so what about prostitution? Did you break the precept? "

"There will be no future!"

"Who's right? I think you're out of luck. I've always been very accurate."

After Obi-Wan sailed away, Xie Zhi made some arrangements.

The kind that imprisoned all the bosses in the conference room and trapped them with locks embodied by will energy, making them unable to move in all directions.

In this way, even if the coma is not long, it can still prevent them from getting out of trouble, and the lock is permanently realized, but the automatic unlocking time is set, which is exactly two hours.

Then Xie Zhi also flashed, and went to get rich.

The subsequent process is not complicated. All the security forces in the strategic reserve center have become decorations. After all, Xie Zhi not only understands all the arrangements of the other party, but also has the highest authority.

And when the contacts of the big bosses of all parties were interrupted, it was completely impossible for him to change his disguise and pretend.

So it's basically an aboveboard move.

Of course, it has become a habit to hide the function of Pym particles. When moving, Xie Zhi not only drove away the staff, but also turned off all monitoring equipment with the highest authority.

All in all, it went smoothly and without any accidents.

As for the harvest, you can use the last trade alliance in this world as a reference, and the harvest has increased by at least 30 times!

So it is not accurate to get rich overnight, thank you to know that this is four hours of blood earning!

With massive wealth in hand, at this time, Xie Zhi only has one thing left.

Before doing this, Xie Zhi went to buy something...

An hour later, Jada Star.

Xie Zhi wandered the streets of the holy city like a leisurely tourist.

Yes, the last thing, is to come to Chirup's hometown and see what this version of Chirup looks like.

There was no such plan at first, but it made Anakin and Padmé angry. At that time, Xie Zhi was wondering if Chilu would also change his character.

If you don't learn well, then deal with another bastard!

In view of knowing Qilu's perception expertise, Xie Zhi did not approach directly, but made an unannounced visit in the Holy City first.

With money and the Force controlling one's heart, it is still very easy to inquire about a person.

It's just that Xie Zhi didn't expect that Qilu is a little famous in the local area. There are many people who know him, and most of them are the people at the bottom.

Most importantly, Chirrut's reputation is pretty good.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this blind guardian of the Holy City likes to help people very much, is particular about others, righteous, open-minded, and funny. There is almost no fault in the product.

For these wind reviews, Xie Zhi tends to believe them.

Because unlike Padmé, Chirrut is not playing politics, he has no need to win people's hearts, he is just a guard, equivalent to the security guard of historical sites.

And this job doesn't require votes.

Therefore, Xie Zhi is very satisfied with the behavior of the youth version of Qilu, and finally has a good performance, and he has not turned into a bum.

As for the reason why Qilu didn't deteriorate, Xie Zhi understood it after thinking about it, and it was very reasonable.

First of all, although this kid's talent is extremely high, it's a pity that there is no shortage of students in the Jedi Order these days, and those who are not young enough don't look up to them at all.

Anakin of the same age is purely a special opportunity. According to Obi-Wan, if Qui-Gon King was determined to accept Anakin back then, the elders would not agree at all.

As a result, Qilu was not favored by the Jedi Order, and his talent was delayed, but in turn, he was not taught by the Jedi to be ignorant of human affairs.

More importantly, Qilu has the ability to see through good and evil. He lived at the bottom of the society since he was a child and knows the warmth and coldness of the world. Under normal circumstances, a child will habitually contact with kind people out of a sense of security, and his personality will naturally be greatly affected. Influence.

Therefore, Chilu's teacher is life, and he has become what he is today, relying on grounding.

However, since those who are not involved in human affairs have been punished, those who are reliable will naturally be rewarded, so that the uncle is fair.

This time, Xie Zhi did not contact Qilu as a card master. Although this identity was deliberately exposed, it would implicate Qilu.

So in terms of appearance, Xie Zhi chose the common cargo ship pilot outfit, which is ordinary.

And Xie Zhi was eating snacks at a roadside stall, and when Qilu, who was waiting for get off work, passed by, he found Qilu walking straight towards him with a guiding stick, with a clear purpose.

Xie Zhi couldn't help smiling. Although he didn't receive formal training, this kid's perception is still excellent even when he grows up.

Thinking of this, Xie Zhi said to Qilu who was approaching: "Do you know that I'm here to find you?"

Qilu smiled: "Yes, I have been waiting for many years, and I thank you in advance."

Hearing this, Xie Zhi was taken aback: "You foresee a lot of things?"

"It's not much, but the fate-changing encounter is very important to life, especially when one fate overwrites another. In such a special situation, I think the original force is willing to let me see it. I believe in the power of the original force." .”

"That means it's not... um, very good!" Xie Zhi heard it. He believed in the Force, and he specifically pointed out the power. Obviously, he didn't believe in the Jedi and Sith. The child knew it well.

Xie Zhi also became interested: "Tell me what you have seen, UU reading are you not in a hurry?"

"Uncle, I'm fine, just talk about it if you want to hear it."

"Huh? What do you call me? Uncle Master?"

Qilu smiled and said: "That's right, in the omen I saw, life was changed by a book about the Force, and the author of that book is called Xiao Yu.

You said that if I wanted to, I would treat Xiaoyu as my master, but you also said that it was your wife, so it's okay for me to be called uncle, right? "

"Well, there's nothing wrong with it, and your personality, which you're familiar with... quite a bit of my style back then." Xie Zhi nodded gratifiedly, in a good mood.

"But uncle, there is something I don't understand, can I ask?"

"Just ask."

"Does the name Xin Zhao have any special meaning? What does the title of Jungler Manager represent?"

Xie Zhi opened his mouth, if I said "It's meaningless, it's just for fun", will this kid choose to betray the teacher...

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