Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 844: Should I praise you for your filial piety?

"Well, it looks like I have no other choice, at least..."

Yoda held the cutie: "This is not the worst outcome."

And when the little cutie was clasped in his palm, Yoda understood that he couldn't fight against this little thing.

Xie Zhi pointed his fingers together and said with a smile: "You have learned how to adapt to Master Yoda. Believe me, it is good for Jedi to get in touch with new things."

Then Xie Zhi took out the mantra lasso and wrapped his hands around Yoda: "I want to know which planet the big tree that stores the Jedi scrolls is on."

Yoda was stunned: "So you want to know this, but I can actually tell you, but I will play some tricks, so that you can't find the place... What am I talking about?!"

"You see, there are always people who don't know how to be grateful without resorting to tricks, but Master Yoda, you are flexible too fast, isn't the Jedi not able to lie?"

"Who said that, there is no such rule, but the elders of the Jedi can judge the truth and lies. Of course, the people below dare not lie in front of us, but outsiders..."

"Hey! You're a bad old man! Cut the crap! Answer the questions!"

Ever since, Yoda began to confess everything.

After that, Xie Zhi asked other questions.

Although the location of the tree hole is what Xie Zhi wants to know the most, but now he is also interested in "Turning the Stars". This trick is really powerful. Now that I have seen it, there is no reason to let it go.

And Xie Zhi was a little surprised by Yoda's explanation, nothing else, the old guy didn't give this move a name, it's really reckless, the big move is not compelling, he will cry.

And Yoda really wanted to copy the name given by Xie Zhi, anyway, it is indeed called Dou Zhuan Xing Yi now.

While Xie Zhi despised the old man for being uneducated, he also had to lament that Turning the Stars is really powerful, and its rebounding is not inferior to the lightsaber. In fact, Yoda also comprehended this move based on the characteristics of the lightsaber's rebounding attack.

And the wisdom brought by the passage of time allowed Yoda to gradually perfect the star shift, giving it the characteristic of absorbing energy.

And this move of Dou Zhuan Xing moved to the old Xie's family, and it must be able to realize its potential even more. After all, although Yoda is powerful, his achievements in far away cultivation have reached the peak, but the potential of the old Xie's family has not yet been exhausted.

But what makes Xie Zhi sigh is the connotation of this trick. In fact, it is a bit close to the concept of Tai Chi. If Yoda can be enlightened again, maybe he can really understand the real balance of Yin and Yang.

It's a pity that in the Star Wars trilogy, Yoda failed to do it to death. It is estimated that the peak period of understanding has passed, and creating stars and stars is the ultimate he can do.

And Xie Zhi, who knows the concept of Tai Chi from his daughter-in-law, can comprehend it easily. It can be said that it is only a matter of proficiency now, and it can be mastered after two or three days of practice.

By the way, it's also cheaper for Qilu, the father and father are very happy, smiling at each other.

In addition, the third question is about the Jedi spirits.

Although the lifespan of the old Xie family is still long, Xie Zhi is also very interested in this unique form of existence, so at least he needs to understand it.

In the end, Xie Zhi learned a bigger secret, that is, there are too many Jedi heroes!

It can be said that almost every Jedi knight will become a heroic spirit after death!

It's just that the so-called heroic spirits can't show up everywhere to scare people. They have a special place for their existence, just like heaven and **** in myths and legends.

In short, the nature may be similar. After all, let alone Xie Zhi and Yoda, all descriptions come from Qui-Gon King.

That's right, theoretically, the Jedi spirits should stay where they should be, but unfortunately, Qui-Gon Metal is a strange creature among the Jedi Knights, and he didn't like to obey the rules during his lifetime, and the same after his death.

Moreover, this curious person is surprisingly strong. To put it bluntly, he is the kind of person who has nothing to worry about when he is idle.

Unexpectedly, after tossing and tossing, this person really found the trick, so... the world is so big, he wanted to take a look, so he slipped away.

But even with the ability to travel, there is still no way to pretend to be a ghost to scare people, because Kui Gang found that others could not see him and could not communicate, which was too painful.

Ever since, Qui-Gon Jin couldn't bear it. This guy was still a bit of a ghost, and he was asked to find out a way. After he succeeded, he came to Yoda, mainly because others couldn't do it. After all, Yoda is the highest master of the Jedi , Spirit perception is also the leader.

So the only one who can sense the existence of Kui-Gon is Yoda.

After some communication and research between the two, they figured out a way to make the heroic spirits appear and communicate with others, but only for those who are sensitive to the force, and ordinary people still have no way to find them. (Note 1)

But with this hand, the inheritance of the Jedi can be said to be of great significance, even if you die, you can still find a successor!

From this, it is no wonder that Yoda is soft on Xie Zhi, there is no way, if this trick is ruined, then the Jedi will really become extinct.

What's more, even if it is not for inheritance, it is not safe to become a heroic spirit if the feelings are turned into heroic spirits, and they will still be killed.

So... Old Xie's family is equivalent to the nemesis of heroic spirits, specializing in collecting ghosts.

And Yoda also mentioned the future he foresees. Qui-Gon Jinn is also on this planet. After all, Yoda is the only one who can talk to him at present. former apprentice.

But it's so hard to die, Qui-Gon Jin found Qilu who was yelling, and felt that this kid was too talented in the Force, so what are you waiting for, accept apprentices!

Then when Kui Gangfang showed up, before he even started fooling around, he got cold...

Xie Zhi and Qilu couldn't help but look at each other, thinking back to what happened to Qui-Gon Jinn back then...

This guy's luck is as bad as ever, it's almost hopeless and hopeless.

However, Xie Zhi knows the existence forms of Jedi heroic spirits. They are actually endowed by the magical power of the original force. That is to say, they can only be used in the original force world, and it is useless in another world.

But this also proves that there are still many unknown mysteries in the Force, which are worth exploring and researching.

And the heroic spirit form made Xie Zhi feel that if the members of the old Xie family died in the world of the force, it might be formed. After all, Jedi knights can do it, but there is no reason why a stronger force controller can't.

Of course, Xie Zhi didn't intend to verify it, so he couldn't strangle Qilu now and try it, it doesn't look like the uncle is too sloppy.

Rather, it follows from this that perhaps Sith can also become ghosts.

But Xie Zhi doesn't care, because according to Kui Gang Jin, although the heroic spirit form is elusive, and can also use force means after appearing, but this state will not exist for too Lethality In terms of stamina, there is not enough stamina.

They are not even qualified to be spies, because they become Heroic Spirits, and they cannot hide their own force, not to mention Jedi and Sith, even those who are sensitive to the force without training can find them.

This is reasonable, otherwise Yoda and Qui-Gon could go directly to Palpatine, be a spy or kill him, and the world will be peaceful from now on.

So... Even if Anakin is a ghost, he'd better be quiet, and if he comes out again, he will have to belch again.

On the other hand, Qilu suddenly had a whim, and murmured: "Master, you said that in this world, if paper money is burned on Ching Ming Festival, can Heroic Spirits receive it?"

Xie Zhi was stunned, and thought about it: "It's hard to say... But the question is, what is the heroic spirit doing with the money? Could it be that the land where the heroic spirit stays also has a vegetable market?"

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Yoda: "Master, have you asked Qui-Gon about this?"

The corner of Yoda's mouth twitched: "I don't know if there is a vegetable market, but I just know that the Force is enough."

"Ah~ I see." Qilu slapped his hands: "Uncle, burning paper here is definitely useless, you have to burn a lightsaber!"

Xie Zhi suddenly tasted it, and said with a gloomy face: "You have considered the long-term enough, shouldn't I praise you for your filial piety?"

Qilu hurriedly raised his hand: "Uncle, don't get me wrong! Believe me! I will definitely die in front of you! Sure!"

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