Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 834: Harmless to humans and animals

Papapapa, Xie Zhi applauded in satisfaction: "I have to say thank you this time. Really, I am from the bottom of my heart. With your ability, you should be able to feel the sincerity in my emotions."

Windu struggled furiously, but the response he got was another twitch.

"Look at you, at such an advanced age, you should keep your focus. Just now, Palpatine was boosted by an electric shock and turned 36,000 degrees in a difficult free fall. It should improve your memory somewhat."

Windu shouted: "You bastard! Kill me!"

"Swearing and being angry, shouldn't this be the style of a Jedi... huh?" Xie Zhi raised his brows, playfully: "Doesn't this mean that you are worried about revealing more important secrets? Come on, monks don't lie , It’s all right now.”

"I won't tell you, the real secret is that Master Yoda knows all the secrets! He is the Jedi Encyclopedia!"

Xie Zhi scratched his eyebrows: "That's it? You and Yoda are Jedi, black and green, with equal status. You must have some exclusive news, right?"

"No, although I have a high status, I can't live without Yoda. He has lived for hundreds of years."

After speaking, Windu tried his best to lift his unbound forearm, and slapped his mouth very hard.

"It's not impossible, it's understandable to get angry, but you can't solve the problem by yourself. To be a human being, you must believe in science."

"Kill me, please! This is the truth!"

"Yes, yes, don't worry, I will kill you later."

After a pause, Xie Zhi said solemnly: "I know there is a legend about the Jedi. The real super moves of the Jedi are recorded in some ancient secret books, and these secret books are in the tree hole of a big tree. Question Yes, which planet is that tree on?"

Yes, this is the secret that Xie Zhi wants to know the most. He has already learned about this legend from Obi-Wan before.

And when Xie Zhi first came to the world of force, what he foresaw happened to be an ancient tree with a strange shape, and the picture advanced to a section in the tree hole.

Since it was foreseen, it naturally shows that the tree hole is very important, and if it is confirmed by the legend of the Jedi, it is likely to refer to the same tree.

Windu smiled, a little smug: "Hehe, I really don't know about this, your efforts are in vain, but I know that there are three ways to find that tree..."

Clap clap! Windu twitched again.

"Calm down, you can smoke after you finish talking."

Windu said with tears: "One way is that Yoda knows the location of the planet, and the other way, this ancient secret is recorded in the Jedi Temple, but I don't know which temple it is ..."

"Which one? How many?"

"Yes, it is said that almost every planet in the Milky Way has a secret Jedi temple. Maybe it is a bit exaggerated, but this is indeed the layout we started a long time ago. I also got twelve temples myself.

The reason for this is that according to the ancient prophecy, although there will be someone who restores the balance of the force, the Jedi will suffer annihilation before then, and the Jedi Temple can keep the fire of the Jedi.

Regarding the secrets of the ancient tree volumes, it is said that there are clues in some older temples. Note 1)

Xie Zhi's eyes lit up: "Super generous! Are there any good things in the temple?"

However, Windu's answer disappointed him. Of course, the temple does not store material wealth, but there are also good things, but unfortunately there is only one, the Kyber crystal.

Yes, there is only one for each temple, the purpose is to leave a chance for the descendants of the Jedi to forge a lightsaber, lest after the catastrophe strikes, they will not even be able to match the lightsaber after becoming a poor ghost.

The main function of the temple is equivalent to a trial field, where Jedi apprentices can become full-time Jedi knights after passing the trial.

In addition, it is to record some secrets of the Jedi, but it has to be found hard like a treasure hunt.

Although this secret is valuable, Xie Zhi doesn't like it. Although he searched all over, the number of Kyber crystals he obtained is also a staggering number, but it is too troublesome after all. Xie Zhi is not interested in planet by planet. Searching, no time.

Besides, since Master Yoda knew everything, it would be easier to find the little green old man directly. It happened that Xie Zhi was also interested in fighting Yoda. After all, the little green old man was said to be the strongest, and Xie Zhi was also quite curious.

But Xie Zhi still asked about the third way, there are not too many secrets.

Judging from Windu's expression, he tried his best to resist the urge to tell the truth, but it was still in vain: "Third... there is a genius baby in the Jedi Order, he is the same family as Master Yoda, and I have only seen one in this life. The life of the same race as Master Yoda.

That child is called Glogu, he is born with a strong force potential, and he is the successor chosen by Master Yoda for himself.

As for the secrets of the ancient scrolls, Master Yoda used his unique means to imprint them in Glogu's mind. According to Master Yoda, it was just in case, so that the ancient secrets of the Jedi would not be lost. "

Xie Zhi suddenly became interested: "Little green man? How strong is it?"

"Talent is second only to Anakin."

"That's amazing, where is that baby?"

After learning of Glogu's location, Xie Zhi turned on the communication to contact R2: "Little fat man...huh? Why are you so noisy?"


Xie Zhi narrowed his eyes: "There's a fight? The clones kill everyone they see, and Anakin takes the lead... Well, go and protect the young Jedi, especially the little green mouse."

"What are you talking about?"

"It should look the same as Yoda, but I haven't seen it before. Yoda is quite small, a baby... probably as big as a rat.

Well, he's in an egg-shaped suspended baby pod, in room T-05. "


On the other side, after R2 finished the communication, the electronic eyes flickered rapidly, as if very excited.

"Aha! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Then the paint on the R2 changed its color, and it returned to its original appearance, and the little guy still likes his classic paint.

With a whistling sound, R2 glides on the smooth floor at high speed in the form of jet propulsion.

A group of clone troopers was searching a corridor when suddenly there was a loud bang.

The soldiers turned their heads to look, and saw an aerospace robot stuck half of its body into the wall...

That's right, it's the R2 deity. It wanted to play a drift while speeding, but the speed was too fast, and it couldn't control its head against the wall.

"Is this robot malfunctioning?"

"Stupid, ignore it."

In the sound of clicking, R2 stretched out his mechanical arm to get himself out, and turned his head to look at the clone troopers: "Wow! Beep! Beep! Beep..."

"Do any of you know what it says?"

"I know, it says it's going to **** us out."

"Hehe, the processor of this robot is soaked in water..."

R2: "Ah spit... groan groan!"


The light flickers...

"My God! How could it have a lightsaber!"

"Seven, eight, nine..."


In an instant, screams rang reflected in the shadow of the wall, only stumps were seen flying, and blood splashed all over the wall!

Soon, R2 slipped out of the corridor, muttering: "Hmph! Beep, beep, beep!"

The body was not stained with blood, it was as clean as new, and it still looked... harmless to humans and animals.

In this way, R2 ran around cutely, and showed his fierce face when he encountered those who couldn't open his eyes, leaving corpses all the way...

And R2 has the ability to hack into the system to check the monitoring. It didn't take long to find the floating baby cabin. Similarly, it didn't take long to find the Jedi children, and the efficiency was super high.

Just after finding the gathered Jedi children, Anakin also arrived and bumped into R2.

Looking at R2, Anakin couldn't help but startled: "R2? Why are you here? No, you are not R2!"

R2 turned his head and said, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

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